Exemple #1
Val   _lib7_Time_timeofday   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   Void -> (one_word_int::Int, Int)
    // Return the time of day.
    // NOTE: gettimeofday() is not POSIX (time() returns seconds, and is POSIX and ISO C).
    // This fn gets bound as   get_time_of_day   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/time-guts.pkg


    int	c_microseconds;
    Val	lib7_seconds;

    RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
	int c_seconds = _lib7_time_gettimeofday( &c_microseconds );
    RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );

    lib7_seconds =  make_one_word_int(task,  c_seconds  );

    Val result =  make_two_slot_record(task,  lib7_seconds, TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( c_microseconds ) );

    return result;
Exemple #2
Val   _lib7_P_IO_pipe   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   Void -> (Int, Int)
    // Create a pipe and return its input and output descriptors.
    // This fn gets bound as   pipe'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/psx/posix-io.pkg
    //     src/lib/std/src/psx/posix-io-64.pkg


    int         status;
    int         fds[2];

    RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, NULL );
	status =  pipe(fds);
    RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );
// printf("Created pipe %d -> %d   -- pipe.c thread id %lx\n", fds[0], fds[1], pth__get_hostthread_id);	fflush(stdout);

    Val result;

    if (status == -1)  result = RAISE_SYSERR__MAY_HEAPCLEAN(task, -1, NULL);
    else  	       result = make_two_slot_record( task,  TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT(fds[0]), TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT(fds[1]) );

    return result;
Exemple #3
Val   _lib7_Sock_accept   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   Socket -> (Socket, Address)
    // This fn gets bound as   accept'   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/socket/socket-guts.pkg


    int		socket = TAGGED_INT_TO_C_INT( arg );				// Last use of 'arg'.
    char	address_buf[  MAX_SOCK_ADDR_BYTESIZE ];
    socklen_t	address_len = MAX_SOCK_ADDR_BYTESIZE;
    int		new_socket;

    RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->pthread, "_lib7_Sock_accept", NULL );
    /*  do { */	/* Backed out 2010-02-26 CrT: See discussion at bottom of src/c/lib/socket/connect.c	*/

	    new_socket = accept (socket, (struct sockaddr*) address_buf, &address_len);

    /*  } while (new_socket < 0 && errno == EINTR);	*/		/* Restart if interrupted by a SIGALRM or SIGCHLD or whatever.	*/
    RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->pthread, "_lib7_Sock_accept" );

    if (new_socket == -1) {
	return  RAISE_SYSERR__MAY_HEAPCLEAN( task, new_socket, NULL);
    } else {
	Val data    =  make_biwordslots_vector_sized_in_bytes__may_heapclean(	task, address_buf,                  address_len, NULL );
	Val address =  make_vector_header(					task, UNT8_RO_VECTOR_TAGWORD, data, address_len);

	return  make_two_slot_record(task,  TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT( new_socket ), address);
Exemple #4
Val   _lib7_Sock_frominetaddr   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   Internet_Address -> (Internet_Address, Int)
    // Given a INET-domain socket address, return the INET address and port number.
    // This fn gets bound as   from_inet_addr   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/socket/internet-socket.pkg


    struct sockaddr_in*	addr
        GET_VECTOR_DATACHUNK_AS( struct sockaddr_in*, arg );			// Last use of 'arg'.

    ASSERT( addr->sin_family == AF_INET );

    Val data   =  make_biwordslots_vector_sized_in_bytes__may_heapclean( task, &(addr->sin_addr), sizeof(struct in_addr), NULL );
    Val inAddr =  make_vector_header( task,  UNT8_RO_VECTOR_TAGWORD, data,  sizeof(struct in_addr) );

    return  make_two_slot_record(task, inAddr, TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT(ntohs(addr->sin_port)) );
Exemple #5
Val   raise_error__may_heapclean (
    Task*	    task,
    const char*	    altMsg,
    const char*     at,			// C sourcefile and line number raising this error:  "<foo.c:37>"
    Roots*	    extra_roots
) {
    // Raise the Mythryl exception RUNTIME_EXCEPTION, which is defined as:
    //    exception RUNTIME_EXCEPTION (String, Null_Or(System_Error) );
    // We normally get invoked via either the
    //     src/c/lib/raise-error.h 
    // For the time being, we use the errno value as the System_Error; eventually that
    // will be represented by an (Int, String) pair.  If alt_msg is non-zero,
    // then use it as the error string and use NULL for the System_Error.

    int error_number = errno;		// Various calls can trash this value so preserve it early.

    const char*	    msg;
    char	    buf[32];

    Val  null_or_errno;

    if (altMsg != NULL) {
	msg           =  altMsg;
	null_or_errno =  OPTION_NULL;

    } else if ((msg = strerror(error_number)) != NULL) {

        null_or_errno =  OPTION_THE( task, TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT(error_number) );

    } else {

	sprintf(buf, "<unknown error %d>", error_number);
	msg = buf;
	null_or_errno =  OPTION_THE(  task,  TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT(error_number)  );

    #if (defined(DEBUG_OS_INTERFACE) || defined(DEBUG_TRACE_CCALL))
	debug_say ("RaiseSysError: errno = %d, msg = \"%s\"\n",
	    (altMsg != NULL) ? -1 : error_number, msg);

    Roots roots1 = { &null_or_errno, extra_roots };

    Val errno_string = make_ascii_string_from_c_string__may_heapclean (task, msg, &roots1 );

    Val at_list;			// [] or [ "<foo.c:187>" ].
    if (at != NULL) {
	Roots roots2 = { &errno_string, &roots1 };

	Val at_cstring
	    make_ascii_string_from_c_string__may_heapclean (task, at, &roots2 );

	at_list = LIST_CONS(task, at_cstring, LIST_NIL);

    } else {

	at_list = LIST_NIL;

    Val arg = make_two_slot_record( task,  errno_string, null_or_errno);

    Val syserr_exception =   MAKE_EXCEPTION(task, PTR_CAST( Val, RUNTIME_EXCEPTION__GLOBAL), arg, at_list);

    // Modify the task state so that 'syserr_exception'
    // will be raised when Mythryl execution resumes:
    raise_mythryl_exception( task, syserr_exception );		// raise_mythryl_exception	is from    src/c/main/run-mythryl-code-and-runtime-eventloop.c

    return  syserr_exception;
}								// fun raise_error__may_heapclean
Exemple #6
Val   _lib7_Sock_recvbuffrom   (Task* task,  Val arg)   {
    // Mythryl type:   (Socket, rw_vector_of_one_byte_unts::Rw_Vector, Int, Int, Bool, Bool) -> (Int, Addr)
    // The arguments are:
    //     socket,
    //     data buffer,
    //     start position,
    //     number of bytes,
    //     OOB flag
    //     peek flag.
    // The result is:
    //     number of bytes read
    //     source address.
    // This fn gets bound as   recv_from_a   in:
    //     src/lib/std/src/socket/socket-guts.pkg


    char       address_buf[  MAX_SOCK_ADDR_BYTESIZE ];
    socklen_t  address_len = MAX_SOCK_ADDR_BYTESIZE;

    int	  socket  = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 0);
//  Val   buf     = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1);				// Mythryl buffer to read bytes into.	// We'll fetch this after the call, since it may move around during the call.
    int   offset  = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 2);				// Offset within buf to read bytes into.
    int	  nbytes  = GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_INT( arg, 3);				// Number of bytes to read.

    int	  flag = 0;

    int	   n;

    if (GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg, 4) == HEAP_TRUE) flag |= MSG_OOB;
    if (GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg, 5) == HEAP_TRUE) flag |= MSG_PEEK;

    // We cannot reference anything on the Mythryl heap
    // because garbage collection might be moving
    // it around, so allocate a C-side read buffer:
    Mythryl_Heap_Value_Buffer  readbuf_buf;
    {   char* c_readbuf =  buffer_mythryl_heap_nonvalue( &readbuf_buf, nbytes );

	RELEASE_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__, &arg );		// 'arg' is still live here!
	    do {
		n = recvfrom( socket,
			      (struct sockaddr *)address_buf,
	    } while (n < 0 && errno == EINTR);					// Restart if interrupted by a SIGALRM or SIGCHLD or whatever.
	RECOVER_MYTHRYL_HEAP( task->hostthread, __func__ );

	if (n < 0) {
	    unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &readbuf_buf );
	    return RAISE_SYSERR__MAY_HEAPCLEAN(task, status, NULL);

	Val   buf      =  GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL( arg, 1);			// Mythryl buffer to read bytes into.
	char* bufstart =  HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(buf) + offset;

	memcpy( bufstart, c_readbuf, n);

	unbuffer_mythryl_heap_value( &readbuf_buf );

    Val	data    =  make_biwordslots_vector_sized_in_bytes__may_heapclean(   task, address_buf,                   address_len, NULL );
    Val address =  make_vector_header(					    task,  UNT8_RO_VECTOR_TAGWORD, data, address_len);

    Val result  =  make_two_slot_record(task,  TAGGED_INT_FROM_C_INT(n), address);

    return result;
Exemple #7
Task*   import_heap_image__may_heapclean   (const char* fname, Heapcleaner_Args* params,  Roots* extra_roots) {
    //  ================================
    // This fn is called (only) by   load_and_run_heap_image__may_heapclean   in   src/c/main/load-and-run-heap-image.c
    Task*		task;
    Heapfile_Header	image_header;
    Heap_Header	heap_header;
    Val		*externs;
    Pthread_Image	image;
    Inbuf		inbuf;

    if (fname != NULL) {
        // Resolve the name of the image.
        //  If the file exists use it, otherwise try the
        // pathname with the machine ID as an extension.

	if ((inbuf.file = fopen(fname, "rb"))) {
	    if (verbosity__global > 0)   say("loading %s ", fname);

	} else {
	    if ((inbuf.file = fopen(fname, "rb"))) {
	        if (verbosity__global > 0)   say("loading %s ", fname);

	    } else {

		die ("unable to open heap image \"%s\"\n", fname);

	inbuf.needs_to_be_byteswapped = FALSE;
	inbuf.buf	    = NULL;
	inbuf.nbytes    = 0;

    } else {
	// fname == NULL, so try to find
	// an in-core heap image:

  	#if defined(DLOPEN) && !defined(OPSYS_WIN32)
	    void *lib = dlopen (NULL, RTLD_LAZY);
	    void *vimg, *vimglenptr;

	    if ((vimg       = dlsym(lib,HEAP_IMAGE_SYMBOL    )) == NULL)      die("no in-core heap image found\n");
	    if ((vimglenptr = dlsym(lib,HEAP_IMAGE_LEN_SYMBOL)) == NULL)      die("unable to find length of in-core heap image\n");

	    inbuf.file      = NULL;
	    inbuf.needs_to_be_byteswapped = FALSE;

	    inbuf.base      = vimg;
	    inbuf.buf       = inbuf.base;
	    inbuf.nbytes    = *(long*)vimglenptr;
	    die("in-core heap images not implemented\n");

    READ(&inbuf, image_header);

    if (image_header.byte_order != ORDER)						die ("incorrect byte order in heap image\n");
    if (image_header.magic != IMAGE_MAGIC)						die ("bad magic number (%#x) in heap image\n", image_header.magic);
    if ((image_header.kind != EXPORT_HEAP_IMAGE) && (image_header.kind != EXPORT_FN_IMAGE))	die ("bad image kind (%d) in heap image\n", image_header.kind);

    READ(&inbuf, heap_header);

    // Check for command-line overrides of heap parameters:
    if (params->agegroup0_buffer_bytesize == 0) {
        params->agegroup0_buffer_bytesize = heap_header.agegroup0_buffer_bytesize;
    if (params->active_agegroups < heap_header.active_agegroups) {
        params->active_agegroups = heap_header.active_agegroups;
    if (params->oldest_agegroup_retaining_fromspace_sibs_between_heapcleanings < 0) {
        params->oldest_agegroup_retaining_fromspace_sibs_between_heapcleanings = heap_header.oldest_agegroup_retaining_fromspace_sibs_between_heapcleanings;

    task = make_task( /*is_boot:*/FALSE, params );					// make_task		def in   src/c/main/runtime-state.c

    // Get the run-time pointers into the heap:

    // This carefully constructed fake looks like a normal
    // compiled package from the Mythryl side but actually
    // links to compile C code -- see the hack in
    //     src/c/main/load-compiledfiles.c
    runtime_package__global =  heap_header.runtime_pseudopackage;

    #ifdef ASM_MATH
	mathvec__global = heap_header.math_package;

    externs = heapio__read_externs_table (&inbuf);				// Read the externals table.

    READ(&inbuf, image);							// Read and initialize the Mythryl state info.
    if (image_header.kind == EXPORT_HEAP_IMAGE) {

        // Load the live registers:
	task->argument		= image.stdArg;
	task->fate		= image.stdCont;
	task->current_closure	= image.stdClos;
	task->program_counter	= image.pc;
	task->exception_fate	= image.exception_fate;
	task->current_thread	= image.current_thread;
	task->callee_saved_registers[0]	= image.calleeSave[0];
	task->callee_saved_registers[1]	= image.calleeSave[1];
	task->callee_saved_registers[2]	= image.calleeSave[2];

	read_heap (&inbuf, &heap_header, task, externs);			// Read the Mythryl heap.

	/* heapcleaner_messages_are_enabled__global = TRUE; */			// Heapcleaning messages are on by default for interactive images.

    } else { 									// EXPORT_FN_IMAGE

        // Restore the signal handler:
	ASSIGN( POSIX_INTERPROCESS_SIGNAL_HANDLER_REFCELL__GLOBAL, image.posix_interprocess_signal_handler );

        // Read the Mythryl heap:
	task->argument		= image.stdArg;
	read_heap (&inbuf, &heap_header, task, externs);

        // Initialize the calling context (taken from run_mythryl_function__may_heapclean):			// run_mythryl_function__may_heapclean	def in   src/c/main/run-mythryl-code-and-runtime-eventloop.c
	Val function_to_run	= task->argument;
	task->exception_fate	= PTR_CAST( Val,  handle_uncaught_exception_closure_v + 1 );
	task->current_thread	= HEAP_VOID;
	task->fate		= PTR_CAST( Val,  return_to_c_level_c );
	task->current_closure	= function_to_run;
	task->program_counter	=
	task->link_register	= GET_CODE_ADDRESS_FROM_CLOSURE( function_to_run );				// Last use of 'function_to_run'.

        // Set up the arguments to the imported function:
	Val program_name =  make_ascii_string_from_c_string__may_heapclean(task, mythryl_program_name__global, extra_roots);		Roots roots1 = { &program_name, extra_roots };
	Val args         =  make_ascii_strings_from_vector_of_c_strings__may_heapclean (task, commandline_args_without_argv0_or_runtime_args__global, &roots1 );

	task->argument = make_two_slot_record( task, program_name, args );

	// debug_say("arg = %#x : [%#x, %#x]\n", task->argument, GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(task->argument, 0), GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(task->argument, 1));

        // Heapcleaner messages are off by
        // default for spawn_to_disk images:
	heapcleaner_messages_are_enabled__global =  FALSE;

    FREE( externs );

    if (inbuf.file)   fclose (inbuf.file);

    if (verbosity__global > 0)   say(" done\n");

    return task;
}								// fun import_heap_image__may_heapclean