Exemple #1
cv::Mat draw(int id, int cellSize, bool withMargin, cv::Scalar color) const {
    // Creating the image of the bit matrix
    static const int DATA_SIZE = 6;
    cv::Size dataDim(DATA_SIZE,DATA_SIZE);
    unsigned char dataMatrix[DATA_SIZE*DATA_SIZE];
    mDecode.getCodec().getTagEncodedId(id, dataMatrix);
    cv::Mat dataImage(dataDim, CV_8U, dataMatrix);

    // Adding the black border arounf the bit matrix
    cv::Size borderSize(2,2);
    cv::Mat tagImage(dataImage.size()+borderSize*2, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0));
    dataImage.copyTo(tagImage(cv::Rect(borderSize, dataImage.size())));

    // Adding the optionnal white margin
    cv::Size marginSize(0,0);
    if (withMargin) marginSize += borderSize;
    cv::Mat outlinedImage(tagImage.size()+marginSize*2, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(1));
    tagImage.copyTo(outlinedImage(cv::Rect(marginSize, tagImage.size())));

    // Resizing to specified cellSize
    cv::Mat sizedImage(outlinedImage.size()*cellSize, CV_8U);
    cv::resize(outlinedImage, sizedImage, sizedImage.size(), 0, 0, cv::INTER_NEAREST);

    // Coloring
    cv::Mat   redImage = (1-sizedImage)*color[0]+sizedImage*255;
    cv::Mat greenImage = (1-sizedImage)*color[1]+sizedImage*255;
    cv::Mat  blueImage = (1-sizedImage)*color[2]+sizedImage*255;
    cv::Mat colorImage(sizedImage.size(), CV_8UC3);
    cv::merge(std::vector<cv::Mat>{blueImage, greenImage, redImage}, colorImage);

    return colorImage;
Exemple #2
int RegSexyDisplay::maxContentHeight() const
    int max = 0;
    QFontMetrics metrics = fontMetrics();
    for(size_t i = 0; i < m_reg.GetReg().field.size(); i++)
        QString s = QString::fromStdString(m_reg.GetReg().field[i].name);
        // add extra spaces arounds
        s = " " + s + " ";
        max = qMax(max, metrics.boundingRect(s).width());
    return 2 * marginSize() + max;
void MWidgetController::resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent *event)
    // check if we have, or if we can create a view
    if (view()) {
        QRect margins = d->view->margins();
        QSizeF marginSize(margins.x() + margins.width(),
                          margins.top() + margins.height());

        // Round the incoming resize event values.
        event->setOldSize(event->oldSize().toSize() - marginSize);
        event->setNewSize(event->newSize().toSize() - marginSize);

        // forward the event to the view
Exemple #4
void RegSexyDisplay::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
    // FIXME could be optimised with QStaticText
    int txt_h = fontMetrics().height();
    int sep_sz = separatorSize();
    int w = width();
    int h = height() - 1;
    int col_w = (w - 33 * sep_sz) / 32;
    int hdr_h = headerHeight();
    int gap_h = gapHeight();
    int tot_w = 33 * sep_sz + 32 * col_w;
    int margin = marginSize();
    int txt_sep = textSep();
    int tot_hdr_sz = 2 * sep_sz + hdr_h;
    // computer xshift
    int x_shift = (w - tot_w) / 2;
#define ith_col_x(i) (x_shift + (i) * (sep_sz + col_w))

    QPainter painter(this);
    QBrush back_brush = palette().base();
    QBrush line_brush = palette().dark();

    // fill interesting zone with base
    painter.fillRect(x_shift, 0, tot_w, h, back_brush);

    // draw top and bottom lines
    painter.setPen(QPen(palette().dark(), sep_sz));
    painter.fillRect(x_shift, 0, tot_w, sep_sz, line_brush);
    painter.fillRect(x_shift, h - sep_sz, tot_w, sep_sz, line_brush);
    // draw intemediate lines
    for(int i = 0; i <= 32; i++)
        painter.fillRect(ith_col_x(i), 0, sep_sz, 2 * sep_sz + hdr_h, line_brush);
    // draw bottom header lines
    painter.fillRect(ith_col_x(0), sep_sz + hdr_h, tot_w, sep_sz, line_brush);
    painter.fillRect(ith_col_x(0), tot_hdr_sz + gap_h, tot_w, sep_sz, line_brush);
    // redraw some lines but wider
    for(int i = 4; i < 32; i += 4)
        painter.fillRect(ith_col_x(i) - sep_sz, 0, 3 * sep_sz, tot_hdr_sz, line_brush);
    // draw numbers in the header
    for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
        QRect r(ith_col_x(i), sep_sz + margin, col_w, txt_h);
        painter.drawText(r, Qt::AlignCenter, QString("%1").arg((31 - i) / 10));
        r.translate(0, txt_h + txt_sep);
        painter.drawText(r, Qt::AlignCenter, QString("%1").arg((31 - i) % 10));
    // display content
    for(size_t i = 0; i < m_reg.GetReg().field.size(); i++)
        const soc_reg_field_t& field = m_reg.GetReg().field[i];
        QRect r(QPoint(ith_col_x(31 - field.last_bit) + sep_sz, tot_hdr_sz),
            QPoint(ith_col_x(32 - field.first_bit), h - sep_sz));
        painter.fillRect(r.x() - sep_sz, r.y(), sep_sz, r.height(), line_brush);
        painter.fillRect(r.right(), r.y(), sep_sz, r.height(), line_brush);
        r.setY(r.y() + gap_h + sep_sz);
        // draw rotated text
        //painter.fillRect(QRect(0, 0, r.height(), r.width()), QBrush(Qt::red));
        QRect r2(0, 0, r.height(), r.width());
        painter.drawText(r2, Qt::AlignCenter, QString::fromStdString(field.name));
#undef ith_col_x
Exemple #5
int RegSexyDisplay::gapHeight() const
    return marginSize() / 2;
Exemple #6
int RegSexyDisplay::columnWidth() const
    return 2 * marginSize() + fontMetrics().height();
Exemple #7
int RegSexyDisplay::headerHeight() const
    return 2 * marginSize() + textSep() + 2 * fontMetrics().height();
Exemple #8
int RegSexyDisplay::textSep() const
    return marginSize() / 2;
Exemple #9
int TextItem::fakeMarginSize(){
    return marginSize()+5;