Exemple #1
void QgsMapSettings::writeXML( QDomNode& theNode, QDomDocument& theDoc )
  // units
  theNode.appendChild( QgsXmlUtils::writeMapUnits( mapUnits(), theDoc ) );

  // Write current view extents
  theNode.appendChild( QgsXmlUtils::writeRectangle( extent(), theDoc ) );

  // Write current view rotation
  QDomElement rotNode = theDoc.createElement( "rotation" );
    theDoc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( rotation() ) )
  theNode.appendChild( rotNode );

  // projections enabled
  QDomElement projNode = theDoc.createElement( "projections" );
  projNode.appendChild( theDoc.createTextNode( QString::number( hasCrsTransformEnabled() ) ) );
  theNode.appendChild( projNode );

  // destination CRS
  QDomElement srsNode = theDoc.createElement( "destinationsrs" );
  theNode.appendChild( srsNode );
  destinationCrs().writeXML( srsNode, theDoc );

  //render map tile
  QDomElement renderMapTileElem = theDoc.createElement( "rendermaptile" );
  QDomText renderMapTileText = theDoc.createTextNode( testFlag( QgsMapSettings::RenderMapTile ) ? "1" : "0" );
  renderMapTileElem.appendChild( renderMapTileText );
  theNode.appendChild( renderMapTileElem );

  mDatumTransformStore.writeXML( theNode, theDoc );
Exemple #2
QgsRectangle QgsMapSettings::computeExtentForScale( const QgsPointXY &point, double scale, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &sourceCrs ) const
  QgsPointXY center = QgsCoordinateTransform( sourceCrs, destinationCrs(), mTransformContext ).transform( point );

  // Output width in inches
  double outWIn = outputSize().width() / double( outputDpi() );

  // Desired visible width (honouring scale)
  double scaledWIn = outWIn * scale;

  if ( mapUnits() == QgsUnitTypes::DistanceDegrees )
    // Start with an 1x1 extent around the center
    QgsRectangle ext( center.x() - 0.5, center.y() - 0.5, center.x() + 0.5, center.y() + 0.5 );
    // Get scale at extent, and then scale extent to the desired scale
    double testScale = mScaleCalculator.calculate( ext, outputSize().width() );
    ext.scale( scale / testScale );
    return ext;
  // Conversion from inches to mapUnits
  double conversionFactor = 12 * QgsUnitTypes::fromUnitToUnitFactor( QgsUnitTypes::DistanceFeet, mapUnits() );

  double delta = 0.5 * scaledWIn * conversionFactor;
  return QgsRectangle( center.x() - delta, center.y() - delta, center.x() + delta, center.y() + delta );
Exemple #3
void QgsMapSettings::writeXml( QDomNode &node, QDomDocument &doc )
  // units
  node.appendChild( QgsXmlUtils::writeMapUnits( mapUnits(), doc ) );

  // Write current view extents
  node.appendChild( QgsXmlUtils::writeRectangle( extent(), doc ) );

  // Write current view rotation
  QDomElement rotNode = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "rotation" ) );
    doc.createTextNode( qgsDoubleToString( rotation() ) )
  node.appendChild( rotNode );

  // destination CRS
  if ( mDestCRS.isValid() )
    QDomElement srsNode = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "destinationsrs" ) );
    node.appendChild( srsNode );
    mDestCRS.writeXml( srsNode, doc );

  //render map tile
  QDomElement renderMapTileElem = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "rendermaptile" ) );
  QDomText renderMapTileText = doc.createTextNode( testFlag( QgsMapSettings::RenderMapTile ) ? "1" : "0" );
  renderMapTileElem.appendChild( renderMapTileText );
  node.appendChild( renderMapTileElem );
void QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::debugPrint()
  QgsDebugMsg( "***SpatialRefSystem***" );
  QgsDebugMsg( "* Valid : " + ( mIsValidFlag ? QString( "true" ) : QString( "false" ) ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( "* SrsId : " + QString::number( mSrsId ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( "* Proj4 : " + toProj4() );
  QgsDebugMsg( "* WKT   : " + toWkt() );
  QgsDebugMsg( "* Desc. : " + mDescription );
  if ( mapUnits() == QGis::Meters )
    QgsDebugMsg( "* Units : meters" );
  else if ( mapUnits() == QGis::Feet )
    QgsDebugMsg( "* Units : feet" );
  else if ( mapUnits() == QGis::Degrees )
    QgsDebugMsg( "* Units : degrees" );