static ERL_NIF_TERM make_scalar(ErlNifEnv* env, yaml_event_t *event, int flags) { int as_atom = PLAIN_AS_ATOM & flags; long int i; double d; int type; yaml_scalar_style_t style = event->; ERL_NIF_TERM rterm; if (as_atom && style == YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE) { rterm = enif_make_atom_len(env, (char *) event->data.scalar.value, event->data.scalar.length); } else if (style == YAML_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE) { rterm = make_binary_size(env, event->data.scalar.value, event->data.scalar.length); } else if ((type = make_num(env, event->data.scalar.value, event->data.scalar.length, &i, &d))) { if (type == INTEGER) rterm = enif_make_long(env, i); else rterm = enif_make_double(env, d); } else if (as_atom && style == YAML_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE && event->data.scalar.length) { rterm = enif_make_atom_len(env, (char *) event->data.scalar.value, event->data.scalar.length); } else { rterm = make_binary_size(env, event->data.scalar.value, event->data.scalar.length); } return rterm; }
static struct tm * parse_date_elements(const char *day, const char *month, const char *year, const char *time, const char *zone) { static struct tm tm; char *t; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); if (!day || !month || !year || !time) return NULL; tm.tm_mday = atoi(day); tm.tm_mon = make_month(month); if (tm.tm_mon < 0) return NULL; tm.tm_year = atoi(year); if (strlen(year) == 4) tm.tm_year -= 1900; else if (tm.tm_year < 70) tm.tm_year += 100; else if (tm.tm_year > 19000) tm.tm_year -= 19000; tm.tm_hour = make_num(time); t = strchr(time, ':'); if (!t) return NULL; t++; tm.tm_min = atoi(t); t = strchr(t, ':'); if (t) tm.tm_sec = atoi(t + 1); return tmSaneValues(&tm) ? &tm : NULL; }
extern char *show_buf_num(char *start, char *end, num_t n) { if (n == inf) return show_buf_str(start, end, "inf"); if (n == -inf) return show_buf_str(start, end, "-inf"); char tmp[NUM_MAX_LEN]; ssize_t l; size_t p = NUM_MIN_PRECISION; num_t n1; do { l = snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%.*g", (int)p, n); if (l < 0) panic("snprintf failed: %s", strerror(errno)); p++; if (p >= NUM_MAX_PRECISION) break; sscanf(tmp, "%lf", &n1); n1 = num(make_num(n1)); } while (n != n1); if (start >= end) return start + (size_t)l; return show_buf_str(start, end, tmp); }
static obj_t string_length_fn(obj_t args, Reporter rep) { obj_t obj; if (!args_match(rep, args, 1, is_string)) return unspecific; obj = list_ref(args, 0); return make_num(fetch_string(obj)->len); }
/* * Initialise the parser. */ extern void parse_init(void) { name_t entry; entry = name_lookup("false"); entry->val = term_boolean(make_boolean(false)); entry = name_lookup("inf"); entry->val = term_num(make_num(1.0/0.0)); entry = name_lookup("nil"); entry->val = term_nil(make_nil()); entry = name_lookup("true"); entry->val = term_boolean(make_boolean(true)); }
static struct tm * parse_date2(const char *str) { /* Thu, 10 Jan 1993 01:29:59 GMT */ const char *s; static struct tm tm; assert(NULL != str); memset(&tm, '\0', sizeof(struct tm)); s = strchr(str, ','); if (NULL == s) return NULL; s++; while (*s == ' ') s++; /* backup if month is only one digit */ if (xisdigit(*s) && !xisdigit(*(s + 1))) s--; if (strchr(s, '-')) return NULL; if ((int) strlen(s) < 20) return NULL; memset(&tm, '\0', sizeof(tm)); tm.tm_mday = make_num(s); tm.tm_mon = make_month(s + 3); tm.tm_year = (100 * make_num(s + 7) - 1900) + make_num(s + 9); tm.tm_hour = make_num(s + 12); tm.tm_min = make_num(s + 15); tm.tm_sec = make_num(s + 18); return tmSaneValues(&tm) ? &tm : NULL; }
static struct tm * parse_date1(const char *str) { /* Thursday, 10-Jun-93 01:29:59 GMT */ const char *s; static struct tm tm; assert(NULL != str); memset(&tm, '\0', sizeof(struct tm)); s = strchr(str, ','); if (NULL == s) return NULL; s++; while (*s == ' ') s++; /* backup if month is only one digit */ if (xisdigit(*s) && !xisdigit(*(s + 1))) s--; if (!strchr(s, '-')) return NULL; if ((int) strlen(s) < 18) return NULL; memset(&tm, '\0', sizeof(tm)); tm.tm_mday = make_num(s); tm.tm_mon = make_month(s + 3); tm.tm_year = make_num(s + 7); /* * Y2K: Arjan de Vet <*****@*****.**> * if tm.tm_year < 70, assume it's after the year 2000. */ if (tm.tm_year < 70) tm.tm_year += 100; tm.tm_hour = make_num(s + 10); tm.tm_min = make_num(s + 13); tm.tm_sec = make_num(s + 16); return tmSaneValues(&tm) ? &tm : NULL; }
//NUMのパース object_t *parse_num(FILE *fp){ int i=0; char buf; char tmp[BUFFER_SIZE]; buf=skip_space_getchar(fp); while(isdigit(buf)){ tmp[i]=buf; buf = getc(fp); i++; } tmp[i]='\0'; ungetc(buf,fp); return make_num(atoi(tmp)); }
void make_time(stralloc* out, time_t t, size_t width) { if(opt_numeric) { make_num(out, (size_t)t, width); } else { struct tm ltime; char buf[1024]; size_t sz; ssize_t n; #ifdef HAVE_LOCALTIME_R_FUNC localtime_r(&t, <ime); #else ltime = *localtime(&t); #endif sz = strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), opt_timestyle, <ime); n = width - sz; while(n-- > 0) { stralloc_catb(out, " ", 1); } stralloc_catb(out, buf, sz); } }
int list_dir_internal(stralloc* dir, char type) { size_t l; struct dir_s d; stralloc pre; int dtype; int is_dir, is_symlink; size_t len; #if !WINDOWS_NATIVE struct stat st; static dev_t root_dev; #endif char *name, *s; (void)type; while(dir->len > 1 && IS_DIRSEP(dir->s[dir->len - 1])) dir->len--; stralloc_nul(dir); #if !WINDOWS_NATIVE if(root_dev == 0) { if(stat(dir->s, &st) != -1) { root_dev = st.st_dev; } } #endif if(dir_open(&d, dir->s) != 0) { buffer_puts(buffer_2, "ERROR: Opening directory "); buffer_putsa(buffer_2, dir); buffer_puts(buffer_2, " failed!\n"); buffer_flush(buffer_2); goto end; } if(dir->s[dir->len - 1] != DIRSEP_C) stralloc_cats(dir, DIRSEP_S); l = dir->len; while((name = dir_read(&d))) { unsigned int mode = 0, nlink = 0, uid = 0, gid = 0; uint64 size = 0, mtime = 0; dtype = dir_type(&d); dir->len = l; if(str_equal(name, "") || str_equal(name, ".") || str_equal(name, "..")) { continue; } stralloc_readyplus(dir, str_len(name) + 1); str_copy(dir->s + dir->len, name); dir->len += str_len(name); is_symlink = !!(dtype & D_SYMLINK); #if !WINDOWS_NATIVE if(!opt_deref && lstat(dir->s, &st) != -1) { if(root_dev && st.st_dev) { if(st.st_dev != root_dev) { continue; } } } #endif #if !WINDOWS_NATIVE if(S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { stat(dir->s, &st); } mode = st.st_mode; #endif if(dtype) { is_dir = !!(dtype & D_DIRECTORY); } else { #if WINDOWS_NATIVE is_dir = 0; #else is_dir = !!S_ISDIR(mode); #endif } if(dtype & D_SYMLINK) is_symlink = 1; #if !WINDOWS_NATIVE nlink = st.st_nlink; uid = st.st_uid; gid = st.st_gid; size = st.st_size; mtime = st.st_mtime; #else mode = (is_dir ? 0040000 : 0100000) | (is_symlink ? 0120000 : 0); #if USE_READDIR if(!is_dir) { size = dir_size(&d); /* dir_INTERNAL(&d)->dir_entry->d_name); */ mtime = dir_time(&d); } else { mtime = 0; size = 0; } #else size = dir_size(&d); mtime = dir_time(&d, D_TIME_MODIFICATION); #endif #endif if(opt_list && size >= opt_minsize) { stralloc_init(&pre); /* Mode string */ mode_str(&pre, mode); stralloc_catb(&pre, " ", 1); /* num links */ make_num(&pre, nlink, 3); stralloc_catb(&pre, " ", 1); /* uid */ make_num(&pre, uid, 0); stralloc_catb(&pre, " ", 1); /* gid */ make_num(&pre, gid, 0); stralloc_catb(&pre, " ", 1); /* size */ make_num(&pre, size, 6); stralloc_catb(&pre, " ", 1); /* time */ make_num(&pre, mtime, 0); /* make_time(&pre, mtime, 10); */ stralloc_catb(&pre, " ", 1); } /* fprintf(stderr, "%d %08x\n", is_dir, dir_ATTRS(&d)); */ if(is_dir) stralloc_catc(dir, opt_separator); if(dir->len > MAX_PATH) { buffer_puts(buffer_2, "ERROR: Directory "); buffer_putsa(buffer_2, dir); buffer_puts(buffer_2, " longer than MAX_PATH (" STRINGIFY(MAX_PATH) ")!\n"); /*buffer_putulong(buffer_2, MAX_PATH); buffer_puts(buffer_2, ")!\n");*/ buffer_flush(buffer_2); goto end; } s = dir->s; len = dir->len; if(len >= 2 && s[0] == '.' && IS_DIRSEP(s[1])) { len -= 2; s += 2; } if(opt_list && size >= opt_minsize) buffer_putsa(buffer_1, &pre); if(opt_relative_to) { size_t sz = str_len(opt_relative_to); if(str_diffn(s, opt_relative_to, sz) == 0) { s += sz; len -= sz; while(*s == '\\' || *s == '/') { s++; len--; } } } if(size >= opt_minsize) { buffer_put(buffer_1, s, len); buffer_put(buffer_1, "\n", 1); buffer_flush(buffer_1); } if(is_dir && (opt_deref || !is_symlink)) { dir->len--; list_dir_internal(dir, 0); } } end: dir_close(&d); return 0; }
static uint8_t *compile_def(uint8_t *pc, uint16_t *def, struct dict *d, uint16_t dn) { struct caddr *c=atom2caddr(dn,def[2]); #ifdef DEBUG printf("(atom2caddr(%hu,%hu)=%lu)\n",dn,def[2],c-caddrs); #endif c->c=pc; backrefs(c); int32_t *lbacks[16], **lback=lbacks; uint16_t *p=def+4; int l=def[0]/sizeof(uint16_t); for(;l--;p++) { #ifdef DEBUG uint8_t *bc=pc; print_atom(*p); #endif if(l&&p[1]==makeatom(0,0x3c)) { pc=compile_number(pc,*p); l--; p++; continue; } if(number(*p)) { uint64_t n=make_num(*p); #ifdef DEBUG printf("NUMBER(%lx)",n); #endif if(l&&p[1]==makeatom(0,0x37)) { // # pc=compile_kick(pc,n); p++; l--; } else { pc=compile_number(pc,n); } } else { uint16_t ww,wdn,*sdef; if(l>1&&p[1]==makeatom(0,0x36)) { // @ int idx; ww=*p; wdn=p[2]; idx=atom2idx(p[2],dict); if(0x10000&idx) { printf("\nunknown dict "); print_atom(p[2]); printf(" for "); print_atom(*p); printf("\n"); abort(); } struct dict *d1=(struct dict *)(dict->def[idx]+4); idx=atom2idx(*p,d1); if(idx&0x10000) { printf("unknown word "); print_atom(*p); printf(" @ "); print_atom(p[2]); printf("\n"); abort(); } sdef=d1->def[idx]; p+=2; l-=2; } else if(*p==makeatom(0,0x33)) { // { *lback++=(int32_t*)pc; pc+=4; continue; } else if(*p==makeatom(0,0x34)) { // } lback--; **lback=pc-(((uint8_t*)(*lback))+4); continue; } else { int idx=atom2idx(*p,d); ww=*p; wdn=dn; if(0x10000&idx) { idx=atom2idx(*p,dict); wdn=makeatom(0,0x030f1205); if(0x10000&idx) { printf("unknown word"); print_atom(*p); printf("\n"); abort(); } sdef=dict->def[idx]; } else { sdef=d->def[idx]; } } if(sdef[1]==makeatom(0,0x060f121408LL)) { // forth pc=compile_forth(pc,ww,wdn,(!l)||(p[1]==makeatom(0,0x2b))); } else if(sdef[1]==makeatom(0,0x090e0c090e05LL)) { // inline pc=compile_inline(pc,sdef); } else if(sdef[1]==makeatom(0,0x04011401)) { // data pc=compile_data(pc,sdef); } else if(sdef[1]==makeatom(0,0x04090314)) { // dict pc=compile_data(pc,sdef); } else { printf("unknown type "); print_atom(sdef[1]); printf("\n"); abort(); } } #ifdef DEBUG putchar('['); hexdump(bc,pc-bc); putchar(']'); #endif } *pc++=0xc3; c->len=pc-c->c; #ifdef DEBUG printf("%p -> %p",c->c,pc); hexdump(c->c,c->len); #endif return pc; }
time_t parse_time(const char *str, const int str_len) { int hour; int min; int sec; int mday; int mon; int year; if (str[3] == ',') { /* Thu, 09 Jan 1993 01:29:59 GMT */ if (str_len < 29) return -1; mday = make_num(str+5); mon = make_month(str + 8); year = 100 * make_num(str + 12) + make_num(str + 14); hour = make_num(str + 17); min = make_num(str + 20); sec = make_num(str + 23); } else { const char *s; s = strchr(str, ','); if (!s || (str_len - (s - str) < 24)) { /* Wed Jun 9 01:29:59 1993 */ if (str_len < 24) return -1; mon = make_month(str+4); mday = make_num(str+8); hour = make_num(str+11); min = make_num(str+14); sec = make_num(str+17); year = make_num(str+20)*100 + make_num(str+22); } else { /* Thursday, 10-Jun-93 01:29:59 GMT */ mday = make_num(s + 2); mon = make_month(s + 5); year = make_num(s + 9) + 1900; if (year < 1970) year += 100; hour = make_num(s + 12); min = make_num(s + 15); sec = make_num(s + 18); } } if (sec < 0 || sec > 59) return -1; if (min < 0 || min > 59) return -1; if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) return -1; if (mday < 1 || mday > 31) return -1; if (mon < 1 || mon > 12) return -1; if (year < 1970 || year > 2020) return -1; return mktime(year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec); }
PUBLIC time_t parse_http_time ARGS1(char *, str) { char * s; struct tm tm; time_t t; #ifdef ISC3 /* Lauren */ struct tm * gorl; /* GMT or localtime */ long z = 0L; #endif if (!str) return 0; if ((s = strchr(str, ','))) { /* Thursday, 10-Jun-93 01:29:59 GMT */ s++; /* or: Thu, 10 Jan 1993 01:29:59 GMT */ while (*s && *s==' ') s++; if (strchr(s,'-')) { /* First format */ CTRACE(stderr, "Format...... Weekday, 00-Mon-00 00:00:00 GMT\n"); if ((int)strlen(s) < 18) { CTRACE(stderr, "ERROR....... Not a valid time format \"%s\"\n", s); return 0; } tm.tm_mday = make_num(s); tm.tm_mon = make_month(s+3); tm.tm_year = make_num(s+7); tm.tm_hour = make_num(s+10); tm.tm_min = make_num(s+13); tm.tm_sec = make_num(s+16); } else { /* Second format */ CTRACE(stderr, "Format...... Wkd, 00 Mon 0000 00:00:00 GMT\n"); if ((int)strlen(s) < 20) { CTRACE(stderr, "ERROR....... Not a valid time format \"%s\"\n", s); return 0; } tm.tm_mday = make_num(s); tm.tm_mon = make_month(s+3); tm.tm_year = (100*make_num(s+7) - 1900) + make_num(s+9); tm.tm_hour = make_num(s+12); tm.tm_min = make_num(s+15); tm.tm_sec = make_num(s+18); } } else { /* Try the other format: Wed Jun 9 01:29:59 1993 GMT */ CTRACE(stderr, "Format...... Wkd Mon 00 00:00:00 0000 GMT\n"); s = str; while (*s && *s==' ') s++; CTRACE(stderr, "Trying...... The Wrong time format: %s\n", s); if ((int)strlen(s) < 24) { CTRACE(stderr, "ERROR....... Not a valid time format \"%s\"\n", s); return 0; } tm.tm_mday = make_num(s+8); tm.tm_mon = make_month(s+4); tm.tm_year = make_num(s+22); tm.tm_hour = make_num(s+11); tm.tm_min = make_num(s+14); tm.tm_sec = make_num(s+17); } if (tm.tm_sec < 0 || tm.tm_sec > 59 || tm.tm_min < 0 || tm.tm_min > 59 || tm.tm_hour < 0 || tm.tm_hour > 23 || tm.tm_mday < 1 || tm.tm_mday > 31 || tm.tm_mon < 0 || tm.tm_mon > 11 || tm.tm_year <70 || tm.tm_year >120) { CTRACE(stderr, "ERROR....... Parsed illegal time: %02d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_mon+1, tm.tm_year, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec); return 0; } tm.tm_isdst = -1; /* * What a pain it is to get the timezone correctly. */ #if defined(sun) && !defined(__svr4__) t = timegm(&tm); #else /* not sun, except svr4 */ t = mktime(&tm); /* BSD, have tm_gmtoff */ #if defined(SIGTSTP) && !defined(AIX) && !defined(__sgi) && !defined(_AUX) && !defined(__svr4__) { time_t cur_t = time(NULL); struct tm * local = localtime(&cur_t); t += local->tm_gmtoff; CTRACE(stderr,"TimeZone.... %02d hours from GMT\n", (int)local->tm_gmtoff / 3600); } #else /* SysV or VMS */ { #ifdef VMS CTRACE(stderr,"TimeZone.... undefined\n"); #else /* SysV */ #ifdef ISC3 /* Lauren */ time_t cur_t = time(NULL); gorl = localtime(&cur_t); if (daylight && gorl->tm_isdst) /* daylight time? */ z = altzone; /* yes */ else z = timezone; /* no */ z /= 60; /* convert to minutes */ z = -z; /* ISC 3.0 has it vice versa */ t += z * 60; CTRACE(stderr,"TimeZone.... %02d hours from GMT\n", z / 60); #else int dst = 0; /* * The following assumes a fixed DST offset of 1 hour, * which is probably wrong. */ if (tm.tm_isdst > 0) dst = -3600; t -= (timezone + dst); CTRACE(stderr,"TimeZone.... %02d hours from GMT\n", (timezone + dst) / 3600); #endif #endif /* SysV */ } #endif /* SysV or VMS */ #endif /* not sun, except svr4 */ CTRACE(stderr, "Time string. %s", str); CTRACE(stderr, "Parsed...... to %ld seconds, %s", (long)t, ctime(&t)); return t; }
static obj_t parse_atom(struct Parser *st) { struct token *t = next(st); size_t i; switch (t->type) { case DOT: reportlocf(st->rep, t->loc, "datum expected"); return unspecific; case CPAREN: reportlocf(st->rep, t->loc, "unmatched parenthesis"); return unspecific; case END: return unspecific; case CHAR: if (t->len == 2) { reportlocf(st->rep, t->loc, "end-of-input in character literal"); return unspecific; } else if (t->len == 3) { return make_char(t->text[2]); } else { /* Convert to lowercase */ for (i = 0; i < t->len; i++) t->text[i] = tolower(t->text[i]); if (atom_eq("#\\space", t->text, t->len)) { /* Space character literal */ return make_char(' '); } else if (atom_eq("#\\newline", t->text, t->len)) { /* Newline character literal */ return make_char('\n'); } else { reportlocf(st->rep, t->loc, "illegal character literal"); return unspecific; } } case ATOM: /* Convert to lowercase */ for (i = 0; i < t->len; i++) t->text[i] = tolower(t->text[i]); if (atom_eq("#f", t->text, t->len)) { /* False constant */ return false_obj; } else if (atom_eq("#t", t->text, t->len)) { /* True constant */ return true_obj; } else if (is_number(t->text, t->len)) { /* Copy to buffer to make null-terminated */ char *buf = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC((t->len+1) * sizeof(char)); strncpy(buf, t->text, t->len); buf[t->len] = 0; /* Convert to number */ return make_num(atol(buf)); } else if (is_ident(t->text, t->len)) { /* Symbol */ return make_symbol(intern_string(string_from(t->text, t->len))); } else { /* Invalid atom */ reportlocf(st->rep, t->loc, "unrecognized atom"); return unspecific; } case STRING: return parse_string(st, t); case OARRAY: reportlocf(st->rep, t->loc, "array literals are not supported"); /* fallthrough: continue processing as lists */ case OPAREN: return parse_list(st); case QUOTE: return parse_quotation(S_QUOTE, st); case QUASIQUOTE: return parse_quotation(S_QUASIQUOTE, st); case UNQUOTE: return parse_quotation(S_UNQUOTE, st); case UNQUOTE_SPLICING: return parse_quotation(S_UNQUOTE_SPLICING, st); } /* We should never get to here */ return unspecific; }