void addRdiiInflows(DateTime currentDate)
//  Input:   currentDate = current date/time
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: adds RDII inflows to nodes at current date.
    int    i, j, p;
    double q, w;
    int    numRdiiNodes;

    // --- see if any nodes have RDII at current date
    numRdiiNodes = rdii_getNumRdiiFlows(currentDate);

    // --- add RDII flow to each node's lateral inflow
    for (i=0; i<numRdiiNodes; i++)
        rdii_getRdiiFlow(i, &j, &q);
        if ( j < 0 ) continue;
        if ( fabs(q) < FLOW_TOL ) continue;
        Node[j].newLatFlow += q;
        massbal_addInflowFlow(RDII_INFLOW, q);

        // add pollutant load (for positive inflow)
        if ( q > 0.0 )
            for (p = 0; p < Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++)
                w = q * Pollut[p].rdiiConcen;
                Node[j].newQual[p] += w;
                massbal_addInflowQual(RDII_INFLOW, p, w);
void addExternalInflows(DateTime currentDate)
//  Input:   currentDate = current date/time
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: adds direct external inflows to nodes at current date.
    int     j, p;
    double  q, w;
    TExtInflow* inflow;

    // --- for each node with a defined external inflow
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[NODE]; j++)
        inflow = Node[j].extInflow;
        if ( !inflow ) continue;

        // --- get flow inflow
        q = 0.0;
        while ( inflow )
            if ( inflow->type == FLOW_INFLOW )
                q = inflow_getExtInflow(inflow, currentDate);
            else inflow = inflow->next;
        if ( fabs(q) < FLOW_TOL ) q = 0.0;

        // --- add flow inflow to node's lateral inflow
        Node[j].newLatFlow += q;
        massbal_addInflowFlow(EXTERNAL_INFLOW, q);

        // --- add on any inflow (i.e., reverse flow) through an outfall
        if ( Node[j].type == OUTFALL && Node[j].oldNetInflow < 0.0 ) 
            q = q - Node[j].oldNetInflow;

        // --- get pollutant mass inflows
        inflow = Node[j].extInflow;
        while ( inflow )
            if ( inflow->type != FLOW_INFLOW )
                p = inflow->param;
                w = inflow_getExtInflow(inflow, currentDate);
                if ( inflow->type == CONCEN_INFLOW ) w *= q;
                Node[j].newQual[p] += w;
                massbal_addInflowQual(EXTERNAL_INFLOW, p, w);
            inflow = inflow->next;
Exemple #3
void addDryWeatherInflows(DateTime currentDate)
//  Input:   currentDate = current date/time
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: adds dry weather inflows to nodes at current date.
    int      j, p;
    int      month, day, hour;
    double   q, w;
    TDwfInflow* inflow;

    // --- get month (zero-based), day-of-week (zero-based),
    //     & hour-of-day for routing date/time
    month = datetime_monthOfYear(currentDate) - 1;
    day   = datetime_dayOfWeek(currentDate) - 1;
    hour  = datetime_hourOfDay(currentDate);

    // --- for each node with a defined dry weather inflow
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[NODE]; j++)
        inflow = Node[j].dwfInflow;
        if ( !inflow ) continue;

        // --- get flow inflow (i.e., the inflow whose param code is -1)
        q = 0.0;
        while ( inflow )
            if ( inflow->param < 0 )
                q = inflow_getDwfInflow(inflow, month, day, hour);
            inflow = inflow->next;
        if ( fabs(q) < FLOW_TOL ) q = 0.0;

        // --- add flow inflow to node's lateral inflow
        Node[j].newLatFlow += q;
        massbal_addInflowFlow(DRY_WEATHER_INFLOW, q);

        // --- get pollutant mass inflows
        inflow = Node[j].dwfInflow;
        while ( inflow )
            if ( inflow->param >= 0 )
                p = inflow->param;
                w = q * inflow_getDwfInflow(inflow, month, day, hour);
                Node[j].newQual[p] += w;
                massbal_addInflowQual(DRY_WEATHER_INFLOW, p, w);
            inflow = inflow->next;
void addGroundwaterInflows(double routingTime)
//  Input:   routingTime = elasped time (millisec)
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: adds groundwater inflows to nodes at current elapsed time.
    int    i, j, p;
    double q, w;
    double f;
    TGroundwater* gw;

    // --- find where current routing time lies between latest runoff times
    if ( Nobjects[SUBCATCH] == 0 ) return;
    f = (routingTime - OldRunoffTime) / (NewRunoffTime - OldRunoffTime);
    if ( f < 0.0 ) f = 0.0;
    if ( f > 1.0 ) f = 1.0;

    // --- for each subcatchment
    for (i = 0; i < Nobjects[SUBCATCH]; i++)
        // --- see if subcatch contains groundwater
        gw = Subcatch[i].groundwater;
        if ( gw )
            // --- identify node receiving groundwater flow
            j = gw->node;
            if ( j >= 0 )
                // add groundwater flow to lateral inflow
                q = ( (1.0 - f)*(gw->oldFlow) + f*(gw->newFlow) )
                    * Subcatch[i].area;
                if ( fabs(q) < FLOW_TOL ) continue;
                Node[j].newLatFlow += q;
                massbal_addInflowFlow(GROUNDWATER_INFLOW, q);

                // add pollutant load (for positive inflow)
                if ( q > 0.0 )
                    for (p = 0; p < Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++)
                        w = q * Pollut[p].gwConcen;
                        Node[j].newQual[p] += w;
                        massbal_addInflowQual(GROUNDWATER_INFLOW, p, w);
Exemple #5
void addWetWeatherInflows(double routingTime)
//  Input:   routingTime = elasped time (millisec)
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: adds runoff inflows to nodes at current elapsed time.
    int    i, j, p;
    double q, w;
    double f;

    // --- find where current routing time lies between latest runoff times
    if ( Nobjects[SUBCATCH] == 0 ) return;
    f = (routingTime - OldRunoffTime) / (NewRunoffTime - OldRunoffTime);
    if ( f < 0.0 ) f = 0.0;
    if ( f > 1.0 ) f = 1.0;

    // for each subcatchment outlet node,
    // add interpolated runoff flow & pollutant load to node's inflow
    for (i = 0; i < Nobjects[SUBCATCH]; i++)
        j = Subcatch[i].outNode;
        if ( j >= 0)
            // add runoff flow to lateral inflow
            q = subcatch_getWtdOutflow(i, f);     // current runoff flow
//          if ( fabs(q) < FLOW_TOL ) q = 0.0;                                 //(5.0.014 - LR)
            Node[j].newLatFlow += q;
            massbal_addInflowFlow(WET_WEATHER_INFLOW, q);

            // add pollutant load
            for (p = 0; p < Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++)
                w = q * subcatch_getWtdWashoff(i, p, f);
                Node[j].newQual[p] += w;
                massbal_addInflowQual(WET_WEATHER_INFLOW, p, w);
void addIfaceInflows(DateTime currentDate)
//  Input:   currentDate = current date/time
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: adds inflows from routing interface file to nodes at current date.
    int    i, j, p;
    double q, w;
    int    numIfaceNodes;

    // --- see if any nodes have interface inflows at current date
    if ( Finflows.mode != USE_FILE ) return;
    numIfaceNodes = iface_getNumIfaceNodes(currentDate);

    // --- add interface flow to each node's lateral inflow
    for (i=0; i<numIfaceNodes; i++)
        j = iface_getIfaceNode(i);
        if ( j < 0 ) continue;
        q = iface_getIfaceFlow(i);
        if ( fabs(q) < FLOW_TOL ) continue;
        Node[j].newLatFlow += q;
        massbal_addInflowFlow(EXTERNAL_INFLOW, q);

        // add pollutant load (for positive inflow)
        if ( q > 0.0 )
            for (p = 0; p < Nobjects[POLLUT]; p++)
                w = q * iface_getIfaceQual(i, p);
                Node[j].newQual[p] += w;
                massbal_addInflowQual(EXTERNAL_INFLOW, p, w);