void ExprCompiler::visit(DefClassExpr& expr, int dest)
    // Evaluate the superclasses.
    int firstSuperclass = getNextTemp();
    for (int i = 0; i < expr.superclasses().count(); i++)
      int superclass = makeTemp();
      compile(expr.superclasses()[i], superclass);

    // Create the class.
    symbolId name = compiler_.addSymbol(expr.name());
    write(expr, OP_CLASS, name, expr.fields().count(), dest);
    write(expr, OP_MOVE, firstSuperclass, expr.superclasses().count());


    // Also store it in its named variable.
    compileAssignment(expr.pos(), expr.resolved(), dest, true);

    // Compile the synthesized stuff.
    for (int i = 0; i < expr.synthesizedMethods().count(); i++)
      expr.synthesizedMethods()[i]->accept(*this, dest);
  void ExprCompiler::visit(RecordExpr& expr, int dest)
    // TODO(bob): Hack. This assumes that the fields in the expression are in
    // the same order that the type expects. Eventually, the type needs to sort
    // them so that it understands (x: 1, y: 2) and (y: 2, x: 1) are the same
    // shape. When that happens, this will need to take that into account.

    Array<int> names;

    // Compile the fields.
    int firstField = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < expr.fields().count(); i++)
      int fieldSlot = makeTemp();
      if (i == 0) firstField = fieldSlot;

      compile(expr.fields()[i].value, fieldSlot);

    // TODO(bob): Need to sort field names.

    // Create the record type.
    int type = compiler_.addRecordType(names);

    // Create the record.
    write(expr, OP_RECORD, firstField, type, dest);

Exemple #3
imu_data_t* GladiatorIMU::translate(gladiator_rx_msg_t* input)
  /* Translate device-specific message into the one specified by ICD */
  imu_data_t* output = new imu_data_t;
  #if _POSIX_TIMERS_ > 0
  //Systems that have clock_gettime
  struct timespec stamp;
  clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &stamp);
  //On a 32-bit platform, struct timespec is a 8-byte structure; 64-bit is 16-byte
  //Promote as necessary
  output->tv_sec = stamp.tv_sec;
  output->tv_nsec = stamp.tv_nsec;
  //Mac branch:

  struct timeval tv;
  gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
  output->tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
  output->tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec*1000;
  //Once time is secure, deal with the status byte

  makeAccel(input->iAccX, &output->accel_x);
  makeAccel(input->iAccY, &output->accel_y);
  makeAccel(input->iAccZ, &output->accel_z);
  makeGyro(input->iGyrX, &output->gyro_x);
  makeGyro(input->iGyrY, &output->gyro_y);
  makeGyro(input->iGyrZ, &output->gyro_z);
  makeTemp(input->iTemp, &output->temp);
  return output;
  void ExprCompiler::visit(ForExpr& expr, int dest)
    // TODO(bob): Hackish. An actual intermediate representation would help
    // here.
    int iterateMethod = compiler_.findMethod(String::create("0:iterate"));
    ASSERT(iterateMethod != -1, "Should have 'iterate' method in core.");

    int advanceMethod = compiler_.findMethod(String::create("0:advance"));
    ASSERT(advanceMethod != -1, "Should have 'advance' method in core.");

    // Evaluate the iteratable expression.
    int iterator = makeTemp();
    compile(expr.iterator(), iterator);

    // Then call "iterate" on it to get an iterator.
    // TODO(bob): Hackish. An actual intermediate representation would help
    // here.
    write(expr, OP_CALL, iterateMethod, iterator, iterator);

    int loopStart = startJumpBack();

    // Call "advance" on the iterator.
    write(expr, OP_CALL, advanceMethod, iterator, dest);

    // If done, jump to exit.
    int doneSlot = makeTemp();
    write(expr, OP_BUILT_IN, BUILT_IN_DONE, doneSlot);
    write(expr, OP_EQUAL, dest, doneSlot, doneSlot);

    int loopExit = startJump(expr);
    releaseTemp(); // doneSlot.

    // Match on the loop pattern.
    compile(expr.pattern(), dest);

    // Compile the body.
    Loop loop(this);
    compile(expr.body(), dest);

    endJumpBack(expr, loopStart);
    endJump(loopExit, OP_JUMP_IF_TRUE, doneSlot);
    releaseTemp(); // iterator.

    // TODO(bob): Need to figure out what the result value should be.
Exemple #5
TAC *tacFunCall(AST_NODE *funCall) {
    AST_NODE *funDef = funCall->symbol->declaration;
    AST_NODE *largs = funDef->children[1];
    AST_NODE *lexp = funCall->children[0];

    TAC *tacArg = tacArgs(largs, lexp);
    TAC *tacCall = tacCreate(TAC_CALL, makeTemp(funCall->datatype), funCall->symbol, NULL);
    return tacMultiJoin(2, tacArg, tacCall);
  void ExprCompiler::visit(IsExpr& expr, int dest)
    compile(expr.value(), dest);

    int type = makeTemp();
    compile(expr.type(), type);

    write(expr, OP_IS, dest, type, dest);

    releaseTemp(); // type
  int ExprCompiler::compileArg(gc<Expr> arg)
    // No arg so do nothing.
    if (arg.isNull()) return 0;

    RecordExpr* record = arg->asRecordExpr();
    if (record != NULL)
      // Compile each field.
      for (int i = 0; i < record->fields().count(); i++)
        compile(record->fields()[i].value, makeTemp());

      return record->fields().count();

    // If we got here, the arg isn't a record, so its a single value.
    compile(arg, makeTemp());
    return 1;
  void ExprCompiler::visit(WhileExpr& expr, int dest)
    int loopStart = startJumpBack();

    // Compile the condition.
    int condition = makeTemp();
    compile(expr.condition(), condition);
    int loopExit = startJump(expr);
    releaseTemp(); // condition

    Loop loop(this);
    compile(expr.body(), dest);

    endJumpBack(expr, loopStart);
    endJump(loopExit, OP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, condition);
  void ExprCompiler::visit(ListExpr& expr, int dest)
    // TODO(bob): Putting these all in registers and then copying them to the
    // list after creation may be slow. Another option to consider is to write
    // a start list bytecode first, and then have each element get pushed
    // directly to the new list.
    int firstElement = getNextTemp();
    for (int i = 0; i < expr.elements().count(); i++)
      int element = makeTemp();
      compile(expr.elements()[i], element);

    write(expr, OP_LIST, firstElement, expr.elements().count(), dest);

Exemple #10
TAC_NODE* createTacOperation(int type, TAC_NODE* code0, TAC_NODE* code1) {
	HASH_NODE* tempNode = makeTemp();

	if (code0 != NULL) {
		if (code1 != NULL) {
			return joinTacs(joinTacs(code0, code1), createTacNode(type, tempNode, code0->result, code1->result));
		} else {
			return joinTacs(joinTacs(code0, code1), createTacNode(type, tempNode, code0->result, NULL));
	} else {
		if (code1 != NULL) {
			return joinTacs(joinTacs(code0, code1), createTacNode(type, tempNode, NULL, code1->result));
		} else {
			return joinTacs(joinTacs(code0, code1), createTacNode(type, tempNode, NULL, NULL));
Exemple #11
void moveCR2(Context* con, unsigned size, lir::Constant* src,
        lir::Register* dst, Promise* callOffset)
  if (isFpr(dst)) { // floating-point
    lir::Register tmp = size > 4 ? makeTemp64(con) :
    moveCR(con, size, src, size, &tmp);
    moveRR(con, size, &tmp, size, dst);
    freeTemp(con, tmp);
  } else if (size > 4) { 
    uint64_t value = (uint64_t)src->value->value();
    ResolvedPromise loBits(value & MASK_LO32);
    lir::Constant srcLo(&loBits);
    ResolvedPromise hiBits(value >> 32); 
    lir::Constant srcHi(&hiBits);
    lir::Register dstHi(dst->high);
    moveCR(con, 4, &srcLo, 4, dst);
    moveCR(con, 4, &srcHi, 4, &dstHi);
  } else if (src->value->resolved() and isOfWidth(getValue(src), 8)) {
Exemple #12
TAC_NODE* createFunctionCall(HASH_NODE* result, TAC_NODE* code) {
	TAC_NODE* aux = NULL;
	TAC_NODE* list = NULL;
	TAC_NODE* push = NULL;
	TAC_NODE* pop = NULL;

	for(aux=revertTac(code);aux;aux=aux->next) {
		pop = createTacNode(TAC_POP_PARAMETRO, aux->result, NULL, NULL);
		list = joinTacs(pop, list);
	HASH_NODE* tempNode = makeTemp();
	list = joinTacs(createTacNode(TAC_FUNCTION_CALL, tempNode, result, NULL), list);

	for(aux=code; aux; aux=aux->previous) {
		push = createTacNode(TAC_PUSH_PARAMETRO, aux->result, NULL, NULL);
		list = joinTacs(push, list);
	return list;
  void ExprCompiler::visit(RecordLValue& lvalue, int value)
    // TODO(bob): Lot of copy/paste between this and RecordPattern.
    // Recurse into the fields.
    for (int i = 0; i < lvalue.fields().count(); i++)
      // TODO(bob): Could be faster and skip this if the field is a wildcard.

      // Test and destructure the field. This takes two instructions to encode
      // all of the operands.
      int field = makeTemp();
      int symbol = compiler_.addSymbol(lvalue.fields()[i].name);

      write(lvalue.fields()[i].value->pos(), OP_GET_FIELD,
            value, symbol, field);

      // Recurse into the record, using that field.
      lvalue.fields()[i].value->accept(*this, field);

      releaseTemp(); // field.
  void ExprCompiler::compileCall(const CallExpr& call, int dest,
                                   int valueSlot)
    ASSERT(call.resolved() != -1,
           "Method should be resolved before compiling.");

    // Compile the method arguments.
    int firstArg = getNextTemp();
    int numTemps = 0;
    numTemps += compileArg(call.leftArg());
    numTemps += compileArg(call.rightArg());

    // Then add the value as the last argument.
    if (valueSlot != -1)
      int valueArg = makeTemp();
      write(call, OP_MOVE, valueSlot, valueArg);

    write(call, OP_CALL, call.resolved(), firstArg, dest);

    if (valueSlot != -1) releaseTemp(); // valueArg.
Exemple #15
TAC *tacReadArr(HASH_NODE* vec, TAC **code) {
    TAC *newTac = tacCreate(TAC_READARR, makeTemp(vec->datatype), vec,
    return tacMultiJoin(2, code[0], newTac);
Exemple #16
TAC *tacUnaryOp(int type, int datatype, TAC **code) {
    TAC *newTac = tacCreate(type, makeTemp(datatype), code[0]?code[0]->res:NULL, NULL);
    return tacMultiJoin(2, code[0], newTac);
Exemple #17
TAC_NODE* createVectorRead(HASH_NODE* simbolo, TAC_NODE* indice) {
	HASH_NODE* temp = makeTemp();
	return joinTacs(indice, createTacNode(TAC_VECTOR_READ, temp, simbolo, indice->result));