void write_to_strongly_ordered_memory(void)
#if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_MSM7X27)
	if (!strongly_ordered_page) {
		if (!in_interrupt())
		else {
			printk(KERN_ALERT "Cannot map strongly ordered page in "
				"Interrupt Context\n");
			/* capture it here before the allocation fails later */
	*(int *)strongly_ordered_page = 0;
void __init msm_add_kgsl_device(void) 
	/* Initialize the page for barriers and cache ops */
	/* This value has been set to 160000 for power savings. */
	/* OEMs may modify the value at their discretion for performance */
	/* The appropriate maximum replacement for 160000 is: */
	/* clk_get_max_axi_khz() */
	kgsl_pdata.high_axi_3d = 160000;

	/* 7x27 doesn't allow graphics clocks to be run asynchronously to */
	/* the AXI bus */
	kgsl_pdata.max_grp2d_freq = 0;
	kgsl_pdata.min_grp2d_freq = 0;
	kgsl_pdata.set_grp2d_async = NULL;
	kgsl_pdata.max_grp3d_freq = 0;
	kgsl_pdata.min_grp3d_freq = 0;
	kgsl_pdata.set_grp3d_async = NULL;
	kgsl_pdata.imem_clk_name = "imem_clk";
	kgsl_pdata.grp3d_clk_name = "grp_clk";
	kgsl_pdata.grp3d_pclk_name = "grp_pclk";
	kgsl_pdata.grp2d0_clk_name = NULL;
	kgsl_pdata.idle_timeout_3d = HZ/5;
	kgsl_pdata.idle_timeout_2d = 0;

	kgsl_pdata.pt_va_size = SZ_32M;
	/* Maximum of 32 concurrent processes */
	kgsl_pdata.pt_max_count = 32;
	kgsl_pdata.pt_va_size = SZ_128M;
	/* We only ever have one pagetable for everybody */
	kgsl_pdata.pt_max_count = 1;