std::unique_ptr <database>
managerimp::make_database (
    std::string const& name,
    scheduler& scheduler,
    beast::journal journal,
    int readthreads,
    parameters const& backendparameters,
    parameters fastbackendparameters)
    std::unique_ptr <backend> backend (make_backend (
        backendparameters, scheduler, journal));

    std::unique_ptr <backend> fastbackend (
        (fastbackendparameters.size () > 0)
            ? make_backend (fastbackendparameters, scheduler, journal)
            : nullptr);

    return std::make_unique <databaseimp> (name, scheduler, readthreads,
        std::move (backend), std::move (fastbackend), journal);
Exemple #2
static struct _backend* backend(PARSER *p, const char *id)
	/* default backend */
	if (id == NULL) {
		return p->backends;

	struct _backend *b;
	for (b = p->backends; b->next != NULL; b = b->next) {
		if (strcmp(b->next->id, id) == 0) {
			return b->next;
	b->next = make_backend(id);
	return b->next;
Exemple #3
static PARSER* parser_init(const char *file, FILE *io, int reload)
	PARSER *p = calloc(1, sizeof(PARSER));
	if (!p) {

	p->backends = make_backend(NULL);
	p->f = parse_top;
	p->l = lexer_init(file, io);
	if (!p->l) {
		return NULL;

	return p;
DEF_GPUTEST_FOR_RENDERING_CONTEXTS(ResourceAllocatorTest, reporter, ctxInfo) {
    GrProxyProvider* proxyProvider = ctxInfo.grContext()->contextPriv().proxyProvider();
    GrResourceProvider* resourceProvider = ctxInfo.grContext()->contextPriv().resourceProvider();

    bool orig = resourceProvider->testingOnly_setExplicitlyAllocateGPUResources(true);

    struct TestCase {
        ProxyParams   fP1;
        ProxyParams   fP2;
        bool          fExpectation;

    constexpr bool kRT = true;
    constexpr bool kNotRT = false;

    constexpr bool kShare = true;
    constexpr bool kDontShare = false;
    // Non-RT GrSurfaces are never recycled on some platforms.
    bool kConditionallyShare = resourceProvider->caps()->reuseScratchTextures();

    const GrPixelConfig kRGBA = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
    const GrPixelConfig kBGRA = kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig;

    const SkBackingFit kE = SkBackingFit::kExact;
    const SkBackingFit kA = SkBackingFit::kApprox;

    const GrSurfaceOrigin kTL = kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin;
    const GrSurfaceOrigin kBL = kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin;

    TestCase gOverlappingTests[] = {
        // Two proxies with overlapping intervals and compatible descriptors should never share
        // RT version
        { { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, kDontShare },
        // non-RT version
        { { 64, kNotRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, { 64, kNotRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, kDontShare },

    for (auto test : gOverlappingTests) {
        sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy> p1 = make_deferred(proxyProvider, test.fP1);
        sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy> p2 = make_deferred(proxyProvider, test.fP2);
        overlap_test(reporter, resourceProvider,
                     std::move(p1), std::move(p2), test.fExpectation);

    int k2 = ctxInfo.grContext()->caps()->getRenderTargetSampleCount(2, kRGBA);
    int k4 = ctxInfo.grContext()->caps()->getRenderTargetSampleCount(4, kRGBA);

    TestCase gNonOverlappingTests[] = {
        // Two non-overlapping intervals w/ compatible proxies should share
        // both same size & approx
        { { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, kShare },
        { { 64, kNotRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, { 64, kNotRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, kConditionallyShare },
        // diffs sizes but still approx
        { { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, { 50,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, kShare },
        { { 64, kNotRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, { 50, kNotRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, kConditionallyShare },
        // sames sizes but exact
        { { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kE, 0, kTL }, { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kE, 0, kTL }, kShare },
        { { 64, kNotRT, kRGBA, kE, 0, kTL }, { 64, kNotRT, kRGBA, kE, 0, kTL }, kConditionallyShare },
        // Two non-overlapping intervals w/ different exact sizes should not share
        { { 56,    kRT, kRGBA, kE, 0, kTL }, { 54,    kRT, kRGBA, kE, 0, kTL }, kDontShare },
        // Two non-overlapping intervals w/ _very different_ approx sizes should not share
        { { 255,   kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, { 127,   kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, kDontShare },
        // Two non-overlapping intervals w/ different MSAA sample counts should not share
        { { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, k2, kTL },{ 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, k4, kTL}, k2 == k4 },
        // Two non-overlapping intervals w/ different configs should not share
        { { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, { 64,    kRT, kBGRA, kA, 0, kTL }, kDontShare },
        // Two non-overlapping intervals w/ different RT classifications should never share
        { { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, { 64, kNotRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, kDontShare },
        { { 64, kNotRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, kDontShare },
        // Two non-overlapping intervals w/ different origins should share
        { { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kTL }, { 64,    kRT, kRGBA, kA, 0, kBL }, kShare },

    for (auto test : gNonOverlappingTests) {
        sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy> p1 = make_deferred(proxyProvider, test.fP1);
        sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy> p2 = make_deferred(proxyProvider, test.fP2);
        if (!p1 || !p2) {
            continue; // creation can fail (i.e., for msaa4 on iOS)
        non_overlap_test(reporter, resourceProvider,
                         std::move(p1), std::move(p2), test.fExpectation);

        // Wrapped backend textures should never be reused
        TestCase t[1] = {
            { { 64, kNotRT, kRGBA, kE, 0, kTL }, { 64, kNotRT, kRGBA, kE, 0, kTL }, kDontShare }

        GrBackendTexture backEndTex;
        sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy> p1 = make_backend(ctxInfo.grContext(), t[0].fP1, &backEndTex);
        sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy> p2 = make_deferred(proxyProvider, t[0].fP2);
        non_overlap_test(reporter, resourceProvider,
                         std::move(p1), std::move(p2), t[0].fExpectation);
        cleanup_backend(ctxInfo.grContext(), &backEndTex);
