//@njz:default value removed. defined in .h file
//void AbelianEquationsSolver::findSolutions( File& file , bool out = true )
void AbelianEquationsSolver::findSolutions( File& file , bool out)
  haveSol = 0;
  if( !A.haveCyclicDecomposition() )
  if( !A.havePrimaryDecomposition() )
  if( !rawA.haveCyclicDecomposition() )
  if( !rawA.havePrimaryDecomposition() )

  if( out )
     if( system.length() > 1 )
       file << "The system of equations: " << endl << endl;
       file << "The equation: " << endl << endl;
     printRawSystem( file );

     file << endl << "can be transformed to the one: " << endl << endl;

     printSystem( file );
     if( system.length() > 1 )
       file << endl << "Finding solutions of this system ..." << endl << endl;
       file << endl << "Finding solutions of this equation ..." << endl << endl;

  //  int **matrix = new (int*)[ system.length() ];
  int **matrix = new int*[ system.length() ];
  int i,j,k,i1,j1;
  for( i = 0 ; i < system.length() ; i++ )
     matrix[i] = new int[ numberOfVariables ];
     for( j = 0 ; j < numberOfVariables ; j++ )
	 Integer u = (AbelianWord( numberOfVariables , system[i] ))[j];
	 matrix[i][j] = u.as_long();

  VectorOf< VectorOf<int> > transform;
  VectorOf<int> trans(3);

  // diagonalization of the matrix
  sysRank = 0;
  for( i = 0 ; ( i < numberOfVariables && i < system.length() ) ; i++ )
      bool flag = false;
      for( j = i ; j < system.length() ; j++ )
	  for( k = i ; k < numberOfVariables ; k++ )
	    if( matrix[j][k] )
		flag = true;
	  if( flag ) break;
      if( k == numberOfVariables && j == system.length() )
	  if( sysRank )
	  int q;
	  for( q = 0 ; q < b.length() ; q++ )
	    if( !A.isTrivial( Word( b[q] ) ) )
		haveSol = -1;
		if( out )
		  if( system.length() > 1 )
		    file << "while computing the canonical form of the system it was found that this system has no solutions." << endl;
		    file << "while computing the canonical form of the equation it was found that this equation has no solutions." << endl;
	  haveSol = 0;
	  if( out )
	    if( system.length() > 1 )
	      file << "while computing the canonical form of the system it was found that this system has all group as a set of solutions." << endl;
	      file << "while computing the canonical form of the equation it was found that this equation has all group as a set of solutions." << endl;
      int *tmp = matrix[i];
      matrix[i] = matrix[j];
      matrix[j] = tmp;
      Word r = b[i];
      b[i] = b[j];
      b[j] = r;
      for( j = 0 ; j < system.length() ; j++ )
	  int t = matrix[j][i];
	  matrix[j][i] = matrix[j][k];
	  matrix[j][k] = t;
      if( i != k )
	trans[0] = i;
	trans[1] = k;
	trans[2] = 0;
	transform.append( trans );
      while( true )
	  bool check;
	  bool flag;
	  int z;
	  bool done = false;
	  int count = i + 1;
	  while( !done )
	      for( j = count ; j < system.length() ; j++ )
		if( matrix[j][i] && abs(matrix[i][i]) != abs(matrix[j][i]) )
	      if( j == system.length() )
	      count = j + 1;
	      flag = false;
	      while( !flag )
		  if( abs(matrix[i][i]) > abs(matrix[j][i]) )
		      z = matrix[i][i] / matrix[j][i];
		      for( k = i ; k < numberOfVariables ; k++ )
			matrix[i][k] = matrix[i][k] - matrix[j][k] * z;
		      b[i] = b[i] * A.getFPGroup().raiseToPower(b[j],-z);
		      z = matrix[j][i] / matrix[i][i];
		      for( k = i ; k < numberOfVariables ; k++ )
			matrix[j][k] = matrix[j][k] - matrix[i][k] * z;
		      b[j] = b[j] * A.getFPGroup().raiseToPower(b[i],-z);
		  if( !matrix[i][i] || !matrix[j][i] ) 
		      if( matrix[i][i] == 0 )
			  tmp = matrix[i];
			  matrix[i] = matrix[j];
			  matrix[j] = tmp;
			  r = b[i];
			  b[i] = b[j];
			  b[j] = r;
		      flag = true;
	      if( count == system.length() ) 
		done = true;
	  check = true;
	  for( j = i + 1 ; j < numberOfVariables ; j++ )
	    if( matrix[i][j] % matrix[i][i] )
		check = false;
	  if( check )

	  done = false;
	  count = i + 1;
	  while( !done )
	      for( j = count ; j < numberOfVariables ; j++ )
		if( matrix[i][j] && abs(matrix[i][i]) != abs(matrix[i][j]) )
	      if( j == numberOfVariables )
	      count = j + 1;
	      flag = false;
	      while( !flag )
		  if( abs(matrix[i][i]) > abs(matrix[i][j]) )
		      z = matrix[i][i] / matrix[i][j];
		      for( k = i ; k < system.length() ; k++ )
			matrix[k][i] = matrix[k][i] - matrix[k][j] * z;
		      trans[0] = j;
		      trans[1] = i;
		      trans[2] = -z;
		      transform.append( trans );
		      z = matrix[i][j] / matrix[i][i];
		      for( k = i ; k < system.length() ; k++ )
			matrix[k][j] = matrix[k][j] - matrix[k][i] * z;
		      trans[0] = i;
		      trans[1] = j;
		      trans[2] = -z;
		      transform.append( trans );
		  if( !matrix[i][i] || !matrix[i][j] ) 
		      if( matrix[i][i] == 0 )
			  for( k = i ; k < system.length() ; k++ )
			      int a = matrix[k][i];
			      matrix[k][i] = matrix[k][j];
			      matrix[k][j] = a;
			  if( i != j )
			      trans[0] = i;
			      trans[1] = j;
			      trans[2] = 0;
			      transform.append( trans );
		      flag = true;
	      if( count == numberOfVariables ) 
		done = true;
	  check = true;
	  for( j = i + 1 ; j < system.length() ; j++ )
	    if( matrix[j][i] % matrix[i][i] )
		check = false;
	  if( check )
      for( j = i + 1 ; j < system.length() ; j++ )
	if( matrix[j][i] )
	    int z = matrix[j][i] / matrix[i][i];
	    for( k = i ; k < numberOfVariables ; k++ )
	      matrix[j][k] = matrix[j][k] - matrix[i][k] * z;
	    b[j] = b[j] * A.getFPGroup().raiseToPower(b[i],-z);
      for( j = i + 1 ; j < numberOfVariables ; j++ )
	if( matrix[i][j] )
	    int z = matrix[i][j] / matrix[i][i];
	    for( k = i ; k < system.length() ; k++ )
	      matrix[k][j] = matrix[k][j] - matrix[k][i] * z;
	    trans[0] = i;
	    trans[1] = j;
	    trans[2] = -z;
	    transform.append( trans );
  for( i = sysRank ; i < system.length() ; i++ )
      if( !A.isTrivial( Word( b[i] ) ) )
	  haveSol = -1;
	  if( out )
	    if( system.length() > 1 )
	      file << "while computing the canonical form of the system it was found that this system has no solutions." << endl;
	      file << "while computing the canonical form of the equation it was found that this equation has no solutions." << endl;

  // finding solutions and output in file

  if( out )
      file << "The canonical form: ";
      file << endl << endl;
  for( int p = 0 ; p < sysRank ; p++ )
      if( out )
	  file << "x" << p + 1;
	  if( matrix[p][p] != 1 )
	    file << "^" << matrix[p][p];
	  file << " = ";
      AbelianWord w = A.oldInAbelianForm( b[p] );
      w = A.oldToNewGens( w );
      w = A.newToOldGens( w );    
      b[p] = w.getWord().freelyReduce();
      if( out )
	  A.getFPGroup().printWord( file , b[p] );
	  file << endl;
  VectorOf<int> xNums( numberOfVariables );
  for( i = 0 ; i < sysRank ; i++ )
    if( root( b[i] , matrix[i][i] ) )
	x[i] = b[i];
	xNums[i] = i;
	if( !A.isFree() )
	    VectorOf<int> tmp(2);
	    tmp[0] = ( matrix[i][i] > 0 ) ? matrix[i][i] : -matrix[i][i];
	    tmp[1] = 1;
	    torsion[i].append( tmp );
	haveSol = -1;
	if( out )
	  if( system.length() > 1 )
	    file << endl << "The system is unsolvable because there are no solutions for: " << endl << endl;
	    file << endl << "The equation is unsolvable because there are no solutions for: " << endl << endl;
	  file << "x" << i + 1;
	  if( matrix[i][i] != 1 )
	    file << "^" << matrix[i][i];
	  file << " = ";
	  A.getFPGroup().printWord( file , b[i].freelyReduce() );
  for( j = sysRank ; j < numberOfVariables ; j++ )
      x[j] = Word();
      xNums[j] = j;

      VectorOf<int> tmp(2);
      tmp[0] = j - sysRank + 1;
      tmp[1] = 1;
      params[j].append( tmp );
  for( i = transform.length() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
      trans = transform[i];
      if( !trans[2] )
	  int ind1 = xNums.indexOf( trans[0] );
	  int ind2 = xNums.indexOf( trans[1] );
	  xNums[ind1] = trans[1];
	  xNums[ind2] = trans[0];
	  int ind1 = xNums.indexOf( trans[0] );
	  int ind2 = xNums.indexOf( trans[1] );
	  x[ind1] *= A.getFPGroup().raiseToPower( x[ind2] , trans[2] ); 
	  int len = torsion[ind1].length();
	  for( j = 0 ; j < torsion[ind2].length() ; j++ )
	      bool f = false;
	      for( k = 0 ; k < len ; k++ )
		if( torsion[ind1][k][0] == torsion[ind2][j][0] )
		    f = true;
	      if( f )
		torsion[ind1][k][1] += torsion[ind2][j][1] * trans[2];
		  VectorOf<int> tmp = torsion[ind2][j];
		  tmp[1] *= trans[2];
		  torsion[ind1].append( tmp );
	  len = params[ind1].length();
	  for( j = 0 ; j < params[ind2].length() ; j++ )
	      bool f = false;
	      for( k = 0 ; k < len ; k++ )
		if( params[ind1][k][0] == params[ind2][j][0] )
		    f = true;
	      if( f )
		params[ind1][k][1] += params[ind2][j][1] * trans[2];
		  VectorOf<int> tmp = params[ind2][j];
		  tmp[1] *= trans[2];
		  params[ind1].append( tmp );

  for( i = 0 ; i < x.length() ; i++ )
      AbelianWord w = A.oldInAbelianForm( x[i] );
      w = A.oldToNewGens( w );
      w = A.newToOldGens( w );
      x[i] = w.getWord();
  // output in file
  if( out )
      file << endl << "The set of solutions can be presented as follows: " << endl << endl;
      FPGroup G = rawA.getFPGroup();
      FPGroup G1 = A.getFPGroup();
      for( i = 0 ; i < numberOfVariables ; i++ )
	  int n = xNums.indexOf( i );
	  bool flag = false;
	  G.printWord( file , Generator( i + 1 ) );
	  file << " -> ";
	  if( x[n].length() )
	      G1.printWord( file , x[n].freelyReduce() );
	      flag = true;
	  for( j = 0 ; j < torsion[n].length() ; j++ )
	      VectorOf<int> tmp = torsion[n][j];
	      int z = tmp[1] % tmp[0];
	      if( z )
		if( tmp[1] > 0 )
		    if( flag )
		      file << " + ";
		    if( tmp[1] != 1 )
		      file << tmp[1] << " p( " << tmp[0] << " )";
		      file << "p( " << tmp[0] << " )";
		    flag = true;
		    file << " - ";
		    if( tmp[1] != -1 )
		      file << -tmp[1] << " p( " << tmp[0] << " )";
		      file << "p( " << tmp[0] << " )";
		    flag = true;
	  for( j = 0 ; j < params[n].length() ; j++ )
	      VectorOf<int> tmp = params[n][j];
	      if( tmp[1] )
		if( tmp[1] > 0 )
		    if( flag )
		      file << " + ";
		    if( tmp[1] != 1 )
		      file << tmp[1] << " t" << tmp[0];
		      file << "t" << tmp[0];
		    flag = true;
		    file << " - ";
		    if( tmp[1] != -1 )
		      file << -tmp[1] << " t" << tmp[0];
		      file << "t" << tmp[0];
		    flag = true;
	  if( !flag )
	    file << "1 ";
	  if( i != numberOfVariables )
	    file << ",";
	  file << endl;
      file << endl << "where  p( n ) is any element of n-heigth and t_i - any element of the group." << endl;
  VectorOf< VectorOf< VectorOf<int> > > t( numberOfVariables );
  VectorOf< VectorOf< VectorOf<int> > > p( numberOfVariables );
  VectorOf<Word> x1( numberOfVariables );
  for( i = 0 ; i < numberOfVariables ; i++ )
      int n = xNums.indexOf( i );
      x1[i] = x[n];
      t[i] = torsion[n];
      p[i] = params[n];
  torsion = t;
  params = p;
  x = x1;
  for( i = 0 ; i < system.length() ; i++ )
    delete [] matrix[i];
  delete [] matrix;
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int program = 0;

	// Get input file from first command line argument
	if(argc < 2){ // No input file given
		std::cerr << "Usage: ./main [input_file]\n";
		program = -1;
	} else {
		std::string ifname = argv[1]; // Input filename
		std::string ofname = ifname; // Output file prefix
		std::size_t pos = ofname.find('.');
		if (pos != std::string::npos) { // Cut off extension
			ofname.erase(pos, ofname.length());

		// Open the input file
		std::ifstream input(ifname);
		// Check it opened successfully
		if (!input.is_open()){
			std::cerr << "Failed to open input file.\n";
			program = -1;
		} else {
			// Make the system
			System sys = makeSystem(input);

			// Calculate the overlap integrals

			// Open main output file and print system details
			std::ofstream output(ofname + ".out");
			printSystem(sys, output, true);

			// Do all the optional commands
			int lastcmd = 0;
			int flag = 1;
			int orthog = 0;
			std::vector<int> currcmd;
			Eigen::MatrixXd f;
			while(flag > 0){
				currcmd = getNextCmd(input, lastcmd);
				case 1: { // Print the overlap integrals
					std::ofstream intout(ofname + ".ints");
					printIntegrals(sys, intout);
				case 2: { // Print the sparse graph data
					std::ofstream sparseout(ofname + ".sparse");
					printSparseGraph(sys, sparseout, currcmd[1]);
				case 3: { // Canonical orthogonalisation
					f = orthogonalise(sys, currcmd[1], CANONICAL);
					orthog = 1;
				case 4: { // Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation
					f = orthogonalise(sys, currcmd[1], GRAM_SCHMIDT);
					orthog = 2;
				case 5: { // Symmetric Lowdin orthogonalisation
					f = orthogonalise(sys, currcmd[1], SYM_LOWDIN); 
					orthog = 3;
				case -1: { // Error
					output << "\nErroneous command given.\n";
					flag = 0;
					program = -1;
				default: { // No more commands
					output << "\nProgram finished.\n";
					flag = 0;

			// Print orthogonalisation data if needed
			if (orthog > 0) {
				std::ofstream orthogout(ofname + ".orthog");
			    printOrthog(sys, orthogout, f, orthog);
	return program;