Exemple #1
celix_status_t bundleRevision_create(framework_logger_pt loggera, char *root, char *location, long revisionNr, char *inputFile, bundle_revision_pt *bundle_revision) {
    celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
	bundle_revision_pt revision = NULL;

	revision = (bundle_revision_pt) malloc(sizeof(*revision));
    if (!revision) {
    	status = CELIX_ENOMEM;
    } else {
    	// TODO: This overwrites an existing revision, is this supposed to happen?
        int state = mkdir(root, S_IRWXU);
        if ((state != 0) && (errno != EEXIST)) {
            status = CELIX_FILE_IO_EXCEPTION;
        } else {
            if (inputFile != NULL) {
                status = extractBundle(inputFile, root);
            } else if (strcmp(location, "inputstream:") != 0) {
            	// TODO how to handle this correctly?
            	// If location != inputstream, extract it, else ignore it and assume this is a cache entry.
                status = extractBundle(location, root);

            status = CELIX_DO_IF(status, arrayList_create(&(revision->libraryHandles)));
            if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
                revision->revisionNr = revisionNr;
                revision->root = strdup(root);
                revision->location = strdup(location);
                revision->logger = loggera;

                *bundle_revision = revision;

                char manifest[512];
                snprintf(manifest, sizeof(manifest), "%s/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", revision->root);
				status = manifest_createFromFile(manifest, &revision->manifest);
            else {


    framework_logIfError(logger, status, NULL, "Failed to create revision");

	return status;
Exemple #2
static void * APR_THREAD_FUNC deploymentAdmin_poll(apr_thread_t *thd, void *deploymentAdmin) {
	deployment_admin_pt admin = deploymentAdmin;

	/*first poll send framework started audit event, note this will register the target in Apache ACE*/
	deploymentAdmin_updateAuditPool(admin, DEPLOYMENT_ADMIN_AUDIT_EVENT__FRAMEWORK_STARTED);

	while (admin->running) {
		//poll ace
		array_list_pt versions = NULL;
		deploymentAdmin_readVersions(admin, &versions);

		char *last = arrayList_get(versions, arrayList_size(versions) - 1);

		if (last != NULL) {
			if (admin->current == NULL || strcmp(last, admin->current) > 0) {
				char *request = NULL;
				if (admin->current == NULL) {
					request = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, admin->pollUrl, "/", last, NULL);
				} else {
					// We do not yet support fix packages
					//request = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, VERSIONS, "/", last, "?current=", admin->current, NULL);
					request = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, admin->pollUrl, "/", last, NULL);

				char inputFile[256];
				inputFile[0] = '\0';
				char *test = inputFile;
				celix_status_t status = deploymentAdmin_download(request, &test);
				if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
					bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
					bundleContext_getBundle(admin->context, &bundle);
					char *entry = NULL;
					bundle_getEntry(bundle, "/", &entry);

					// Handle file
					char tmpDir[256];
					char uuidStr[128];
                    apr_uuid_t tmpUuid;
                    apr_uuid_format(uuidStr, &tmpUuid);
                    sprintf(tmpDir, "%s%s", entry, uuidStr);
					apr_dir_make(tmpDir, APR_UREAD|APR_UWRITE|APR_UEXECUTE, admin->pool);

					// TODO: update to use bundle cache DataFile instead of module entries.
					unzip_extractDeploymentPackage(test, tmpDir);
					char *manifest = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, tmpDir, "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", NULL);
					manifest_pt mf = NULL;
					manifest_createFromFile(manifest, &mf);
					deployment_package_pt source = NULL;
					deploymentPackage_create(admin->pool, admin->context, mf, &source);
					char *name = NULL;
					deploymentPackage_getName(source, &name);

					char *repoDir = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, entry, "repo", NULL);
					apr_dir_make(repoDir, APR_UREAD|APR_UWRITE|APR_UEXECUTE, admin->pool);
					char *repoCache = apr_pstrcat(admin->pool, entry, "repo/", name, NULL);
					deploymentAdmin_deleteTree(repoCache, admin->pool);
					apr_status_t stat = apr_file_rename(tmpDir, repoCache, admin->pool);
					if (stat != APR_SUCCESS) {
						printf("No success\n");

					deployment_package_pt target = hashMap_get(admin->packages, name);
					if (target == NULL) {
//						target = empty package

					deploymentAdmin_stopDeploymentPackageBundles(admin, target);
					deploymentAdmin_updateDeploymentPackageBundles(admin, source);
					deploymentAdmin_startDeploymentPackageCustomizerBundles(admin, source, target);
					deploymentAdmin_processDeploymentPackageResources(admin, source);
					deploymentAdmin_dropDeploymentPackageResources(admin, source, target);
					deploymentAdmin_dropDeploymentPackageBundles(admin, source, target);
					deploymentAdmin_startDeploymentPackageBundles(admin, source);

					deploymentAdmin_deleteTree(repoCache, admin->pool);
					deploymentAdmin_deleteTree(tmpDir, admin->pool);
					admin->current = strdup(last);
					hashMap_put(admin->packages, name, source);

	apr_thread_exit(thd, APR_SUCCESS);
	return NULL;