Foam::blockDescriptor::blockDescriptor ( const cellShape& bshape, const pointField& blockPointField, const curvedEdgeList& edges, const Vector<label>& meshDensity, const UList<scalar>& expand, const word& zoneName ) : blockPointField_(blockPointField), curvedEdges_(edges), blockShape_(bshape), meshDensity_(meshDensity), edgePoints_(12), edgeWeights_(12), expand_(expand), zoneName_(zoneName) { if (expand_.size() != 12) { FatalErrorIn ( "blockDescriptor::blockDescriptor" "(const cellShape&, const pointField& blockPointField, " "const curvedEdgeList&, const Vector<label>& meshDensity, " "const scalarList& expand, const word& zoneName)" ) << "Unknown definition of expansion ratios" << exit(FatalError); } // create a list of edges makeBlockEdges(); }
// from components blockDescriptor::blockDescriptor ( const cellShape& bshape, const pointField& blockMeshPoints, const curvedEdgeList& edges, const Vector<label>& n, const scalarList& expand, const word& zoneName ) : blockMeshPoints_(blockMeshPoints), blockShape_(bshape), curvedEdges_(edges), edgePoints_(12), edgeWeights_(12), n_(n), expand_(expand), zoneName_(zoneName) { if (expand_.size() != 12) { FatalErrorIn ( "blockDescriptor::blockDescriptor" "(const cellShape& bshape, const pointField& blockMeshPoints, " "const curvedEdgeList& edges, label xnum, label ynum, label znum, " "const scalarList& expand, const word& zoneName)" ) << "Unknown definition of expansion ratios" << exit(FatalError); } makeBlockEdges(); }