map<string,string> frameParserFunc(cma_frame_legacy& frm) { map<string,string> ret; char sensorId[2]; const uint8_t* data = const_cast<cma_frame_legacy*>(&frm)->getPduData(); memcpy(sensorId, data, 2); uint32_t timestamp = makelong(makeword(data[2], data[3]), makeword(data[4], data[5])); uint16_t windage_yaw_angle = makeword(data[6], data[7]); uint16_t deflection_angle = makeword(data[8], data[9]); uint16_t line_temperature1 = makeword(data[10], data[11]); uint16_t line_temperature2 = makeword(data[12], data[13]); uint16_t battery_voltage = makeword(data[14], data[15]); uint16_t operation_temperature = makeword(data[16], data[17]); uint16_t reserve1 = makeword(data[18], data[19]); uint16_t reserve2 = makeword(data[20], data[21]); try { uint64_t ms = timestamp; ms *= 1000; ms *= 1000; Timestamp ts(ms); string sTimestamp = ts.toFormattedStringDash(); string sWindage_yaw_angle = boost::lexical_cast<string>(deflection_angle); string sDeflection_angle = boost::lexical_cast<string>(deflection_angle); string sLine_temperature1 = boost::lexical_cast<string>(line_temperature1); string sLine_temperature2 = boost::lexical_cast<string>(line_temperature2); string sBattery_voltage = boost::lexical_cast<string>(battery_voltage); string sOperation_temperature = boost::lexical_cast<string>(operation_temperature); string sReserve1 = boost::lexical_cast<string>(reserve1); string sReserve2 = boost::lexical_cast<string>(reserve2); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Time_Stamp", sTimestamp)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Windage_Yaw_Angle", sWindage_yaw_angle)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Deflection_Angle", sDeflection_angle)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Line_Temperature1", sLine_temperature1)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Line_Temperature2", sLine_temperature2)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Battery_Voltage", sBattery_voltage)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Operation_Temperature", sOperation_temperature)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Reserve1", sReserve1)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Reserve2", sReserve2)); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast& e) { return ret; } return ret; }
listtable* parseQueries(listtable* tbl, const char* query, char equalchar, char sepchar, int* count) { if (tbl == NULL && (tbl = listTable(0)) == NULL) { return NULL; } if (query == NULL) { return tbl; } int cnt = 0; char* newquery = strdup(query); while (newquery && *newquery) { char* value = makeword(newquery, sepchar); char* name = strTrim(makeword(value, equalchar)); urlDecode(name); urlDecode(value); if (tbl->putstr(tbl, name, value) == true) { cnt++; } free(name); free(value); } if (count != NULL) { *count = cnt; } free(newquery); return tbl; }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { entry entries[MAX_ENTRIES]; register int x,m=0; int cl; printf("Content-type: text/html%c%c",10,10); if(strcmp(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"),"POST")) { printf("This script should be referenced with a METHOD of POST.\n"); printf("If you don't understand this, see this "); printf("<A HREF=\"\">forms overview</A>.%c",10); exit(1); } if(strcmp(getenv("CONTENT_TYPE"),"application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { printf("This script can only be used to decode form results. \n"); exit(1); } cl = atoi(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")); for(x=0;cl && (!feof(stdin));x++) { m=x; entries[x].val = fmakeword(stdin,'&',&cl); plustospace(entries[x].val); unescape_url(entries[x].val); entries[x].name = makeword(entries[x].val,'='); } printf("<H1>Query Results</H1>"); printf("You submitted the following name/value pairs:<p>%c",10); printf("<ul>%c",10); for(x=0; x <= m; x++) printf("<li> <code>%s : %s</code>%c",entries[x].name, entries[x].val,10); printf("</ul>%c",10); }
int getEntries( inStruct Sentries ) { register int x; char *stquery, *tmpq, *tmpStr, *tmpStr1, *tmpPtr; char reqMethod[100]; int msgLength; char contentType[100]; char boundary[MAX_TOKEN]; int i; putenv( "HOME=/" ); if ( getenv( "CONTENT_TYPE" ) != NULL ) { strcpy( contentType, getenv( "CONTENT_TYPE" ) ); } else { strcpy( contentType, "" ); } if ( getenv( "REQUEST_METHOD" ) != NULL ) { strcpy( reqMethod, getenv( "REQUEST_METHOD" ) ); } else { strcpy( reqMethod, "" ); } if ( getenv( "HTTP_COOKIE" ) != NULL ) { strcpy( Sentries->cookieStr, getenv( "HTTP_COOKIE" ) ); } else { strcpy( Sentries->cookieStr, "" ); } if ( strstr( Sentries->cookieStr, "*" ) != NULL || strstr( Sentries->cookieStr, ".." ) != NULL || strstr( Sentries->cookieStr, "?" ) != NULL || strstr( Sentries->cookieStr, "/" ) != NULL || strstr( Sentries->cookieStr, "\\" ) != NULL ) { Sentries->op = -1; return 1; } if ( !strcmp( reqMethod, "POST" ) || !strcmp( reqMethod, "post" ) ) { msgLength = atoi( getenv( "CONTENT_LENGTH" ) ) + 10; stquery = malloc( msgLength ); if ( fread( stquery, 1, msgLength, stdin ) != ( msgLength - 10 ) ) { webErrorExit( "short fread", 0 ); } stquery[msgLength] = '\0'; } else { stquery = malloc( QSIZE ); if ( getenv( "QUERY_STRING" ) != NULL ) { strcpy( stquery, getenv( "QUERY_STRING" ) ); } else { strcpy( stquery, "" ); } } if ( strstr( contentType, "multipart/form-data" ) != NULL ) { i = msgLength - 10; getBoundary( &stquery, boundary ); /*** printf("Boundary:**%s**<BR>\n",boundary);fflush(stdout); ***/ for ( x = 0; *stquery != '\0'; x++ ) { if ( x == MAX_ENTRIES ) { webErrorExit( "MaxEntries Exceeded", x ); } Sentries->m = x; /*** printf("GettingX:%i....\n",x);fflush(stdout); ***/ tmpPtr = stquery; if ( getmultipartword( &Sentries->entries[x], &stquery, boundary, i ) != 0 ) { break; } i -= stquery - tmpPtr; /*** printf("%i:%s=%s<BR>\n",entries[x].size,entries[x].name,entries[x].val);fflush(stdout);***/ } Sentries->m--; } else { /** the following is to take care of the home col. name bad length pb Linux on RedHat7 *******/ fixstr1 = malloc( 10 ); free( fixstr1 ); /******************************************************/ for ( x = 0; stquery[0] != '\0'; x++ ) { if ( x == MAX_ENTRIES ) { webErrorExit( "MaxEntries Exceeded", x ); } Sentries->m = x; Sentries->entries[x].val = malloc( HUGE_STRING ); getword( Sentries->entries[x].val, stquery, '&' ); plustospace( Sentries->entries[x].val ); unescape_url( Sentries->entries[x].val ); char* wd = ( char * ) makeword( Sentries->entries[x].val, '=' ); // JMC cppcheck - leak sprintf( Sentries->entries[x].name, wd ); free( wd ); // JMC cppcheck - leak } } return 0; }
int __fastcall UnzOpr::getZip64Data(const DZRawData& extra) // uch *ef_buf, unsigned ef_len) { unsigned eb_id; unsigned eb_len; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This function scans the extra field for zip64 information, ie 8-byte versions of compressed file size, uncompressed file size, relative offset and a 4-byte version of disk start number. Sets both local header and central header fields. Not terribly clever, but it means that this procedure is only called in one place. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!extra) return PK_COOL; const uch* ef_buf = extra.begin(); unsigned ef_len = extra.Length(); // TTrace((stderr,"\ngetZip64Data: scanning extra field of length %u\n", ef_len)); while (ef_len >= EB_HEADSIZE) { eb_id = makeword(EB_ID + ef_buf); eb_len = makeword(EB_LEN + ef_buf); if (eb_len > (ef_len - EB_HEADSIZE)) { /* discovered some extra field inconsistency! */ if (Verbose) // < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T( "Invalid extra data: block length %u > rest of block %u"), eb_len, ef_len - EB_HEADSIZE); break; } if (eb_id == ZIP64_XDATA_TAG) { int offset = EB_HEADSIZE; if (fcrec.ucsize == MAX_UNSIGNED || flrec.ucsize == MAX_UNSIGNED) { flrec.ucsize = fcrec.ucsize = makeint64(offset + ef_buf); offset += sizeof(fcrec.ucsize); } if (fcrec.csize == MAX_UNSIGNED || flrec.csize == MAX_UNSIGNED) { fcsize = flrec.csize = fcrec.csize = makeint64(offset + ef_buf); offset += sizeof(fcrec.csize); } if (fcrec.relative_offset_local_header == MAX_UNSIGNED) { fcrec.relative_offset_local_header = makeint64(offset + ef_buf); offset += sizeof(fcrec.relative_offset_local_header); } if (fcrec.disk_number_start == MAX_WORD) { fcrec.disk_number_start = makelong(offset + ef_buf); // offset += sizeof(fcrec.disk_number_start); } } /* Skip this extra field block */ ef_buf += (eb_len + EB_HEADSIZE); ef_len -= (eb_len + EB_HEADSIZE); } return PK_COOL; } /* end function getZip64Data() */
/* =========================================================================== * Function find_ecrec() */ int UnzOpr::find_ecrec(ZInt64 searchlen) { /* return PK-class error */ int // i, numblks, found = false; int result; // /*long*/ZInt64 tail_len; ec_byte_rec byterec; if (Verbose < 0) Notify(ITRACE, _T("in find_ecrec (end of central dir)")); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Treat case of short zipfile separately. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (fziplen <= INBUFSIZ) { fUnzInfile->SetPosition(0L, SEEK_SET); if ((fincnt = vclRead((char*)finbuf, (unsigned int)fziplen)) == (int) fziplen) /* 'P' must be at least 22 bytes from end of zipfile */ for (finptr = finbuf + (int)fziplen - 22; finptr >= finbuf; --finptr) if (*(ulg*)finptr == EndCentralDirSig) // if ((native(* finptr) == 'P') && !strncmp((char *) finptr, fend_central_sig, 4)) { fincnt -= (int)(finptr - finbuf); found = true; break; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Zipfile is longer than INBUFSIZ: may need to loop. Start with short * block at end of zipfile (if not TOO short). *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ } else { found = rec_find(searchlen, EndCentralDirSig /* fend_central_sig */ , ECREC_SIZE) == 0; } /* end if (ziplen > INBUFSIZ) */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Searched through whole region where signature should be without finding * it. Print informational message and die a horrible death. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // fail: if (!found) { // UnzErr(UEN_EOF01); DZError(DZ_ERM_NO_CENTRAL); return PK_ERR; /* failed */ } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Found the signature, so get the end-central data before returning. Do * any necessary machine-type conversions (byte ordering, structure padding * compensation) by reading data into character array and copying to struct. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ freal_ecrec_offset = fcur_zipfile_bufstart + (finptr - finbuf); if (Verbose < 0) { Notify(ITRACE, _T( "Found end-of-central-dir signature at offset %Ld (%.8LXh)"), freal_ecrec_offset, freal_ecrec_offset); Notify(ITRACE, _T( " from beginning of file; offset %d (%.4Xh) within block"), finptr - finbuf, finptr - finbuf); } if (readbuf((char*)byterec, ECREC_SIZE + 4) == 0) return PK_EOF; fecrec.number_this_disk = makeword(&byterec[NUMBER_THIS_DISK]); fecrec.num_disk_start_cdir = makeword (&byterec[NUM_DISK_WITH_START_CENTRAL_DIR]); fecrec.num_entries_centrl_dir_ths_disk = makeword (&byterec[NUM_ENTRIES_CENTRL_DIR_THS_DISK]); fecrec.total_entries_central_dir = makeword (&byterec[TOTAL_ENTRIES_CENTRAL_DIR]); fecrec.size_central_directory = makelong(&byterec[SIZE_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY]); fecrec.offset_start_central_directory = makelong (&byterec[OFFSET_START_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY]); fecrec.zipfile_comment_length = makeword(&byterec[ZIPFILE_COMMENT_LENGTH]); if (check_ecrec_zip64()) { result = find_ecrec64(searchlen + 76); /* 76 bytes for zip64ec & zip64 locator */ if (result != PK_COOL) return result; } fexpect_ecrec_offset = fecrec.offset_start_central_directory + fecrec.size_central_directory; return PK_COOL; }
int loadParams(cgiRequestObj *request, char* (*getenv2)(const char*, void* thread_context), char *raw_post_data, ms_uint32 raw_post_data_length, void* thread_context) { register int x,m=0; char *s, *queryString = NULL, *httpCookie = NULL; int debuglevel; int maxParams = MS_DEFAULT_CGI_PARAMS; if (getenv2==NULL) getenv2 = &msGetEnv; if(getenv2("REQUEST_METHOD", thread_context)==NULL) { msIO_printf("This script can only be used to decode form results and \n"); msIO_printf("should be initiated as a CGI process via a httpd server.\n"); return -1; } debuglevel = (int)msGetGlobalDebugLevel(); if(strcmp(getenv2("REQUEST_METHOD", thread_context),"POST") == 0) { /* we've got a post from a form */ char *post_data; int data_len; request->type = MS_POST_REQUEST; s = getenv2("CONTENT_TYPE", thread_context); if (s != NULL) request->contenttype = msStrdup(s); /* we've to set default Content-Type which is * application/octet-stream according to * W3 RFC 2626 section 7.2.1 */ else request->contenttype = msStrdup("application/octet-stream"); if (raw_post_data) { post_data = msStrdup(raw_post_data); data_len = raw_post_data_length; } else { if(MS_SUCCESS != readPostBody( request, &post_data )) return -1; data_len = strlen(post_data); } /* if the content_type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded, we have to parse it like the QUERY_STRING variable */ if(strncmp(request->contenttype, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", strlen("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) == 0) { while( data_len > 0 && isspace(post_data[data_len-1]) ) post_data[--data_len] = '\0'; while( post_data[0] ) { if(m >= maxParams) { maxParams *= 2; request->ParamNames = (char **) msSmallRealloc(request->ParamNames,sizeof(char *) * maxParams); request->ParamValues = (char **) msSmallRealloc(request->ParamValues,sizeof(char *) * maxParams); } request->ParamValues[m] = makeword(post_data,'&'); plustospace(request->ParamValues[m]); unescape_url(request->ParamValues[m]); request->ParamNames[m] = makeword(request->ParamValues[m],'='); m++; } free( post_data ); } else request->postrequest = post_data; /* check the QUERY_STRING even in the post request since it can contain information. Eg a wfs request with */ s = getenv2("QUERY_STRING", thread_context); if(s) { if (debuglevel >= MS_DEBUGLEVEL_DEBUG) msDebug("loadParams() QUERY_STRING: %s\n", s); queryString = msStrdup(s); for(x=0; queryString[0] != '\0'; x++) { if(m >= maxParams) { maxParams *= 2; request->ParamNames = (char **) msSmallRealloc(request->ParamNames,sizeof(char *) * maxParams); request->ParamValues = (char **) msSmallRealloc(request->ParamValues,sizeof(char *) * maxParams); } request->ParamValues[m] = makeword(queryString,'&'); plustospace(request->ParamValues[m]); unescape_url(request->ParamValues[m]); request->ParamNames[m] = makeword(request->ParamValues[m],'='); m++; } } } else { if(strcmp(getenv2("REQUEST_METHOD", thread_context),"GET") == 0) { /* we've got a get request */ request->type = MS_GET_REQUEST; s = getenv2("QUERY_STRING", thread_context); if(s == NULL) { msIO_setHeader("Content-Type","text/html"); msIO_sendHeaders(); msIO_printf("No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING not set.\n"); return -1; } if (debuglevel >= MS_DEBUGLEVEL_DEBUG) msDebug("loadParams() QUERY_STRING: %s\n", s); if(strlen(s)==0) { msIO_setHeader("Content-Type","text/html"); msIO_sendHeaders(); msIO_printf("No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty.\n"); return -1; } /* don't modify the string returned by getenv2 */ queryString = msStrdup(s); for(x=0; queryString[0] != '\0'; x++) { if(m >= maxParams) { maxParams *= 2; request->ParamNames = (char **) msSmallRealloc(request->ParamNames,sizeof(char *) * maxParams); request->ParamValues = (char **) msSmallRealloc(request->ParamValues,sizeof(char *) * maxParams); } request->ParamValues[m] = makeword(queryString,'&'); plustospace(request->ParamValues[m]); unescape_url(request->ParamValues[m]); request->ParamNames[m] = makeword(request->ParamValues[m],'='); m++; } } else { msIO_setHeader("Content-Type","text/html"); msIO_sendHeaders(); msIO_printf("This script should be referenced with a METHOD of GET or METHOD of POST.\n"); return -1; } } /* check for any available cookies */ s = getenv2("HTTP_COOKIE", thread_context); if(s != NULL) { httpCookie = msStrdup(s); request->httpcookiedata = msStrdup(s); for(x=0; httpCookie[0] != '\0'; x++) { if(m >= maxParams) { maxParams *= 2; request->ParamNames = (char **) msSmallRealloc(request->ParamNames,sizeof(char *) * maxParams); request->ParamValues = (char **) msSmallRealloc(request->ParamValues,sizeof(char *) * maxParams); } request->ParamValues[m] = makeword(httpCookie,';'); plustospace(request->ParamValues[m]); unescape_url(request->ParamValues[m]); request->ParamNames[m] = makeword_skip(request->ParamValues[m],'=',' '); m++; } } if (queryString) free(queryString); if (httpCookie) free(httpCookie); return(m); }
map<string,string> frameParserFunc(cma_frame& frm) { map<string,string> ret; //Chen Hongquan modify, begin //char* componentId[17]; char componentId[17]; //Chen Hongquan modify, end const uint8_t* data = const_cast<cma_frame*>(&frm)->getPduData(); memcpy(componentId, data, 17); uint32_t timestamp = makelong(makeword(data[17],data[18]),makeword(data[19],data[20])); uint16_t alertflag = makeword(data[21],data[22]); uint32_t equalicethickness = makelong(makeword(data[23],data[24]),makeword(data[25],data[26])); uint32_t tension = makelong(makeword(data[27],data[28]),makeword(data[29],data[30])); uint32_t tensiondifference = makelong(makeword(data[31],data[32]),makeword(data[33],data[34])); uint32_t windageyawangle = makelong(makeword(data[35],data[36]),makeword(data[37],data[38])); uint32_t deflectionangle = makelong(makeword(data[39],data[40]),makeword(data[41],data[42])); uint32_t reverse1 = makelong(makeword(data[43],data[44]),makeword(data[45],data[46])); uint32_t reverse2 = makelong(makeword(data[47],data[48]),makeword(data[49],data[50])); try { // string sTimestamp = boost::lexical_cast<string>(timestamp); uint64_t ms = timestamp; ms *= 1000; ms *= 1000; Timestamp ts(ms); string sTimestamp = ts.toFormattedStringDash(); string sAlertflag = boost::lexical_cast<string>(alertflag); string sEqualicethickness = boost::lexical_cast<string>(equalicethickness); string sTension = boost::lexical_cast<string>(tension); string sTensiondifference = boost::lexical_cast<string>(tensiondifference); string sWindageyawangle = boost::lexical_cast<string>(windageyawangle); string sDeflectionangle = boost::lexical_cast<string>(deflectionangle); string sReverse1 = boost::lexical_cast<string>(reverse1); string sReverse2 = boost::lexical_cast<string>(reverse2); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Time_Stamp",sTimestamp)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Alert_Flag",sAlertflag)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Equal_IceThickness",sEqualicethickness)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Tension",sTension)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Tension_Difference",sTensiondifference)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Windage_Yaw_Angle",sWindageyawangle)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Deflection_Angle",sDeflectionangle)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Reverse1",sReverse1)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Reverse2",sReverse2)); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast& e) { return ret; } return ret; }
map<string,string> frameParserFunc(cma_frame& frm) { map<string,string> ret; //Chen Hongquan modify, begin //char* componentId[17]; char componentId[17]; //Chen Hongquan modify, end const uint8_t* data = const_cast<cma_frame*>(&frm)->getPduData(); memcpy(componentId, data, 17); uint32_t timestamp = makelong(makeword(data[17], data[18]), makeword(data[19], data[20])); uint16_t alertflag = makeword(data[21], data[22]); uint32_t average_WindSpeed_10min_tmp = makelong(makeword(data[23], data[24]), makeword(data[25], data[26])); //xinsy20140326 float average_WindSpeed_10min = getDecNumber(average_WindSpeed_10min_tmp); //xinsy20140326 uint16_t average_WindDirection_10min = makeword(data[27], data[28]); uint32_t max_WindSpeed_tmp = makelong(makeword(data[29], data[30]), makeword(data[31], data[32])); //xinsy20140326 float max_WindSpeed = getDecNumber(max_WindSpeed_tmp); //xinsy20140326 uint32_t extreme_WindSpeed_tmp = makelong(makeword(data[33], data[34]), makeword(data[35], data[36])); //xinsy20140326 float extreme_WindSpeed = getDecNumber(extreme_WindSpeed_tmp); //xinsy20140326 uint32_t standard_WindSpeed_tmp = makelong(makeword(data[37], data[38]), makeword(data[39], data[40])); //xinsy20140326 float standard_WindSpeed = getDecNumber(standard_WindSpeed_tmp); //xinsy20140326 uint32_t air_Temperature_tmp = makelong(makeword(data[41], data[42]), makeword(data[43], data[44])); //xinsy20140326 float air_Temperature = getDecNumber(air_Temperature_tmp); //xinsy20140326 uint16_t humidity = makeword(data[45], data[46]); uint32_t air_Pressure_tmp= makelong(makeword(data[47], data[48]), makeword(data[49], data[50])); //xinsy20140326 float air_Pressure = getDecNumber(air_Pressure_tmp); //xinsy20140326 uint32_t precipitation_tmp= makelong(makeword(data[51], data[52]), makeword(data[53], data[54])); //xinsy20140326 float precipitation = getDecNumber(precipitation_tmp); //xinsy20140326 uint32_t precipitation_Intensity_tmp= makelong(makeword(data[55], data[56]), makeword(data[57], data[58])); //xinsy20140326 float precipitation_Intensity = getDecNumber(precipitation_Intensity_tmp); //xinsy20140326 uint16_t radiation_Intensity = makeword(data[59], data[60]); uint32_t reserve1 = makelong(makeword(data[61], data[62]), makeword(data[63], data[64])); uint32_t reserve2 = makelong(makeword(data[65], data[66]), makeword(data[67], data[68])); try { uint64_t ms = timestamp; ms *= 1000; ms *= 1000; Timestamp ts(ms); string sTimestamp = ts.toFormattedStringDash(); string sAlertflag = boost::lexical_cast<string>(alertflag); string sAverage_WindSpeed_10min = boost::lexical_cast<string>(average_WindSpeed_10min); string sAverage_WindDirection_10min= boost::lexical_cast<string>(average_WindDirection_10min); string sMax_WindSpeed = boost::lexical_cast<string>(max_WindSpeed); string sExtreme_WindSpeed = boost::lexical_cast<string>(extreme_WindSpeed); string sStandard_WindSpeed = boost::lexical_cast<string>(standard_WindSpeed); string sAir_Temperature = boost::lexical_cast<string>(air_Temperature); string sHumidity = boost::lexical_cast<string>(humidity); string sAir_Pressure = boost::lexical_cast<string>(air_Pressure); string sPrecipitation = boost::lexical_cast<string>(precipitation); string sPrecipitation_Intensity = boost::lexical_cast<string>(precipitation_Intensity); string sRadiation_Intensity = boost::lexical_cast<string>(radiation_Intensity); string sReverse1 = boost::lexical_cast<string>(reserve1); string sReverse2 = boost::lexical_cast<string>(reserve2); #if 1 //xinsy20140326 LOG_INFO << "Average_WindSpeed_10min : " << sAverage_WindSpeed_10min; LOG_INFO << "Average_WindDirection_10min : " << sAverage_WindDirection_10min; LOG_INFO << "Max_WindSpeed : " << sMax_WindSpeed; LOG_INFO << "Extreme_WindSpeed : " << sExtreme_WindSpeed; LOG_INFO << "Standard_WindSpeed : " << sStandard_WindSpeed; LOG_INFO << "Air_Temperature : " << sAir_Temperature; LOG_INFO << "Humidity : " << sHumidity; LOG_INFO << "Air_Pressure : " << sAir_Pressure; LOG_INFO << "Precipitation : " << sPrecipitation; LOG_INFO << "Precipitation_Intensity : " << sPrecipitation_Intensity; LOG_INFO << "Radiation_Intensity : " << sRadiation_Intensity; LOG_INFO << "Precipitation : " << sPrecipitation; #endif ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Time_Stamp",sTimestamp)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Alert_Flag",sAlertflag)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Average_WindSpeed_10min",sAverage_WindSpeed_10min)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Average_WindDirection_10min",sAverage_WindDirection_10min)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Max_WindSpeed",sMax_WindSpeed)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Extreme_WindSpeed",sExtreme_WindSpeed)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Standard_WindSpeed",sStandard_WindSpeed)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Air_Temperature",sAir_Temperature)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Humidity",sHumidity)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Air_Pressure",sAir_Pressure)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Precipitation",sPrecipitation)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Precipitation_Intensity",sPrecipitation_Intensity)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Radiation_Intensity",sRadiation_Intensity)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Reverse1",sReverse1)); ret.insert(make_pair<string,string>("Reverse2",sReverse2)); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast& e) { return ret; } return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pentry entries[MAXPOSTVARS]; entry gentries[MAXGETVARS]; char *gcl; register int i; int cl=0; ConnectDb(); if(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")!=NULL) sprintf(gcHost,"%.99s",getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")); if(getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT")!=NULL) { if(strstr(getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),"Firefox")) guBrowserFirefox=1; } #if defined(Linux) gethostname(gcHostname, 98); #else //Solaris sysinfo(SI_HOSTNAME, gcHostname, 98); #endif if(strcmp(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"),"POST")) { //Get //SSLCookieLogin(); gcl = getenv("QUERY_STRING"); for(i=0;gcl[0] != '\0' && i<MAXGETVARS;i++) { getword(gentries[i].val,gcl,'&'); plustospace(gentries[i].val); unescape_url(gentries[i].val); getword(gentries[i].name,gentries[i].val,'='); if(!strcmp(gentries[i].name,"gcFunction")) sprintf(gcFunction,"%.99s",gentries[i].val); else if(!strcmp(gentries[i].name,"gcPage")) sprintf(gcPage,"%.99s",gentries[i].val); } if(gcPage[0]) { if(!strcmp(gcPage,"MyAccount")) MyAccountGetHook(gentries,i); } } else { //Post cl = atoi(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")); for(i=0;cl && (!feof(stdin)) && i<MAXPOSTVARS ;i++) { entries[i].val = fmakeword(stdin,'&',&cl); plustospace(entries[i].val); unescape_url(entries[i].val); entries[i].name = makeword(entries[i].val,'='); if(!strcmp(entries[i].name,"gcFunction")) sprintf(gcFunction,"%.99s",entries[i].val); else if(!strcmp(entries[i].name,"gcPage")) sprintf(gcPage,"%.99s",entries[i].val); else if(!strcmp(entries[i].name,"gcLogin")) sprintf(gcLogin,"%.99s",entries[i].val); else if(!strcmp(entries[i].name,"gcPasswd")) sprintf(gcPasswd,"%.99s",entries[i].val); } } //Not required to be logged in gcFunction section if(gcFunction[0]) { if(!strncmp(gcFunction,"Logout",5)) { printf("Set-Cookie: iRadiusLogin=; expires=\"Mon, 01-Jan-1971 00:10:10 GMT\"\n"); printf("Set-Cookie: iRadiusPasswd=; expires=\"Mon, 01-Jan-1971 00:10:10 GMT\"\n"); guPermLevel=0; gcUser[0]=0; guLoginClient=0; htmlLogin(); } } /*if(!strcmp(gcFunction,"Login")) SetLogin(); if(!guPermLevel || !gcUser[0] || !guLoginClient) SSLCookieLogin()¨; //First page after valid login if(!strcmp(gcFunction,"Login")) htmlMyAccountd();*/ //Per page command tree MyAccountCommands(entries,i); //default logged in page htmlMyAccount(); return(0); }//end of main()
BOOL File::ReadHeader() { FILE* fzip = fopen( strZipPath.c_str(), "rb") ; if( !fzip) { return FALSE ; } if( fseek( fzip, ulCentralDir, SEEK_SET) != 0) { fclose( fzip) ; return FALSE ; } // ヘッダのチェック if( fgetc( fzip) == 0x50 && fgetc( fzip) == 0x4b && fgetc( fzip) == 0x01 && fgetc( fzip) == 0x02) { // no problem } else { fclose( fzip) ; return FALSE ; } // 読みとり開始 BYTE byte[ CENTRAL_DIR_SIZE] ; fread( byte, sizeof( BYTE), CENTRAL_DIR_SIZE, fzip) ; // ヘッダの読みとり zipheader.usVersionMadeBy = makeword( &byte[ C_VERSION_MADE_BY_0]) ; zipheader.usVersionNeededToExtract = makeword( &byte[ C_VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_0]) ; zipheader.usGeneralPurposeBitFlag = makeword( &byte[ C_GENERAL_PURPOSE_BIT_FLAG]) ; zipheader.usCompressionMethod = makeword( &byte[ C_COMPRESSION_METHOD]) ; zipheader.usLastModFileTime = makeword( &byte[ C_LAST_MOD_FILE_TIME]) ; zipheader.usLastModFileDate = makeword( &byte[ C_LAST_MOD_FILE_DATE]) ; zipheader.ulCrc32 = makelong( &byte[ C_CRC32]) ; zipheader.ulCompressedSize = makelong( &byte[ C_COMPRESSED_SIZE]) ; zipheader.ulUncompressedSize = makelong( &byte[ C_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE]) ; zipheader.usFilenameLength = makeword( &byte[ C_FILENAME_LENGTH]) ; zipheader.usExtraFieldLength = makeword( &byte[ C_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH]) ; zipheader.usFileCommentLength = makeword( &byte[ C_FILE_COMMENT_LENGTH]) ; zipheader.usDiskNumberStart = makeword( &byte[ C_DISK_NUMBER_START]) ; zipheader.usInternalFileAttributes = makeword( &byte[ C_INTERNAL_FILE_ATTRIBUTES]) ; zipheader.ulExternalFileAttributes = makelong( &byte[ C_EXTERNAL_FILE_ATTRIBUTES]) ; zipheader.ulRelativeOffsetLocalHeader = makelong( &byte[ C_RELATIVE_OFFSET_LOCAL_HEADER]) ; // ファイル名読みとり if( zipheader.usFilenameLength > 0) { char* pszFilename = new char[ zipheader.usFilenameLength + 1] ; fread( pszFilename, sizeof( char), zipheader.usFilenameLength, fzip) ; pszFilename[ zipheader.usFilenameLength] = '\0' ; zipheader.strFilename = pszFilename ; delete[] pszFilename ; } // 拡張領域 if( zipheader.usExtraFieldLength > 0) { BYTE* pbyte = new BYTE[ zipheader.usExtraFieldLength] ; fread( pbyte, sizeof( BYTE), zipheader.usExtraFieldLength, fzip) ; zipheader.pbyteExtra = pbyte ; } // コメント if( zipheader.usFileCommentLength > 0) { char* pszComment = new char[ zipheader.usFileCommentLength + 1] ; fread( pszComment, sizeof( char), zipheader.usFileCommentLength, fzip) ; pszComment[ zipheader.usFileCommentLength] = '\0' ; zipheader.strComment = pszComment ; delete[] pszComment ; } // ローカルヘッダ fseek( fzip, zipheader.ulRelativeOffsetLocalHeader, SEEK_SET) ; if( fgetc( fzip) == 0x50 && fgetc( fzip) == 0x4b && fgetc( fzip) == 0x03 && fgetc( fzip) == 0x04) { // no problem } else { fclose( fzip) ; return FALSE ; } fread( byte, sizeof( BYTE), LOCAL_HEADER_SIZE, fzip) ; USHORT usFilenameLength2 = makeword( &byte[ L_FILENAME_LENGTH]) ; USHORT usExtraFieldLength2 = makeword( &byte[ L_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH]) ; ulFileHead = zipheader.ulRelativeOffsetLocalHeader + 4 + LOCAL_HEADER_SIZE + usFilenameLength2 + usExtraFieldLength2 ; fclose( fzip) ; return TRUE ; }
int read_encoder(FT_HANDLE ftHandleDYNA, int motorNum) { unsigned char InstructionPacket[160] = {0}; unsigned char StatusPacket[70]= {0}; FT_STATUS ft_status; //make the packet InstructionPacket[0] = 0xff; InstructionPacket[1] = 0xff; InstructionPacket[ID] = (unsigned char)motorNum; InstructionPacket[LENGTH] = 4; InstructionPacket[INSTRUCTION] = INST_READ; InstructionPacket[PARAMETER] = (unsigned char)36;//address for encoder InstructionPacket[PARAMETER+1] = 2; unsigned char checksum = 0; for(unsigned char i=0; i<(InstructionPacket[LENGTH]+1); i++ ) checksum += InstructionPacket[i+2]; InstructionPacket[InstructionPacket[LENGTH]+3] = ~checksum; //send the packet unsigned char *pPacket = InstructionPacket; int numPacket = 8; //length plus 4 DWORD dwNumToWrite = (DWORD)numPacket; DWORD dwNumWritten; ft_status = FT_Write(ftHandleDYNA, (LPVOID)pPacket, dwNumToWrite, &dwNumWritten ); if( ft_status == FT_IO_ERROR ) { qDebug() << "\n\nError sending encoder packet to motor!"; return -1; } if(numPacket != dwNumWritten) { qDebug() << "\n\nAll Bytes of encoder packet were not written to device!"; return -1; } //get status packet unsigned char *ppPacket = StatusPacket; DWORD dwNumToRead; DWORD dwNumRead = 0; ft_status = FT_GetQueueStatus(ftHandleDYNA, &dwNumToRead ); if( ft_status != FT_OK ) { qDebug() << "\n\nError receiving encoder status packet, Queue not empty!"; return -1; } if( dwNumToRead > 0 ) { ft_status = FT_Read(ftHandleDYNA, (LPVOID)ppPacket, dwNumToRead, &dwNumRead ); if( ft_status == FT_IO_ERROR ) { qDebug() << "\n\nError reading encoder value!"; return -1; } } else { qDebug()<<"\n\nERROR: dwNumToRead = 0"; return -1; } return makeword((int)StatusPacket[PARAMETER], (int)StatusPacket[PARAMETER+1]); }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { entry entries[MAXENTRIES]; register int x, m = 0; int cl, invalid = 0, didroot = 0, didhtml = 0; char protocol; if (strcmp(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"), "POST")) { printf("We can't do much with a blank subscription card, "); printf("can we?\n"); exit(1); } if (strcmp(getenv("CONTENT_TYPE"), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { printf("This script can only be used to decode form "); printf("results.\n"); exit(1); } cl = atoi(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")); sprintf(command, "%s ", GETSTATS); for(x = 0; cl && (!feof(stdin)); x++) { m = x; entries[x].val = fmakeword(stdin, '&', &cl); plustospace(entries[x].val); unescape_url(entries[x].val); entries[x].name = makeword(entries[x].val,'='); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "protocol")) { protocol = entries[x].val[0]; if (protocol == 'G') sprintf(command, "%s -G %s", command); else if (protocol == 'N') sprintf(command, "%s -N %s", command); else if (protocol == 'C') sprintf(command, "%s -C %s", command); else if (protocol == 'P') sprintf(command, "%s -P %s", command); else if (protocol == 'M') sprintf(command, "%s -A %s", command); else if (protocol == 'U') sprintf(command, "%s -O %s", command); } if (!didroot) { sprintf(command, "%s -dr %s", command, ROOTDIR); didroot = 1; } if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "logfilename")) if (strlen(entries[x].val)) sprintf(command, "%s -l %s", command, entries[x].val); else sprintf(command, "%s -l %s", command, LOGFILE); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "common") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -M", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "concise") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -c", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "toplines") && strlen(entries[x].val)) sprintf(command, "%s -t %s ", command, entries[x].val); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "all") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -a ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "monthly") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -m ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "weekly") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -w ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "daysweek") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -ds ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "daily") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -d ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "hoursday") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -hs ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "hourly") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -h ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "full-hostname") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -f ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "full-access") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -fa ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "full-lastaccess") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -fd ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "full-bytes") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -fb ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "request-name") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -r ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "request-accesses") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -ra ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "request-lastaccesses") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -rd ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "request-bytes") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -rb ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "request-filesize") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -rf ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "domain-name") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -dn ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "domain-requests") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -da ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "domain-lastaccesses") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -dd ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "domain-bytes") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -db ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "domain-sub") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -du ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "filetree") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -dt ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "error") && !strcmp(entries[x].val, "on")) sprintf(command, "%s -e ", command); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "samask")) if (strlen(entries[x].val) != 0) sprintf(command, "%s -sa \"%s\"", command, entries[x].val); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "ssmask")) if (strlen(entries[x].val) != 0) sprintf(command, "%s -ss \"%s\"", command, entries[x].val); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "srmask")) if (strlen(entries[x].val) != 0) sprintf(command, "%s -sr \"%s\"", command, entries[x].val); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "spmask")) if (strlen(entries[x].val) != 0) sprintf(command, "%s -sp \"%s\"", command, entries[x].val); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "sdmask")) if (strlen(entries[x].val) != 0) sprintf(command, "%s -sd \"%s\"", command, entries[x].val); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "shmask")) if (strlen(entries[x].val) != 0) sprintf(command, "%s -sh \"%s\"", command, entries[x].val); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "swmask")) if (strlen(entries[x].val) != 0) sprintf(command, "%s -sw \"%s\"", command, entries[x].val); if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "mailme") && strlen(entries[x].val) != 0) { sprintf(command, "%s | /usr/ucb/mail -s \"%s\" %s", command, SUBJECT, entries[x].val); printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n"); printf("<title>It's in the mail...</title>\n<p>\n"); printf("<h1>Your log request is being mailed to "); printf("you.</h1>\n"); printf("The following command was executed:\n"); printf("<p>\n<code>%s</code>\n", command); } else if (!strcmp(entries[x].name, "mailme") && strlen(entries[x].val) == 0 && !didhtml) { sprintf(command, "%s -ht", command); didhtml = 1; } } sprintf(command, "%s &\n", command); system(command); exit(0); }