Exemple #1
 * Returns an instance map ID using a map name
 * name : source map
 * instance_id : where to search
 * result : mapid of map "name" in this instance
int instance_mapname2mapid(const char *name, short instance_id)
	struct instance_data *im;
	int m = map_mapname2mapid(name);
	char iname[MAP_NAME_LENGTH];
	int i;

	if(m < 0) {
		ShowError("instance_mapname2mapid: map name %s does not exist.\n",name);
		return m;


	if(instance_id <= 0 || instance_id > MAX_INSTANCE_DATA)
		return m;

	im = &instance_data[instance_id];
	if(im->state != INSTANCE_BUSY)
		return m;

	for(i = 0; i < MAX_MAP_PER_INSTANCE; i++)
		if(im->map[i].src_m == m) {
			char alt_name[MAP_NAME_LENGTH];
			if((strchr(iname,'@') == NULL) && strlen(iname) > 8) {
				memmove(iname, iname + (strlen(iname) - 9), strlen(iname));
				snprintf(alt_name, sizeof(alt_name),"%d#%s", instance_id, iname);
			} else
				snprintf(alt_name, sizeof(alt_name),"%.3d%s", instance_id, iname);
			return map_mapname2mapid(alt_name);

	return m;
Exemple #2
// ギルド城データ変更要求
int guild_castledatasave(int castle_id,int index,int value)
	if (index == 1)
	{	//The castle's owner has changed? Update Guardian ownership, too. [Skotlex]
		struct guild_castle *gc = guild_castle_search(castle_id);
		int m = -1;
		if (gc) m = map_mapname2mapid(gc->map_name);
		if (m != -1)
			map_foreachinmap(mob_guardian_guildchange, m, BL_MOB);
	return intif_guild_castle_datasave(castle_id,index,value);
Exemple #3
 * Adds maps to the instance
int instance_addmap(short instance_id)
	int i, m;
	int cnt_map = 0;
	struct instance_data *im;
	struct instance_db *db;
	struct party_data *p;

	if(instance_id <= 0)
		return 0;

	im = &instance_data[instance_id];

	// If the instance isn't idle, we can't do anything
	if(im->state != INSTANCE_IDLE)
		return 0;

	if((db = instance_searchtype_db(im->type)) == NULL)
		return 0;

	// Set to busy, update timers
	im->state = INSTANCE_BUSY;
	im->idle_limit = (unsigned int)time(NULL) + INSTANCE_LIMIT / 1000;
	im->idle_timer = add_timer(gettick() + INSTANCE_LIMIT, instance_delete_timer, instance_id, 0);

	// Add the maps
	for(i = 0; i < db->maplist_count; i++) {
		if(strlen(StringBuf_Value(db->maplist[i])) < 1)
		else if((m = map_addinstancemap(StringBuf_Value(db->maplist[i]), instance_id)) < 0) {
			// An error occured adding a map
			ShowError("instance_addmap: No maps added to instance %d.\n",instance_id);
			return 0;
		} else {
			im->map[cnt_map].m = m;
			im->map[cnt_map].src_m = map_mapname2mapid(StringBuf_Value(db->maplist[i]));

	im->cnt_map = cnt_map;

	// Create NPCs on all maps

	// Inform party members of the created instance
	if((p = party_search(im->party_id)) != NULL)
		clif_instance_status(party_getavailablesd(p), StringBuf_Value(db->name), im->keep_limit, im->idle_limit, 1);

	return cnt_map;
Exemple #4
int battleground_countlogin(struct map_session_data *sd, bool check_bat_room)
	int c = 0, m = map_mapname2mapid("bat_room");
	struct map_session_data* pl_sd;
	struct s_mapiterator* iter;

	iter = mapit_getallusers();
	for( pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_first(iter); mapit_exists(iter); pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit_next(iter) )
		if( !(pl_sd->qd || map[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.battleground || (check_bat_room && pl_sd->bl.m == m)) )
		if( session[sd->fd]->client_addr == session[pl_sd->fd]->client_addr )
	return c;
 * Open shop
 * data := {<index>.w <amount>.w <value>.l}[count]
void vending_openvending(struct map_session_data* sd, const char* message, bool flag, const uint8* data, int count)
	int i, j, char_id;
	int vending_skill_lvl;

	if( !flag ) // cancelled
		return; // nothing to do

	if (pc_istrading(sd))
		return; // can't have 2 shops at once

	vending_skill_lvl = pc_checkskill(sd, MC_VENDING);
	// skill level and cart check
	if( !vending_skill_lvl || !pc_iscarton(sd) )
		clif_skill_fail(sd, MC_VENDING, 0, 0);

	// check number of items in shop
	if( count < 1 || count > MAX_VENDING || count > 2 + vending_skill_lvl )
	{	// invalid item count
		clif_skill_fail(sd, MC_VENDING, 0, 0);

	if((sd->bl.m == map_mapname2mapid("mercadores") 
 	 && (
	((sd->bl.x != 65) && (sd->bl.x != 74) && (sd->bl.x != 85) && (sd->bl.x != 94)
	&& (sd->bl.x != 34) && (sd->bl.x != 25) && (sd->bl.x != 14) && (sd->bl.x != 5)
	&& (sd->bl.x != 44) && (sd->bl.x != 55))
 	))) {
	clif_displaymessage(sd->fd,"Você não pode abrir lojas no meio da Sala."); 

	// filter out invalid items
	i = 0;
	for( j = 0; j < count; j++ )
		short index        = *(uint16*)(data + 8*j + 0);
		short amount       = *(uint16*)(data + 8*j + 2);
		unsigned int value = *(uint32*)(data + 8*j + 4);

		index -= 2; // offset adjustment (client says that the first cart position is 2)

		if( index < 0 || index >= MAX_CART // invalid position
		||  pc_cartitem_amount(sd, index, amount) < 0 // invalid item or insufficient quantity
		//NOTE: official server does not do any of the following checks!
		||  !sd->status.cart[index].identify // unidentified item
		||  sd->status.cart[index].attribute == 1 // broken item
		||  sd->status.cart[index].expire_time // It should not be in the cart but just in case
		||  sd->status.cart[index].bound // Can't Trade Account bound items
		||  ( sd->status.cart[index].card[0] == CARD0_CREATE && (char_id = MakeDWord(sd->status.cart[index].card[2],sd->status.cart[index].card[3])) > 0 && ((battle_config.bg_reserved_char_id && char_id == battle_config.bg_reserved_char_id) || (battle_config.ancient_reserved_char_id && char_id == battle_config.ancient_reserved_char_id)) )
		||  !itemdb_cantrade(&sd->status.cart[index], pc_isGM(sd), pc_isGM(sd)) ) // untradeable item

		sd->vending[i].index = index;
		sd->vending[i].amount = amount;
		sd->vending[i].value = cap_value(value, 0, (unsigned int)battle_config.vending_max_value);

		i++; // item successfully added

	if( i != j )
		clif_displaymessage (sd->fd, msg_txt(266)); //"Some of your items cannot be vended and were removed from the shop."

	if( i == 0 )
	{	// no valid item found
		clif_skill_fail(sd, MC_VENDING, 0, 0); // custom reply packet

	sd->state.vending = true;
	sd->vender_id = vending_getuid();
	sd->vend_num = i;
	safestrncpy(sd->message, message, MESSAGE_SIZE);


	if( battle_config.channel_announces&0x10 )
		char chat_message[256];
		sprintf(chat_message, msg_txt(820), vending_chat_nick, sd->status.name, sd->message, map[sd->bl.m].name, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y);
		clif_channel_message(server_channel[CHN_VENDING], chat_message, 27);

	if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.vending_cell )
		map_setcell(sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, CELL_NOBOARDS, false);
Exemple #6
 * Add a map to the instance using src map "name"
int instance_add_map(const char *name, int instance_id, bool usebasename)
	int m = map_mapname2mapid(name), i, im = -1;
	size_t num_cell, size;

	if( m < 0 )
		return -1; // source map not found

	if( !instance_is_valid(instance_id) )
		ShowError("instance_add_map: trying to attach '%s' map to non-existing instance %d.\n", name, instance_id);
		return -1;
	if( instance[instance_id].num_map >= MAX_MAP_PER_INSTANCE )
		ShowError("instance_add_map: trying to add '%s' map to instance %d (%s) failed. Please increase MAX_MAP_PER_INSTANCE.\n", name, instance_id, instance[instance_id].name);
		return -2;
	if( map[m].instance_id != 0 )
	{ // Source map already belong to a Instance.
		ShowError("instance_add_map: trying to instance already instanced map %s.\n", name);
		return -4;

	ARR_FIND( instance_start, map_num, i, !map[i].name[0] ); // Searching for a Free Map
	if( i < map_num ) im = i; // Unused map found (old instance)
	else if( map_num - 1 >= MAX_MAP_PER_SERVER )
	{ // No more free maps
		ShowError("instance_add_map: no more free space to create maps on this server.\n");
		return -5;
	else im = map_num++; // Using next map index

	memcpy( &map[im], &map[m], sizeof(struct map_data) ); // Copy source map
	snprintf(map[im].name, MAP_NAME_LENGTH, (usebasename ? "%.3d#%s" : "%.3d%s"), instance_id, name); // Generate Name for Instance Map
	map[im].index = mapindex_addmap(-1, map[im].name); // Add map index

	if( !map[im].index )
		map[im].name[0] = '\0';
		ShowError("instance_add_map: no more free map indexes.\n");
		return -3; // No free map index

	// Reallocate cells
	num_cell = map[im].xs * map[im].ys;
	CREATE( map[im].cell, struct mapcell, num_cell );
	memcpy( map[im].cell, map[m].cell, num_cell * sizeof(struct mapcell) );

	size = map[im].bxs * map[im].bys * sizeof(struct block_list*);
	map[im].block = (struct block_list**)aCalloc(size, 1);
	map[im].block_mob = (struct block_list**)aCalloc(size, 1);

	memset(map[im].npc, 0x00, sizeof(map[i].npc));
	map[im].npc_num = 0;

	memset(map[im].moblist, 0x00, sizeof(map[im].moblist));
	map[im].mob_delete_timer = INVALID_TIMER;

	map[im].m = im;
	map[im].instance_id = instance_id;
	map[im].instance_src_map = m;
	map[m].flag.src4instance = 1; // Flag this map as a src map for instances

	instance[instance_id].map[instance[instance_id].num_map++] = im; // Attach to actual instance

	return im;