TEST(MathLib, GlobalDenseMatrix)
	const std::size_t n_rows(5);
	const std::size_t n_cols(5);
	MathLib::GlobalDenseMatrix<double, std::size_t> mat0(n_rows,n_cols);
	MathLib::GlobalDenseMatrix<double, std::size_t> mat1(n_rows,n_cols);
	MathLib::GlobalDenseMatrix<double, std::size_t> mat2(n_rows,n_cols-1);

	for (std::size_t i(0); i<n_rows; i++) {
		for (std::size_t j(0); j<n_cols; j++) {
			mat0(i,j) = 1.0 / (i+1.0+j+1.0);

	mat1 = mat0;
	for (std::size_t i(0); i<n_rows; i++) {
		for (std::size_t j(0); j<n_cols; j++) {
			ASSERT_NEAR(1.0/(i+j+2.0), mat1(i,j), std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());

	ASSERT_THROW(mat2 = mat1, std::range_error);

Exemple #2
int main () 
  Matrix mat0 (3, 4);
  Matrix mat1 (3, 2);

  mat0 [0] = 1;
  mat0 [1] = 2;
  mat0 [2] = 3;
  mat0 [3] = 4;
  mat0 [4] = 5;
  mat0 [5] = 6;
  mat0 [6] = 7;
  mat0 [7] = 8;
  mat0 [8] = 9;
  mat0 [9] = 4;
  mat0 [10] = 5;
  mat0 [11] = 6;
  mat1 (0,0) = 9.5;
  mat1 (0,1) = 8.5;
  mat1 (1,0) = 7.5;
  mat1 (1,1) = 6.5;
  mat1 (2,0) = 5.5;
  mat1 (2,1) = 4.5;
  MatrixOperation::print (mat0);
  MatrixOperation::print (mat1);

  std::vector<double > a (3);
  a[0] = 9;
  a[1] = 8;
  a[2] = 7;
  std::vector<double > b (2);
  b[0] = 4.5;
  b[1] = 5.5;

//   MatrixOperation::mv (a, 1.5, 2.1, mat0, true, b);
//   print (a);

  Matrix C;
  MatrixOperation::mm (C, 2.2, mat0, true, mat1, false);

  MatrixOperation::print (C);

Exemple #3
//vectormath makes a difference between point and vector.
void	VectormathTest()


	Vectormath::Aos::Transform3 tr;
	tr = Vectormath::Aos::Transform3::identity();

	Vectormath::Aos::Point3	pointA(0,0,0);
	Vectormath::Aos::Point3	pointB,pointC,pointE;
	Vectormath::Aos::Vector3 pointD;
	pointB = pointA;
	//in-place initialization
	pointB = Vectormath::Aos::Point3(1,2,3); //or
	pointB.setElem(0,1); //or

	//transform over tr	
	pointB = tr * pointA;

	printf("pointB = tr * pointA = (%f,%f,%f)\n",(float)pointB.getX(),(float)pointB.getY(),(float)pointB.getZ());
	//transform over tr	
	//pointE = tr(pointA);
	//inverse transform
	pointC = Vectormath::Aos::inverse(tr) * pointA;
	printf("Vectormath::Aos::inverse(tr) * pointA = (%f,%f,%f)\n",(float)pointC.getX(),(float)pointC.getY(),(float)pointC.getZ());
	btScalar	x;
	//dot product
	x = Vectormath::Aos::dot(Vectormath::Aos::Vector3(pointD),Vectormath::Aos::Vector3(pointE));
	//square length
	x = Vectormath::Aos::lengthSqr(Vectormath::Aos::Vector3(pointD));
	x = Vectormath::Aos::length(Vectormath::Aos::Vector3(pointD));

	const Vectormath::Aos::Vector3& constPointD = (Vectormath::Aos::Vector3&)pointD;

	//get a normalized vector from constPointD, without changing constPointD
	Vectormath::Aos::Vector3 norm = Vectormath::Aos::normalize(constPointD);

	//in-place normalize pointD
	pointD = Vectormath::Aos::normalize(Vectormath::Aos::Vector3(pointD));

	//quaternions & matrices
	Vectormath::Aos::Quat quat(0,0,0,1);
	Vectormath::Aos::Quat quat1;
	quat1 = Vectormath::Aos::Quat::rotationY(90.f * SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG);
	Vectormath::Aos::Matrix3	mat0(quat1);
	Vectormath::Aos::Matrix3	mat1 = Vectormath::Aos::inverse(mat0);
	Vectormath::Aos::Matrix3	mat2  = Vectormath::Aos::transpose(mat0);
	Vectormath::Aos::Transform3 tr1(mat2,Vectormath::Aos::Vector3(0,10,0));
	Vectormath::Aos::Transform3	tr2 = Vectormath::Aos::inverse(tr1);
	Vectormath::Aos::Point3	pt0(1,1,1);
	Vectormath::Aos::Point3	pt1 = tr2 * pt0;
	printf("Vectormath::Aos::Vector3	pt1 = tr2 * pt0; =  (%f,%f,%f)\n",(float)pt1.getX(),(float)pt1.getY(),(float)pt1.getZ());

	Vectormath::Aos::Vector3	pt2 = tr2.getUpper3x3() * Vectormath::Aos::Vector3(pt0);
	//Vectormath::Aos::Vector3	pt3 = pt0 * tr2.getUpper3x3();
	Vectormath::Aos::Vector3	pt3 = Vectormath::Aos::inverse(tr2.getUpper3x3()) * Vectormath::Aos::Vector3(pt0);
	Vectormath::Aos::Vector3	pt4 =  Vectormath::Aos::inverse(tr2.getUpper3x3()) * Vectormath::Aos::Vector3(pt0);
	Vectormath::Aos::Transform3		tr3 =  Vectormath::Aos::inverse(tr2) * tr2;

Exemple #4
//Bullet, a btVector can be used for both points and vectors. 
//it is up to the user/developer to use the right multiplication: btTransform for points, and btQuaternion or btMatrix3x3 for vectors.
void	BulletTest()

	printf("Bullet Linearmath\n");

	btTransform	tr;

	btVector3	pointA(0,0,0);
	btVector3	pointB,pointC,pointD,pointE;
	pointB = pointA;
	//in-place initialization
	//transform over tr	
	pointB = tr * pointA;
	printf("pointB = tr * pointA = (%f,%f,%f)\n",pointB.getX(),pointB.getY(),pointB.getZ());
	//transform over tr	
	pointE = tr(pointA);
	//inverse transform
	pointC = tr.inverse() * pointA;
	printf("pointC = tr.inverse() * pointA = (%f,%f,%f)\n",pointC.getX(),pointC.getY(),pointC.getZ());
	//inverse transform
	pointD = tr.invXform( pointA );
	btScalar	x;
	//dot product
	x = pointD.dot(pointE);
	//square length
	x = pointD.length2();
	x = pointD.length();

	const btVector3& constPointD = pointD;

	//get a normalized vector from constPointD, without changing constPointD
	btVector3 norm = constPointD.normalized();

	//in-place normalize pointD

	//quaternions & matrices
	btQuaternion	quat(0,0,0,1);
	btQuaternion	quat1(btVector3(0,1,0),90.f * SIMD_RADS_PER_DEG);
	btMatrix3x3		mat0(quat1);
	btMatrix3x3		mat1 = mat0.inverse();
	btMatrix3x3		mat2  = mat0.transpose();
	btTransform tr1(mat2,btVector3(0,10,0));
	btTransform tr2 =tr1.inverse();
	btVector3	pt0(1,1,1);
	btVector3	pt1 = tr2 * pt0;

	printf("btVector3	pt1 = tr2 * pt0 =  (%f,%f,%f)\n",pt1.getX(),pt1.getY(),pt1.getZ());

	btVector3	pt2 = tr2.getBasis() * pt0;
	btVector3	pt3 = pt0 * tr2.getBasis();
	btVector3	pt4 =  tr2.getBasis().inverse() * pt0;
	btTransform tr3 =  tr2.inverseTimes(tr2);

TestQuaternion( )
    bool ok = true;
    cout << "Testing Quaternion" << endl;

    cout << "Quaternion( ) [default constructor]" << endl;
    QuaternionF quat0;
    float w = 3.f;
    float x = 0.f;
    float y = 4.f;
    float z = 0.f;
    cout << "Set( " << w << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << " )" << endl;
    quat0.Set( w, x, y, z );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.W(), w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.X(), x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Y(), y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Z(), z, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0[0], w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0[1], x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0[2], y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0[3], z, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.At( 0 ), w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.At( 1 ), x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.At( 2 ), y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.At( 3 ), z, &ok );
        TESTCHECK( quat0.At(4), 0.f, &ok );
        cout << "At(4) should have thrown an exception." << endl;
        ok = false;
    catch( out_of_range & exceptn )
        cout << "Exception here is OK" << endl;
        cout << exceptn.what() << endl;
    cout << "quat0.Array()" << endl;
    const float * pF = quat0.Array();
    TESTCHECK( pF[0], w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( pF[1], x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( pF[2], y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( pF[3], z, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Real(), w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Imaginary().X(), x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Imaginary().Y(), y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Imaginary().Z(), z, &ok );
    cout << "Conjugate( )" << endl;
    QuaternionF quat1 = quat0.Conjugate( );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.W(), w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.X(), -x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.Y(), -y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.Z(), -z, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Length(), 5.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat0.Norm(), 25.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.Length(), 5.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.Norm(), 25.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( (quat0 + quat1).W(), 6.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( (quat0 + quat1).X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( (quat0 + quat1).Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( (quat0 + quat1).Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    ostringstream ost;
    cout << "operator<<" << endl;
    ost << quat0;
    TESTCHECK( ost.str(), string( "( 3, 0, 4, 0 )" ), &ok );
    TESTCHECK( ToJSON( quat0 ),
               string( "[ +3.00000e+00, +0.00000e+00, +4.00000e+00,"
                       " +0.00000e+00 ]" ),
               &ok );
    FromJSON( "[ 3, 0, -4.0, 0. ]", &quat1 );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.W(), w, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.X(), -x, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.Y(), -y, &ok );
    TESTCHECK( quat1.Z(), -z, &ok );
    cout << "Normalize( )" << endl;
    quat1.Normalize( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), 0.6f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), -0.8f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    cout << "Inverse( )" << endl;
    quat1 = quat0.Inverse( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), 0.12f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), -0.16f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat0 * quat1).W(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat0 * quat1).X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat0 * quat1).Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat0 * quat1).Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    float coords[4] = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };
    cout << "QuaternionF( coords ) [array constructor]" << endl;
    QuaternionF quat2( coords );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.W(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.X(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.Y(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.Z(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    cout << "Normalize( )" << endl;
    quat2.Normalize( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.W(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.X(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.Y(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.Z(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat2.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    cout << "Conjugate( )" << endl;
    quat1 = quat2.Conjugate( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), -0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), -0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), -0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 + quat2).W(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 + quat2).X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 + quat2).Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 + quat2).Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 - quat2).W(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 - quat2).X(), -1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 - quat2).Y(), -1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 - quat2).Z(), -1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 * quat2).W(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 * quat2).X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 * quat2).Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( (quat1 * quat2).Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    cout << "Inverse( )" << endl;
    quat1 = quat2.Inverse( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), 0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), -0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), -0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), -0.5f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    double a = M_PI / 2.;
    cout << "QuaternionF( AxisAngle( Vector3F::UnitZ, Angle( " << a
         << " ) ) ) [axis-angle constructor]" << endl;
    QuaternionF quat3( AxisAngleF( Vector3F::UnitZ, Angle( a ) ) );
    TESTCHECKF( quat3.W(), sqrt( 0.5f ), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat3.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat3.Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat3.Z(), sqrt( 0.5f ), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat3.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    cout << "GetAxisAngle( )" << endl;
    AxisAngleF axisAngle = quat3.GetAxisAngle( );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.Axis().X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.Axis().Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.Axis().Z(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.GetAngle().Radians(), M_PI / 2., &ok );
    cout << "Set( 2, a )" << endl;
    quat1.Set( 2, a );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), sqrt( 0.5f ), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), sqrt( 0.5f ), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    cout << "Log()" << endl;
    quat1 = quat3.Log( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), M_PI / 4.f, &ok );
    cout << "SetW( 1. )" << endl;
    quat1.SetW( 1.f );
    cout << "Exp()" << endl;
    quat1 = quat1.Exp( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), exp( 1.f ) * sqrt( 0.5f ), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), exp( 1.f ) * sqrt( 0.5f ), &ok );
    TESTCHECK( (quat1 == quat3), false, &ok );
    cout << "Log()" << endl;
    quat1 = quat1.Log( );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.W(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Y(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat1.Z(), M_PI / 4.f, &ok );
    a = 2. * M_PI / 3.;
    float f = static_cast<float>( sqrt( 1./3. ) );
    cout << "RotationMatrix3F( AxisAngleF( Vector3F( " << f << ", " << f
         << ", " << f << "), Angle( " << a << " ) ) )" << endl;
    axisAngle.Set( Vector3F( f, f, f ), Angle( a ) );
    RotationMatrix3F mat0( axisAngle );
    cout << "QuaternionF( mat0 ) [rotation matrix constructor]" << endl;
    QuaternionF quat4( mat0 );
    TESTCHECKF( quat4.W(), quat2.W(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat4.X(), quat2.X(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat4.Y(), quat2.Y(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat4.Z(), quat2.Z(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat4.Norm(), 1.f, &ok );
    cout << "GetAxisAngle( )" << endl;
    axisAngle = quat4.GetAxisAngle( );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.Axis().X(), f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.Axis().Y(), f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.Axis().Z(), f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( axisAngle.GetAngle().Radians(), a, &ok );
    cout << "Matrix( )" << endl;
    RotationMatrix3F mat1 = quat4.Matrix( );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(0,0), mat0(0,0), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(0,1), mat0(0,1), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(0,2), mat0(0,2), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(1,0), mat0(1,0), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(1,1), mat0(1,1), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(1,2), mat0(1,2), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(2,0), mat0(2,0), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(2,1), mat0(2,1), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( mat1(2,2), mat0(2,2), &ok );
    cout << "(quat4 * Quaternion( Vector3F::UnitX )"
         << "* quat4.Conjugate()).Imaginary() [rotation]" << endl;
    Vector3F vec1 = (quat4 * QuaternionF( Vector3F::UnitX )
                     * quat4.Conjugate()).Imaginary();
    TESTCHECKF( vec1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( vec1.Y(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( vec1.Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    cout << "Rotate( Vector3F::UnitX )" << endl;
    vec1 = quat4.Rotate( Vector3F::UnitX );
    TESTCHECKF( vec1.X(), 0.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( vec1.Y(), 1.f, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( vec1.Z(), 0.f, &ok );
    float a0 = -2.9f;
    float a1 = 1.8f;
    float a2 = -0.7f;
    cout << "Quaternion qrot0( 0, " << a0 << " )" << endl;
    QuaternionF qrot0( 0, Angle( a0 ) );
    cout << "Quaternion qrot1( 1, " << a1 << " )" << endl;
    QuaternionF qrot1( 1, Angle( a1 ) );
    cout << "Quaternion qrot2( 2, " << a2 << " )" << endl;
    QuaternionF qrot2( 2, Angle( a2 ) );
    cout << "quat1 = qrot1 * qrot2 * qrot0" << endl;
    quat1 = qrot1 * qrot2 * qrot0;
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX )" << endl;
    EulerAngles euler = quat1.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), a0, &ok );
    cout << "Quaternion( EulerAngles( " << a1 << ", " << a2 << ", " << a0
         << " ), EulerAngles::YZX ) [Euler angles constructor]" << endl;
    QuaternionF quat5( EulerAngles( a1, a2, a0 ), EulerAngles::YZX );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.W(), quat1.W(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.X(), quat1.X(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Y(), quat1.Y(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Z(), quat1.Z(), &ok );
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX )" << endl;
    euler = quat5.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), a0, &ok );
    a2 = static_cast<float>( - M_PI / 2. );
    cout << "qrot2.Set( 2, " << a2 << " )" << endl;
    qrot2.Set( 2, Angle( a2 ) );
    cout << "quat1 = qrot1 * qrot2 * qrot0" << endl;
    quat1 = qrot1 * qrot2 * qrot0;
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX )" << endl;
    euler = quat1.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX );
    Angle a10( a1 - a0 );
    float a1_a0 = static_cast<float>( a10.Radians() );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a1_a0, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), 0.f, &ok );
    cout << "Matrix().GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX )" << endl;
    euler = quat1.Matrix().GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a1_a0, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), 0.f, &ok );
    cout << "Set( EulerAngles( " << a1 << ", " << a2 << ", " << a0
         << " ), EulerAngles::YZX )" << endl;
    quat5.Set( EulerAngles( a1, a2, a0 ), EulerAngles::YZX );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.W(), quat1.W(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.X(), quat1.X(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Y(), quat1.Y(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Z(), quat1.Z(), &ok );
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX )" << endl;
    euler = quat5.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::YZX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a1_a0, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), 0.f, &ok );
    a0 = 1.1f;
    a1 = -1.0f;
    a2 = 0.5f;
    cout << "qrot0.Set( 0, " << a0 << " )" << endl;
    qrot0.Set( 0, Angle( a0 ) );
    cout << "qrot1.Set( 1, " << a1 << " )" << endl;
    qrot1.Set( 1, Angle( a1 ) );
    cout << "qrot2.Set( 2, " << a2 << " )" << endl;
    qrot2.Set( 2, Angle( a2 ) );
    cout << "quat1 = qrot2 * qrot1 * qrot0" << endl;
    quat1 = qrot2 * qrot1 * qrot0;
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    euler = quat1.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), a0, &ok );
    cout << "Matrix().GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    euler = quat1.Matrix().GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), a0, &ok );
    cout << "Set( EulerAngles( " << a2 << ", " << a1 << ", " << a0
         << " ), EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    quat5.Set( EulerAngles( a2, a1, a0 ), EulerAngles::ZYX );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.W(), quat1.W(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.X(), quat1.X(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Y(), quat1.Y(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Z(), quat1.Z(), &ok );
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    euler = quat5.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a2, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), a0, &ok );
    a1 = static_cast<float>( M_PI / 2. );
    cout << "qrot1.Set( 1, " << a1 << " )" << endl;
    qrot1.Set( 1, Angle( a1 ) );
    cout << "quat1 = qrot2 * qrot1 * qrot0" << endl;
    quat1 = qrot2 * qrot1 * qrot0;
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    euler = quat1.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX );
    Angle a20 = Angle( a2 - a0 );
    float a2_a0 = static_cast<float>( a20.Radians() );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a2_a0, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), 0.f, &ok );
    cout << "Set( EulerAngles( " << a2 << ", " << a1 << ", " << a0
         << " ), EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    quat5.Set( EulerAngles( a2, a1, a0 ), EulerAngles::ZYX );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.W(), quat1.W(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.X(), quat1.X(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Y(), quat1.Y(), &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( quat5.Z(), quat1.Z(), &ok );
    cout << "GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX )" << endl;
    euler = quat5.GetEulerAngles( EulerAngles::ZYX );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[0].Radians(), a2_a0, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[1].Radians(), a1, &ok );
    TESTCHECKF( euler[2].Radians(), 0.f, &ok );
    if ( ok )
        cout << "Quaternion PASSED." << endl << endl;
        cout << "Quaternion FAILED." << endl << endl;
    return ok;