 *	Instantiate the module.
static int mod_instantiate(CONF_SECTION *conf, void *instance)
	rlm_cache_t *inst = instance;

	inst->cs = conf;

	inst->xlat_name = cf_section_name2(conf);
	if (!inst->xlat_name) {
		inst->xlat_name = cf_section_name1(conf);

	 *	Register the cache xlat function
	xlat_register(inst->xlat_name, cache_xlat, NULL, inst);

	 *	Sanity check for crazy people.
	if (strncmp(inst->driver_name, "rlm_cache_", 8) != 0) {
		ERROR("%s: \"%s\" is NOT an Cache driver!", inst->xlat_name, inst->driver_name);
		return -1;

	 *	Load the appropriate driver for our database
	inst->handle = lt_dlopenext(inst->driver_name);
	if (!inst->handle) {
		ERROR("Could not link driver %s: %s", inst->driver_name, dlerror());
		ERROR("Make sure it (and all its dependent libraries!) are in the search path of your system's ld");
		return -1;

	inst->module = (cache_module_t *) dlsym(inst->handle, inst->driver_name);
	if (!inst->module) {
		ERROR("Could not link symbol %s: %s", inst->driver_name, dlerror());
		return -1;

	DEBUG3("Driver %s loaded successfully", inst->module->name);

	 *	Non optional fields and callbacks

	if (inst->module->mod_instantiate) {
		char const *name;

		name = strrchr(inst->driver_name, '_');
		if (!name) {
			name = inst->driver_name;
		} else {

		cs = cf_section_sub_find(conf, name);
		if (!cs) {
			cs = cf_section_alloc(conf, name, NULL);
			if (!cs) return -1;

		 *	It's up to the driver to register a destructor (using talloc)
		 *	Should write its instance data in inst->driver,
		 *	and parent it off of inst.
		if (inst->module->mod_instantiate(cs, inst) < 0) return -1;

	rad_assert(inst->key && *inst->key);

	if (inst->ttl == 0) {
		cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Must set 'ttl' to non-zero");
		return -1;

	if (inst->epoch != 0) {
		cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Must not set 'epoch' in the configuration files");
		return -1;

	 *	Make sure the users don't screw up too badly.
	if (map_afrom_cs(&inst->maps, cf_section_sub_find(inst->cs, "update"),
		return -1;

	if (!inst->maps) {
		cf_log_err_cs(inst->cs, "Cache config must contain an update section, and "
			      "that section must not be empty");

		return -1;
	return 0;
/** Parse socket configuration
 * @param[in] cs	specifying the listener configuration.
 * @param[in] listen	structure encapsulating the libldap socket.
 * @return
 *	- 0 on success.
 *	- -1 on error.
static int proto_ldap_socket_parse(CONF_SECTION *cs, rad_listen_t *listen)
	proto_ldap_inst_t 	*inst = listen->data;
	CONF_SECTION		*sync_cs;
	size_t		 	i;
	int			ret;

	 *	Always cache the CONF_SECTION of the server.
	listen->server_cs = virtual_server_find(listen->server);
	if (!listen->server_cs) {
		cf_log_err(cs, "Failed to find virtual server '%s'", listen->server);
		return -1;

	if (cf_section_rules_push(cs, module_config) < 0) return -1;
	ret = cf_section_parse(inst, inst, cs);
	if (ret < 0) return ret;

	talloc_set_type(inst, proto_ldap_inst_t);

	inst->handle_config.name = talloc_typed_asprintf(inst, "proto_ldap_conn (%s)", listen->server);

	memcpy(&inst->handle_config.server, &inst->handle_config.server_str[0], sizeof(inst->handle_config.server));

	 *	Convert scope strings to enumerated constants
	for (sync_cs = cf_section_find(cs, "sync", NULL), i = 0;
	     sync_cs = cf_section_find_next(cs, sync_cs, "sync", NULL), i++) {
		int		scope;
		void		**tmp;
		CONF_SECTION	*map_cs;

		talloc_set_type(inst->sync_config[i], sync_config_t);

		scope = fr_str2int(fr_ldap_scope, inst->sync_config[i]->scope_str, -1);
		if (scope < 0) {
			cf_log_err(cs, "Invalid 'user.scope' value \"%s\", expected 'sub', 'one'"
				   ", 'base' or 'children'", inst->sync_config[i]->scope_str);
			cf_log_err(cs, "Invalid 'user.scope' value \"%s\", expected 'sub', 'one'"
				   " or 'base'", inst->sync_config[i]->scope_str)
			return -1;
		inst->sync_config[i]->scope = scope;

		 *	Needs to be NULL terminated as that's what libldap needs
		if (inst->sync_config[i]->attrs) {
			memcpy(&tmp, &inst->sync_config[i]->attrs, sizeof(tmp));
			tmp = talloc_array_null_terminate(tmp);
			memcpy(&inst->sync_config[i]->attrs, tmp, sizeof(inst->sync_config[i]->attrs));

		inst->sync_config[i]->persist = true;
		inst->sync_config[i]->user_ctx = listen;
		inst->sync_config[i]->cookie = _proto_ldap_cookie_store;
		inst->sync_config[i]->entry = _proto_ldap_entry;
		inst->sync_config[i]->refresh_required = _proto_ldap_refresh_required;
		inst->sync_config[i]->present = _proto_ldap_present;

		 *	Parse and validate any maps
		map_cs = cf_section_find(sync_cs, "update", NULL);
		if (map_cs && map_afrom_cs(inst, &inst->sync_config[i]->entry_map, map_cs,
					   NULL, NULL, fr_ldap_map_verify, NULL,
					   LDAP_MAX_ATTRMAP) < 0) {
			return -1;
Exemple #3
/** Instantiate the module
 * Creates a new instance of the module reading parameters from a configuration section.
 * @param conf to parse.
 * @param instance Where to write pointer to configuration data.
 * @return 0 on success < 0 on failure.
static int mod_instantiate(CONF_SECTION *conf, void *instance)
	static bool version_done;

	CONF_SECTION *options;
	ldap_instance_t *inst = instance;

	inst->cs = conf;

	options = cf_section_sub_find(conf, "options");
	if (!options || !cf_pair_find(options, "chase_referrals")) {
		inst->chase_referrals_unset = true;	 /* use OpenLDAP defaults */

	inst->xlat_name = cf_section_name2(conf);
	if (!inst->xlat_name) {
		inst->xlat_name = cf_section_name1(conf);

	 *	Only needs to be done once, prevents races in environment
	 *	initialisation within libldap.
	 *	See: https://github.com/arr2036/ldapperf/issues/2
	ldap_initialize(&inst->handle, "");
	inst->handle = ldap_init("", 0);

	 *	Get version info from the LDAP API.
	if (!version_done) {
		static LDAPAPIInfo info;	/* static to quiet valgrind about this being uninitialised */
		int ldap_errno;

		version_done = true;

		ldap_errno = ldap_get_option(NULL, LDAP_OPT_API_INFO, &info);
		if (ldap_errno == LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS) {
			if (strcmp(info.ldapai_vendor_name, LDAP_VENDOR_NAME) != 0) {
				WARN("rlm_ldap: libldap vendor changed since the server was built");
				WARN("rlm_ldap: linked: %s, built: %s", info.ldapai_vendor_name, LDAP_VENDOR_NAME);

			if (info.ldapai_vendor_version != LDAP_VENDOR_VERSION) {
				WARN("rlm_ldap: libldap version changed since the server was built");
				WARN("rlm_ldap: linked: %i, built: %i",
				     info.ldapai_vendor_version, LDAP_VENDOR_VERSION);

			INFO("rlm_ldap: libldap vendor: %s, version: %i", info.ldapai_vendor_name,

		} else {
			DEBUG("rlm_ldap: Falling back to build time libldap version info.  Query for LDAP_OPT_API_INFO "
			      "returned: %i", ldap_errno);
			INFO("rlm_ldap: libldap vendor: %s, version: %i.%i.%i", LDAP_VENDOR_NAME,

	 *	If the configuration parameters can't be parsed, then fail.
	if ((parse_sub_section(inst, conf, &inst->accounting, RLM_COMPONENT_ACCT) < 0) ||
	    (parse_sub_section(inst, conf, &inst->postauth, RLM_COMPONENT_POST_AUTH) < 0)) {
		cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Failed parsing configuration");

		goto error;

	 *	Sanity checks for cacheable groups code.
	if (inst->cacheable_group_name && inst->groupobj_membership_filter) {
		if (!inst->groupobj_name_attr) {
			cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Directive 'group.name_attribute' must be set if cacheable "
				      "group names are enabled");

			goto error;

	 *	Split original server value out into URI, server and port
	 *	so whatever initialization function we use later will have
	 *	the server information in the format it needs.
	if (ldap_is_ldap_url(inst->server)) {
		LDAPURLDesc *ldap_url;
		int port;

		if (ldap_url_parse(inst->server, &ldap_url)){
			cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Parsing LDAP URL \"%s\" failed", inst->server);
			return -1;

		 *	Figure out the port from the URL
		if (ldap_url->lud_port == 0) {
			if (strcmp(ldap_url->lud_scheme, "ldaps://") == 0) {
				if (inst->start_tls == true) {
					cf_log_err_cs(conf, "ldaps:// scheme is not compatible with 'start_tls'");
					return -1;
				port = 636;
			} else {
				port = 384;
		} else {
			port = ldap_url->lud_port;

		inst->uri = inst->server;
		inst->server = talloc_strdup(inst, ldap_url->lud_host);

		if ((inst->port != 384) && (port != inst->port)) {
			WARN("Non-default 'port' directive %i set to %i by LDAP URI", inst->port, port);
		inst->port = port;

		 *	@todo We could set a few other top level
		 *	directives using the URL, like base_dn
		 *	and scope.

	 *	We need to construct an LDAP URI
	} else {
		switch (inst->port) {
		case 384:
			inst->uri = talloc_asprintf(inst, "ldap://%s:%i/", inst->server, inst->port);

		case 636:
			if (inst->start_tls == true) goto start_tls_error;
			inst->uri = talloc_asprintf(inst, "ldaps://%s:%i/", inst->server, inst->port);

	 *	Workaround for servers which support LDAPS but not START TLS
	if (inst->port == LDAPS_PORT || inst->tls_mode) {
		inst->tls_mode = LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_HARD;
	} else {
		inst->tls_mode = 0;

	 *	Convert dereference strings to enumerated constants
	if (inst->dereference_str) {
		inst->dereference = fr_str2int(ldap_dereference, inst->dereference_str, -1);
		if (inst->dereference < 0) {
			cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Invalid 'dereference' value \"%s\", expected 'never', 'searching', "
				      "'finding' or 'always'", inst->dereference_str);
			goto error;

	 *	The 2-argument rebind doesn't take an instance variable.  Our rebind function needs the instance
	 *	variable for the username, password, etc.
	if (inst->rebind == true) {
		cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Cannot use 'rebind' directive as this version of libldap "
			      "does not support the API that we need");

		goto error;

	 *	Convert scope strings to enumerated constants
	inst->userobj_scope = fr_str2int(ldap_scope, inst->userobj_scope_str, -1);
	if (inst->userobj_scope < 0) {
		cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Invalid 'user.scope' value \"%s\", expected 'sub', 'one'"
			      ", 'base' or 'children'"
			      " or 'base'"
			 , inst->userobj_scope_str);
		goto error;

	inst->groupobj_scope = fr_str2int(ldap_scope, inst->groupobj_scope_str, -1);
	if (inst->groupobj_scope < 0) {
		cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Invalid 'group.scope' value \"%s\", expected 'sub', 'one'"
			      ", 'base' or 'children'"
			      " or 'base'"
			 , inst->groupobj_scope_str);
		goto error;

	inst->clientobj_scope = fr_str2int(ldap_scope, inst->clientobj_scope_str, -1);
	if (inst->clientobj_scope < 0) {
		cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Invalid 'client.scope' value \"%s\", expected 'sub', 'one'"
			      ", 'base' or 'children'"
			      " or 'base'"
			 , inst->clientobj_scope_str);
		goto error;

	if (inst->tls_require_cert_str) {
		 *	Convert cert strictness to enumerated constants
		inst->tls_require_cert = fr_str2int(ldap_tls_require_cert, inst->tls_require_cert_str, -1);
		if (inst->tls_require_cert < 0) {
			cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Invalid 'tls.require_cert' value \"%s\", expected 'never', "
				      "'demand', 'allow', 'try' or 'hard'", inst->tls_require_cert_str);
			goto error;
		cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Modifying 'tls.require_cert' is not supported by current "
			      "version of libldap. Please upgrade or substitute current libldap and "
			      "rebuild this module");

		goto error;
	 *	Build the attribute map
	if (map_afrom_cs(&inst->user_map, cf_section_sub_find(inst->cs, "update"),
			 PAIR_LIST_REPLY, PAIR_LIST_REQUEST, rlm_ldap_map_verify, inst,
			 LDAP_MAX_ATTRMAP) < 0) {
		return -1;

	 *	Group comparison checks.
	if (cf_section_name2(conf)) {
		static ATTR_FLAGS flags;
		char buffer[256];

		snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s-Ldap-Group", inst->xlat_name);
		if (dict_addattr(buffer, -1, 0, PW_TYPE_STRING, flags) < 0) {
			LDAP_ERR("Error creating group attribute: %s", fr_strerror());

			return -1;
		inst->group_da = dict_attrbyname(buffer);
		if (!inst->group_da) {
			LDAP_ERR("Failed creating attribute %s", buffer);

			goto error;

		paircompare_register(inst->group_da, dict_attrbyvalue(PW_USER_NAME, 0), false, rlm_ldap_groupcmp, inst);
	 *	Were the default instance
	} else {
		inst->group_da = dict_attrbyvalue(PW_LDAP_GROUP, 0);
		paircompare_register(dict_attrbyvalue(PW_LDAP_GROUP, 0), dict_attrbyvalue(PW_USER_NAME, 0),
				false, rlm_ldap_groupcmp, inst);

	xlat_register(inst->xlat_name, ldap_xlat, rlm_ldap_escape_func, inst);

	 *	Setup the cache attribute
	if (inst->cache_attribute) {
		static ATTR_FLAGS flags;

		if (dict_addattr(inst->cache_attribute, -1, 0, PW_TYPE_STRING, flags) < 0) {
			LDAP_ERR("Error creating cache attribute: %s", fr_strerror());

			goto error;
		inst->cache_da = dict_attrbyname(inst->cache_attribute);
	} else {
		inst->cache_da = inst->group_da;	/* Default to the group_da */

	 *	Initialize the socket pool.
	inst->pool = fr_connection_pool_module_init(inst->cs, inst, mod_conn_create, NULL, NULL);
	if (!inst->pool) goto error;

	 *	Bulk load dynamic clients.
	if (inst->do_clients) {

		cs = cf_section_sub_find(inst->cs, "client");
		if (!cs) {
			cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Told to load clients but no client section found");
			goto error;

		cs = cf_section_sub_find(cs, "attribute");
		if (!cs) {
			cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Told to load clients but no attribute section found");
			goto error;

		if (rlm_ldap_client_load(inst, cs) < 0) {
			cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Error loading clients");

			return -1;

	return 0;

	return -1;
/** Allow the admin to set packet contents for Status-Server ping checks
 * @param[in] ctx	to allocate data in (instance of proto_radius).
 * @param[out] out	Where to write our parsed data
 * @param[in] parent	Base structure address.
 * @param[in] ci	#CONF_SECTION specifying the things to update
 * @param[in] rule	unused.
 * @return
 *	- 0 on success.
 *	- -1 on failure.
static int status_check_update_parse(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, void *out, UNUSED void *parent,
				     CONF_ITEM *ci, UNUSED CONF_PARSER const *rule)
	int			rcode;
	char const		*name2;
	vp_map_t		*head = NULL;


	cs = cf_item_to_section(ci);
	name2 = cf_section_name2(cs);
	if (!name2 || (strcmp(name2, "request") != 0)) {
		cf_log_err(cs, "You must specify 'request' as the destination list");
		return -1;

	 *	Compile the "update" section.
		vp_tmpl_rules_t	parse_rules = {
			.allow_foreign = true	/* Because we don't know where we'll be called */

		rcode = map_afrom_cs(ctx, &head, cs, &parse_rules, &parse_rules, unlang_fixup_update, NULL, 128);
		if (rcode < 0) return -1; /* message already printed */
		if (!head) {
			cf_log_err(cs, "'update' sections cannot be empty");
			return -1;

	 *	Rely on "bootstrap" to do sanity checks between 'type
	 *	= Access-Request', and 'update' containing passwords.
	memcpy(out, &head, sizeof(head));

	return 0;

static void mod_radius_signal(REQUEST *request, void *instance, void *thread, void *ctx,
			      fr_state_signal_t action)
	rlm_radius_t const *inst = talloc_get_type_abort_const(instance, rlm_radius_t);
	rlm_radius_thread_t *t = talloc_get_type_abort(thread, rlm_radius_thread_t);

	 *	We've been told we're done.  Clean up.
	 *	Note that the caller doesn't necessarily need to send
	 *	us the signal, as he can just talloc_free(request).
	 *	But it is more polite to send a signal, and it allows
	 *	the IO modules to do additional debugging if
	 *	necessary.
	if (action == FR_SIGNAL_CANCEL) {

	 *	We received a duplicate packet, but we're not doing
	 *	synchronous proxying.  Ignore the dup, and rely on the
	 *	IO submodule to time it's own retransmissions.
	if ((action == FR_SIGNAL_DUP) && !inst->synchronous) return;

	if (!inst->io->signal) return;

	inst->io->signal(request, inst->io_instance, t->thread_io_ctx, ctx, action);