Document DocumentSourceGroup::getCurrent() {
        if (!populated)


        if (_spilled) {
            return makeDocument(_currentId, _currentAccumulators, pExpCtx->getInShard());
        } else {
            return makeDocument(groupsIterator->first,
//when getBusStopMessage(const QString&) download finishes
void ArrivalsLogic::onBusStopMessageReceived() {
    QList<QJsonDocument> document = makeDocument(reply_busStopMessage);
    if (document.empty()) { return; } //nothing to do

    QJsonArray versionArray = document.begin()->array();
    if (versionArray.begin() + 2 < versionArray.end() ) {
        double serverTime = (*(versionArray.begin() + 2 )).toDouble();
        QMultiMap<int,QString> messages;
        for (QList<QJsonDocument>::const_iterator iter = document.begin() + 1; iter < document.end(); ++iter) {
            if (iter->array().begin() + 4 < iter->array().end()) {
                int priority = (*(iter->array().begin() + 1)).toDouble();
                QString text = (*(iter->array().begin() + 2)).toString();
                double startTime = (*(iter->array().begin() + 3)).toDouble();
                double expireTime = (*(iter->array().begin() + 4)).toDouble();
                if (startTime <= serverTime && expireTime >= serverTime) {
                    messages.insert(priority, text);
            else {
                qDebug() << "The array doesn't contain 4 elements.";
    else return;
//gets called when bus stop data is downloaded and ready to be processed
void ArrivalsLogic::onBusStopDataReceived() {
    downloadingStop = false;
    emit downloadStateChanged();
    QList<QJsonDocument> document = makeDocument(reply_busStop);
    //only want the second array as the first one is the version array and there are only 2 arrays

    if (document.begin() + 1 >= document.end()) { return; } //there is nothing to do
    QList<QJsonDocument>::iterator dataArray = document.begin() + 1;
    if (currentStop) {
        if (dataArray->isArray() ) {
            if (dataArray->array().begin() + 6 >= dataArray->array().end()) { return; } //TODO throw
            //id is set in ArrivalsLogic::getBusStopByCode(const QString&)
            currentStop->setName( (*(dataArray->array().begin() + 1)).toString() );
            currentStop->setTowards( (*(dataArray->array().begin() + 3)).toString() );
            currentStop->setStopPointIndicator( (*(dataArray->array().begin() + 4)).toString() );
            currentStop->setLatitude( (*(dataArray->array().begin() + 5)).toDouble() );
            currentStop->setLongitude( (*(dataArray->array().begin() + 6)).toDouble() );
            if ( (*(dataArray->array().begin() + 2)).toString() == QString("SLRS") ) {
            else { currentStop->setType(Stop::Bus); }

            emit stopDataChanged();
        else qDebug() << "Invalid QJsonArray";
//gets called when bus progress data is downloaded and redy to be processed
void ArrivalsLogic::onBusProgressReceived() {
    downloadingJourneyProgress = false;
    emit downloadStateChanged();
    QList<QJsonDocument> document = makeDocument(reply_journeyProgress);
    if (document.begin() == document.end() ||
            document.begin()->array().begin() + 2 >= document.begin()->array().end()) {
    }//nothing to do
    double serverTime = (*(document.begin()->array().begin() +2)).toDouble();
    //BUG check why list might be empty, server or client error
    QList<QPair<QString, double>> list;
    if (document.begin() + 1 >= document.end()) {
    for (QList<QJsonDocument>::iterator iter = document.begin() + 1; iter < document.end(); ++iter) {
        if (iter->array().begin() +2 >= iter->array().end()) {
            //TODO throw
        QPair<QString, double> pair;
        pair.first = (*(iter->array().begin() +1)).toString();
        pair.second = (*(iter->array().begin() +2)).toDouble();
    if (journeyProgressContainer) {
//gets called when bus arrivals are downloaded and ready to be processed
void ArrivalsLogic::onArrivalsDataReceived() {
    downloadingArrivals = false;
    emit downloadStateChanged();
    QList<QJsonDocument> document = makeDocument(reply_arrivals);
    QList<QJsonDocument>::iterator first = document.begin();

    //server time UTC in msec from Epoch at the time of request
    //use this to compare with expected arrival time, if device clock is not correctly set
    //the arrival times are still accurately presented to user
    if (first->array().begin() +2 >= first->array().end() ) { return; } //currentTime would be invalid
    double currentTime = (*(first->array().begin() +2)).toDouble();
    ArrivalsContainer tempContainer(arrivalsModel);
    for (QList<QJsonDocument>::iterator iter = first + 1; iter < document.end(); ++iter) {
        Vehicle bus;
        if (iter->array().begin() + 5 >= iter->array().end() ) {
            qDebug() << "";
            //TODO throw exception
        bus.line = (*(iter->array().begin() + 1)).toString();
        currentBusDirectionId =  QString::number((*(iter->array().begin() + 2)).toDouble());
        bus.destination = (*(iter->array().begin() + 3)).toString(); = (*(iter->array().begin() + 4)).toString();//registration number
        double delta = (*(iter->array().begin() + 5)).toDouble() - currentTime;
        double inSec = delta / 1000;
        double inMins = inSec / 60;
        //round to whole numbers
        bus.eta = std::round(inMins);
    if (arrivalsContainer) {
    void DocumentSourceGroup::populate() {
        for(bool hasNext = !pSource->eof(); hasNext;
                hasNext = pSource->advance()) {
            intrusive_ptr<Document> pDocument(pSource->getCurrent());

            /* get the _id document */
            intrusive_ptr<const Value> pId(pIdExpression->evaluate(pDocument));

            /* treat Undefined the same as NULL SERVER-4674 */
            if (pId->getType() == Undefined)
                pId = Value::getNull();

              Look for the _id value in the map; if it's not there, add a
              new entry with a blank accumulator.
            vector<intrusive_ptr<Accumulator> > *pGroup;
            GroupsType::iterator it(groups.find(pId));
            if (it != groups.end()) {
                /* point at the existing accumulators */
                pGroup = &it->second;
            else {
                /* insert a new group into the map */
                              pair<intrusive_ptr<const Value>,
                              vector<intrusive_ptr<Accumulator> > >(
                                  pId, vector<intrusive_ptr<Accumulator> >()));

                /* find the accumulator vector (the map value) */
                it = groups.find(pId);
                pGroup = &it->second;

                /* add the accumulators */
                const size_t n = vpAccumulatorFactory.size();
                for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                    intrusive_ptr<Accumulator> pAccumulator(

            /* point at the existing key */
            // unneeded atm // pId = it.first;

            /* tickle all the accumulators for the group we found */
            const size_t n = pGroup->size();
            for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)

        /* start the group iterator */
        groupsIterator = groups.begin();
        if (groupsIterator != groups.end())
            pCurrent = makeDocument(groupsIterator);
        populated = true;
    bool DocumentSourceGroup::advance() {
        if (!populated)

        assert(groupsIterator != groups.end());

        if (groupsIterator == groups.end()) {
            return false;

        pCurrent = makeDocument(groupsIterator);
        return true;
    bool DocumentSourceGroup::advance() {
        DocumentSource::advance(); // check for interrupts

        if (!populated)

        verify(groupsIterator != groups.end());

        if (groupsIterator == groups.end()) {
            return false;

        pCurrent = makeDocument(groupsIterator);
        return true;
//gets called when the list of bus stops are downloaded by getBusStopsByName(name)
void ArrivalsLogic::onListOfBusStopsReceived() {
    downloadingListOfStops = false;
    emit downloadStateChanged();
    QList<QJsonDocument> document = makeDocument(reply_stops);
    QString stopPointType;
    //skip version array
    for (QList<QJsonDocument>::const_iterator iter = document.begin() + 1;iter < document.end();++iter) {
        if (iter->array().begin() + 7 >= iter->array().end()) {
        } //TODO throw
        Stop stop(databaseManager);
        stop.setName((*(iter->array().begin() + 1)).toString());
        stop.setID((*(iter->array().begin() + 2)).toString());
        stop.setTowards((*(iter->array().begin() + 4)).toString());
        stop.setStopPointIndicator((*(iter->array().begin() + 5)).toString());
        stop.setLatitude((*(iter->array().begin() + 6)).toDouble());
        stop.setLongitude((*(iter->array().begin() + 7)).toDouble());
        stopPointType = (*(iter->array().begin() + 3)).toString();
        if ( stopPointType == QString("SLRS")) {
        else {
        //The meaning of these codes are documented in the Bus arrivals API documentation
        //only display sstops with these codes
        if (stopPointType == "STBR" || stopPointType == "STBC" || stopPointType == "SRVA" ||
            stopPointType == "STZZ" || stopPointType == "STBN" || stopPointType == "SLRS" ||
            stopPointType == "STBS" || stopPointType == "STSS") {

            //to prevent a bug when server returns a stop where code isNull() ie: Hammersmith Bus Station
            if (!(*(iter->array().begin() + 2)).isNull()) { stop.addToDb(); }
    if (stopsQueryModel) {