Exemple #1
* ISR Name : btn_kernel_isr
* Comments :
*   The interrupt service routine triggered by pusshing button.
*   The function pointer is assigned into the interrupt vector
*   table of the processor instead of the kernel interrupt vector table of MQX.
*   This interrupt handler should be used with good care about following points.
*    1)For native MQX interrupt handling sequence, the _int_kernel_isr() is
*       invoked as interrupt occurs. The _int_kernel_isr() updates the interrupt
*       context in the MQX kernel and saves the context of the current program
*       (which could be the lower priority interrupt). When interrupt handler is
*       installed directly into the interrupt vector table of processor, the
*       interrupt fields in the kernel is not updated for that interrupt as it
*       happens. If user calls any function: _lwevent_set(), _lwsem_post(),
*       _lwmsgq_send(), _time_delay() the functions _CHECK_RUN_SCHEDULER() is
*       invoked which then initiate the PendSV exception handler with priority
*       level higher than the current running task. This results in the Usage
*       fault exception in the processor and the application crashes.
*       The user therefore must not call any function from MQX kernel API
*       inside this interrupt handler.

*   2)The interrupt flag should be cleared at the beginning of the interrupt
*       handler to overcome the problem of unintentionally invoking the ISR
*       twice. In detail the deasserting of interrupt signal to NVIC module
*       in the processor does not happen right after the interrupt flag is
*       cleared but only after a certain amount of time. This delay is because
*       of the write_buffer feature integrated into the processor.
*       However for the native method of handling interrupt in MQX kernel 
*       in which function _int_kernel_isr() is invoked as interrupt occurs
*       the interrupt flag can be cleared at any time in the user's ISR without
*       worrying about that phenomenon. This is because after executing user's
*       ISR the _int_kernel_isr() function does a number of operations before
*       exiting and that process always takes longer time than the delay
*       described previously. This makes the interrupt signal to NVIC module
*       to be deasserted before processor finishes servicing the interrupt.
void btn_kernel_isr
    lwgpio_int_clear_flag((LWGPIO_STRUCT_PTR) (&btn1));
    btn_pressed = !btn_pressed;
Exemple #2
static void button_isr
         void   *pin
    lwgpio_toggle_value (&led1);
    lwgpio_int_clear_flag (pin);
    _lwevent_set (&app_event, SW_EVENT_MASK);
Exemple #3
static void kbi_callback(pointer kbi_param_ptr) 
   /* Determine if it was SW2 or SW3 that caused interrupt */
    if (SEC_GetInput(SEC_DOOR_INPUT) == OPENED) {    	
        SEC_Params.Status = SEC_DOOR_OPEN_STATUS;
        SEC_SetOutput(SEC_OPEN_OUTPUT, 1); 
    if (SEC_GetInput(SEC_WINDOW_INPUT) == OPENED) {    
        SEC_Params.Status = SEC_WINDOW_OPEN_STATUS;
        SEC_SetOutput(SEC_OPEN_OUTPUT, 1); 
    lwgpio_int_clear_flag((LWGPIO_STRUCT_PTR) kbi_param_ptr);
Exemple #4
void EXT_SDDETECT_ISR(void *pin)
    int sd_pin;
    boolean inserted;

    // if(sd_pin = lwgpio_int_get_flag((LWGPIO_STRUCT_PTR) pin)) {
    inserted = !lwgpio_get_value((LWGPIO_STRUCT_PTR) pin);

    // printf("sd detect pin changed %d,insert state %d,cur_musicPlayMS %d\n",sd_pin,inserted,cur_musicPlayMS);
    //if(cur_musicPlayMS != mp_sBT) {
    lwgpio_int_clear_flag((LWGPIO_STRUCT_PTR) pin);
    // }
Exemple #5
void int_service_routine_btn_pause(void *pin)                  //SW1
    lwgpio_int_clear_flag((LWGPIO_STRUCT_PTR) pin);

    pause_trigger = !pause_trigger;
    if(TRUE == pause_trigger)            //pause a song
        if((mp_sMicroSDplay == cur_musicPlayMS)||(mp_sMSDplay == cur_musicPlayMS))
            _lwevent_clear(&player_event, PLAYER_EVENT_MSK_SONG_RESUME);
        else if(mp_sAccessory == cur_musicPlayMS)
            AccessroyHidEvent |= ACCPAUSEPLAY;
        else if(mp_sBT == cur_musicPlayMS)
            BtAVRCPEvent |= ACCPAUSEPLAY;
    else                                //resume a song
        if((mp_sMicroSDplay == cur_musicPlayMS)||(mp_sMSDplay == cur_musicPlayMS))
            _lwevent_set(&player_event, PLAYER_EVENT_MSK_SONG_RESUME);
        else if(mp_sAccessory == cur_musicPlayMS)
            AccessroyHidEvent |= ACCRESUMEPLAY;
        else if(mp_sBT == cur_musicPlayMS)
            BtAVRCPEvent |= ACCRESUMEPLAY;

    //decoding = FALSE;
    //printf("SW1 pressed. %d \n", trigger);
Exemple #6
void int_service_routine_btn_stop(void *pin)                   //SW2

    lwgpio_int_clear_flag((LWGPIO_STRUCT_PTR) pin);
#if 0
    //_lwevent_set(&player_event, PLAYER_EVENT_MSK_PREV_BTN_PRESSED);

    if(TRUE == trigger)
        _lwevent_set(&player_event, PLAYER_EVENT_MSK_SONG_RESUME);    //if pause a song, resume firstly

    decoding = FALSE;

    if ((ModeSwitchEvent & MODESWITCH) == 0)
        ModeSwitchEvent |= MODESWITCH;

    //printf("SW2 pressed.\n");
Exemple #7
static void em9301_isr(void *parameter)
Exemple #8
static void _dspi_em9301_isr(void *parameter)
	SPI_DRIVER_DATA_STRUCT_PTR 				driver_data= parameter;
static void irq_isr (void * param) {

    _lwevent_set(&IRQ_EV_STRUCT, IRQ_EVENT);