main(int argc, char *argv[])
	std::string str("");
	std::string m_str("Top Coder");
	std::string n_str("HYU ");
	char *c_str = " MPPECS\0";
	char c = '!';

	// Append Operator '+='
	str += m_str;
	std::cout << str << "\n"; // Top Coder
	str += c_str;
	std::cout << str << "\n"; // Top Coder MPPECS
	str += c;
	std::cout << str << "\n"; // Top Coder MPPECS!

	// Append Method 'append()'
	std::cout << str << "\n"; // HYU
	str.append(m_str, 4, 5);
	std::cout << str << "\n"; // HYU Coder
	std::cout << str << "\n"; // HYU Coder MPPECS
	str.append(5, c);
	std::cout << str << "\n"; // HYU Coder MPPECS!!!!!

	return 0;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	std::string str("");
	std::string m_str("ACM-ICPC MPPECS");
	std::string n_str(" TOP ");
	char *c_str("CODER ");
	char c = '!';

	// String Insert
	str.insert(0, m_str);
	std::cout << str << "\n"; // ACM-ICPC
	str.insert(9, n_str, 1, 4); 
	std::cout << str << "\n"; // ACM-ICPC TOP MPPECS
	str.insert(13, c_str);
	std::cout << str << "\n"; // ACM-ICPC TOP CODER MPPECS
	str.insert(25, 5, c);
	std::cout << str << "\n"; // ACM-ICPC TOP CODER MPPECS!!!!!

	return 0;
Exemple #3
void ArticleView::append_data_parse_result(const gchar *real_oword, 
	ParseResult& parse_result)
	/* Why ParseResultItem's cannot be inserted into the pango_view_ in the 
	 * order they appear in the parse_result list? 
	 * They can, but that limits use of the pango markup language when markup 
	 * intermixed with objects that are not expressed in pango markup. 
	 * For instance we cannot handle the following piece of data:
	 * markup: "<span foreground=\"purple\">some text"
	 * res: some image
	 * markup: "text continues</span>" 
	 * The first markup string cannot be committed because it is not a valid 
	 * markup - span tag is not closed. But if we piece two markup strings 
	 * together, commit markup and then insert the resource, everything will be
	 * fine.
	 * Here is an outline of the rules parse_result list must adhere to.
	 * - each list item with pango markup must contain only complete tags. Tag 
	 * may not be opened in one list item and closed in another. For example
	 * this list is not allowed:
	 * markup: "<span foreground=\"purple\" "
	 * markup: "size=\"x-large\">"
	 * - after combining all list items with pango markup the resultant string
	 * must constitute a valid markup (correct order of tags, each tag must have
	 * a corresponding closing tag and so on). For example, the following text 
	 * is not allowed: "<b> bla bla </b><i>text end".
	 * Note: list item may contain incomplete markup like "<b>text begins".
	 * - Delayed insert items must generate only valid markup. Items 
	 * representing images, widgets generate a pango-formated error message
	 * if the primary object cannot be inserted.
	 * Position in the pango markup string cannot be exactly specified by 
	 * character offset only. That is especially important for LabelPangoWidget
	 * where markup is stored in a string. In order to insert delayed insert 
	 * items in the correct place it was decided to add a temporary character
	 * in the string in the place where the delayed item must be inserted.
	 * Temporary characters are deleted at the end.
	 * In addition to character offsets marks are used to specify position in 
	 * the text. Marks must be used instead of char offsets when possible.
	 * Marks are preferred over offsets because they preserve position across
	 * text modifications, they have a notion of right and left gravity.
	 * In general we do not know how many character would be inserted in the 
	 * text after the call the method insert_pixbuf. Normally it is only one,
	 * but it may be any number in case of error.
	 * */
	Marks marks(pango_view_.get());
	std::string start_mark = marks.append_mark(true);
	std::list<ParseResultItemWithMark> delayed_insert_list;
	// compose markup
		std::string markup_str;
		int char_offset = 0;
		const char tmp_char = 'x'; // may be any unicode char excluding '<', '&', '>'

		for (std::list<ParseResultItem>::iterator it = parse_result.item_list.begin(); 
			it != parse_result.item_list.end(); ++it) {
			switch (it->type) {
				case ParseResultItemType_mark:
					char_offset += xml_utf8_strlen(it->mark->pango.c_str());
					markup_str += it->mark->pango;
				case ParseResultItemType_link:
					/* links do not insert any text, so exact mark position is
					 * not important. */
					ParseResultItemWithMark item(&*it, char_offset);
					char_offset += xml_utf8_strlen(it->link->pango.c_str());
					markup_str += it->link->pango;
				case ParseResultItemType_res:
				case ParseResultItemType_widget:
					ParseResultItemWithMark item1(NULL, char_offset, true);
					char_offset += 1;
					markup_str += tmp_char;
					ParseResultItemWithMark item2(&*it, char_offset, true);
					char_offset += 1;
					markup_str += tmp_char;
				case ParseResultItemType_FormatBeg:
				case ParseResultItemType_FormatEnd:
					/* formats do not insert any text, so exact mark position is
					 * not important. */
					ParseResultItemWithMark item2(&*it, char_offset);
					g_warning("Unsupported item type.");
		append_and_mark_orig_word(markup_str, real_oword, LinksPosList());
	// Marks that precede tmp chars. One mark - one char next to it that must be 
	// deleted. Different marks do not refer to the same char.
	std::list<std::string> tmp_char_mark_list;
	// insert marks
	for(std::list<ParseResultItemWithMark>::iterator it = delayed_insert_list.begin(); 
		it != delayed_insert_list.end(); ) {
		it->mark = marks.insert_mark(start_mark, it->char_offset, false);
			it = delayed_insert_list.erase(it);
#ifdef DDEBUG
	std::cout << "ArticleView::append_data_parse_result. marks inserted." 
		<< std::endl; 
	// insert delayed items
	for(std::list<ParseResultItemWithMark>::iterator it = delayed_insert_list.begin(); 
		it != delayed_insert_list.end(); ) {
		bool EraseCurrent = true;
		switch(it->item->type) {
		case ParseResultItemType_link:
			pango_view_->insert_pango_text_with_links("", it->item->link->links_list, 
		case ParseResultItemType_res:
			bool loaded = false;
			if (it->item->res->type == "image") {
				append_data_res_image(it->item->res->key, it->mark, loaded);
			} else if (it->item->res->type == "sound") {
				append_data_res_sound(it->item->res->key, it->mark, loaded);
			} else if (it->item->res->type == "video") {
				append_data_res_video(it->item->res->key, it->mark, loaded);
			} else {
				append_data_res_attachment(it->item->res->key, it->mark, loaded);
			if (!loaded) {
				std::string tmark;
				tmark += "<span foreground=\"red\">";
				glib::CharStr m_str(g_markup_escape_text(it->item->res->key.c_str(), -1));
				tmark += get_impl(m_str);
				tmark += "</span>";
				pango_view_->insert_pango_text(tmark.c_str(), it->mark.c_str());
		case ParseResultItemType_widget:
			pango_view_->insert_widget(it->item->widget->widget, it->mark.c_str());
		case ParseResultItemType_FormatBeg:
			// change gravity of the mark
			it->mark = marks.clone_mark(it->mark, true);
			EraseCurrent = false;
		case ParseResultItemType_FormatEnd:
			// find paired ParseResultItemType_FormatBeg item
			std::list<ParseResultItemWithMark>::reverse_iterator it2(it);
			for(; it2 != delayed_insert_list.rend(); ++it2)
				if(it2->item->type == ParseResultItemType_FormatBeg)
			if(it2 != delayed_insert_list.rend() && it2->item->format_beg->type 
				== it->item->format_end->type) {
				if(it->item->format_end->type == ParseResultItemFormatType_Indent)
					pango_view_->indent_region(it2->mark.c_str(), 0, it->mark.c_str());
				std::list<ParseResultItemWithMark>::iterator it3(it2.base());
			} else
				g_warning("Not paired ParseResultItemType_FormatEnd item");
			it = delayed_insert_list.erase(it);
	// remove tmp chars
	for(std::list<std::string>::iterator it = tmp_char_mark_list.begin(); 
		it != tmp_char_mark_list.end(); ++it) {
#ifdef DDEBUG
		std::cout << "tmp char mark " << *it << std::endl;
		pango_view_->delete_text(it->c_str(), 1, 0);
		g_warning("delayed_insert_list is not empty. "
			"parse_result contains not paired items.");