// RegisterService() is a simple wrapper function which takes C string
// parameters, converts them to domainname parameters, and calls mDNS_RegisterService()
mDNSlocal void RegisterService(mDNS *m, ServiceRecordSet *recordset,
                               const char name[], const char type[], const char domain[],
                               const domainname *host, mDNSu16 PortAsNumber, int argc, char **argv)
    domainlabel n;
    domainname t, d;
    unsigned char txtbuffer[1024], *bptr = txtbuffer;
    char buffer[MAX_ESCAPED_DOMAIN_NAME];

    MakeDomainLabelFromLiteralString(&n, name);
    MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&t, type);
    MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&d, domain);
    while (argc)
        int len = strlen(argv[0]);
        if (len > 255 || bptr + 1 + len >= txtbuffer + sizeof(txtbuffer)) break;
        printf("STR: %s\n", argv[0]);
        bptr[0] = len;
        strcpy((char*)(bptr+1), argv[0]);
        bptr += 1 + len;

    mDNS_RegisterService(m, recordset,
                         &n, &t, &d, // Name, type, domain
                         host, mDNSOpaque16fromIntVal(PortAsNumber),
                         txtbuffer, bptr-txtbuffer, // TXT data, length
                         mDNSNULL, 0, // Subtypes
                         mDNSInterface_Any, // Interface ID
                         ServiceCallback, mDNSNULL, 0); // Callback, context, flags

    ConvertDomainNameToCString(recordset->RR_SRV.resrec.name, buffer);
    printf("Made Service Records for %s\n", buffer);
// RegisterService() is a simple wrapper function which takes C string
// parameters, converts them to domainname parameters, and calls mDNS_RegisterService()
mDNSlocal void RegisterService(mDNS *m, ServiceRecordSet *recordset,
	UInt16 PortAsNumber, const char txtinfo[],
	const domainlabel *const n, const char type[], const char domain[])
	domainname t;
	domainname d;
	UInt8 txtbuffer[512];

	MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&t, type);
	MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&d, domain);
	if (txtinfo)
		strncpy((char*)txtbuffer+1, txtinfo, sizeof(txtbuffer)-1);
		txtbuffer[0] = (UInt8)strlen(txtinfo);
		txtbuffer[0] = 0;

	mDNS_RegisterService(m, recordset,
		n, &t, &d,									// Name, type, domain
		mDNSNULL, mDNSOpaque16fromIntVal(PortAsNumber),
		txtbuffer, (mDNSu16)(1+txtbuffer[0]),		// TXT data, length
		mDNSNULL, 0,								// Subtypes (none)
		mDNSInterface_Any,							// Interface ID
		Callback, mDNSNULL);						// Callback and context

	ConvertDomainNameToCString(recordset->RR_SRV.resrec.name, buffer);
	printf("Made Service Records for %s\n", buffer);
static mStatus RegisterOneService(const char *  richTextHostName, 
                                  const char *  serviceType, 
				  const char *  serviceDomain,
                                  const mDNSu8  text[],
                                  mDNSu16       textLen,
                                  long          portNumber)
    mStatus             status;
    PosixService *      thisServ;
    mDNSOpaque16        port;
    domainlabel         name;
    domainname          type;
    domainname          domain;
    status = mStatus_NoError;
    thisServ = (PosixService *) malloc(sizeof(*thisServ));
    if (thisServ == NULL) {
        status = mStatus_NoMemoryErr;
    if (status == mStatus_NoError) {
        MakeDomainLabelFromLiteralString(&name,  richTextHostName);
        MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&type, serviceType);
        MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&domain, serviceDomain);

        port.b[0] = (portNumber >> 8) & 0x0FF;
        port.b[1] = (portNumber >> 0) & 0x0FF;;
        status = mDNS_RegisterService(&mDNSStorage, &thisServ->coreServ,
				      &name, &type, &domain,
				      text, textLen,
				      NULL, 0,
				      RegistrationCallback, thisServ);
Exemple #4
static mStatus RegisterOneService(const char *  richTextName, 
                                  const char *  serviceType, 
                                  const char *  serviceDomain, 
                                  const mDNSu8  text[],
                                  mDNSu16       textLen,
                                  long          portNumber)
    mStatus             status;
    PosixService *      thisServ;
    domainlabel         name;
    domainname          type;
    domainname          domain;
    status = mStatus_NoError;
    thisServ = (PosixService *) malloc(sizeof(*thisServ));
    if (thisServ == NULL) {
        status = mStatus_NoMemoryErr;
    if (status == mStatus_NoError) {
        MakeDomainLabelFromLiteralString(&name,  richTextName);
        MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&type, serviceType);
        MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&domain, serviceDomain);
        status = mDNS_RegisterService(&mDNSStorage, &thisServ->coreServ,
                &name, &type, &domain,				// Name, type, domain
                NULL, mDNSOpaque16fromIntVal(portNumber),
                text, textLen,						// TXT data, length
                NULL, 0,							// Subtypes
                mDNSInterface_Any,					// Interface ID
                RegistrationCallback, thisServ);	// Callback and context
    if (status == mStatus_NoError) {
        thisServ->serviceID = gServiceID;
        gServiceID += 1;

        thisServ->next = gServiceList;
        gServiceList = thisServ;

        if (gMDNSPlatformPosixVerboseLevel > 0) {
                    "%s: Registered service %d, name '%s', type '%s', port %ld\n", 
    } else {
        if (thisServ != NULL) {
    return status;
Exemple #5
static ServiceRecordSet *
foobar_register(mDNSu16 port)
	ServiceRecordSet *srs;
	mStatus status;
	domainlabel name;
	domainname type;
	domainname domain;

	srs = calloc(1, sizeof(*srs));
	assert(srs != NULL);

	MakeDomainLabelFromLiteralString(&name, "foobar");
	MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&type, "_foobar._tcp");
	MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&domain, "local.");

	status = mDNS_RegisterService(&mDNSStorage, srs, &name, &type, &domain,
	    NULL, mDNSOpaque16fromIntVal(port), NULL, 0, NULL, 0,
	    mDNSInterface_Any, foobar_callback, srs, 0);
	assert(status == mStatus_NoError);

	return srs;
Exemple #6
DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceRegister
	DNSServiceRef                       *sdRef,
	DNSServiceFlags                     flags,
	uint32_t                            interfaceIndex,
	const char                          *name,         /* may be NULL */
	const char                          *regtype,
	const char                          *domain,       /* may be NULL */
	const char                          *host,         /* may be NULL */
	uint16_t                            notAnIntPort,
	uint16_t                            txtLen,
	const void                          *txtRecord,    /* may be NULL */
	DNSServiceRegisterReply             callback,      /* may be NULL */
	void                                *context       /* may be NULL */
	mStatus err = mStatus_NoError;
	const char *errormsg = "Unknown";
	domainlabel n;
	domainname t, d, h, srv;
	mDNSIPPort port;
	unsigned int size = sizeof(RDataBody);
	AuthRecord *SubTypes = mDNSNULL;
	mDNSu32 NumSubTypes = 0;
	mDNS_DirectOP_Register *x;
	(void)flags;			// Unused
	(void)interfaceIndex;	// Unused

	// Check parameters
	if (!name[0]) n = mDNSStorage.nicelabel;
	else if (!MakeDomainLabelFromLiteralString(&n, name))                              { errormsg = "Bad Instance Name"; goto badparam; }
	if (!regtype || !*regtype || !MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&t, regtype))        { errormsg = "Bad Service Type";  goto badparam; }
	if (!MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&d, (domain && *domain) ? domain : "local.")) { errormsg = "Bad Domain";        goto badparam; }
	if (!MakeDomainNameFromDNSNameString(&h, (host   && *host  ) ? host   : ""))       { errormsg = "Bad Target Host";   goto badparam; }
	if (!ConstructServiceName(&srv, &n, &t, &d))                                       { errormsg = "Bad Name";          goto badparam; }
	port.NotAnInteger = notAnIntPort;

	// Allocate memory, and handle failure
	if (size < txtLen)
		size = txtLen;
	x = (mDNS_DirectOP_Register *)mDNSPlatformMemAllocate(sizeof(*x) - sizeof(RDataBody) + size);
	if (!x) { err = mStatus_NoMemoryErr; errormsg = "No memory"; goto fail; }

	// Set up object
	x->disposefn = DNSServiceRegisterDispose;
	x->callback  = callback;
	x->context   = context;
	x->autoname = (!name[0]);
	x->autorename = mDNSfalse;
	x->name = n;

	// Do the operation
	err = mDNS_RegisterService(&mDNSStorage, &x->s,
		&x->name, &t, &d,		// Name, type, domain
		&h, port,				// Host and port
		txtRecord, txtLen,		// TXT data, length
		SubTypes, NumSubTypes,	// Subtypes
		mDNSInterface_Any,		// Interface ID
		RegCallback, x);		// Callback and context
	if (err) { mDNSPlatformMemFree(x); errormsg = "mDNS_RegisterService"; goto fail; }

	// Succeeded: Wrap up and return
	*sdRef = (DNSServiceRef)x;

	err = mStatus_BadParamErr;
	LogMsg("DNSServiceBrowse(\"%s\", \"%s\") failed: %s (%ld)", regtype, domain, errormsg, err);