/*	Removes a planet from linkedlist and deallocates its memory
	a message will be sent to the client that created the planet with the reason of termination. */
int killPlanet(planet_type *planet, int flag) 
	char  clientMailslotName[256], mailSlotString[18] = "\\\\.\\mailslot\\", procIDString[30];
	HANDLE clientMailslot;
	serverMessage message;

	if (planetExists(planet))
		wsprintf(clientMailslotName, "\\\\.\\mailslot\\%s", planet->pid); //Generate clientMailSlotName

		clientMailslot = mailslotConnect(clientMailslotName);
		if (clientMailslot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 
			MessageBox(0, "Failed to get a handle to the client mailslot!!!", "", 1);

		strcpy_s(message.name, sizeof(planet->name), planet->name);
		if (removeNode(planet)) 
			// Send Message to client: Planet removed
			message.error = flag;

			mailslotWrite(clientMailslot, (void *)&message, sizeof(serverMessage));

			return 1;

		return 0;
void sendErrorToCreator(planet_type *planet, int flag)
	char  clientMailslotName[256], mailSlotString[18] = "\\\\.\\mailslot\\", procIDString[30];
	HANDLE clientMailslot;
	serverMessage message;

	wsprintf(clientMailslotName, "\\\\.\\mailslot\\%s", planet->pid); //Generate clientMailSlotName

	clientMailslot = mailslotConnect(clientMailslotName);
	if (clientMailslot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		MessageBox(0, "Failed to get a handle to the client mailslot!!!", "", 1);

	strcpy_s(message.name, sizeof(planet->name), planet->name);

	// Send Message to client: Planet removed
	message.error = flag;

	mailslotWrite(clientMailslot, (void *)&message, sizeof(serverMessage));

Exemple #3
void deletePlanet(planet_type *planetToRemove, char *deleteMessage)
	planet_type *prev = database;
	char mailslotName[128];
	sprintf(mailslotName, "\\\\.\\mailslot\\%s", planetToRemove->pid);


	planet_type *traverser = database;
	while (traverser != planetToRemove)
		prev = traverser;
		traverser = traverser->next;
	prev->next = planetToRemove->next;
	//If the planet to remove is the root-planet
	if (traverser == database)
		database = traverser->next;
	traverser->next = NULL;


	HANDLE mail = mailslotConnect(mailslotName);
	mailslotWrite(mail, deleteMessage, 4);