bool url_client::prepare(const std::string &url, const common::header_map &hdr) { the_request_.clear(); common::parsed_url_type purl; if(!parse_url(url, purl, false, false)) return false; // TODO: HTTPS std::string; if (common::iequal()(purl.schema, "http")) { if(purl.port==0) { purl.port=80; } else { host+=':'; host+=boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(purl.port); } if(!make_client(false,, purl.port)) return false; } else if (common::iequal()(purl.schema, "https")) { if(purl.port==0) { purl.port=443; } else { host+=':'; host+=boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(purl.port); } if(!make_client(true,, purl.port)) return false; } else { // ERROR: Unknown protocol return false; } the_request_.url.reserve(url.length()); the_request_.url=purl.path; if(!purl.query.empty()) { the_request_.url+='?'; the_request_.url+=purl.query; } if(!purl.fragment.empty()) { the_request_.url+='?'; the_request_.url+=purl.fragment; } the_request_.version=http_version::HTTP_1_1; the_request_.keep_alive=true; the_request_.headers.insert({"Host", std::move(host)}); the_request_.headers.insert(hdr.begin(), hdr.end()); return true; }
void dssim_t::configure(Net* _net, const dssim_t::Config& _config) { net = _net; config = _config; rand_gen.seed(config.rand_seed); rand_percent = std::make_unique<std::uniform_int_distribution<int>>(0, 100); // Initially, servers do know about each other. This corresponds to // a service starting by booting some machines who then contact // each other for a view change MASSERT(config.nservers > 0, "impossible"); std::unordered_set<node_id_t> serv_ids; for(int i = 0; i < config.nservers; ++i) { serv_ids.insert(net->get_new_nid()); } for(auto& nid : serv_ids) { make_server(nid); } // Gosh, isn't there a simpler way? std::vector<std::string> prefix; if(config.nclients <= 26) { prefix.resize(26); int i = 0; for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c) { prefix[i++] = std::string(1, c); } } else if(config.nclients <= 26*26) { prefix.resize(26*26); int i = 0; for(char b = 'a'; b <= 'z'; ++b) { for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c) { prefix[i++] = std::string(1, b) + c; } } } else if(config.nclients <= 26*26*26) { prefix.resize(26*26*26); int i = 0; for(char a = 'a'; a <= 'z'; ++a) { for(char b = 'a'; b <= 'z'; ++b) { for(char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c) { prefix[i++] = std::string(1, a) + b + c; } } } } else { std::fprintf(stderr, "Too many clients %d (max is %d)\n", config.nclients, 26*26*26); exit(79); } for(int i = 0; i < config.nclients; ++i) { node_id_t nid = net->get_new_nid(); make_client(nid, prefix[i]); } }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int port; int sock; if (ac != 3) return (client_error(-1)); port = ft_atoi(av[2]); sock = create_client(av[1], port); if (sock == -1) return (-1); make_client(sock); return (0); }
/* * add_connection - creates a client which has just connected to us on * the given fd. The sockhost field is initialized with the ip# of the host. * The client is sent to the auth module for verification, and not put in * any client list yet. */ static void add_connection(struct Listener *listener, rb_fde_t *F, struct sockaddr *sai, struct sockaddr *lai) { struct Client *new_client; s_assert(NULL != listener); /* * get the client socket name from the socket * the client has already been checked out in accept_connection */ new_client = make_client(NULL); if (listener->ssl) { rb_fde_t *xF[2]; if(rb_socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, &xF[0], &xF[1], "Incoming ssld Connection") == -1) { free_client(new_client); return; } new_client->localClient->ssl_ctl = start_ssld_accept(F, xF[1], new_client->localClient->connid); /* this will close F for us */ if(new_client->localClient->ssl_ctl == NULL) { free_client(new_client); return; } F = xF[0]; SetSSL(new_client); } memcpy(&new_client->localClient->ip, sai, sizeof(struct rb_sockaddr_storage)); memcpy(&new_client->preClient->lip, lai, sizeof(struct rb_sockaddr_storage)); /* * copy address to 'sockhost' as a string, copy it to host too * so we have something valid to put into error messages... */ rb_inet_ntop_sock((struct sockaddr *)&new_client->localClient->ip, new_client->sockhost, sizeof(new_client->sockhost)); rb_strlcpy(new_client->host, new_client->sockhost, sizeof(new_client->host)); new_client->localClient->F = F; new_client->localClient->listener = listener; ++listener->ref_count; start_auth(new_client); }
void connect_server() { struct Client *client = make_client(NULL); struct Server *server = make_server(client); struct Module *protomod; char modes[MODEBUFLEN+1] = ""; int i, j = 0; protomod = find_module(Connect.protocol, NO); if(protomod == NULL) { ilog(L_CRIT, "Unable to connect to uplink, protocol module %s not found.", Connect.protocol); services_die("Connect error", NO); } ServerModeList = (struct ModeList *)modsym(protomod->handle, "ModeList"); for(i = 0; ServerModeList[i].letter != '\0'; i++) { modes[j++] = ServerModeList[i].letter; if(j > MODEBUFLEN) break; } modes[j] = '\0'; ilog(L_DEBUG, "Loaded server mode list %p %s %d", ServerModeList, modes, j); strlcpy(server->pass, Connect.password, sizeof(server->pass)); strlcpy(client->name,, sizeof(client->name)); strlcpy(client->host,, sizeof(client->host)); SetConnecting(client); client->from = client; dlinkAdd(client, &client->node, &global_client_list); if(comm_open(&server->fd, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, NULL) < 0) { ilog(L_CRIT, "connect_server: Could not open socket"); exit(1); } comm_connect_tcp(&server->fd,, Connect.port, NULL, 0, serv_connect_callback, client, AF_INET, CONNECTTIMEOUT); eventAdd("Server connection check", try_reconnect, NULL, 60); }
SyncClient(std::unique_ptr<util::Logger> logger, ReconnectMode reconnect_mode = ReconnectMode::normal, bool verify_ssl = true) : client(make_client(*logger, reconnect_mode, verify_ssl)) // Throws , m_logger(std::move(logger)) , m_thread([this] { if (g_binding_callback_thread_observer) g_binding_callback_thread_observer->did_create_thread(); auto will_destroy_thread = util::make_scope_exit([&]() noexcept { if (g_binding_callback_thread_observer) g_binding_callback_thread_observer->will_destroy_thread(); });; // Throws }) // Throws { }
/* * add_connection - creates a client which has just connected to us on * the given fd. The sockhost field is initialized with the ip# of the host. * The client is sent to the auth module for verification, and not put in * any client list yet. */ static void add_connection(struct Listener *listener, int fd, struct sockaddr *sai) { struct Client *new_client; s_assert(NULL != listener); /* * get the client socket name from the socket * the client has already been checked out in accept_connection */ new_client = make_client(NULL); memcpy(&new_client->localClient->ip, sai, sizeof(struct irc_sockaddr_storage)); /* * copy address to 'sockhost' as a string, copy it to host too * so we have something valid to put into error messages... */ inetntop_sock((struct sockaddr *) &new_client->localClient->ip, new_client->sockhost, sizeof(new_client->sockhost)); strlcpy(new_client->host, new_client->sockhost, sizeof(new_client->host)); #ifdef IPV6 if(new_client->localClient->ip.ss_family == AF_INET6 && ConfigFileEntry.dot_in_ip6_addr == 1) { strlcat(new_client->host, ".", sizeof(new_client->host)); } #endif new_client->localClient->fd = fd; new_client->localClient->listener = listener; ++listener->ref_count; if(check_reject(new_client)) return; start_auth(new_client); }
/* * client_from_server() */ static void uid_from_server(struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, char *parv[], time_t newts, const char *svsid, char *nick, char *ugecos) { const char *m = NULL; const char *servername = source_p->name; source_p = make_client(client_p); dlinkAdd(source_p, &source_p->node, &global_client_list); source_p->hopcount = atoi(parv[2]); source_p->tsinfo = newts; strlcpy(source_p->svid, svsid, sizeof(source_p->svid)); /* copy the nick in place */ strlcpy(source_p->name, nick, sizeof(source_p->name)); strlcpy(source_p->id, parv[8], sizeof(source_p->id)); strlcpy(source_p->sockhost, parv[7], sizeof(source_p->sockhost)); strlcpy(source_p->info, ugecos, sizeof(source_p->info)); hash_add_client(source_p); hash_add_id(source_p); /* parse usermodes */ for (m = &parv[4][1]; *m; ++m) { unsigned int flag = user_modes[(unsigned char)*m]; if ((flag & UMODE_INVISIBLE) && !HasUMode(source_p, UMODE_INVISIBLE)) ++Count.invisi; if ((flag & UMODE_OPER) && !HasUMode(source_p, UMODE_OPER)) ++Count.oper; source_p->umodes |= flag & SEND_UMODES; } register_remote_user(source_p, parv[5], parv[6], servername, ugecos); }
struct Client *make_local_person_full(const char *nick, const char *username, const char *hostname, const char *ip, const char *realname) { struct Client *client; client = make_client(NULL); rb_dlinkMoveNode(&client->localClient->tnode, &unknown_list, &lclient_list); client->servptr = &me; rb_dlinkAdd(client, &client->lnode, &client->servptr->serv->users); make_user(client); SetClient(client); rb_inet_pton_sock(ip, (struct sockaddr *)&client->localClient->ip); rb_strlcpy(client->name, nick, sizeof(client->name)); rb_strlcpy(client->username, username, sizeof(client->username)); rb_strlcpy(client->host, hostname, sizeof(client->host)); rb_inet_ntop_sock((struct sockaddr *)&client->localClient->ip, client->sockhost, sizeof(client->sockhost)); rb_strlcpy(client->info, realname, sizeof(client->info)); add_to_client_hash(client->name, client); return client; }
/*! * * \param source_p Pointer to allocated Client struct from which the message * originally comes from. This can be a local or remote client. * \param parc Integer holding the number of supplied arguments. * \param parv Argument vector where parv[0] .. parv[parc-1] are non-NULL * pointers. * \note Valid arguments for this command are: * * server introducing new nick/UID (without services support) * - parv[0] = command * - parv[1] = nickname * - parv[2] = hop count * - parv[3] = TS * - parv[4] = umode * - parv[5] = username * - parv[6] = hostname * - parv[7] = ip * - parv[8] = uid * - parv[9] = ircname (gecos) * * server introducing new nick/UID (with services support) * - parv[ 0] = command * - parv[ 1] = nickname * - parv[ 2] = hop count * - parv[ 3] = TS * - parv[ 4] = umode * - parv[ 5] = username * - parv[ 6] = hostname * - parv[ 7] = ip * - parv[ 8] = uid * - parv[ 9] = services account * - parv[10] = ircname (gecos) */ static void uid_from_server(struct Client *source_p, int parc, char *parv[]) { struct Client *client_p = NULL; client_p = make_client(source_p->from); client_p->servptr = source_p; client_p->hopcount = atoi(parv[2]); client_p->tsinfo = atol(parv[3]); strlcpy(client_p->account, (parc == 11 ? parv[9] : "*"), sizeof(client_p->account)); strlcpy(client_p->name, parv[1], sizeof(client_p->name)); strlcpy(client_p->id, parv[8], sizeof(client_p->id)); strlcpy(client_p->sockhost, parv[7], sizeof(client_p->sockhost)); strlcpy(client_p->info, parv[parc - 1], sizeof(client_p->info)); strlcpy(client_p->host, parv[6], sizeof(client_p->host)); strlcpy(client_p->username, parv[5], sizeof(client_p->username)); hash_add_client(client_p); hash_add_id(client_p); /* Parse user modes */ for (const char *m = &parv[4][1]; *m; ++m) { const struct user_modes *tab = umode_map[(unsigned char)*m]; if (!tab) continue; if ((tab->flag & UMODE_INVISIBLE) && !HasUMode(client_p, UMODE_INVISIBLE)) ++Count.invisi; if ((tab->flag & UMODE_OPER) && !HasUMode(client_p, UMODE_OPER)) ++Count.oper; AddUMode(client_p, tab->flag); } register_remote_user(client_p); }
int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { Options::set_options (argc, argv); SM_Client *sm_client = make_client (); if (sm_client->send () < 0) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", Options::program_name), -1); if (sm_client->receive (Options::max_server_timeout) < 0) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", Options::program_name), -1); sm_client->process (); return 0; }
struct Client *make_remote_server_full(struct Client *uplink, const char *name, const char *id) { struct Client *client; client = make_client(NULL); client->servptr = uplink; attach_server_conf(client, find_server_conf(name)); rb_strlcpy(client->name, name, sizeof(client->name)); rb_strlcpy(client->id, id, sizeof(client->id)); rb_dlinkAdd(client, &client->lnode, &uplink->serv->servers); rb_dlinkMoveNode(&client->localClient->tnode, &unknown_list, &serv_list); rb_dlinkAddTailAlloc(client, &global_serv_list); make_server(client); SetServer(client); add_to_client_hash(client->name, client); return client; }
/* * add_connection - creates a client which has just connected to us on * the given fd. The sockhost field is initialized with the ip# of the host. * The client is sent to the auth module for verification, and not put in * any client list yet. */ static void add_connection(struct Listener *listener, rb_fde_t *F, struct sockaddr *sai, struct sockaddr *lai, void *ssl_ctl) { struct Client *new_client; s_assert(NULL != listener); /* * get the client socket name from the socket * the client has already been checked out in accept_connection */ new_client = make_client(NULL); memcpy(&new_client->localClient->ip, sai, sizeof(struct rb_sockaddr_storage)); memcpy(&new_client->preClient->lip, lai, sizeof(struct rb_sockaddr_storage)); /* * copy address to 'sockhost' as a string, copy it to host too * so we have something valid to put into error messages... */ rb_inet_ntop_sock((struct sockaddr *)&new_client->localClient->ip, new_client->sockhost, sizeof(new_client->sockhost)); rb_strlcpy(new_client->host, new_client->sockhost, sizeof(new_client->host)); new_client->localClient->F = F; add_to_cli_fd_hash(new_client); new_client->localClient->listener = listener; new_client->localClient->ssl_ctl = ssl_ctl; if(ssl_ctl != NULL || rb_fd_ssl(F)) SetSSL(new_client); ++listener->ref_count; start_auth(new_client); }
struct Client *make_remote_person_full(struct Client *server, const char *nick, const char *username, const char *hostname, const char *ip, const char *realname) { struct Client *client; struct sockaddr addr; client = make_client(server); make_user(client); SetRemoteClient(client); client->servptr = server; rb_dlinkAdd(server, &server->lnode, &server->servptr->serv->users); rb_inet_pton_sock(ip, &addr); rb_strlcpy(client->name, nick, sizeof(client->name)); rb_strlcpy(client->username, username, sizeof(client->username)); rb_strlcpy(client->host, hostname, sizeof(client->host)); rb_inet_ntop_sock(&addr, client->sockhost, sizeof(client->sockhost)); rb_strlcpy(client->info, realname, sizeof(client->info)); add_to_client_hash(nick, client); add_to_hostname_hash(client->host, client); return client; }
// XXX Check IDs to make sure they are legal void dssim_t::do_events() { while(config.sched.eventp(ticks)) { Sched::event ev = config.sched.pop(); node_id_t nid = config.sched.nidid2nid[ev.nidid]; LOG(l::DBG_EV, "Event tick:" << ticks << " nidid:" << ev.nidid << " nid:" << nid << " aid:" << aid2str[ev.aid] << "\n"); switch(ev.aid){ case Sched::A_DIE: net->die(nid); nodes.erase(nid); break; case Sched::A_SJOIN: { node_id_t nid = net->get_new_nid(); make_server(nid); } break; case Sched::A_CJOIN: { node_id_t nid = net->get_new_nid(); make_client(nid, "dynamic"); } break; case Sched::A_PAUSE: paused.insert(nid); break; case Sched::A_UNPAUSE: if(paused.count(nid) > 0) { paused.erase(nid); nodes[nid]->set_unpaused_tick(now()); } break; } } }
/* * m_server * parv[0] = sender prefix * parv[1] = servername * parv[2] = serverinfo/hopcount * parv[3] = serverinfo */ int m_server(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]) { int i; char info[REALLEN + 1], *host; aClient *acptr, *bcptr; aConnect *aconn; int hop; char nbuf[HOSTLEN * 2 + USERLEN + 5]; /* same size as in s_misc.c */ info[0] = '\0'; if (parc < 2 || *parv[1] == '\0') { sendto_one(cptr, "ERROR :No servername"); return 0; } hop = 0; host = parv[1]; if (parc > 3 && atoi(parv[2])) { hop = atoi(parv[2]); strncpyzt(info, parv[3], REALLEN + 1); } else if (parc > 2) { strncpyzt(info, parv[2], REALLEN + 1); if ((parc > 3) && ((i = strlen(info)) < (REALLEN - 2))) { strcat(info, " "); strncat(info, parv[3], REALLEN - i - 2); info[REALLEN] = '\0'; } } /* * July 5, 1997 * Rewritten to throw away server cruft from users, * combined the hostname validity test with cleanup of host name, * so a cleaned up hostname can be returned as an error if * necessary. - Dianora */ /* yes, the if(strlen) below is really needed!! */ if (strlen(host) > HOSTLEN) host[HOSTLEN] = '\0'; if (IsPerson(cptr)) { /* A local link that has been identified as a USER tries * something fishy... ;-) */ sendto_one(cptr, err_str(ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND),, parv[0], "SERVER"); return 0; } else /* hostile servername check */ { /* * Lets check for bogus names and clean them up we don't bother * cleaning up ones from users, becasuse we will never see them * any more - Dianora */ int bogus_server = 0; int found_dot = 0; char clean_host[(2 * HOSTLEN) + 1]; char *s; char *d; int n; s = host; d = clean_host; n = (2 * HOSTLEN) - 2; while (*s && n > 0) { if ((unsigned char) *s < (unsigned char) ' ') /* Is it a control character? */ { bogus_server = 1; *d++ = '^'; *d++ = (char) ((unsigned char) *s + 0x40); /* turn it into a printable */ n -= 2; } else if ((unsigned char) *s > (unsigned char) '~') { bogus_server = 1; *d++ = '.'; n--; } else { if (*s == '.') found_dot = 1; *d++ = *s; n--; } s++; } *d = '\0'; if ((!found_dot) || bogus_server) { sendto_one(sptr, "ERROR :Bogus server name (%s)", clean_host); return exit_client(cptr, cptr, cptr, "Bogus server name"); } } /* new connection */ if (IsUnknown(cptr) || IsHandshake(cptr)) { strncpyzt(cptr->name, host, sizeof(cptr->name)); strncpyzt(cptr->info, info[0] ? info :, REALLEN + 1); cptr->hopcount = hop; switch (check_server_init(cptr)) { case 0: return m_server_estab(cptr); case 1: sendto_ops("Access check for %s in progress", get_client_name(cptr, HIDEME)); return 1; default: ircstp->is_ref++; sendto_ops_lev(ADMIN_LEV, "Link %s dropped, no Connect block", get_client_name(cptr, TRUE)); return exit_client(cptr, cptr, cptr, "No Connect block"); } } /* already linked server */ if (!IsServer(cptr)) return 0; if ((acptr = find_name(host, NULL))) { /* * * This link is trying feed me a server that I already have * access through another path -- multiple paths not accepted * currently, kill this link immediately!! * * Rather than KILL the link which introduced it, KILL the * youngest of the two links. -avalon */ bcptr = (cptr->firsttime > acptr->from->firsttime) ? cptr : acptr->from; sendto_one(bcptr, "ERROR :Server %s already exists", host); if (bcptr == cptr) { /* Don't complain for servers that are juped */ /* (don't complain if the server that already exists is U: lined, unless I actually have a .conf U: line for it */ if(!IsULine(acptr) || find_aUserver(acptr->name)) { sendto_gnotice("from %s: Link %s cancelled, server %s already " "exists",, get_client_name(bcptr, HIDEME), host); sendto_serv_butone(bcptr, ":%s GNOTICE :Link %s cancelled, " "server %s already exists",, get_client_name(bcptr, HIDEME), host); } return exit_client(bcptr, bcptr, &me, "Server Exists"); } /* inform all those who care (set +n) -epi */ strcpy(nbuf, get_client_name(bcptr, HIDEME)); sendto_gnotice("from %s: Link %s cancelled, server %s reintroduced " "by %s",, nbuf, host, get_client_name(cptr, HIDEME)); sendto_serv_butone(bcptr, ":%s GNOTICE :Link %s cancelled, server %s " "reintroduced by %s",, nbuf, host, get_client_name(cptr, HIDEME)); exit_client(bcptr, bcptr, &me, "Server Exists"); } /* * The following if statement would be nice to remove since user * nicks never have '.' in them and servers must always have '.' in * them. There should never be a server/nick name collision, but it * is possible a capricious server admin could deliberately do * something strange. * * -Dianora */ if ((acptr = find_client(host, NULL)) && acptr != cptr) { /* * * Server trying to use the same name as a person. Would * cause a fair bit of confusion. Enough to make it hellish for * a while and servers to send stuff to the wrong place. */ sendto_one(cptr, "ERROR :Nickname %s already exists!", host); strcpy(nbuf, get_client_name(cptr, HIDEME)); sendto_gnotice("from %s: Link %s cancelled, servername/nick collision",, nbuf); sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s GNOTICE :Link %s cancelled, " "servername/nick collision",, nbuf); return exit_client(cptr, cptr, cptr, "Nick as Server"); } if (IsServer(cptr)) { /* * * Server is informing about a new server behind this link. * Create REMOTE server structure, add it to list and propagate * word to my other server links... */ if (parc == 1 || info[0] == '\0') { sendto_one(cptr, "ERROR :No server info specified for %s", host); return 0; } /* * * See if the newly found server is behind a guaranteed leaf * (L-line). If so, close the link. * * Depreciated. Kinda redundant with Hlines. -epi */ if (!(cptr->serv->aconn->flags & CONN_HUB)) { aconn = cptr->serv->aconn; sendto_gnotice("from %s: Non-Hub link %s introduced %s",, get_client_name(cptr, HIDEME), host); sendto_serv_butone(cptr,":%s GNOTICE :Non-Hub link %s introduced " "%s",, get_client_name(cptr, HIDEME), host); sendto_one(cptr, "ERROR :You're not a hub (introducing %s)", host); return exit_client(cptr, cptr, cptr, "Too many servers"); } acptr = make_client(cptr, sptr); make_server(acptr); acptr->hopcount = hop; strncpyzt(acptr->name, host, sizeof(acptr->name)); strncpyzt(acptr->info, info, REALLEN + 1); acptr->serv->up = find_or_add(parv[0]); fakelinkserver_update(acptr->name, acptr->info); SetServer(acptr); /* * if this server is behind a U-lined server, make it U-lined as * well. - lucas */ if (IsULine(sptr) || find_aUserver(acptr->name)) { acptr->flags |= FLAGS_ULINE; sendto_realops_lev(DEBUG_LEV, "%s introducing super server %s", cptr->name, acptr->name); } Count.server++; add_client_to_list(acptr); add_to_client_hash_table(acptr->name, acptr); /* * Old sendto_serv_but_one() call removed because we now need * to send different names to different servers (domain name matching) */ for (i = 0; i <= highest_fd; i++) { if (!(bcptr = local[i]) || !IsServer(bcptr) || bcptr == cptr || IsMe(bcptr)) continue; if (!(aconn = bcptr->serv->aconn)) { sendto_gnotice("from %s: Lost Connect block for %s on %s." " Closing",, get_client_name(cptr, HIDEME), host); sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s GNOTICE :Lost Connect block for" " %s on %s. Closing",, get_client_name(cptr, HIDEME), host); return exit_client(cptr, cptr, cptr, "Lost Connect block"); } if (match(my_name_for_link(, aconn), acptr->name) == 0) continue; sendto_one(bcptr, ":%s SERVER %s %d :%s", parv[0], acptr->name, hop + 1, acptr->info); } return 0; } return 0; }
/** Read a 'packet' of data from a connection and process it. Read in * 8k chunks to give a better performance rating (for server * connections). Do some tricky stuff for client connections to make * sure they don't do any flooding >:-) -avalon * @param cptr Client from which to read data. * @param socket_ready If non-zero, more data can be read from the client's socket. * @return Positive number on success, zero on connection-fatal failure, negative * if user is killed. */ static int read_packet(struct Client *cptr, int socket_ready) { unsigned int dolen = 0; unsigned int length = 0; if (socket_ready && !(IsUser(cptr) && DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) > feature_uint(FEAT_CLIENT_FLOOD))) { #if defined(USE_SSL) switch (client_recv(cptr, readbuf, sizeof(readbuf), &length)) { #else switch (os_recv_nonb(cli_fd(cptr), readbuf, sizeof(readbuf), &length)) { #endif case IO_SUCCESS: if (length) { cli_lasttime(cptr) = CurrentTime; ClearPingSent(cptr); ClrFlag(cptr, FLAG_NONL); if (cli_lasttime(cptr) > cli_since(cptr)) cli_since(cptr) = cli_lasttime(cptr); } break; case IO_BLOCKED: break; case IO_FAILURE: cli_error(cptr) = errno; /* SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_DEADSOCKET); */ return 0; } } /* * For server connections, we process as many as we can without * worrying about the time of day or anything :) */ if (length > 0 && IsServer(cptr)) return server_dopacket(cptr, readbuf, length); else if (length > 0 && (IsHandshake(cptr) || IsConnecting(cptr))) return connect_dopacket(cptr, readbuf, length); else { /* * Before we even think of parsing what we just read, stick * it on the end of the receive queue and do it when its * turn comes around. */ if (length > 0 && dbuf_put(cptr, &(cli_recvQ(cptr)), readbuf, length) == 0) return exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, "dbuf_put fail"); if ((DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) > feature_uint(FEAT_CLIENT_FLOOD)) && !IsChannelService(cptr)) return exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, "Excess Flood"); while (DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) && !NoNewLine(cptr) && (IsTrusted(cptr) || IsChannelService(cptr) || cli_since(cptr) - CurrentTime < 10)) { dolen = dbuf_getmsg(&(cli_recvQ(cptr)), cli_buffer(cptr), BUFSIZE); /* * Devious looking...whats it do ? well..if a client * sends a *long* message without any CR or LF, then * dbuf_getmsg fails and we pull it out using this * loop which just gets the next 512 bytes and then * deletes the rest of the buffer contents. * -avalon */ if (dolen == 0) { if (DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) < 510) SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_NONL); else { /* More than 512 bytes in the line - drop the input and yell * at the client. */ DBufClear(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))); send_reply(cptr, ERR_INPUTTOOLONG); } } else if (client_dopacket(cptr, dolen) == CPTR_KILLED) return CPTR_KILLED; /* * If it has become registered as a Server * then skip the per-message parsing below. */ if (IsHandshake(cptr) || IsServer(cptr)) { while (-1) { dolen = dbuf_get(&(cli_recvQ(cptr)), readbuf, sizeof(readbuf)); if (dolen <= 0) return 1; else if (dolen == 0) { if (DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) < 510) SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_NONL); else { DBufClear(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))); /* send_reply(cptr, ERR_INPUTTOOLONG); */ } } else if ((IsServer(cptr) && server_dopacket(cptr, readbuf, dolen) == CPTR_KILLED) || (!IsServer(cptr) && connect_dopacket(cptr, readbuf, dolen) == CPTR_KILLED)) return CPTR_KILLED; } } } /* If there's still data to process, wait 2 seconds first */ if (DBufLength(&(cli_recvQ(cptr))) && !NoNewLine(cptr) && !t_onqueue(&(cli_proc(cptr)))) { Debug((DEBUG_LIST, "Adding client process timer for %C", cptr)); cli_freeflag(cptr) |= FREEFLAG_TIMER; timer_add(&(cli_proc(cptr)), client_timer_callback, cli_connect(cptr), TT_RELATIVE, 2); } } return 1; } /** Start a connection to another server. * @param aconf Connect block data for target server. * @param by Client who requested the connection (if any). * @return Non-zero on success; zero on failure. */ int connect_server(struct ConfItem* aconf, struct Client* by) { struct Client* cptr = 0; assert(0 != aconf); if (aconf->dns_pending) { sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Server %s connect DNS pending", aconf->name); return 0; } Debug((DEBUG_NOTICE, "Connect to %s[@%s]", aconf->name, ircd_ntoa(&aconf->address.addr))); if ((cptr = FindClient(aconf->name))) { if (IsServer(cptr) || IsMe(cptr)) { sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Server %s already present from %s", aconf->name, cli_name(cli_from(cptr))); if (by && IsUser(by) && !MyUser(by)) { sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, by, "%C :Server %s already present " "from %s", by, aconf->name, cli_name(cli_from(cptr))); } return 0; } else if (IsHandshake(cptr) || IsConnecting(cptr)) { if (by && IsUser(by)) { sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, by, "%C :Connection to %s already in " "progress", by, cli_name(cptr)); } return 0; } } /* * If we don't know the IP# for this host and it is a hostname and * not a ip# string, then try and find the appropriate host record. */ if (!irc_in_addr_valid(&aconf->address.addr) && !ircd_aton(&aconf->address.addr, aconf->host)) { char buf[HOSTLEN + 1]; host_from_uh(buf, aconf->host, HOSTLEN); gethost_byname(buf, connect_dns_callback, aconf); aconf->dns_pending = 1; return 0; } cptr = make_client(NULL, STAT_UNKNOWN_SERVER); /* * Copy these in so we have something for error detection. */ ircd_strncpy(cli_name(cptr), aconf->name, HOSTLEN); ircd_strncpy(cli_sockhost(cptr), aconf->host, HOSTLEN); /* * Attach config entries to client here rather than in * completed_connection. This to avoid null pointer references */ attach_confs_byhost(cptr, aconf->host, CONF_SERVER); if (!find_conf_byhost(cli_confs(cptr), aconf->host, CONF_SERVER)) { sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Host %s is not enabled for " "connecting: no Connect block", aconf->name); if (by && IsUser(by) && !MyUser(by)) { sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, by, "%C :Connect to host %s failed: no " "Connect block", by, aconf->name); } det_confs_butmask(cptr, 0); free_client(cptr); return 0; } /* * attempt to connect to the server in the conf line */ if (!connect_inet(aconf, cptr)) { if (by && IsUser(by) && !MyUser(by)) { sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, by, "%C :Couldn't connect to %s", by, cli_name(cptr)); } det_confs_butmask(cptr, 0); free_client(cptr); return 0; } /* * NOTE: if we're here we have a valid C:Line and the client should * have started the connection and stored the remote address/port and * ip address name in itself * * The socket has been connected or connect is in progress. */ make_server(cptr); if (by && IsUser(by)) { ircd_snprintf(0, cli_serv(cptr)->by, sizeof(cli_serv(cptr)->by), "%s%s", NumNick(by)); assert(0 == cli_serv(cptr)->user); cli_serv(cptr)->user = cli_user(by); cli_user(by)->refcnt++; } else { *(cli_serv(cptr))->by = '\0'; /* strcpy(cptr->serv->by, "Auto"); */ } cli_serv(cptr)->up = &me; SetConnecting(cptr); if (cli_fd(cptr) > HighestFd) HighestFd = cli_fd(cptr); LocalClientArray[cli_fd(cptr)] = cptr; Count_newunknown(UserStats); /* Actually we lie, the connect hasn't succeeded yet, but we have a valid * cptr, so we register it now. * Maybe these two calls should be merged. */ add_client_to_list(cptr); hAddClient(cptr); /* nextping = CurrentTime; */ return (s_state(&cli_socket(cptr)) == SS_CONNECTED) ? completed_connection(cptr) : 1; } /** Find the real hostname for the host running the server (or one which * matches the server's name) and its primary IP#. Hostname is stored * in the client structure passed as a pointer. */ void init_server_identity(void) { const struct LocalConf* conf = conf_get_local(); assert(0 != conf); ircd_strncpy(cli_name(&me), conf->name, HOSTLEN); SetYXXServerName(&me, conf->numeric); } /** Process events on a client socket. * @param ev Socket event structure that has a struct Connection as * its associated data. */ static void client_sock_callback(struct Event* ev) { struct Client* cptr; struct Connection* con; char *fmt = "%s"; char *fallback = 0; assert(0 != ev_socket(ev)); assert(0 != s_data(ev_socket(ev))); con = (struct Connection*) s_data(ev_socket(ev)); assert(0 != con_client(con) || ev_type(ev) == ET_DESTROY); cptr = con_client(con); assert(0 == cptr || con == cli_connect(cptr)); switch (ev_type(ev)) { case ET_DESTROY: con_freeflag(con) &= ~FREEFLAG_SOCKET; if (!con_freeflag(con) && !cptr) free_connection(con); #if defined(USE_SSL) ssl_free(ev_socket(ev)); #endif break; case ET_CONNECT: /* socket connection completed */ if (!completed_connection(cptr) || IsDead(cptr)) fallback = cli_info(cptr); break; case ET_ERROR: /* an error occurred */ fallback = cli_info(cptr); cli_error(cptr) = ev_data(ev); /* If the OS told us we have a bad file descriptor, we should * record that for future reference. */ if (cli_error(cptr) == EBADF) cli_fd(cptr) = -1; if (s_state(&(con_socket(con))) == SS_CONNECTING) { completed_connection(cptr); /* for some reason, the os_get_sockerr() in completed_connection() * can return 0 even when ev_data(ev) indicates a real error, so * re-assign the client error here. */ cli_error(cptr) = ev_data(ev); break; } /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case ET_EOF: /* end of file on socket */ Debug((DEBUG_ERROR, "READ ERROR: fd = %d %d", cli_fd(cptr), cli_error(cptr))); SetFlag(cptr, FLAG_DEADSOCKET); if ((IsServer(cptr) || IsHandshake(cptr)) && cli_error(cptr) == 0) { exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, "Server %s closed the connection (%s)", cli_name(cptr), cli_serv(cptr)->last_error_msg); return; } else { fmt = "Read error: %s"; fallback = "EOF from client"; } break; case ET_WRITE: /* socket is writable */ ClrFlag(cptr, FLAG_BLOCKED); if (cli_listing(cptr) && MsgQLength(&(cli_sendQ(cptr))) < 2048) list_next_channels(cptr); Debug((DEBUG_SEND, "Sending queued data to %C", cptr)); send_queued(cptr); break; case ET_READ: /* socket is readable */ if (!IsDead(cptr)) { Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "Reading data from %C", cptr)); if (read_packet(cptr, 1) == 0) /* error while reading packet */ fallback = "EOF from client"; } break; default: assert(0 && "Unrecognized socket event in client_sock_callback()"); break; } assert(0 == cptr || 0 == cli_connect(cptr) || con == cli_connect(cptr)); if (fallback) { const char* msg = (cli_error(cptr)) ? strerror(cli_error(cptr)) : fallback; if (!msg) msg = "Unknown error"; exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, fmt, msg); } } /** Process a timer on client socket. * @param ev Timer event that has a struct Connection as its * associated data. */ static void client_timer_callback(struct Event* ev) { struct Client* cptr; struct Connection* con; assert(0 != ev_timer(ev)); assert(0 != t_data(ev_timer(ev))); assert(ET_DESTROY == ev_type(ev) || ET_EXPIRE == ev_type(ev)); con = (struct Connection*) t_data(ev_timer(ev)); assert(0 != con_client(con) || ev_type(ev) == ET_DESTROY); cptr = con_client(con); assert(0 == cptr || con == cli_connect(cptr)); if (ev_type(ev)== ET_DESTROY) { con_freeflag(con) &= ~FREEFLAG_TIMER; /* timer has expired... */ if (!con_freeflag(con) && !cptr) free_connection(con); /* client is being destroyed */ } else { Debug((DEBUG_LIST, "Client process timer for %C expired; processing", cptr)); read_packet(cptr, 0); /* read_packet will re-add timer if needed */ } assert(0 == cptr || 0 == cli_connect(cptr) || con == cli_connect(cptr)); }
/* * nick_from_server() */ static void nick_from_server(struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, char *parv[], time_t newts, const char *svsid, char *nick, char *ngecos) { int samenick = 0; if (IsServer(source_p)) { /* A server introducing a new client, change source */ source_p = make_client(client_p); dlinkAdd(source_p, &source_p->node, &global_client_list); if (parc > 2) source_p->hopcount = atoi(parv[2]); if (newts) source_p->tsinfo = newts; else { newts = source_p->tsinfo = CurrentTime; ts_warn("Remote nick %s (%s) introduced without a TS", nick, parv[0]); } strlcpy(source_p->svid, svsid, sizeof(source_p->svid)); strlcpy(source_p->info, ngecos, sizeof(source_p->info)); /* copy the nick in place */ strlcpy(source_p->name, nick, sizeof(source_p->name)); hash_add_client(source_p); if (parc > 8) { const char *m; /* parse usermodes */ for (m = &parv[4][1]; *m; ++m) { unsigned int flag = user_modes[(unsigned char)*m]; if ((flag & UMODE_INVISIBLE) && !HasUMode(source_p, UMODE_INVISIBLE)) ++Count.invisi; if ((flag & UMODE_OPER) && !HasUMode(source_p, UMODE_OPER)) ++Count.oper; source_p->umodes |= flag & SEND_UMODES; } register_remote_user(source_p, parv[5], parv[6], parv[7], ngecos); return; } } else if (source_p->name[0]) { samenick = !irccmp(source_p->name, nick); /* Client changing their nick */ if (!samenick) { DelUMode(source_p, UMODE_REGISTERED); watch_check_hash(source_p, RPL_LOGOFF); source_p->tsinfo = newts ? newts : CurrentTime; } sendto_common_channels_local(source_p, 1, 0, ":%s!%s@%s NICK :%s", source_p->name,source_p->username, source_p->host, nick); add_history(source_p, 1); sendto_server(client_p, CAP_TS6, NOCAPS, ":%s NICK %s :%lu", ID(source_p), nick, (unsigned long)source_p->tsinfo); sendto_server(client_p, NOCAPS, CAP_TS6, ":%s NICK %s :%lu", source_p->name, nick, (unsigned long)source_p->tsinfo); } /* set the new nick name */ if (source_p->name[0]) hash_del_client(source_p); strlcpy(source_p->name, nick, sizeof(source_p->name)); hash_add_client(source_p); if (!samenick) watch_check_hash(source_p, RPL_LOGON); }
/** Handle a SERVER message from another server. * * \a parv has the following elements: * \li \a parv[1] is the server name * \li \a parv[2] is the hop count to the server * \li \a parv[3] is the start timestamp for the server * \li \a parv[4] is the link timestamp * \li \a parv[5] is the protocol version (P10 or J10) * \li \a parv[6] is the numnick mask for the server * \li \a parv[7] is a string of flags like +hs to mark hubs and services * \li \a parv[\a parc - 1] is the server description * * See @ref m_functions for discussion of the arguments. * @param[in] cptr Client that sent us the message. * @param[in] sptr Original source of message. * @param[in] parc Number of arguments. * @param[in] parv Argument vector. */ int ms_server(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[]) { int i; char* host; struct Client* acptr; struct Client* bcptr; int hop; int ret; unsigned short prot; time_t start_timestamp; time_t timestamp; if (parc < 8) { return need_more_params(sptr, "SERVER"); return exit_client(cptr, cptr, &me, "Need more parameters"); } host = clean_servername(parv[1]); if (!host) { sendto_opmask(0, SNO_OLDSNO, "Bogus server name (%s) from %s", host, cli_name(cptr)); return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, "Bogus server name (%s)", host); } /* * Detect protocol */ hop = atoi(parv[2]); start_timestamp = atoi(parv[3]); timestamp = atoi(parv[4]); prot = parse_protocol(parv[5]); if (!prot) return exit_client_msg(cptr, sptr, &me, "Bogus protocol (%s)", parv[5]); else if (prot < atoi(MINOR_PROTOCOL)) return exit_new_server(cptr, sptr, host, timestamp, "Incompatible protocol: %s", parv[5]); Debug((DEBUG_INFO, "Got SERVER %s with timestamp [%s] age %Tu (%Tu)", host, parv[4], start_timestamp, cli_serv(&me)->timestamp)); if (timestamp < OLDEST_TS) return exit_client_msg(cptr, sptr, &me, "Bogus timestamps (%s %s)", parv[3], parv[4]); if (parv[parc - 1][0] == '\0') return exit_client_msg(cptr, cptr, &me, "No server info specified for %s", host); ret = check_loop_and_lh(cptr, sptr, NULL, host, (parc > 7 ? parv[6] : NULL), timestamp, hop, parv[5][0] == 'J'); if (ret != 1) return ret; /* * Server is informing about a new server behind * this link. Create REMOTE server structure, * add it to list and propagate word to my other * server links... */ acptr = make_client(cptr, STAT_SERVER); make_server(acptr); cli_serv(acptr)->prot = prot; cli_serv(acptr)->timestamp = timestamp; cli_hopcount(acptr) = hop; ircd_strncpy(cli_name(acptr), host, HOSTLEN); ircd_strncpy(cli_info(acptr), parv[parc-1], REALLEN); cli_serv(acptr)->up = sptr; cli_serv(acptr)->updown = add_dlink(&(cli_serv(sptr))->down, acptr); /* Use cptr, because we do protocol 9 -> 10 translation for numeric nicks ! */ SetServerYXX(cptr, acptr, parv[6]); update_uworld_flags(cptr); if (*parv[7] == '+') set_server_flags(acptr, parv[7] + 1); Count_newremoteserver(UserStats); add_client_to_list(acptr); hAddClient(acptr); if (*parv[5] == 'J') { SetBurst(acptr); SetJunction(acptr); for (bcptr = cli_serv(acptr)->up; !IsMe(bcptr); bcptr = cli_serv(bcptr)->up) if (IsBurstOrBurstAck(bcptr)) break; if (IsMe(bcptr)) sendto_opmask(0, SNO_NETWORK, "Net junction: %s %s", cli_name(sptr), cli_name(acptr)); } /* * Old sendto_serv_but_one() call removed because we now need to send * different names to different servers (domain name matching). */ for (i = 0; i <= HighestFd; i++) { if (!(bcptr = LocalClientArray[i]) || !IsServer(bcptr) || bcptr == cptr || IsMe(bcptr)) continue; if (0 == match(cli_name(&me), cli_name(acptr))) continue; sendcmdto_one(sptr, CMD_SERVER, bcptr, "%s %d 0 %s %s %s%s +%s%s%s :%s", cli_name(acptr), hop + 1, parv[4], parv[5], NumServCap(acptr), IsHub(acptr) ? "h" : "", IsService(acptr) ? "s" : "", IsIPv6(acptr) ? "6" : "", cli_info(acptr)); } return 0; }
/* * m_nick * parv[0] = sender prefix * parv[1] = nickname * parv[2] = hopcount when new user; TS when nick change * parv[3] = TS * ---- new user only below ---- * parv[4] = umode * parv[5] = username * parv[6] = hostname * parv[7] = server * parv[8] = serviceid * parv[9] = IP * parv[10] = ircname * -- endif */ int m_nick(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]) { struct simBan *ban; aClient *acptr, *uplink; Link *lp, *lp2; char nick[NICKLEN + 2]; ts_val newts = 0; int sameuser = 0, samenick = 0; if (parc < 2) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN),, parv[0]); return 0; } if (!IsServer(sptr) && IsServer(cptr) && parc > 2) newts = atol(parv[2]); else if (IsServer(sptr) && parc > 3) newts = atol(parv[3]); else parc = 2; /* * parc == 2 on a normal client sign on (local) and a normal client * nick change * parc == 4 on a normal server-to-server client nick change * parc == 11 on a normal TS style server-to-server NICK introduction */ if ((IsServer(sptr) || (parc > 4)) && (parc < 11)) { /* * We got the wrong number of params. Someone is trying to trick * us. Kill it. -ThemBones As discussed with ThemBones, not much * point to this code now sending a whack of global kills would * also be more annoying then its worth, just note the problem, * and continue -Dianora */ sendto_realops("IGNORING BAD NICK: %s[%s@%s] on %s (from %s)", parv[1], (parc >= 6) ? parv[5] : "-", (parc >= 7) ? parv[6] : "-", (parc >= 8) ? parv[7] : "-", parv[0]); return 0; } strncpyzt(nick, parv[1], NICKLEN + 1); /* * if do_nick_name() returns a null name OR if the server sent a * nick name and do_nick_name() changed it in some way (due to rules * of nick creation) then reject it. If from a server and we reject * it, and KILL it. -avalon 4/4/92 */ if (do_nick_name(nick) == 0 || (IsServer(cptr) && strcmp(nick, parv[1]))) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME),, parv[0], parv[1], "Erroneous Nickname"); if (IsServer(cptr)) { ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_realops_lev(DEBUG_LEV, "Bad Nick: %s From: %s Via: %s", parv[1], parv[0], get_client_name(cptr, HIDEME)); sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Bad Nick)",, parv[1],; if (sptr != cptr) { /* bad nick change */ sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Bad Nick)",, parv[0],; sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "BadNick"); } } return 0; } /* * Check against nick name collisions. * * Put this 'if' here so that the nesting goes nicely on the screen * :) We check against server name list before determining if the * nickname is present in the nicklist (due to the way the below * for loop is constructed). -avalon */ do { if ((acptr = find_server(nick, NULL))) if (MyConnect(sptr)) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE),, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick); return 0; } /* * acptr already has result from find_server * Well. unless we have a capricious server on the net, a nick can * never be the same as a server name - Dianora * That's not the only case; maybe someone broke do_nick_name * or changed it so they could use "." in nicks on their network * - sedition */ if (acptr) { /* * We have a nickname trying to use the same name as a * server. Send out a nick collision KILL to remove the * nickname. As long as only a KILL is sent out, there is no * danger of the server being disconnected. Ultimate way to * jupiter a nick ? >;-). -avalon */ sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick collision on %s", sptr->name); ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",, sptr->name,; sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "Nick/Server collision"); } if (!(acptr = find_client(nick, NULL))) break; /* * If acptr == sptr, then we have a client doing a nick change * between *equivalent* nicknames as far as server is concerned * (user is changing the case of his/her nickname or somesuch) */ if (acptr == sptr) { if (strcmp(acptr->name, nick) == 0) return 0; else break; } /* If user is changing nick to itself no point in propogating */ /* * Note: From this point forward it can be assumed that acptr != * sptr (point to different client structures). * * If the older one is "non-person", the new entry is just * allowed to overwrite it. Just silently drop non-person, and * proceed with the nick. This should take care of the "dormant * nick" way of generating collisions... */ if (IsUnknown(acptr)) { if (MyConnect(acptr)) { exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Overridden"); break; } else if (!(acptr->user)) { sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick Collision on %s", parv[1]); sendto_serv_butone(NULL, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",, acptr->name,; acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; /* Having no USER struct should be ok... */ return exit_client(cptr, acptr, &me, "Got TS NICK before Non-TS USER"); } } if (!IsServer(cptr)) { /* * NICK is coming from local client connection. Just send * error reply and ignore the command. * parv[0] is empty on connecting clients */ sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE),, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick); return 0; } /* * NICK was coming from a server connection. Means that the same * nick is registered for different users by different server. * This is either a race condition (two users coming online about * same time, or net reconnecting) or just two net fragments * becoming joined and having same nicks in use. We cannot have * TWO users with same nick--purge this NICK from the system with * a KILL... >;) * * Changed to something reasonable like IsServer(sptr) (true if * "NICK new", false if ":old NICK new") -orabidoo */ if (IsServer(sptr)) { /* * A new NICK being introduced by a neighbouring server (e.g. * message type "NICK new" received) */ if (!newts || !acptr->tsinfo || (newts == acptr->tsinfo)) { sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick collision on %s", parv[1]); ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_one(acptr, err_str(ERR_NICKCOLLISION),, acptr->name, acptr->name); sendto_serv_butone(NULL, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",, acptr->name,; acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; return exit_client(cptr, acptr, &me, "Nick collision"); } else { /* XXX This looks messed up to me XXX - Raist */ sameuser = (acptr->user) && mycmp(acptr->user->username, parv[5]) == 0 && mycmp(acptr->user->host, parv[6]) == 0; if ((sameuser && newts < acptr->tsinfo) || (!sameuser && newts > acptr->tsinfo)) { return 0; } else { sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick collision on %s",parv[1]); ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_one(acptr, err_str(ERR_NICKCOLLISION),, acptr->name, acptr->name); sendto_serv_butone(sptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",, acptr->name,; acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; (void) exit_client(cptr, acptr, &me, "Nick collision"); break; } } } /* * * A NICK change has collided (e.g. message type * ":old NICK * new". This requires more complex cleanout. * Both clients must be * purged from this server, the "new" * must be killed from the * incoming connection, and "old" must * be purged from all outgoing * connections. */ if (!newts || !acptr->tsinfo || (newts == acptr->tsinfo) || !sptr->user) { sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick change collision: %s", parv[1]); ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_one(acptr, err_str(ERR_NICKCOLLISION),, acptr->name, acptr->name); sendto_serv_butone(NULL, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",, sptr->name,; ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_serv_butone(NULL, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",, acptr->name,; acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; (void) exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Nick collision(new)"); sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "Nick collision(old)"); } else { /* XXX This looks messed up XXX */ sameuser = mycmp(acptr->user->username, sptr->user->username) == 0 && mycmp(acptr->user->host, sptr->user->host) == 0; if ((sameuser && newts < acptr->tsinfo) || (!sameuser && newts > acptr->tsinfo)) { if (sameuser) sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick change collision from %s to %s", sptr->name, acptr->name); ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",, sptr->name,; sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; if (sameuser) return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "Nick collision(old)"); else return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "Nick collision(new)"); } else { sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick collision on %s", acptr->name); ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_one(acptr, err_str(ERR_NICKCOLLISION),, acptr->name, acptr->name); sendto_serv_butone(sptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",, acptr->name,; acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; (void) exit_client(cptr, acptr, &me, "Nick collision"); } } } while (0); if (IsServer(sptr)) { uplink = find_server(parv[7], NULL); if(!uplink) { /* if we can't find the server this nick is on, * complain loudly and ignore it. - lucas */ sendto_realops("Remote nick %s on UNKNOWN server %s", nick, parv[7]); return 0; } sptr = make_client(cptr, uplink); /* If this is on a U: lined server, it's a U: lined client. */ if(IsULine(uplink)) sptr->flags|=FLAGS_ULINE; add_client_to_list(sptr); if (parc > 2) sptr->hopcount = atoi(parv[2]); if (newts) { sptr->tsinfo = newts; } else { newts = sptr->tsinfo = (ts_val) timeofday; ts_warn("Remote nick %s introduced without a TS", nick); } /* copy the nick in place */ (void) strcpy(sptr->name, nick); (void) add_to_client_hash_table(nick, sptr); if (parc >= 10) { int *s, flag; char *m; /* parse the usermodes -orabidoo */ m = &parv[4][1]; while (*m) { for (s = user_modes; (flag = *s); s += 2) if (*m == *(s + 1)) { if ((flag == UMODE_o) || (flag == UMODE_O)) Count.oper++; sptr->umode |= flag & SEND_UMODES; break; } m++; } if (parc==10) { return do_user(nick, cptr, sptr, parv[5], parv[6], parv[7], strtoul(parv[8], NULL, 0), "", parv[9]); } else if (parc==11) { return do_user(nick, cptr, sptr, parv[5], parv[6], parv[7], strtoul(parv[8], NULL, 0), parv[9], parv[10]); } } } else if (sptr->name[0]) { #ifdef DONT_CHECK_QLINE_REMOTE if (MyConnect(sptr)) { #endif if ((ban = check_mask_simbanned(nick, SBAN_NICK))) { #ifndef DONT_CHECK_QLINE_REMOTE if (!MyConnect(sptr)) sendto_realops("Restricted nick %s from %s on %s", nick, (*sptr->name != 0 && !IsServer(sptr)) ? sptr->name : "<unregistered>", (sptr->user == NULL) ? ((IsServer(sptr)) ? parv[6] : : sptr->user->server); #endif if (MyConnect(sptr) && (!IsServer(cptr)) && (!IsOper(cptr)) && (!IsULine(sptr))) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME),, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick, BadPtr(ban->reason) ? "Erroneous Nickname" : ban->reason); if (call_hooks(CHOOK_FORBID, cptr, nick, ban) != FLUSH_BUFFER) sendto_realops_lev(REJ_LEV, "Forbidding restricted nick %s from %s", nick, get_client_name(cptr, FALSE)); return 0; } } #ifdef DONT_CHECK_QLINE_REMOTE } #endif if (MyConnect(sptr)) { if (IsRegisteredUser(sptr)) { /* before we change their nick, make sure they're not banned * on any channels, and!! make sure they're not changing to * a banned nick -sed */ /* a little cleaner - lucas */ for (lp = sptr->user->channel; lp; lp = lp->next) { if (can_send(sptr, lp->value.chptr, NULL)) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_BANNICKCHANGE),, sptr->name, lp->value.chptr->chname); return 0; } if (nick_is_banned(lp->value.chptr, nick, sptr) != NULL) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_BANONCHAN),, sptr->name, nick, lp->value.chptr->chname); return 0; } } #ifdef ANTI_NICK_FLOOD if ((sptr->last_nick_change + MAX_NICK_TIME) < NOW) sptr->number_of_nick_changes = 0; sptr->last_nick_change = NOW; sptr->number_of_nick_changes++; if (sptr->number_of_nick_changes > MAX_NICK_CHANGES && !IsAnOper(sptr)) { sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Notice -- Too many nick " "changes. Wait %d seconds before trying again.",, sptr->name, MAX_NICK_TIME); return 0; } #endif /* If it changed nicks, -r it */ if ((sptr->umode & UMODE_r) && (mycmp(parv[0], nick) != 0)) { unsigned int oldumode; char mbuf[BUFSIZE]; oldumode = sptr->umode; sptr->umode &= ~UMODE_r; send_umode(sptr, sptr, oldumode, ALL_UMODES, mbuf); } /* LOCAL NICKHANGE */ /* * Client just changing his/her nick. If he/she is on a * channel, send note of change to all clients on that channel. * Propagate notice to other servers. */ /* if the nickname is different, set the TS */ if (mycmp(parv[0], nick)) { sptr->tsinfo = newts ? newts : (ts_val) timeofday; } sendto_common_channels(sptr, ":%s NICK :%s", parv[0], nick); if (sptr->user) { add_history(sptr, 1); sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s NICK %s :%ld", parv[0], nick, sptr->tsinfo); } } } else { /* REMOTE NICKCHANGE */ /* * Client just changing his/her nick. If he/she is on a * channel, send note of change to all clients on that channel. * Propagate notice to other servers. */ /* if the nickname is different, set the TS */ if (mycmp(parv[0], nick)) { sptr->tsinfo = newts ? newts : (ts_val) timeofday; } sendto_common_channels(sptr, ":%s NICK :%s", parv[0], nick); if (sptr->user) { add_history(sptr, 1); sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s NICK %s :%ld", parv[0], nick, sptr->tsinfo); } /* If it changed nicks, -r it */ if (mycmp(parv[0], nick)) sptr->umode &= ~UMODE_r; /* * Flush the banserial for the channels the user is in, since this * could be a SVSNICK induced nick change, which overrides any ban * checking on the originating server. */ flush_user_banserial(sptr); } /* Remove dccallow entries for users who don't share common channel(s) unless they only change their nick capitalization -Kobi_S */ if(sptr->user && mycmp(parv[0], nick)) { for(lp = sptr->user->dccallow; lp; lp = lp2) { lp2 = lp->next; if(lp->flags == DCC_LINK_ME) continue; if(!find_shared_chan(sptr, lp->value.cptr)) { sendto_one(lp->value.cptr, ":%s %d %s :%s has been removed from " "your DCC allow list for signing off",, RPL_DCCINFO, lp->value.cptr->name, parv[0]); del_dccallow(lp->value.cptr, sptr, 1); } } } } else { /* Client setting NICK the first time */ if (MyConnect(sptr)) { if ((ban = check_mask_simbanned(nick, SBAN_NICK))) { if (MyConnect(sptr) && (!IsServer(cptr)) && (!IsOper(cptr)) && (!IsULine(sptr))) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME),, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick, BadPtr(ban->reason) ? "Erroneous Nickname" : ban->reason); if (call_hooks(CHOOK_FORBID, cptr, nick, ban) != FLUSH_BUFFER) sendto_realops_lev(REJ_LEV, "Forbidding restricted nick %s from %s", nick, get_client_name(cptr, FALSE)); return 0; } } } strcpy(sptr->name, nick); sptr->tsinfo = timeofday; if (sptr->user) { /* USER already received, now we have NICK */ if (register_user(cptr, sptr, nick, sptr->user->username, NULL) == FLUSH_BUFFER) return FLUSH_BUFFER; } } /* Finally set new nick name. */ if (sptr->name[0]) { del_from_client_hash_table(sptr->name, sptr); samenick = mycmp(sptr->name, nick) ? 0 : 1; if (IsPerson(sptr)) { if (!samenick) hash_check_watch(sptr, RPL_LOGOFF); #ifdef RWHO_PROBABILITY probability_change(sptr->name, nick); #endif } } strcpy(sptr->name, nick); add_to_client_hash_table(nick, sptr); if (IsPerson(sptr) && !samenick) hash_check_watch(sptr, RPL_LOGON); return 0; }
void MyDataImporter::run() { try{ string buffer; string ndays; ifstream inputFile(_conf_file.c_str()); if (inputFile) { inputFile >> ndays; // inputFile.getline(); _num_days = atoi(ndays.c_str()); cout << "number of days: " << _num_days << endl; int progress=1; getline(inputFile,buffer); getline(inputFile,buffer); while (!inputFile.eof()) { // cout << "buffer: \"" << buffer << "\"" << endl; if (buffer.find("CLIENTS")<string::npos) { // cout << "client section" << endl; progress = 1; getline(inputFile,buffer); continue; } if (buffer.find("REQUESTS")<string::npos) { // cout << "request section" << endl; progress = 2; getline(inputFile,buffer); continue; } if (buffer.find("NURSES")<string::npos) // if (buffer[0]=='N') { // cout << "nurse section" << endl; progress = 3; getline(inputFile,buffer); continue; } switch (progress) { case 1: //cout << "making client" << endl; make_client(buffer); break; case 2: make_request(buffer); break; case 3: make_nurse(buffer); break; } getline(inputFile,buffer); } make_nurse(buffer); } else { throw Error(0,"cannot open data file",0); } vector<double> dists; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_coords.size();i++) { for (unsigned int j=0; j<_coords.size(); j++) { dists.push_back(10*sqrt(pow((_coords[j].first-_coords[i].first),2.0)+pow((_coords[j].second-_coords[i].second),2.0))); } } _distance_matrix = new DistanceMatrix(_ids,dists); } catch (Error& e)
/* ** m_nick ** parv[0] = sender prefix ** parv[1] = nickname ** if from new client -taz ** parv[2] = nick password ** if from server: ** parv[2] = hopcount ** parv[3] = timestamp ** parv[4] = username ** parv[5] = hostname ** parv[6] = servername ** if NICK version 1: ** parv[7] = servicestamp ** parv[8] = info ** if NICK version 2: ** parv[7] = servicestamp ** parv[8] = umodes ** parv[9] = virthost, * if none ** parv[10] = info ** if NICKIP: ** parv[10] = ip ** parv[11] = info */ DLLFUNC CMD_FUNC(m_nick) { aTKline *tklban; int ishold; aClient *acptr, *serv = NULL; aClient *acptrs; char nick[NICKLEN + 2], *s; Membership *mp; time_t lastnick = (time_t) 0; int differ = 1, update_watch = 1; unsigned char newusr = 0, removemoder = 1; /* * If the user didn't specify a nickname, complain */ if (parc < 2) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN),, parv[0]); return 0; } strncpyzt(nick, parv[1], NICKLEN + 1); if (MyConnect(sptr) && sptr->user && !IsAnOper(sptr)) { if ((sptr->user->flood.nick_c >= NICK_COUNT) && (TStime() - sptr->user->flood.nick_t < NICK_PERIOD)) { /* Throttle... */ sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NCHANGETOOFAST),, sptr->name, nick, (int)(NICK_PERIOD - (TStime() - sptr->user->flood.nick_t))); return 0; } } /* For a local clients, do proper nickname checking via do_nick_name() * and reject the nick if it returns false. * For remote clients, do a quick check by using do_remote_nick_name(), * if this returned false then reject and kill it. -- Syzop */ if ((IsServer(cptr) && !do_remote_nick_name(nick)) || (!IsServer(cptr) && !do_nick_name(nick))) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME),, parv[0], parv[1], "Illegal characters"); if (IsServer(cptr)) { ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_failops("Bad Nick: %s From: %s %s", parv[1], parv[0], get_client_name(cptr, FALSE)); sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (%s <- %s[%s])",, parv[1],, parv[1], nick, cptr->name); if (sptr != cptr) { /* bad nick change */ sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (%s <- %s!%s@%s)",, parv[0],, get_client_name(cptr, FALSE), parv[0], sptr->user ? sptr->username : "", sptr->user ? sptr->user->server : cptr->name); sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "BadNick"); } } return 0; } /* Kill quarantined opers early... */ if (IsServer(cptr) && (sptr->from->flags & FLAGS_QUARANTINE) && (parc >= 11) && strchr(parv[8], 'o')) { ircstp->is_kill++; /* Send kill to uplink only, hasn't been broadcasted to the rest, anyway */ sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Quarantined: no global oper privileges allowed)",, parv[1],; sendto_realops("QUARANTINE: Oper %s on server %s killed, due to quarantine", parv[1], sptr->name); /* (nothing to exit_client or to free, since user was never added) */ return 0; } /* ** Protocol 4 doesn't send the server as prefix, so it is possible ** the server doesn't exist (a lagged net.burst), in which case ** we simply need to ignore the NICK. Also when we got that server ** name (again) but from another direction. --Run */ /* ** We should really only deal with this for msgs from servers. ** -- Aeto */ if (IsServer(cptr) && (parc > 7 && (!(serv = (aClient *)find_server_b64_or_real(parv[6])) || serv->from != cptr->from))) { sendto_realops("Cannot find server %s (%s)", parv[6], backupbuf); return 0; } /* ** Check against nick name collisions. ** ** Put this 'if' here so that the nesting goes nicely on the screen :) ** We check against server name list before determining if the nickname ** is present in the nicklist (due to the way the below for loop is ** constructed). -avalon */ /* I managed to f**k this up i guess --stskeeps */ if ((acptr = find_server(nick, NULL))) { if (MyConnect(sptr)) { #ifdef GUEST if (IsUnknown(sptr)) { RunHook4(HOOKTYPE_GUEST, cptr, sptr, parc, parv); return 0; } #endif sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE),, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick); return 0; /* NICK message ignored */ } } /* ** Check for a Q-lined nickname. If we find it, and it's our ** client, just reject it. -Lefler ** Allow opers to use Q-lined nicknames. -Russell */ if (!stricmp("ircd", nick)) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME),, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick, "Reserved for internal IRCd purposes"); return 0; } if (!stricmp("irc", nick)) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME),, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick, "Reserved for internal IRCd purposes"); return 0; } if (MyClient(sptr)) /* local client changin nick afterwards.. */ { int xx; spamfilter_build_user_string(spamfilter_user, nick, sptr); xx = dospamfilter(sptr, spamfilter_user, SPAMF_USER, NULL, 0, NULL); if (xx < 0) return xx; } if (!IsULine(sptr) && (tklban = find_qline(sptr, nick, &ishold))) { if (IsServer(sptr) && !ishold) /* server introducing new client */ { acptrs = (aClient *)find_server_b64_or_real(sptr->user == NULL ? (char *)parv[6] : (char *)sptr->user-> server); /* (NEW: no unregistered q:line msgs anymore during linking) */ if (!acptrs || (acptrs->serv && acptrs->serv->flags.synced)) sendto_snomask(SNO_QLINE, "Q:lined nick %s from %s on %s", nick, (*sptr->name != 0 && !IsServer(sptr) ? sptr->name : "<unregistered>"), acptrs ? acptrs->name : "unknown server"); } if (IsServer(cptr) && IsPerson(sptr) && !ishold) /* remote user changing nick */ { sendto_snomask(SNO_QLINE, "Q:lined nick %s from %s on %s", nick, sptr->name, sptr->srvptr ? sptr->srvptr->name : "<unknown>"); } if (!IsServer(cptr)) /* local */ { if (ishold) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME),, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick, tklban->reason); return 0; } if (!IsOper(cptr)) { sptr->since += 4; /* lag them up */ sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME),, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick, tklban->reason); sendto_snomask(SNO_QLINE, "Forbidding Q-lined nick %s from %s.", nick, get_client_name(cptr, FALSE)); return 0; /* NICK message ignored */ } } } /* ** acptr already has result from previous find_server() */ if (acptr) { /* ** We have a nickname trying to use the same name as ** a server. Send out a nick collision KILL to remove ** the nickname. As long as only a KILL is sent out, ** there is no danger of the server being disconnected. ** Ultimate way to jupiter a nick ? >;-). -avalon */ sendto_failops("Nick collision on %s(%s <- %s)", sptr->name, acptr->from->name, get_client_name(cptr, FALSE)); ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (%s <- %s)",, sptr->name,, acptr->from->name, /* NOTE: Cannot use get_client_name ** twice here, it returns static ** string pointer--the other info ** would be lost */ get_client_name(cptr, FALSE)); sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "Nick/Server collision"); } if (MyClient(cptr) && !IsOper(cptr)) cptr->since += 3; /* Nick-flood prot. -Donwulff */ if (!(acptr = find_client(nick, NULL))) goto nickkilldone; /* No collisions, all clear... */ /* ** If the older one is "non-person", the new entry is just ** allowed to overwrite it. Just silently drop non-person, ** and proceed with the nick. This should take care of the ** "dormant nick" way of generating collisions... */ /* Moved before Lost User Field to fix some bugs... -- Barubary */ if (IsUnknown(acptr) && MyConnect(acptr)) { /* This may help - copying code below */ if (acptr == cptr) return 0; acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Overridden"); goto nickkilldone; } /* A sanity check in the user field... */ if (acptr->user == NULL) { /* This is a Bad Thing */ sendto_failops("Lost user field for %s in change from %s", acptr->name, get_client_name(cptr, FALSE)); ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_one(acptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Lost user field!)",, acptr->name,; acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; /* Here's the previous versions' desynch. If the old one is messed up, trash the old one and accept the new one. Remember - at this point there is a new nick coming in! Handle appropriately. -- Barubary */ exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Lost user field"); goto nickkilldone; } /* ** If acptr == sptr, then we have a client doing a nick ** change between *equivalent* nicknames as far as server ** is concerned (user is changing the case of his/her ** nickname or somesuch) */ if (acptr == sptr) { if (strcmp(acptr->name, nick) != 0) { /* Allows change of case in his/her nick */ removemoder = 0; /* don't set the user -r */ goto nickkilldone; /* -- go and process change */ } else /* ** This is just ':old NICK old' type thing. ** Just forget the whole thing here. There is ** no point forwarding it to anywhere, ** especially since servers prior to this ** version would treat it as nick collision. */ return 0; /* NICK Message ignored */ } /* ** Note: From this point forward it can be assumed that ** acptr != sptr (point to different client structures). */ /* ** Decide, we really have a nick collision and deal with it */ if (!IsServer(cptr)) { /* ** NICK is coming from local client connection. Just ** send error reply and ignore the command. */ #ifdef GUEST if (IsUnknown(sptr)) { RunHook4(HOOKTYPE_GUEST, cptr, sptr, parc, parv); return 0; } #endif sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE), /* parv[0] is empty when connecting */, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick); return 0; /* NICK message ignored */ } /* ** NICK was coming from a server connection. ** This means we have a race condition (two users signing on ** at the same time), or two net fragments reconnecting with ** the same nick. ** The latter can happen because two different users connected ** or because one and the same user switched server during a ** net break. ** If we have the old protocol (no TimeStamp and no user@host) ** or if the TimeStamps are equal, we kill both (or only 'new' ** if it was a "NICK new"). Otherwise we kill the youngest ** when user@host differ, or the oldest when they are the same. ** --Run ** */ if (IsServer(sptr)) { /* ** A new NICK being introduced by a neighbouring ** server (e.g. message type "NICK new" received) */ if (parc > 3) { lastnick = TS2ts(parv[3]); if (parc > 5) differ = (mycmp(acptr->user->username, parv[4]) || mycmp(acptr->user->realhost, parv[5])); } sendto_failops("Nick collision on %s (%s %ld <- %s %ld)", acptr->name, acptr->from->name, acptr->lastnick, cptr->name, lastnick); /* ** I'm putting the KILL handling here just to make it easier ** to read, it's hard to follow it the way it used to be. ** Basically, this is what it will do. It will kill both ** users if no timestamp is given, or they are equal. It will ** kill the user on our side if the other server is "correct" ** (user@host differ and their user is older, or user@host are ** the same and their user is younger), otherwise just kill the ** user an reintroduce our correct user. ** The old code just sat there and "hoped" the other server ** would kill their user. Not anymore. ** -- binary */ if (!(parc > 3) || (acptr->lastnick == lastnick)) { ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_serv_butone(NULL, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",, acptr->name,; acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; (void)exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Nick collision with no timestamp/equal timestamps"); return 0; /* We killed both users, now stop the process. */ } if ((differ && (acptr->lastnick > lastnick)) || (!differ && (acptr->lastnick < lastnick)) || acptr->from == cptr) /* we missed a QUIT somewhere ? */ { ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",, acptr->name,; acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; (void)exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Nick collision"); goto nickkilldone; /* OK, we got rid of the "wrong" user, ** now we're going to add the user the ** other server introduced. */ } if ((differ && (acptr->lastnick < lastnick)) || (!differ && (acptr->lastnick > lastnick))) { /* * Introduce our "correct" user to the other server */ sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",, parv[1],; send_umode(NULL, acptr, 0, SEND_UMODES, buf); sendto_one_nickcmd(cptr, acptr, buf); if (acptr->user->away) sendto_one(cptr, ":%s AWAY :%s", acptr->name, acptr->user->away); send_user_joins(cptr, acptr); return 0; /* Ignore the NICK */ } return 0; } else { /* ** A NICK change has collided (e.g. message type ":old NICK new"). */ if (parc > 2) lastnick = TS2ts(parv[2]); differ = (mycmp(acptr->user->username, sptr->user->username) || mycmp(acptr->user->realhost, sptr->user->realhost)); sendto_failops ("Nick change collision from %s to %s (%s %ld <- %s %ld)", sptr->name, acptr->name, acptr->from->name, acptr->lastnick, sptr->from->name, lastnick); if (!(parc > 2) || lastnick == acptr->lastnick) { ircstp->is_kill += 2; sendto_serv_butone(NULL, /* First kill the new nick. */ ":%s KILL %s :%s (Self Collision)",, acptr->name,; sendto_serv_butone(cptr, /* Tell my servers to kill the old */ ":%s KILL %s :%s (Self Collision)",, sptr->name,; sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; (void)exit_client(NULL, sptr, &me, "Self Collision"); (void)exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Self Collision"); return 0; /* Now that I killed them both, ignore the NICK */ } if ((differ && (acptr->lastnick > lastnick)) || (!differ && (acptr->lastnick < lastnick))) { /* sptr (their user) won, let's kill acptr (our user) */ ircstp->is_kill++; sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick collision: %s <- %s)",, acptr->name,, acptr->from->name, sptr->from->name); acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; (void)exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Nick collision"); goto nickkilldone; /* their user won, introduce new nick */ } if ((differ && (acptr->lastnick < lastnick)) || (!differ && (acptr->lastnick > lastnick))) { /* acptr (our user) won, let's kill sptr (their user), ** and reintroduce our "correct" user */ ircstp->is_kill++; /* Kill the user trying to change their nick. */ sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick collision: %s <- %s)",, sptr->name,, sptr->from->name, acptr->from->name); sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED; (void)exit_client(NULL, sptr, &me, "Nick collision"); /* * Introduce our "correct" user to the other server */ /* Kill their user. */ sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",, parv[1],; send_umode(NULL, acptr, 0, SEND_UMODES, buf); sendto_one_nickcmd(cptr, acptr, buf); if (acptr->user->away) sendto_one(cptr, ":%s AWAY :%s", acptr->name, acptr->user->away); send_user_joins(cptr, acptr); return 0; /* their user lost, ignore the NICK */ } } return 0; /* just in case */ nickkilldone: if (IsServer(sptr)) { /* A server introducing a new client, change source */ sptr = make_client(cptr, serv); add_client_to_list(sptr); if (parc > 2) sptr->hopcount = TS2ts(parv[2]); if (parc > 3) sptr->lastnick = TS2ts(parv[3]); else /* Little bit better, as long as not all upgraded */ sptr->lastnick = TStime(); if (sptr->lastnick < 0) { sendto_realops ("Negative timestamp recieved from %s, resetting to TStime (%s)", cptr->name, backupbuf); sptr->lastnick = TStime(); } newusr = 1; } else if (sptr->name[0] && IsPerson(sptr)) { /* ** If the client belongs to me, then check to see ** if client is currently on any channels where it ** is currently banned. If so, do not allow the nick ** change to occur. ** Also set 'lastnick' to current time, if changed. */ if (MyClient(sptr)) { for (mp = sptr->user->channel; mp; mp = mp->next) { if (!is_skochanop(sptr, mp->chptr) && is_banned(sptr, mp->chptr, BANCHK_NICK)) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_BANNICKCHANGE),, parv[0], mp->chptr->chname); return 0; } if (CHECK_TARGET_NICK_BANS && !is_skochanop(sptr, mp->chptr) && is_banned_with_nick(sptr, mp->chptr, BANCHK_NICK, nick)) { sendto_one(sptr, ":%s 437 %s %s :Cannot change to a nickname banned on channel",, parv[0], mp->chptr->chname); return 0; } if (!IsOper(sptr) && !IsULine(sptr) && mp->chptr->mode.mode & MODE_NONICKCHANGE && !is_chanownprotop(sptr, mp->chptr)) { sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NONICKCHANGE),, parv[0], mp->chptr->chname); return 0; } } if (TStime() - sptr->user->flood.nick_t >= NICK_PERIOD) { sptr->user->flood.nick_t = TStime(); sptr->user->flood.nick_c = 1; } else sptr->user->flood.nick_c++; sendto_snomask(SNO_NICKCHANGE, "*** Notice -- %s (%s@%s) has changed his/her nickname to %s", sptr->name, sptr->user->username, sptr->user->realhost, nick); RunHook2(HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_NICKCHANGE, sptr, nick); } else { if (!IsULine(sptr)) sendto_snomask(SNO_FNICKCHANGE, "*** Notice -- %s (%s@%s) has changed his/her nickname to %s", sptr->name, sptr->user->username, sptr->user->realhost, nick); RunHook3(HOOKTYPE_REMOTE_NICKCHANGE, cptr, sptr, nick); } /* * Client just changing his/her nick. If he/she is * on a channel, send note of change to all clients * on that channel. Propagate notice to other servers. */ if (mycmp(parv[0], nick) || /* Next line can be removed when all upgraded --Run */ (!MyClient(sptr) && parc > 2 && TS2ts(parv[2]) < sptr->lastnick)) sptr->lastnick = (MyClient(sptr) || parc < 3) ? TStime() : TS2ts(parv[2]); if (sptr->lastnick < 0) { sendto_realops("Negative timestamp (%s)", backupbuf); sptr->lastnick = TStime(); } add_history(sptr, 1); sendto_common_channels(sptr, ":%s NICK :%s", parv[0], nick); sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, parv[0], MSG_NICK, TOK_NICK, "%s %ld", nick, sptr->lastnick); if (removemoder) sptr->umodes &= ~UMODE_REGNICK; } else if (!sptr->name[0]) { #ifdef NOSPOOF /* * Client setting NICK the first time. * * Generate a random string for them to pong with. */ sptr->nospoof = getrandom32(); if (PINGPONG_WARNING) sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** If you are having problems" " connecting due to ping timeouts, please" " type /quote pong %X or /raw pong %X now.",, nick, sptr->nospoof, sptr->nospoof); sendto_one(sptr, "PING :%X", sptr->nospoof); #endif /* NOSPOOF */ #ifdef CONTACT_EMAIL sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** If you need assistance with a" " connection problem, please email " CONTACT_EMAIL " with the name and version of the client you are" " using, and the server you tried to connect to: %s",, nick,; #endif /* CONTACT_EMAIL */ #ifdef CONTACT_URL sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** If you need assistance with" " connecting to this server, %s, please refer to: " CONTACT_URL,, nick,; #endif /* CONTACT_URL */ /* Copy password to the passwd field if it's given after NICK * - originally by taz, modified by Wizzu */ if ((parc > 2) && (strlen(parv[2]) <= PASSWDLEN) && !(sptr->listener->umodes & LISTENER_JAVACLIENT)) { if (sptr->passwd) MyFree(sptr->passwd); sptr->passwd = MyMalloc(strlen(parv[2]) + 1); (void)strcpy(sptr->passwd, parv[2]); } /* This had to be copied here to avoid problems.. */ (void)strcpy(sptr->name, nick); if (sptr->user && IsNotSpoof(sptr)) { /* ** USER already received, now we have NICK. ** *NOTE* For servers "NICK" *must* precede the ** user message (giving USER before NICK is possible ** only for local client connection!). register_user ** may reject the client and call exit_client for it ** --must test this and exit m_nick too!!! */ #ifndef NOSPOOF if (USE_BAN_VERSION && MyConnect(sptr)) sendto_one(sptr, ":IRC!IRC@%s PRIVMSG %s :\1VERSION\1",, nick); #endif sptr->lastnick = TStime(); /* Always local client */ if (register_user(cptr, sptr, nick, sptr->user->username, NULL, NULL, NULL) == FLUSH_BUFFER) return FLUSH_BUFFER; strcpy(nick, sptr->name); /* don't ask, but I need this. do not remove! -- Syzop */ update_watch = 0; newusr = 1; } } /* * Finally set new nick name. */ if (update_watch && sptr->name[0]) { (void)del_from_client_hash_table(sptr->name, sptr); if (IsPerson(sptr)) hash_check_watch(sptr, RPL_LOGOFF); } (void)strcpy(sptr->name, nick); (void)add_to_client_hash_table(nick, sptr); if (IsServer(cptr) && parc > 7) { parv[3] = nick; do_cmd(cptr, sptr, "USER", parc - 3, &parv[3]); if (GotNetInfo(cptr) && !IsULine(sptr)) sendto_fconnectnotice(sptr->name, sptr->user, sptr, 0, NULL); } else if (IsPerson(sptr) && update_watch) hash_check_watch(sptr, RPL_LOGON); #ifdef NEWCHFLOODPROT if (sptr->user && !newusr && !IsULine(sptr)) { for (mp = sptr->user->channel; mp; mp = mp->next) { aChannel *chptr = mp->chptr; if (chptr && !(mp->flags & (CHFL_CHANOP|CHFL_VOICE|CHFL_CHANOWNER|CHFL_HALFOP|CHFL_CHANPROT)) && chptr->mode.floodprot && do_chanflood(chptr->mode.floodprot, FLD_NICK) && MyClient(sptr)) { do_chanflood_action(chptr, FLD_NICK, "nick"); } } } #endif if (newusr && !MyClient(sptr) && IsPerson(sptr)) { RunHook(HOOKTYPE_REMOTE_CONNECT, sptr); } return 0; }
void manage_window(xcb_window_t win, rule_consequence_t *csq, int fd) { monitor_t *m = mon; desktop_t *d = mon->desk; node_t *f = mon->desk->focus; parse_rule_consequence(fd, csq); if (!csq->manage) { free(csq->layer); free(csq->state); window_show(win); return; } if (csq->node_desc[0] != '\0') { coordinates_t ref = {m, d, f}; coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (node_from_desc(csq->node_desc, &ref, &trg) == SELECTOR_OK) { m = trg.monitor; d = trg.desktop; f = trg.node; } } else if (csq->desktop_desc[0] != '\0') { coordinates_t ref = {m, d, NULL}; coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (desktop_from_desc(csq->desktop_desc, &ref, &trg) == SELECTOR_OK) { m = trg.monitor; d = trg.desktop; f = trg.desktop->focus; } } else if (csq->monitor_desc[0] != '\0') { coordinates_t ref = {m, NULL, NULL}; coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (monitor_from_desc(csq->monitor_desc, &ref, &trg) == SELECTOR_OK) { m = trg.monitor; d = trg.monitor->desk; f = trg.monitor->desk->focus; } } if (csq->sticky) { m = mon; d = mon->desk; f = mon->desk->focus; } if (csq->split_dir[0] != '\0' && f != NULL) { direction_t dir; if (parse_direction(csq->split_dir, &dir)) { presel_dir(m, d, f, dir); } } if (csq->split_ratio != 0 && f != NULL) { presel_ratio(m, d, f, csq->split_ratio); } node_t *n = make_node(win); client_t *c = make_client(); c->border_width = csq->border ? d->border_width : 0; n->client = c; initialize_client(n); initialize_floating_rectangle(n); if (c->floating_rectangle.x == 0 && c->floating_rectangle.y == 0) { csq->center = true; } monitor_t *mm = monitor_from_client(c); embrace_client(mm, c); adapt_geometry(&mm->rectangle, &m->rectangle, n); if (csq->center) { window_center(m, c); } snprintf(c->class_name, sizeof(c->class_name), "%s", csq->class_name); snprintf(c->instance_name, sizeof(c->instance_name), "%s", csq->instance_name); f = insert_node(m, d, n, f); clients_count++; put_status(SBSC_MASK_NODE_MANAGE, "node_manage 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08X\n", m->id, d->id, win, f!=NULL?f->id:0); if (f != NULL && f->client != NULL && csq->state != NULL && *(csq->state) == STATE_FLOATING) { c->layer = f->client->layer; } if (csq->layer != NULL) { c->layer = *(csq->layer); } if (csq->state != NULL) { set_state(m, d, n, *(csq->state)); } set_hidden(m, d, n, csq->hidden); set_sticky(m, d, n, csq->sticky); set_private(m, d, n, csq->private); set_locked(m, d, n, csq->locked); arrange(m, d); uint32_t values[] = {CLIENT_EVENT_MASK | (focus_follows_pointer ? XCB_EVENT_MASK_ENTER_WINDOW : 0)}; xcb_change_window_attributes(dpy, win, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values); if (d == m->desk) { show_node(d, n); } else { hide_node(d, n); } if (!csq->hidden && csq->focus) { if (d == mon->desk || csq->follow) { focus_node(m, d, n); } else { activate_node(m, d, n); } } else { stack(d, n, false); } ewmh_set_wm_desktop(n, d); ewmh_update_client_list(false); free(csq->layer); free(csq->state); }
void manage_window(xcb_window_t win, rule_consequence_t *csq, int fd) { monitor_t *m = mon; desktop_t *d = mon->desk; node_t *f = mon->desk->focus; parse_rule_consequence(fd, csq); if (!csq->manage) { free(csq->layer); free(csq->state); window_show(win); return; } if (csq->node_desc[0] != '\0') { coordinates_t ref = {m, d, f}; coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (node_from_desc(csq->node_desc, &ref, &trg)) { m = trg.monitor; d = trg.desktop; f = trg.node; } } else if (csq->desktop_desc[0] != '\0') { coordinates_t ref = {m, d, NULL}; coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (desktop_from_desc(csq->desktop_desc, &ref, &trg)) { m = trg.monitor; d = trg.desktop; f = trg.desktop->focus; } } else if (csq->monitor_desc[0] != '\0') { coordinates_t ref = {m, NULL, NULL}; coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; if (monitor_from_desc(csq->monitor_desc, &ref, &trg)) { m = trg.monitor; d = trg.monitor->desk; f = trg.monitor->desk->focus; } } if (csq->sticky) { m = mon; d = mon->desk; f = mon->desk->focus; } if (csq->split_dir[0] != '\0' && f != NULL) { direction_t dir; if (parse_direction(csq->split_dir, &dir)) { presel_dir(m, d, f, dir); } } if (csq->split_ratio != 0 && f != NULL) { presel_ratio(m, d, f, csq->split_ratio); } node_t *n = make_node(win); client_t *c = make_client(); c->border_width = csq->border ? d->border_width : 0; n->client = c; initialize_client(n); update_floating_rectangle(n); if (c->floating_rectangle.x == 0 && c->floating_rectangle.y == 0) { csq->center = true; } c->min_width = csq->min_width; c->max_width = csq->max_width; c->min_height = csq->min_height; c->max_height = csq->max_height; monitor_t *mm = monitor_from_client(c); embrace_client(mm, c); adapt_geometry(&mm->rectangle, &m->rectangle, n); if (csq->center) { window_center(m, c); } snprintf(c->class_name, sizeof(c->class_name), "%s", csq->class_name); snprintf(c->instance_name, sizeof(c->instance_name), "%s", csq->instance_name); f = insert_node(m, d, n, f); clients_count++; put_status(SBSC_MASK_NODE_MANAGE, "node_manage %s %s 0x%X 0x%X\n", m->name, d->name, win, f!=NULL?f->id:0); if (f != NULL && f->client != NULL && csq->state != NULL && *(csq->state) == STATE_FLOATING) { c->last_layer = c->layer = f->client->layer; } if (csq->layer != NULL) { c->last_layer = c->layer = *(csq->layer); } if (csq->state != NULL) { set_state(m, d, n, *(csq->state)); c->last_state = c->state; } set_locked(m, d, n, csq->locked); set_sticky(m, d, n, csq->sticky); set_private(m, d, n, csq->private); arrange(m, d); bool give_focus = (csq->focus && (d == mon->desk || csq->follow)); if (give_focus) { focus_node(m, d, n); } else if (csq->focus) { activate_node(m, d, n); } else { stack(d, n, false); } uint32_t values[] = {CLIENT_EVENT_MASK | (focus_follows_pointer ? XCB_EVENT_MASK_ENTER_WINDOW : 0)}; xcb_change_window_attributes(dpy, win, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values); if (d == m->desk) { window_show(n->id); } else { window_hide(n->id); } /* the same function is already called in `focus_node` but has no effects on unmapped windows */ if (give_focus) { xcb_set_input_focus(dpy, XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_POINTER_ROOT, win, XCB_CURRENT_TIME); } ewmh_set_wm_desktop(n, d); ewmh_update_client_list(false); free(csq->layer); free(csq->state); }
/* * add_connection - creates a client which has just connected to us on * the given fd. The sockhost field is initialized with the ip# of the host. * An unique id is calculated now, in case it is needed for auth. * The client is sent to the auth module for verification, and not put in * any client list yet. */ void add_connection(struct Listener *listener, struct irc_ssaddr *irn, int fd) { struct Client *new_client; assert(NULL != listener); new_client = make_client(NULL); fd_open(&new_client->localClient->fd, fd, 1, (listener->flags & LISTENER_SSL) ? "Incoming SSL connection" : "Incoming connection"); /* * copy address to 'sockhost' as a string, copy it to host too * so we have something valid to put into error messages... */ memcpy(&new_client->ip, irn, sizeof(struct irc_ssaddr)); irc_getnameinfo((struct sockaddr*)&new_client->ip, new_client->ip.ss_len, new_client->sockhost, HOSTIPLEN, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); new_client->aftype = new_client->; #ifdef IPV6 if (new_client->sockhost[0] == ':') strlcat(new_client->host, "0", HOSTLEN+1); if (new_client->aftype == AF_INET6 && ConfigFileEntry.dot_in_ip6_addr == 1) { strlcat(new_client->host, new_client->sockhost,HOSTLEN+1); strlcat(new_client->host, ".", HOSTLEN+1); } else #endif strlcat(new_client->host, new_client->sockhost,HOSTLEN+1); new_client->connect_id = ++connect_id; new_client->localClient->listener = listener; ++listener->ref_count; #ifdef HAVE_LIBCRYPTO if (listener->flags & LISTENER_SSL) { if ((new_client->localClient->fd.ssl = SSL_new(ServerInfo.ctx)) == NULL) { ilog(L_CRIT, "SSL_new() ERROR! -- %s", ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL)); SetDead(new_client); exit_client(new_client, new_client, "SSL_new failed"); return; } SSL_set_fd(new_client->localClient->fd.ssl, fd); ssl_handshake(0, new_client); } else #endif execute_callback(auth_cb, new_client); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int status, maxfd, i, fd, added; struct Client *c; memset(clients, 0, sizeof(struct Client *)*MAX_CLIENTS); if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <port>\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } setup_and_listen(argv[1]); while(1) { FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_SET(server->fd, &rfds); maxfd = server->fd; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { c = clients[i]; if (c) { if (c->to_reply == 1) { FD_SET(c->fd, &wfds); c->to_reply = 0; } else { FD_SET(c->fd, &rfds); } if (fd > maxfd) { maxfd = c->fd; } } } /* TODO: also add exception set */ status = select(maxfd+1, &rfds, &wfds, NULL, NULL); if (status < 0) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Socket select error"); } if (FD_ISSET(server->fd, &rfds)) { fd = accept4(server->fd, server->addr->ai_addr, &(server->addr->ai_addrlen), SOCK_NONBLOCK); if (fd < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { continue; } err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Socket accept error"); } added = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { if (clients[i] == 0) { clients[i] = make_client(fd); added = 1; if (fd > maxfd) { maxfd = fd; } break; } } if (!added) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find room for client fd: %d\n", fd); continue; } printf("Accepted connection! (fd: %d)\n", fd); continue; } for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++) { c = clients[i]; if (c == 0) { continue; } if (FD_ISSET(c->fd, &wfds)) { respond(c); } else if (FD_ISSET(c->fd, &rfds) && c->cstate == CONNECTED) { read_response(c); } } } }
void add_connection(struct Listener* listener, int fd, void *ssl) { #else void add_connection(struct Listener* listener, int fd) { #endif struct irc_sockaddr addr; struct Client *new_client; time_t next_target = 0; #if defined(USE_SSL) char *sslfp; #endif const char* const throttle_message = "ERROR :Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled\r\n"; /* 12345678901234567890123456789012345679012345678901234567890123456 */ const char* const register_message = "ERROR :Unable to complete your registration\r\n"; assert(0 != listener); /* * Removed preliminary access check. Full check is performed in m_server and * m_user instead. Also connection time out help to get rid of unwanted * connections. */ if (!os_get_peername(fd, &addr) || !os_set_nonblocking(fd)) { ++ServerStats->is_ref; #if defined(USE_SSL) ssl_murder(ssl, fd, NULL); #else close(fd); #endif return; } /* * Disable IP (*not* TCP) options. In particular, this makes it impossible * to use source routing to connect to the server. If we didn't do this * (and if intermediate networks didn't drop source-routed packets), an * attacker could successfully IP spoof us...and even return the anti-spoof * ping, because the options would cause the packet to be routed back to * the spoofer's machine. When we disable the IP options, we delete the * source route, and the normal routing takes over. */ os_disable_options(fd); if (listener_server(listener)) { new_client = make_client(0, STAT_UNKNOWN_SERVER); } else { /* * Add this local client to the IPcheck registry. * * If they're throttled, murder them, but tell them why first. */ if (!IPcheck_local_connect(&addr.addr, &next_target)) { ++ServerStats->is_ref; #if defined(USE_SSL) ssl_murder(ssl, fd, throttle_message); #else write(fd, throttle_message, strlen(throttle_message)); close(fd); #endif return; } new_client = make_client(0, STAT_UNKNOWN_USER); SetIPChecked(new_client); } /* * Copy ascii address to 'sockhost' just in case. Then we have something * valid to put into error messages... */ ircd_ntoa_r(cli_sock_ip(new_client), &addr.addr); strcpy(cli_sockhost(new_client), cli_sock_ip(new_client)); memcpy(&cli_ip(new_client), &addr.addr, sizeof(cli_ip(new_client))); if (next_target) cli_nexttarget(new_client) = next_target; cli_fd(new_client) = fd; if (!socket_add(&(cli_socket(new_client)), client_sock_callback, (void*) cli_connect(new_client), SS_CONNECTED, 0, fd)) { ++ServerStats->is_ref; #if defined(USE_SSL) ssl_murder(ssl, fd, register_message); #else write(fd, register_message, strlen(register_message)); close(fd); #endif cli_fd(new_client) = -1; return; } #if defined(USE_SSL) if (ssl) { cli_socket(new_client).s_ssl = ssl; sslfp = ssl_get_fingerprint(ssl); if (sslfp) ircd_strncpy(cli_sslclifp(new_client), sslfp, BUFSIZE+1); } #endif cli_freeflag(new_client) |= FREEFLAG_SOCKET; cli_listener(new_client) = listener; ++listener->ref_count; Count_newunknown(UserStats); /* if we've made it this far we can put the client on the auth query pile */ start_auth(new_client); } /** Determines whether to tell the events engine we're interested in * writable events. * @param cptr Client for which to decide this. */ void update_write(struct Client* cptr) { /* If there are messages that need to be sent along, or if the client * is in the middle of a /list, then we need to tell the engine that * we're interested in writable events--otherwise, we need to drop * that interest. */ socket_events(&(cli_socket(cptr)), ((MsgQLength(&cli_sendQ(cptr)) || cli_listing(cptr)) ? SOCK_ACTION_ADD : SOCK_ACTION_DEL) | SOCK_EVENT_WRITABLE); }
void io_loop() { char to_send[200]; time_t lasttime = 0; long lastrecvK = 0; int lrv = 0; time_t lasttimeofday; int delay = 0; while(1) { lasttimeofday = timeofday; if ((timeofday = time(NULL)) == -1) { #ifdef USE_SYSLOG syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Clock Failure (%d), TS can be corrupted", errno); #endif sendto_ops("Clock Failure (%d), TS can be corrupted", errno); } if (timeofday < lasttimeofday) { ircsprintf(to_send, "System clock is running backwards - (%d < %d)", timeofday, lasttimeofday); report_error(to_send, &me); } NOW = timeofday; /* * This chunk of code determines whether or not "life sucks", that * is to say if the traffic level is so high that standard server * commands should be restricted * * Changed by Taner so that it tells you what's going on as well as * allows forced on (long LCF), etc... */ if ((timeofday - lasttime) >= LCF) { lrv = LRV * LCF; lasttime = timeofday; currlife = (me.receiveK - lastrecvK) / LCF; if ((me.receiveK - lrv) > lastrecvK || HTMLOCK == YES) { if (!lifesux) { /* * In the original +th code Taner had * * LCF << 1; / * add hysteresis * / * * which does nothing... so, the hybrid team changed it to * * LCF <<= 1; / * add hysteresis * / * * suddenly, there were reports of clients mysteriously just * dropping off... Neither rodder or I can see why it makes * a difference, but lets try it this way... * * The original dog3 code, does not have an LCF variable * * -Dianora * */ lifesux = 1; if (noisy_htm) sendto_ops("Entering high-traffic mode - (%dk/s > %dk/s)", currlife, LRV); } else { lifesux++; /* Ok, life really sucks! */ LCF += 2; /* Wait even longer */ if (noisy_htm) sendto_ops("Still high-traffic mode %d%s (%d delay): %dk/s", lifesux, (lifesux > 9) ? " (TURBO)" : "", (int) LCF, currlife); /* Reset htm here, because its been on a little too long. * Bad Things(tm) tend to happen with HTM on too long -epi */ if (lifesux>15) { if (noisy_htm) sendto_ops("Resetting HTM and raising limit to: %dk/s\n", LRV + 5); LCF=LOADCFREQ; lifesux=0; LRV+=5; } } } else { LCF = LOADCFREQ; if (lifesux) { lifesux = 0; if (noisy_htm) sendto_ops("Resuming standard operation . . . ."); } } lastrecvK = me.receiveK; } /* * * We only want to connect if a connection is due, not every * time through. Note, if there are no active C lines, this call * to Tryconnections is made once only; it will return 0. - avalon */ if (nextconnect && timeofday >= nextconnect) nextconnect = try_connections(timeofday); /* DNS checks. One to timeout queries, one for cache expiries.*/ if (timeofday >= nextdnscheck) nextdnscheck = timeout_query_list(timeofday); if (timeofday >= nextexpire) nextexpire = expire_cache(timeofday); /* * * take the smaller of the two 'timed' event times as the time * of next event (stops us being late :) - avalon WARNING - * nextconnect can return 0! */ if (nextconnect) delay = MIN(nextping, nextconnect); else delay = nextping; delay = MIN(nextdnscheck, delay); delay = MIN(nextexpire, delay); delay -= timeofday; /* * * Adjust delay to something reasonable [ad hoc values] (one * might think something more clever here... --msa) * We don't really need to check that often and as long * as we don't delay too long, everything should be ok. * waiting too long can cause things to timeout... * i.e. PINGS -> a disconnection :( * - avalon */ if (delay < 1) delay = 1; else delay = MIN(delay, TIMESEC); /* * We want to read servers on every io_loop, as well as "busy" * clients (which again, includes servers. If "lifesux", then we * read servers AGAIN, and then flush any data to servers. -Taner */ #ifndef NO_PRIORITY read_message(0, &serv_fdlist); read_message(1, &busycli_fdlist); if (lifesux) { (void) read_message(1, &serv_fdlist); if (lifesux > 9) /* life really sucks */ { (void) read_message(1, &busycli_fdlist); (void) read_message(1, &serv_fdlist); } flush_fdlist_connections(&serv_fdlist); } if ((timeofday = time(NULL)) == -1) { #ifdef USE_SYSLOG syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Clock Failure (%d), TS can be corrupted", errno); #endif sendto_ops("Clock Failure (%d), TS can be corrupted", errno); } /* * CLIENT_SERVER = TRUE: If we're in normal mode, or if "lifesux" * and a few seconds have passed, then read everything. * CLIENT_SERVER = FALSE: If it's been more than lifesux*2 seconds * (that is, at most 1 second, or at least 2s when lifesux is != 0) * check everything. -Taner */ { static time_t lasttime = 0; # ifdef CLIENT_SERVER if (!lifesux || (lasttime + lifesux) < timeofday) { # else if ((lasttime + (lifesux + 1)) < timeofday) { # endif (void) read_message(delay ? delay : 1, NULL); /* check everything! */ lasttime = timeofday; } } #else (void) read_message(delay, NULL); /* check everything! */ #endif /* * * ...perhaps should not do these loops every time, but only if * there is some chance of something happening (but, note that * conf->hold times may be changed elsewhere--so precomputed next * event time might be too far away... (similarly with ping * times) --msa */ if ((timeofday >= nextping)) nextping = check_pings(timeofday); if (dorehash && !lifesux) { (void) rehash(&me, &me, 1); dorehash = 0; } /* * * Flush output buffers on all connections now if they * have data in them (or at least try to flush) -avalon * * flush_connections(me.fd); * * avalon, what kind of crack have you been smoking? why * on earth would we flush_connections blindly when * we already check to see if we can write (and do) * in read_message? There is no point, as this causes * lots and lots of unnecessary sendto's which * 99% of the time will fail because if we couldn't * empty them in read_message we can't empty them here. * one effect: during htm, output to normal lusers * will lag. */ /* Now we've made this call a bit smarter. */ /* Only flush non-blocked sockets. */ flush_connections(me.fd); #ifndef NO_PRIORITY check_fdlists(); #endif #ifdef LOCKFILE /* * * If we have pending klines and CHECK_PENDING_KLINES minutes * have passed, try writing them out. -ThemBones */ if ((pending_klines) && ((timeofday - pending_kline_time) >= (CHECK_PENDING_KLINES * 60))) do_pending_klines(); #endif } } /* * open_debugfile * * If the -t option is not given on the command line when the server is * started, all debugging output is sent to the file set by LPATH in * config.h Here we just open that file and make sure it is opened to * fd 2 so that any fprintf's to stderr also goto the logfile. If the * debuglevel is not set from the command line by -x, use /dev/null as * the dummy logfile as long as DEBUGMODE has been defined, else dont * waste the fd. */ static void open_debugfile() { #ifdef DEBUGMODE int fd; aClient *cptr; if (debuglevel >= 0) { cptr = make_client(NULL, NULL); cptr->fd = 2; SetLog(cptr); cptr->port = debuglevel; cptr->flags = 0; cptr->acpt = cptr; local[2] = cptr; (void) strcpy(cptr->sockhost, me.sockhost); (void) printf("isatty = %d ttyname = %#x\n", isatty(2), (u_int) ttyname(2)); if (!(bootopt & BOOT_TTY)) /*) leave debugging output on fd */ { (void) truncate(LOGFILE, 0); if ((fd = open(LOGFILE, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600)) < 0) if ((fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY)) < 0) exit(-1); if (fd != 2) { (void) dup2(fd, 2); (void) close(fd); } strncpyzt(cptr->name, LOGFILE, sizeof(cptr->name)); } else if (isatty(2) && ttyname(2)) strncpyzt(cptr->name, ttyname(2), sizeof(cptr->name)); else (void) strcpy(cptr->name, "FD2-Pipe"); Debug((DEBUG_FATAL, "Debug: File <%s> Level: %d at %s", cptr->name, cptr->port, myctime(time(NULL)))); } else local[2] = NULL; #endif return; }
/* ** mo_jupe ** parv[0] = sender prefix ** parv[1] = server we're juping ** parv[2] = reason for jupe */ static void mo_jupe(struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, char *parv[]) { struct Client *target_p; struct Client *ajupe; dlink_node *m; char reason[REALLEN+2]; if(!ServerInfo.hub) return; if(!IsOperAdmin(source_p)) { sendto_one(source_p, ":%s NOTICE %s :You must be an admin to use this command",, parv[0]); return; } if (bogus_host(parv[1])) { sendto_one(source_p, ":%s NOTICE %s :Invalid servername: %s",, parv[0], parv[1]); return; } if(match(parv[1], { sendto_one(source_p, ":%s NOTICE %s :I cant jupe myself!",, source_p->name); return; } sendto_wallops_flags(UMODE_WALLOP, &me, "JUPE for %s requested by %s: %s", parv[1], get_oper_name(source_p), parv[2]); sendto_server(NULL, NOCAPS, NOCAPS, ":%s WALLOPS :JUPE for %s requested by %s!%s@%s: %s", parv[0], parv[1], source_p->name, source_p->username, source_p->host, parv[2]); ilog(L_NOTICE, "JUPE for %s requested by %s: %s", parv[1], get_oper_name(source_p), parv[2]); target_p= find_server(parv[1]); if(target_p) exit_client(client_p, target_p, &me, parv[2]); sendto_server(NULL, NOCAPS, NOCAPS, ":%s SERVER %s 1 :JUPED: %s",, parv[1], parv[2]); sendto_realops_flags(UMODE_ALL, L_ALL, "Link with %s established: (JUPED) link", parv[1]); ajupe = make_client(NULL); /* make_client() adds client to unknown_list */ m = dlinkFind(&unknown_list, ajupe); if(m != NULL) dlinkDelete(m, &unknown_list); free_dlink_node(m); make_server(ajupe); ajupe->hopcount = 1; strlcpy(ajupe->name,parv[1],HOSTLEN); /* we need to give 7 chars to prepend "JUPED: " */ if(strlen(parv[2]) > (REALLEN-7)) parv[2][REALLEN-7] = '\0'; ircsprintf(reason, "%s %s", "JUPED:", parv[2]); strlcpy(ajupe->info,reason,REALLEN); ajupe->serv->up =; ajupe->servptr = &me; SetServer(ajupe); SetDead(ajupe); Count.server++; Count.myserver++; /* Some day, all these lists will be consolidated *sigh* */ add_client_to_list(ajupe); add_to_client_hash_table(ajupe->name, ajupe); dlinkAdd(ajupe, &ajupe->lnode, &ajupe->servptr->serv->servers); add_server_to_list(ajupe); }
void restore(char *file_path) { if (file_path == NULL) return; FILE *snapshot = fopen(file_path, "r"); if (snapshot == NULL) { warn("restore: can't open file\n"); return; } char line[MAXLEN]; monitor_t *m = NULL; desktop_t *d = NULL; node_t *n = NULL; num_clients = 0; unsigned int level, last_level = 0, max_uid = 0; bool aborted = false; while (!aborted && fgets(line, sizeof(line), snapshot) != NULL) { unsigned int len = strlen(line); level = 0; while (level < strlen(line) && isspace(line[level])) level++; if (level == 0) { if (m == NULL) m = mon_head; else m = m->next; if (len >= 2) switch (line[len - 2]) { case '#': mon = m; break; case '~': last_mon = m; break; } } else if (level == 2) { if (d == NULL) d = m->desk_head; else d = d->next; int i = len - 1; while (i > 0 && !isupper(line[i])) i--; if (line[i] == 'M') d->layout = LAYOUT_MONOCLE; else if (line[i] == 'T') d->layout = LAYOUT_TILED; if (len >= 2) switch (line[len - 2]) { case '@': m->desk = d; break; case '~': m->last_desk = d; break; } } else { node_t *birth = make_node(); if (level == 4) { empty_desktop(d); d->root = birth; } else { if (level > last_level) { n->first_child = birth; } else { do { n = n->parent; } while (n != NULL && n->second_child != NULL); if (n == NULL) { warn("restore: file is malformed\n"); aborted = true; } n->second_child = birth; } birth->parent = n; } n = birth; if (isupper(line[level])) { char st; sscanf(line + level, "%c %lf", &st, &n->split_ratio); if (st == 'H') n->split_type = TYPE_HORIZONTAL; else if (st == 'V') n->split_type = TYPE_VERTICAL; } else { client_t *c = make_client(XCB_NONE); num_clients++; char ba, floating, transient, fullscreen, urgent, locked; sscanf(line + level, "%c %s %X %u %u %hux%hu%hi%hi %c%c%c%c%c", &ba, c->class_name, &c->window, &c->uid, &c->border_width, &c->floating_rectangle.width, &c->floating_rectangle.height, &c->floating_rectangle.x, &c->floating_rectangle.y, &floating, &transient, &fullscreen, &urgent, &locked); if (ba == 'a') c->born_as = MODE_AUTOMATIC; else if (ba == 'm') c->born_as = MODE_MANUAL; c->floating = (floating == '-' ? false : true); c->transient = (transient == '-' ? false : true); c->fullscreen = (fullscreen == '-' ? false : true); c->urgent = (urgent == '-' ? false : true); c->locked = (locked == '-' ? false : true); if (c->uid > max_uid) max_uid = c->uid; n->client = c; if (len >= 2) switch (line[len - 2]) { case '*': d->focus = n; break; case '~': d->last_focus = n; break; } } } last_level = level; } if (!aborted) { client_uid = max_uid + 1; for (monitor_t *m = mon_head; m != NULL; m = m->next) for (desktop_t *d = m->desk_head; d != NULL; d = d->next) for (node_t *n = first_extrema(d->root); n != NULL; n = next_leaf(n)) { uint32_t values[] = {(focus_follows_pointer ? CLIENT_EVENT_MASK_FFP : CLIENT_EVENT_MASK)}; xcb_change_window_attributes(dpy, n->client->window, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values); if (n->client->floating) { n->vacant = true; update_vacant_state(n->parent); } } } fclose(snapshot); }