Exemple #1
 BTree::BTree(PageDB::Scheduler* _pgdb, const std::string& fn)
     : pgdb(_pgdb), file(pgdb->OpenFile(fn)),
     entrySession(pgdb->GetWriteSession(file, file->entryPageID)) {
     if (magicNumber() != MagicNumber) {
Exemple #2
 void BTree::initBTree() {
     magicNumber() = MagicNumber;
     int rtPage = file->newPage();
     int infoPage = file->newPage();
     file->eof.Page = infoPage;
     file->eof.Offset = sizeof(Information);
     rootPage() = rtPage;
     usedRecord() = 0;
     avalibleRecord() = 0;
     linkHeadPage() = infoPage;
     linkHeadOffset() = 0;
     PageDB::PageWriteSession s = pgdb->GetWriteSession(file, infoPage);
     Information* info = reinterpret_cast<Information*>(s.buf());
     info->next = info->prev = PageDB::Location(infoPage, 0);
Exemple #3
#include "Kirana.h"

 * Function: Kirana
 * Inputs:
 * Returns:
 * Description: Default constructor

Kirana::Kirana(std::string fileNameParam="K:\Kirana Videos\2018\180215\KirImage_0001.SVF"):
	magicNumber(0),              // magic Number to read at begining ("SVF")
	imageNum(0),                 // number of images
	imageWidth(0),               // width of image in pixels
	imageHeight(0),              // height of image in pixels
	frameZeroSize(0),            // Size of frame 0
	frameZeroOffset(0),          // Frame 0 offset
	headerSize(0),               // size of header in bytes
	metaDataSize(0),             // size of meta data block (images)
	imageInfoSize(0),            // size of image info structure
	imageSeqSize(0),             // Size of image sequence
	offsetBytes(0),              //  number of bytes offset for the file
	setupDataSize(0),            // Size of xml setup block
	versionNum(0),               // Version number
	cropRowLow(0),               // The crop row value on the bottom
	cropRowHigh(0),              // The crop row value in the top
	cropColHigh(0),              // The crop value on the far right
	cropColLow(0),               // The crop value on the far left
	metaData(0),                 // Offset of meta data block
	setupData(0),                // Offset of xml setup block	
	imageInfo(0),                // Offset of image info structure