Exemple #1
static int make_element(ErlNifEnv* env, struct buf *rbuf, ERL_NIF_TERM el)
  ErlNifBinary cdata, name;
  const ERL_NIF_TERM *tuple;
  int arity, ret = 0;

  if (enif_get_tuple(env, el, &arity, &tuple)) {
    if (arity == 2) {
      if (!ENIF_COMPARE(tuple[0], atom_xmlcdata)) {
	if (enif_inspect_iolist_as_binary(env, tuple[1], &cdata)) {
	  crypt(env, rbuf, cdata.data, cdata.size);
	  ret = 1;
    if (arity == 4) {
      if (!ENIF_COMPARE(tuple[0], atom_xmlelement)) {
	if (enif_inspect_iolist_as_binary(env, tuple[1], &name)) {
	  buf_add_char(env, rbuf, '<');
	  buf_add_str(env, rbuf, (char *)name.data, name.size);
	  ret = make_attrs(env, rbuf, tuple[2]);
	  if (ret) {
	    if (enif_is_empty_list(env, tuple[3])) {
	      buf_add_str(env, rbuf, "/>", 2);
	    } else {
	      buf_add_char(env, rbuf, '>');
	      ret = make_elements(env, rbuf, tuple[3]);
	      if (ret) {
		buf_add_str(env, rbuf, "</", 2);
		buf_add_str(env, rbuf, (char*)name.data, name.size);
		buf_add_char(env, rbuf, '>');
  return ret;
Exemple #2
// Reading the MCNP file
MCNPError McnpData::read_mcnpfile(bool skip_mesh) {

      MCNPError result;
      moab::ErrorCode MBresult;
      moab::CartVect tvect;

      std::vector<double> xvec[3];

      // Open the file
      std::ifstream mcnpfile;
      mcnpfile.open( MCNP_filename.c_str() );
      if (!mcnpfile) {
            std::cout << "Unable to open MCNP data file." << std::endl;
            return MCNP_FAILURE;
      std::cout << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Reading MCNP input file..." << std::endl;

      // Prepare for file reading ...
      char line[10000];  
      int mode = 0;         // Set the file reading mode to read proper data
      int nv[3];

      // Read in the file ...
      while (! mcnpfile.eof() ) {

            mcnpfile.getline(line, 10000);
            // std::cout << line << std::endl;

            switch(mode) {
            case 0:           // First line is a title
            case 1:           // Coordinate system
                  result = read_coord_system(line);
                  if (result == MCNP_FAILURE)
                        return MCNP_FAILURE;
            case 2:           // Rotation matrix
                  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                        mcnpfile.getline(line, 10000);
                        result = read_rotation_matrix(line, i);
                        if (result == MCNP_FAILURE)
                              return MCNP_FAILURE;
                  if (skip_mesh) return MCNP_SUCCESS;
            case 3:           // Read in vertices and build elements

                  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                        // How many points in the x[i]-direction
                        nv[i] = how_many_numbers(line);
                        if (nv[i] <= 0) return MCNP_FAILURE;

                        // Get space and read in these points
                        result = read_numbers(line , nv[i], xvec[i]);
                        if (result == MCNP_FAILURE) return MCNP_FAILURE;

                        // Update to the next line
                        mcnpfile.getline(line, 10000);

                  // Make the elements and vertices
                  result = make_elements(xvec, nv);
                  if (result == MCNP_FAILURE) return MCNP_FAILURE;
            case 4:           // Read in tally data, make, and tag elements
                  moab::EntityHandle elemhandle;

                  moab::EntityHandle vstart, vijk;
                  moab::EntityHandle connect[8];
                  // double d[3];

                  // vstart = MCNP_vertices.front();
                  vstart = *(vert_handles.begin());

                      for (int i=0; i < nv[0]-1; i++) {
                    for (int j=0; j < nv[1]-1; j++) {
                  for (int k=0; k < nv[2]-1; k++) {
                        vijk = vstart + (i + j*nv[0] + k*nv[0]*nv[1]);

                        //std::cout << vijk << std::endl;                        

                        connect[0] = vijk;
                        connect[1] = vijk + 1;
                        connect[2] = vijk + 1 + nv[0];
                        connect[3] = vijk + nv[0];
                        connect[4] = vijk + nv[0]*nv[1];
                        connect[5] = vijk + 1 + nv[0]*nv[1];
                        connect[6] = vijk + 1 + nv[0] + nv[0]*nv[1];
                        connect[7] = vijk + nv[0] + nv[0]*nv[1];

                        MBresult = MBI->create_element(moab::MBHEX, connect, 8, elemhandle);
                        if (MBresult != moab::MB_SUCCESS) return MCNP_FAILURE;

                        mcnpfile.getline(line, 10000);
                        result = extract_tally_data(line, elemhandle);
                        if (result == MCNP_FAILURE) return MCNP_FAILURE;


                  for (MBRange::iterator rit=vert_handles.begin(); rit != vert_handles.end(); ++rit) {
                        std::cout << *rit << std::endl; 

                  for (int i=0; i < nv[0]-1; i++) {
                    for (int j=0; j < nv[1]-1; j++) {
                      for (int k=0; k < nv[2]-1; k++) {
                        vijk = vstart + (i + j*nv[0] + k*nv[0]*nv[1]);
                        connect[0] = vijk;
                        connect[1] = vijk + 1;
                        connect[2] = vijk + 1 + nv[0];
                        connect[3] = vijk + nv[0];
                        connect[4] = vijk + nv[0]*nv[1];
                        connect[5] = vijk + 1 + nv[0]*nv[1];
                        connect[6] = vijk + 1 + nv[0] + nv[0]*nv[1];
                        connect[7] = vijk + nv[0] + nv[0]*nv[1];

                        MBresult = MBI->create_element(MBHEX, connect, 8, elemhandle);
                        if (MBresult != MB_SUCCESS) return MCNP_FAILURE;

                        mcnpfile.getline(line, 10000);
                        result = extract_tally_data(line, elemhandle);
                        if (result == MCNP_FAILURE) return MCNP_FAILURE;

            case 5:           // Ckeck for weirdness at end of file
                  if (! mcnpfile.eof() ) return MCNP_FAILURE;


      std::cout <<  "SUCCESS! Read in " << elem_handles.size() 
                << " elements!" << std::endl << std::endl;
      // MCNP_vertices.clear();
      return MCNP_SUCCESS;
