Exemple #1
void test_content() {
  rng_type * rng = rng_alloc(MZRAN , INIT_DEFAULT);
  matrix_type * PC = matrix_alloc( 3 , 10);
  matrix_type * PC_obs = matrix_alloc( 3 , 1 );
  double_vector_type * singular_values = double_vector_alloc(3 , 1);
  matrix_random_init( PC , rng );
  matrix_random_init( PC_obs , rng );
    pca_plot_data_type * data = pca_plot_data_alloc("KEY" , PC , PC_obs, singular_values);
    for (int i=0; i < matrix_get_rows( PC ); i++) {
      const pca_plot_vector_type * vector = pca_plot_data_iget_vector( data , i );
      test_assert_double_equal( matrix_iget( PC_obs , i , 0) , 
                                pca_plot_vector_get_obs_value( vector ) );

      test_assert_double_equal( double_vector_iget( singular_values , i),
                                pca_plot_vector_get_singular_value( vector ) );

      for (int j=0; j < matrix_get_columns( PC ); j++) 
        test_assert_double_equal( matrix_iget( PC , i , j ) , pca_plot_vector_iget_sim_value( vector , j ));
      test_assert_int_equal( matrix_get_columns( PC ) , pca_plot_vector_get_size( vector ));

    pca_plot_data_free( data );

  double_vector_free( singular_values );
  matrix_free( PC );
  matrix_free( PC_obs );
Exemple #2
static void dgemm_debug(const matrix_type *C , const matrix_type *A , const matrix_type * B , bool transA, bool transB) {
  printf("\nC =  [%d , %d]\n",matrix_get_rows( C ) , matrix_get_columns(C));

  printf("A: [%d , %d]", matrix_get_rows( A ) , matrix_get_columns(A));
  if (transA)

  printf("\nB: [%d , %d]", matrix_get_rows( B ) , matrix_get_columns(B));
  if (transB)

  printf("[%d ,%d] = ",matrix_get_rows( C ) , matrix_get_columns(C));
  if (transA)
    printf("[%d ,%d] x ",matrix_get_rows( A ) , matrix_get_columns(A));
    printf("[%d ,%d] x ",matrix_get_columns( A ) , matrix_get_rows(A));

  if (transB)
    printf("[%d ,%d]\n",matrix_get_rows( B ) , matrix_get_columns(B));
    printf("[%d ,%d]\n",matrix_get_columns( B ) , matrix_get_rows(B));

Exemple #3
/* Updates matrix A by subtracting matrix B - elementwise. */
void matrix_inplace_sub(matrix_type * A , const matrix_type * B) {
  if ((A->rows == B->rows) && (A->columns == B->columns)) {
    int i,j;

    for (j = 0; j < A->columns; j++)
      for (i=0; i < A->rows; i++)
        A->data[ GET_INDEX(A,i,j) ] -= B->data[ GET_INDEX(B,i,j) ];

  } else
    util_abort("%s: size mismatch  A:[%d,%d]   B:[%d,%d]\n",__func__ ,
Exemple #4
/* Currently only used as 'support' function for the matrix_det function. */
static void matrix_dgetrf__( matrix_type * A, int * ipiv, int * info) {
  int lda       = matrix_get_column_stride( A );
  int m         = matrix_get_rows( A );
  int n         = matrix_get_columns( A );  

  dgetrf_( &m , &n , matrix_get_data( A ) , &lda , ipiv , info);
Exemple #5
int matrix_inv( matrix_type * A ) {
  matrix_lapack_assert_square( A );
    int       dgetrf_info;
    int       info;
    int       n         = matrix_get_columns( A );
    int * ipiv          = util_malloc( n * sizeof * ipiv );
    matrix_dgetrf__( A , ipiv , &dgetrf_info );
      int lda  = matrix_get_column_stride( A );
      double * work = util_malloc( sizeof * work );
      int work_size;

      /* First call: determine optimal worksize: */
      work_size = -1;
      dgetri_( &n , matrix_get_data( A ), &lda , ipiv , work , &work_size , &info);

      if (info == 0) {
        work_size = (int) work[0];
        work = util_realloc( work , sizeof * work * work_size );
        dgetri_( &n , matrix_get_data( A ), &lda , ipiv , work , &work_size , &info);
      } else
        util_abort("%s: dgetri_ returned info:%d \n",__func__ , info); 
      free( work );
    free( ipiv );
    return info;
Exemple #6
void sqrt_enkf_initX(void * module_data , 
                     matrix_type * X , 
                     matrix_type * A , 
                     matrix_type * S , 
                     matrix_type * R , 
                     matrix_type * dObs , 
                     matrix_type * E , 
                     matrix_type *D ) {

  sqrt_enkf_data_type * data = sqrt_enkf_data_safe_cast( module_data );
    int ncomp         = std_enkf_get_subspace_dimension( data->std_data );
    double truncation = std_enkf_get_truncation( data->std_data );
    int nrobs         = matrix_get_rows( S );
    int ens_size      = matrix_get_columns( S );
    int nrmin         = util_int_min( ens_size , nrobs); 
    matrix_type * W   = matrix_alloc(nrobs , nrmin);                      
    double      * eig = util_calloc( nrmin , sizeof * eig );    
    matrix_subtract_row_mean( S );   /* Shift away the mean */
    enkf_linalg_lowrankCinv( S , R , W , eig , truncation , ncomp);    
    enkf_linalg_init_sqrtX( X , S , data->randrot , dObs , W , eig , false);
    matrix_free( W );
    free( eig );

    enkf_linalg_checkX( X , false );
Exemple #7
void matrix_dorgqr(matrix_type * A , double * tau, int num_reflectors) {  /* num_reflectors == length of tau. */
  int lda       = matrix_get_column_stride( A );
  int m         = matrix_get_rows( A );
  int n         = matrix_get_columns( A );  
  double * work = util_malloc(sizeof * work );
  int worksize;
  int info;

  /* Determine optimal worksize. */
  worksize = -1;
  dorgqr_(&m , &n , &num_reflectors , matrix_get_data( A ), &lda , tau , work , &worksize , &info);
  if (info != 0)
    util_abort("%s: dorgqf routine failed with info:%d \n",__func__ , info);
  worksize = ( int ) work[0];
    double * tmp = realloc(work , sizeof * work * worksize );
    if (tmp == NULL) {
         OK - we could not get the optimal worksize, 
         try again with the minimum.
      worksize = n;
      work = util_realloc(work , sizeof * work * worksize );
    } else
      work = tmp; /* The request for optimal worksize succeeded */
  /* Second call - do the actual computation. */
  dorgqr_(&m , &n , &num_reflectors , matrix_get_data( A ), &lda , tau , work , &worksize , &info);
  if (info != 0)
    util_abort("%s: dorqf routine failed with info:%d \n",__func__ , info);
  free( work );
Exemple #8
void matrix_column_compressed_memcpy(matrix_type * target, const matrix_type * src, const bool_vector_type * mask) {
  if (bool_vector_count_equal( mask , true ) != matrix_get_columns( target ))
    util_abort("%s: size mismatch. \n",__func__);

  if (bool_vector_size( mask ) != matrix_get_columns( src))
    util_abort("%s: size mismatch. \n",__func__);

    int target_col = 0;
    int src_col;
    for (src_col = 0; src_col < bool_vector_size( mask ); src_col++) {
      if (bool_vector_iget( mask , src_col)) {
        matrix_copy_column( target , src , target_col , src_col);
Exemple #9
int matrix_gram_schmidt_process(matrix_t *q, matrix_t *p)
  int n;
  matrix_t *tmp;

  assert(matrix_get_columns(q) >= matrix_get_columns(p));
  assert(matrix_get_rows(q) >= matrix_get_rows(p));

  tmp = matrix_new_and_copy(p);
  n = matrix_self_gram_schmidt_process(tmp, 0, 0, matrix_get_columns(tmp), matrix_get_rows(tmp));

  matrix_copy_matrix(q, 0, 0, tmp, 0, 0, n, matrix_get_rows(tmp));

  return n;
Exemple #10
void matrix_gram_set( const matrix_type * X , matrix_type * G, bool col) {
  int G_rows = matrix_get_rows( G );
  int G_cols = matrix_get_columns( G );
  int X_rows = matrix_get_rows( X );
  int X_cols = matrix_get_columns( X );
  if (col) {
    // Calculate X' · X
    if ((G_rows == G_cols) && (X_cols == G_rows))
      matrix_dgemm( G , X , X , true , false , 1 , 0);
      util_abort("%s: dimension mismatch \n",__func__);
  } else {
    // Calculate X · X'
    if ((G_rows == G_cols) && (X_rows == G_rows))
      matrix_dgemm( G , X , X , false , true , 1 , 0);
      util_abort("%s: dimension mismatch \n",__func__);
Exemple #11
matrix_t *matrix_new_and_gram_schmidt_process(matrix_t *p)
  int n;
  matrix_t *tmp, *q;


  tmp = matrix_new_and_copy(p);
  n = matrix_self_gram_schmidt_process(tmp, 0, 0, matrix_get_columns(tmp), matrix_get_rows(tmp));

  if (n == matrix_get_columns(tmp)) return tmp;

  q = matrix_new(n, matrix_get_rows(tmp), false);
  matrix_copy_matrix(q, 0, 0, tmp, 0, 0, n, matrix_get_rows(tmp));


  return q;
Exemple #12
matrix_type * matrix_alloc_column_compressed_copy(const matrix_type * src, const bool_vector_type * mask) {
  if (bool_vector_size( mask ) != matrix_get_columns( src ))
    util_abort("%s: size mismatch. Src matrix has %d rows  mask has:%d elements\n", __func__ , matrix_get_rows( src ) , bool_vector_size( mask ));
    int target_columns = bool_vector_count_equal( mask , true );
    matrix_type * target = matrix_alloc( matrix_get_rows( src ) , target_columns );

    matrix_column_compressed_memcpy( target , src , mask );
    return target;
Exemple #13
matrix_t *cmatrix_new_and_gram_schmidt_process(matrix_t *p)
  int n;
  matrix_t *q, *tmp;


  tmp = matrix_new_and_copy(p);
  n = cmatrix_self_gram_schmidt_process(tmp, 0, 0, matrix_get_columns(tmp), matrix_get_rows(tmp));

  if (n == matrix_get_columns(tmp)) return tmp;

  q = matrix_new(n, matrix_get_rows(tmp), true);
  cmatrix_copy_cmatrix(q, 0, 0, tmp, 0, 0, n, matrix_get_rows(tmp));


  return q;
Exemple #14
void test_readwrite() {
  test_work_area_type * test_area = test_work_area_alloc("matrix-test");
    rng_type * rng = rng_alloc(MZRAN , INIT_DEV_URANDOM ); 
    matrix_type * m1 = matrix_alloc(3  , 3);
    matrix_type * m2 = matrix_alloc(3  , 3);
    matrix_random_init( m1 , rng );
    matrix_assign(m2 , m1);

    test_assert_true( matrix_equal( m1 , m2 ) );
      FILE * stream = util_fopen("m1" , "w");
      matrix_fwrite( m1 , stream );
      fclose( stream );
    matrix_random_init( m1 , rng );
    test_assert_false( matrix_equal( m1 , m2 ) );
      FILE * stream = util_fopen("m1" , "r");
      matrix_free( m1 );
      m1 = matrix_alloc(1,1);
      matrix_fread( m1 , stream );
      test_assert_int_equal( matrix_get_rows(m1) , matrix_get_rows( m2));
      test_assert_int_equal( matrix_get_columns(m1) , matrix_get_columns( m2));
      util_fseek( stream , 0 , SEEK_SET);
        matrix_type * m3 = matrix_fread_alloc( stream );
        test_assert_true( matrix_equal( m2 , m3 ));
        matrix_free( m3 );
      fclose( stream );
    test_assert_true( matrix_equal( m1 , m2 ) );

    matrix_free( m2 );
    matrix_free( m1 );
    rng_free( rng );
  test_work_area_free( test_area );
Exemple #15
static void * matrix_inplace_matmul_mt__(void * arg) {

  arg_pack_type * arg_pack = arg_pack_safe_cast( arg );
  int row_offset         = arg_pack_iget_int( arg_pack , 0 );
  int rows               = arg_pack_iget_int( arg_pack , 1 );
  matrix_type * A        = arg_pack_iget_ptr( arg_pack , 2 );
  const matrix_type * B  = arg_pack_iget_const_ptr( arg_pack , 3 );

  matrix_type * A_view = matrix_alloc_shared( A , row_offset , 0 , rows , matrix_get_columns( A ));
  matrix_inplace_matmul( A_view , B );
  matrix_free( A_view );
  return NULL;
Exemple #16
void sqrt_enkf_init_update( void * arg , 
                          const matrix_type * S , 
                          const matrix_type * R , 
                          const matrix_type * dObs , 
                          const matrix_type * E , 
                          const matrix_type * D ) {

  sqrt_enkf_data_type * sqrt_data = sqrt_enkf_data_safe_cast( arg );
    int ens_size = matrix_get_columns( S );
    sqrt_data->randrot = enkf_linalg_alloc_mp_randrot( ens_size , sqrt_data->rng );
Exemple #17
matrix_type * matrix_alloc_gram( const matrix_type * X , bool col) {
  int X_rows    = matrix_get_rows( X );
  int X_columns = matrix_get_columns( X );
  matrix_type * G;

  if (col)
    G = matrix_alloc( X_columns , X_columns );
    G = matrix_alloc( X_rows , X_rows );

  matrix_gram_set( X , G , col);
  return G;
Exemple #18
void matrix_dgemv(const matrix_type * A , const double *x , double * y, bool transA , double alpha , double beta) {
  int m    = matrix_get_rows( A );
  int n    = matrix_get_columns( A );
  int lda  = matrix_get_column_stride( A );
  int incx = 1;
  int incy = 1;

  char transA_c;
  if (transA)
    transA_c = 'T';
    transA_c = 'N';

  dgemv_(&transA_c , &m , &n , &alpha , matrix_get_data( A ) , &lda , x , &incx , &beta , y , &incy);
Exemple #19
void matrix_dgesv(matrix_type * A , matrix_type * B) {
  matrix_lapack_assert_square( A );
  matrix_lapack_assert_fortran_layout( B );
    int n    = matrix_get_rows( A ); 
    int lda  = matrix_get_column_stride( A );
    int ldb  = matrix_get_column_stride( B );
    int nrhs = matrix_get_columns( B );
    long int * ipivot = util_calloc( n , sizeof * ipivot );
    int info;
    dgesv_(&n , &nrhs , matrix_get_data( A ) , &lda , ipivot , matrix_get_data( B ), &ldb , &info);
    if (info != 0)
      util_abort("%s: low level lapack routine: dgesv() failed with info:%d \n",__func__ , info);
Exemple #20
static void lars_estimate_init( lars_type * lars, matrix_type * X , matrix_type * Y) {
  int nvar     = matrix_get_columns( lars->X );
  matrix_assign( X , lars->X );
  matrix_assign( Y , lars->Y );
  if (lars->X_norm != NULL)
    matrix_free( lars->X_norm );
  lars->X_norm = matrix_alloc(1 , nvar );

  if (lars->X_mean != NULL)
    matrix_free( lars->X_mean );
  lars->X_mean = matrix_alloc(1 , nvar );

  if (lars->beta != NULL)
    matrix_free( lars->beta );
  lars->beta = matrix_alloc( nvar , nvar );
  lars->Y_mean = regression_scale( X , Y , lars->X_mean , lars->X_norm);
void test_state() {
  rng_type * rng = rng_alloc( MZRAN , INIT_DEFAULT ); 
  int ens_size    = 10;
  int active_size = 8;
  int rows = 100;
  matrix_type * state = matrix_alloc(1,1);
  bool_vector_type * ens_mask = bool_vector_alloc(ens_size , false);
  matrix_type * A = matrix_alloc( rows , active_size);
  matrix_type * A2 = matrix_alloc( rows, active_size );
  matrix_type * A3 = matrix_alloc( 1,1 );

  for (int i=0; i < active_size; i++)
    bool_vector_iset( ens_mask , i + 1 , true );

  matrix_random_init(A , rng);
  rml_enkf_common_store_state( state , A , ens_mask );

  test_assert_int_equal( matrix_get_rows( state ) , rows );
  test_assert_int_equal( matrix_get_columns( state ) , ens_size );

    int g;
    int a = 0;
    for (g=0; g < ens_size; g++) {
      if (bool_vector_iget( ens_mask , g )) {
        test_assert_true( matrix_columns_equal( state , g , A , a ));

  rml_enkf_common_recover_state( state , A2 , ens_mask);
  rml_enkf_common_recover_state( state , A3 , ens_mask);
  test_assert_true( matrix_equal( A , A2 ));
  test_assert_true( matrix_equal( A , A3 ));
  bool_vector_free( ens_mask );
  matrix_free( state );
  matrix_free( A );
Exemple #22
double matrix_det( matrix_type *A ) {
  matrix_lapack_assert_square( A ); 

    int       dgetrf_info;
    double    det       = 1;
    double    det_scale = 0;
    int       n         = matrix_get_columns( A );
    int * ipiv          = util_malloc( n * sizeof * ipiv );
    matrix_dgetrf__( A , ipiv , &dgetrf_info );
      int i;
      for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
        det *= matrix_iget(A , i , i);
        if (det == 0) return 0;   /* Holy f**k - a float == comparison ?? */

        if (ipiv[i] != (i + 1))   /* A permutation has taken place. */
          det *= -1;

        /* Try to avoid overflow/underflow by factoring out the order of magnitude. */
        while (fabs(det) > 10.0) {
          det       /= 10;
          det_scale += 1;

        while (fabs(det) < 1.0) {
          det       *= 10;
          det_scale -= 1;
    free( ipiv );
    return det * pow(10 , det_scale );
Exemple #23
void matrix_dgemm(matrix_type *C , const matrix_type *A , const matrix_type * B , bool transA, bool transB , double alpha , double beta) {
  int m   = matrix_get_rows( C );
  int n   = matrix_get_columns( C );
  int lda = matrix_get_column_stride( A );
  int ldb = matrix_get_column_stride( B );
  int ldc = matrix_get_column_stride( C );
  char transA_c;
  char transB_c;
  int  k , innerA, innerB , outerA , outerB;

  if (transA)
    k = matrix_get_rows( A );
    k = matrix_get_columns( A );

  if (transA) {
    innerA = matrix_get_rows(A);
    outerA = matrix_get_columns(A);
    transA_c = 'T';
  } else {
    innerA = matrix_get_columns(A);
    outerA = matrix_get_rows(A);
    transA_c = 'N';

  if (transB) {
    innerB   = matrix_get_columns( B );
    outerB   = matrix_get_rows( B );
    transB_c = 'T';
  } else {
    transB_c = 'N';
    innerB = matrix_get_rows( B );
    outerB = matrix_get_columns( B );

    This is the dimension check which must pass:

          A   |         B   |  Columns(A) = Rows(B)
    Trans(A)  |   Trans(B)  |  Rows(A)    = Columns(B)
          A   |   Trans(B)  |  Columns(A) = Columns(B)
    Trans(A)  |         B   |  Rows(A)    = Rows(B)

              A         | Rows(A)    = Rows(C)
        Trans(A)        | Columns(A) = Rows(C)
              B         | Columns(B) = Columns(C)
        Trans(B)        | Rows(B)    = Columns(B)


  if (innerA != innerB) {
    dgemm_debug(C,A,B,transA , transB);
    util_abort("%s: matrix size mismatch between A and B \n", __func__);

  if (outerA != matrix_get_rows( C )) {
    dgemm_debug(C,A,B,transA , transB);
    printf("outerA:%d  rows(C):%d \n",outerA , matrix_get_rows( C ));
    util_abort("%s: matrix size mismatch between A and C \n",__func__);

  if (outerB != matrix_get_columns( C )) {
    dgemm_debug(C,A,B,transA , transB);
    util_abort("%s: matrix size mismatch between B and C \n",__func__);

  if (!ldc >= util_int_max(1 , m)) {
    dgemm_debug(C,A,B,transA , transB);
    fprintf(stderr,"Tried to capture blas message: \"** On entry to DGEMM parameter 13 had an illegal value\"\n");
    fprintf(stderr,"m:%d  ldc:%d  ldc should be >= max(1,%d) \n",m,ldc,m);
    util_abort("%s: invalid value for ldc\n",__func__);

  dgemm_(&transA_c ,                  //  1
         &transB_c ,                  //  2
         &m ,                         //  3
         &n ,                         //  4
         &k ,                         //  5
         &alpha ,                     //  6
         matrix_get_data( A ) ,       //  7
         &lda ,                       //  8
         matrix_get_data( B ) ,       //  9
         &ldb ,                       // 10
         &beta ,                      // 11
         matrix_get_data( C ) ,       // 12
         &ldc);                       // 13
Exemple #24
matrix_type * matrix_alloc_transpose( const matrix_type * A) {
  matrix_type * B = matrix_alloc( matrix_get_columns( A ) , matrix_get_rows( A ));
  matrix_transpose( A , B );
  return B;
Exemple #25
void matrix_inplace_matmul(matrix_type * A, const matrix_type * B) {
  if ((A->columns == B->rows) && (B->rows == B->columns)) {
    double * tmp = util_malloc( sizeof * A->data * A->columns );
    int i,j,k;

    for (i=0; i < A->rows; i++) {

      /* Clearing the tmp vector */
      for (k=0; k < B->rows; k++)
        tmp[k] = 0;

      for (j=0; j < B->rows; j++) {
        double scalar_product = 0;
        for (k=0; k < A->columns; k++)
          scalar_product += A->data[ GET_INDEX(A,i,k) ] * B->data[ GET_INDEX(B,k,j) ];

        /* Assign first to tmp[j] */
        tmp[j] = scalar_product;
      for (j=0; j < A->columns; j++)
        A->data[ GET_INDEX(A , i, j) ] = tmp[j];
  } else
    util_abort("%s: size mismatch: A:[%d,%d]   B:[%d,%d]\n",__func__ , matrix_get_rows(A) , matrix_get_columns(A) , matrix_get_rows(B) , matrix_get_columns(B));
Exemple #26
void bootstrap_enkf_updateA(void * module_data ,
                            matrix_type * A ,
                            matrix_type * S ,
                            matrix_type * R ,
                            matrix_type * dObs ,
                            matrix_type * E ,
                            matrix_type * D ) {

    bootstrap_enkf_data_type * bootstrap_data = bootstrap_enkf_data_safe_cast( module_data );
        const int num_cpu_threads = 4;
        int ens_size              = matrix_get_columns( A );
        matrix_type * X           = matrix_alloc( ens_size , ens_size );
        matrix_type * A0          = matrix_alloc_copy( A );
        matrix_type * S_resampled = matrix_alloc_copy( S );
        matrix_type * A_resampled = matrix_alloc( matrix_get_rows(A0) , matrix_get_columns( A0 ));
        int ** iens_resample      = alloc_iens_resample( bootstrap_data->rng , ens_size );
            int ensemble_members_loop;
            for ( ensemble_members_loop = 0; ensemble_members_loop < ens_size; ensemble_members_loop++) {
                int unique_bootstrap_components;
                int ensemble_counter;
                /* Resample A and meas_data. Here we are careful to resample the working copy.*/
                        int_vector_type * bootstrap_components = int_vector_alloc( ens_size , 0);
                        for (ensemble_counter  = 0; ensemble_counter < ens_size; ensemble_counter++) {
                            int random_column = iens_resample[ ensemble_members_loop][ensemble_counter];
                            int_vector_iset( bootstrap_components , ensemble_counter , random_column );
                            matrix_copy_column( A_resampled , A0 , ensemble_counter , random_column );
                            matrix_copy_column( S_resampled , S  , ensemble_counter , random_column );
                        int_vector_select_unique( bootstrap_components );
                        unique_bootstrap_components = int_vector_size( bootstrap_components );
                        int_vector_free( bootstrap_components );

                    if (bootstrap_data->doCV) {
                        const bool_vector_type * ens_mask = NULL;
                        cv_enkf_init_update( bootstrap_data->cv_enkf_data , ens_mask , S_resampled , R , dObs , E , D);
                        cv_enkf_initX( bootstrap_data->cv_enkf_data , X , A_resampled , S_resampled , R , dObs , E , D);
                    } else
                        std_enkf_initX(bootstrap_data->std_enkf_data , X , NULL , S_resampled,R, dObs, E,D );

                    matrix_inplace_matmul_mt1( A_resampled , X , num_cpu_threads );
                    matrix_inplace_add( A_resampled , A0 );
                    matrix_copy_column( A , A_resampled, ensemble_members_loop, ensemble_members_loop);


        free_iens_resample( iens_resample , ens_size);
        matrix_free( X );
        matrix_free( S_resampled );
        matrix_free( A_resampled );
        matrix_free( A0 );
Exemple #27
   Will not respect strides - that is considered low level data
static matrix_type * matrix_alloc_copy__( const matrix_type * src , bool safe_mode) {
  matrix_type * copy = matrix_alloc__( matrix_get_rows( src ), matrix_get_columns( src ) , safe_mode);
  if (copy != NULL)
    matrix_assign(copy , src);
  return copy;
Exemple #28
double matrix_row_column_dot_product(const matrix_type * m1 , int row1 , const matrix_type * m2 , int col2) {
  if (m1->columns != m2->rows)
    util_abort("%s: size mismatch: m1:[%d,%d]   m2:[%d,%d] \n",__func__ , matrix_get_rows( m1 ) , matrix_get_columns( m1 ) , matrix_get_rows( m2 ) , matrix_get_columns( m2 ));

    int k;
    double sum = 0;
    for( k = 0; k < m1->columns; k++)
      sum += m1->data[ GET_INDEX(m1 , row1 , k) ] * m2->data[ GET_INDEX(m2, k , col2) ];

    return sum;
Exemple #29
void rml_enkf_common_initA__( matrix_type * A ,
                              matrix_type * S , 
                              matrix_type * Cd , 
                              matrix_type * E , 
                              matrix_type * D ,
                              double truncation,
                              double lamda,
                              matrix_type * Udr,
                              double * Wdr,
                              matrix_type * VdTr) {

  int nrobs         = matrix_get_rows( S );
  int ens_size      = matrix_get_columns( S );
  double a = lamda + 1;
  matrix_type *tmp  = matrix_alloc (nrobs, ens_size);
  double nsc = 1/sqrt(ens_size-1);

  printf("The lamda Value is %5.5f\n",lamda);
  printf("The Value of Truncation is %4.2f \n",truncation);

  matrix_subtract_row_mean( S );           /* Shift away the mean in the ensemble predictions*/
  matrix_dgemm(tmp, Cd, S,false, false, 1.0, 0.0);
  matrix_scale(tmp, nsc);
  printf("The Scaling of data matrix completed !\n ");

  // SVD(S)  = Ud * Wd * Vd(T)
  int nsign = enkf_linalg_svd_truncation(tmp , truncation , -1 , DGESVD_MIN_RETURN  , Wdr , Udr , VdTr);
  /* After this we only work with the reduced dimension matrices */
  printf("The number of siginificant ensembles are %d \n ",nsign);
  matrix_type * X1   = matrix_alloc( nsign, ens_size);
  matrix_type * X2    = matrix_alloc (nsign, ens_size );
  matrix_type * X3    = matrix_alloc (ens_size, ens_size );
  // Compute the matrices X1,X2,X3 and dA 
  enkf_linalg_rml_enkfX1(X1, Udr ,D ,Cd );  //X1 = Ud(T)*Cd(-1/2)*D   -- D= -(dk-d0)
  enkf_linalg_rml_enkfX2(X2, Wdr ,X1 ,a, nsign);  //X2 = ((a*Ipd)+Wd^2)^-1  * X1


  enkf_linalg_rml_enkfX3(X3, VdTr ,Wdr,X2, nsign);  //X3 = Vd *Wd*X2
  printf("The X3 matrix is computed !\n ");

  matrix_type *dA1= matrix_alloc (matrix_get_rows(A), ens_size);
  matrix_type * Dm  = matrix_alloc_copy( A );

  matrix_subtract_row_mean( Dm );      /* Remove the mean from the ensemble of model parameters*/
  matrix_scale(Dm, nsc);

  enkf_linalg_rml_enkfdA(dA1, Dm, X3);      //dA = Dm * X3   
  matrix_inplace_add(A,dA1); //dA 

Exemple #30
matrix_type * matrix_alloc_matmul(const matrix_type * A, const matrix_type * B) {
  matrix_type * C = matrix_alloc( matrix_get_rows( A ) , matrix_get_columns( B ));
  matrix_matmul( C , A , B );
  return C;