Exemple #1
std::pair<double, double> DetectorModule::minMaxEtaWithError(double zError) const {
  if (cachedZError_ != zError) {
    cachedZError_ = zError;
    double eta1 = (XYZVector(0., maxR(), maxZ() + zError)).Eta();
    double eta2 = (XYZVector(0., minR(), minZ() - zError)).Eta();
    double eta3 = (XYZVector(0., minR(), maxZ() + zError)).Eta();
    double eta4 = (XYZVector(0., maxR(), minZ() - zError)).Eta();
    cachedMinMaxEtaWithError_ = std::minmax({eta1, eta2, eta3, eta4});
    //cachedMinMaxEtaWithError_ = std::make_pair(MIN(eta1, eta2), MAX(eta1, eta2));
  return cachedMinMaxEtaWithError_;
Exemple #2
 // True if this structure has valid values
 bool isValid()
         minX() <= maxX() &&
         minY() <= maxY() &&
         minZ() <= maxZ();
Exemple #3
bool Boundary::isValid() const
    bool valid = std::isfinite (minX ()) &&
                 std::isfinite (maxX ()) &&
                 std::isfinite (minY ()) &&
                 std::isfinite (maxY ()) &&
                 std::isfinite (minZ ()) &&
                 std::isfinite (maxZ ());
    return valid;
Exemple #4
void StraightRodPair::buildFull(const RodTemplate& rodTemplate) {
  double startZ = startZMode() == StartZMode::MODULECENTER ? -(*rodTemplate.begin())->length()/2. : 0.;
  auto zListPair = computeZListPair(rodTemplate.begin(), rodTemplate.end(), startZ, 0);

    // actual module creation
    // CUIDADO log rod balancing effort
  buildModules(zPlusModules_, rodTemplate, zListPair.first, BuildDir::RIGHT, zPlusParity(), 1);
  double currMaxZ = zPlusModules_.size() > 1 ? MAX(zPlusModules_.rbegin()->planarMaxZ(), (zPlusModules_.rbegin()+1)->planarMaxZ()) : (!zPlusModules_.empty() ? zPlusModules_.rbegin()->planarMaxZ() : 0.); 
  // CUIDADO this only checks the positive side... the negative side might actually have a higher fabs(maxZ) if the barrel is long enough and there's an inversion
  buildModules(zMinusModules_, rodTemplate, zListPair.second, BuildDir::LEFT, -zPlusParity(), -1);

  auto collisionsZPlus = solveCollisionsZPlus();
  auto collisionsZMinus = solveCollisionsZMinus();
  if (!collisionsZPlus.empty() || !collisionsZMinus.empty()) logWARNING("Some modules have been translated to avoid collisions. Check info tab");

  if (compressed() && maxZ.state() && currMaxZ > maxZ()) compressToZ(maxZ());
  currMaxZ = zPlusModules_.size() > 1 ? MAX(zPlusModules_.rbegin()->planarMaxZ(), (zPlusModules_.rbegin()+1)->planarMaxZ()) : (!zPlusModules_.empty() ? zPlusModules_.rbegin()->planarMaxZ() : 0.); 
Exemple #5
void StraightRodPair::buildMezzanine(const RodTemplate& rodTemplate) {
  // compute Z list (only once since the second mezzanine has just inverted signs for z) 
  vector<double> zList = computeZList(rodTemplate.rbegin(), rodTemplate.rend(), startZ(), BuildDir::LEFT, zPlusParity(), false);
  vector<double> zListNeg;
  std::transform(zList.begin(), zList.end(), std::back_inserter(zListNeg), std::negate<double>());

  buildModules(zPlusModules_, rodTemplate, zList, BuildDir::LEFT, zPlusParity(), 1); // CUIDADO mezzanine layer rings in reverse order????

  buildModules(zMinusModules_, rodTemplate, zListNeg, BuildDir::RIGHT, zPlusParity(), -1);
Exemple #6
template<typename Iterator> vector<double> StraightRodPair::computeZList(Iterator begin, Iterator end, double startZ, BuildDir direction, int smallParity, bool fixedStartZ) {

  vector<double> zList;

  double targetZ = maxZ.state() ? maxZ() : std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); // unreachable target in case maxZ not set
  int targetMods = buildNumModules.state() ? buildNumModules() : std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); // unreachable target in case numModules not set
  // If we rely on numModules and we start from the center, then the number of modules on the left side of the rod must be lower
  if ((startZMode() == StartZMode::MODULECENTER) && (direction == BuildDir::LEFT)) targetMods--; 

  double newZ = startZ; // + lengthOffset/2;

  int parity = smallParity;
  BarrelModule* lastm = begin->get();

  int n = 0;

  if (fixedStartZ) {
    newZ += (direction == BuildDir::RIGHT ? (*begin)->length() : (*begin)->length());
    parity = -parity;
    n = 1;

  for (auto& curm : pair2range(make_pair(begin, end))) {
    if (abs(newZ) >= targetZ || n++ >= targetMods) break;

    newZ = computeNextZ(curm->length(), curm->dsDistance(), lastm->dsDistance(), newZ, direction, parity);
    newZ += (direction == BuildDir::RIGHT ? curm->length() : -curm->length());
    lastm = curm.get();
    parity = -parity;

  double lengthOffset = lastm->length();
  double physicalLengthOffset = lastm->physicalLength();

  for (; abs(newZ) < targetZ && n < targetMods; n++) {  // in case the rodtemplate vector is finished but we haven't hit the targetZ or targetMods yet, we keep on using the last module for dsDistance and length
    newZ = computeNextZ(lastm->length(), lastm->dsDistance(), lastm->dsDistance(), newZ, direction, parity);
    newZ += (direction == BuildDir::RIGHT ? lastm->length() : -lastm->length());
    parity = -parity;

  return zList;

Exemple #7
void Boundary::refer(const Boundary &boundary)
    if (boundary.minX () < minX ())
        setMinX (boundary.minX ());
    if (boundary.maxX () > maxX ())
        setMaxX (boundary.maxX ());

    if (boundary.minY () < minY ())
        setMinY (boundary.minY ());
    if (boundary.maxY () > maxY ())
        setMaxY (boundary.maxY ());

    if (boundary.minZ () < minZ ())
        setMinZ (boundary.minZ ());
    if (boundary.maxZ () > maxZ ())
        setMaxZ (boundary.maxZ ());
Exemple #8
void Boundary::refer(const xjPoint &point)
    if (point.x () < minX ())
        setMinX (point.x ());
    if (point.x () > maxX ())
        setMaxX (point.x ());

    if (point.y () < minY ())
        setMinY (point.y ());
    if (point.y () > maxY ())
        setMaxY (point.y ());

    if (point.z () < minZ ())
        setMinZ (point.z ());
    if (point.z () > maxZ ())
        setMaxZ (point.z ());
Exemple #9
void Layer::buildStraight() {

  RodTemplate rodTemplate = makeRodTemplate();

  std::pair<double, int> optimalLayerParms = calculateOptimalLayerParms(rodTemplate);
  placeRadius_ = optimalLayerParms.first; 
  numRods_ = optimalLayerParms.second;
  if (!minBuildRadius.state() || !maxBuildRadius.state()) {

  float rodPhiRotation = 2*M_PI/numRods_;

  StraightRodPair* first = GeometryFactory::make<StraightRodPair>();
  if (buildNumModules() > 0) first->buildNumModules(buildNumModules());
  else if (maxZ.state()) first->maxZ(maxZ());
  //first->ringNode = ringNode; // we need to pass on the contents of the ringNode to allow the RodPair to build the module decorators

  logINFO(Form("Copying rod %s", fullid(*this).c_str()));
  StraightRodPair* second = GeometryFactory::clone(*first);
  if (!sameParityRods()) second->zPlusParity(first->zPlusParity()*-1);

  first->translateR(placeRadius_ + (bigParity() > 0 ? bigDelta() : -bigDelta()));
  //first->translate(XYZVector(placeRadius_+bigDelta(), 0, 0));

  second->translateR(placeRadius_ + (bigParity() > 0 ? -bigDelta() : bigDelta()));
  //second->translate(XYZVector(placeRadius_-bigDelta(), 0, 0));

  for (int i = 2; i < numRods_; i++) {
    RodPair* rod = i%2 ? GeometryFactory::clone(*second) : GeometryFactory::clone(*first); // clone rods
    rod->rotateZ(rodPhiRotation*(i%2 ? i-1 : i));
Exemple #10
std::vector<double> PMFFilter::morphOpen(PointViewPtr view, float radius)
    point_count_t np(view->size());

    KD2Index index(*view);

    std::vector<double> minZ(np), maxZ(np);
    typedef std::vector<PointId> PointIdVec;
    std::map<PointId, PointIdVec> neighborMap;

    // erode
    for (PointId i = 0; i < np; ++i)
        double x = view->getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::X, i);
        double y = view->getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Y, i);
        auto ids = index.radius(x, y, radius);

        // neighborMap.insert(std::pair<PointId, std::vector<PointId>(i, ids));
        neighborMap[i] = ids;
        double localMin(std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
        for (auto const& j : ids)
            double z = view->getFieldAs<double>(Dimension::Id::Z, j);
            if (z < localMin)
                localMin = z;
        minZ[i] = localMin;

    // dilate
    for (PointId i = 0; i < np; ++i)
        auto ids = neighborMap[i];
        double localMax(std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest());
        for (auto const& j : ids)
            double z = minZ[j];
            if (z > localMax)
                localMax = z;
        maxZ[i] = localMax;

    return maxZ;
Exemple #11
Compute the point of the line with a given Z component

\param theZLevel
Z component to use in point computation

Point on the line with Z component equal to theZLevel, if theZLevel is less then minim Z of the line return
a point with -DBL_MAX in its components, if it is greater then maximum Z return a point with DBL_MAX in its
If the line is not valid return an invalid point
If the line is horizontal with Z component equal to theZLevel return the begin point of the line
GM_3dPoint GM_3dLine::pointAtZ(double theZLevel) const {
	if (!isValid()) {
		return GM_3dPoint();
	if (theZLevel < minZ() - GM_DIFF_TOLERANCE) {
		return GM_3dPoint(-DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX);
	if (theZLevel > maxZ() + GM_DIFF_TOLERANCE) {
		return GM_3dPoint(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX);

	if (dz() < GM_NULL_TOLERANCE && fabs(theZLevel - mBegin.z()) < GM_DIFF_TOLERANCE) {
		return mBegin;
	else {
		double ratio = fabs(theZLevel - begin().z()) / fabs(dz());
		return GM_3dPoint(begin().x() + dx()*ratio, begin().y() + dy()*ratio, theZLevel);
void InteriorPointsConstructor::ForceDirectedAlgorithm2()
	//Clone the data structure, and initialize it to 0;
	int n = _contourArray->length()/2;
	_interiorDisplacementArray = new AcArray<AcGePoint3d>[n+1];
	int i,j, vIter;
	//int i,j,vIter;
	AcGePoint3d delta;
	//int vIter;
	double Volume = (maxX() - minX())*(maxY() - minY())*(maxZ() - minZ());
	double surface = (maxX() - minX())*(maxY() - minY());
	double kappa;
	if (Volume)
		kappa = sqrt(Volume/_numVertices);
	else kappa = sqrt(surface/_numVertices);
		vector<pair<int, int>> v;
		vector<pair<int, int>>::iterator it;
	for (vIter = 0; vIter<2; vIter++)

		//Calculate repulsive forces

		for (i = 0; i < _contourArray->length()/2+1; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < _interiorArray[i].length(); j++)
				if (vIter == 0)
					AcGePoint3d * newPoint = new AcGePoint3d;
					newPoint->x = 0.0;
					newPoint->y = 0.0;
					newPoint->z = 0.0;
					_interiorDisplacementArray[i][j].x = 0.0;
					_interiorDisplacementArray[i][j].y = 0.0;
					_interiorDisplacementArray[i][j].z = 0.0;

		//acutPrintf(_T("Proceeding...attractive ...\n"));
		//Calculate attractive forces;
		for (i = 0; i < _contourArray->length()/2; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < _interiorArray[i].length(); j++)
				if ((i != 0) && (j!=_interiorArray[i].length() - 1) && (j!=0) && (i!=_contourArray->length()/2))
							arrayNeighbour(v, i, j);
							for (it = v.begin(); it!=v.end(); it++)

								delta.x = _interiorArray[(*it).first][(*it).second].x - _interiorArray[i][j].x;
								delta.y = _interiorArray[(*it).first][(*it).second].y - _interiorArray[i][j].y;
								delta.z = _interiorArray[(*it).first][(*it).second].z - _interiorArray[i][j].z;
								_interiorDisplacementArray[i][j].x = _interiorDisplacementArray[i][j].x + F_attractive(delta.x);
								_interiorDisplacementArray[i][j].y = _interiorDisplacementArray[i][j].y + F_attractive(delta.y);
								_interiorDisplacementArray[i][j].z = _interiorDisplacementArray[i][j].z + F_attractive(delta.z);
		//Limit the fluctuations first step:
		for (i = 0; i < _contourArray->length()/2+1; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < _interiorArray[i].length(); j++)
					_interiorArray[i][j].x = _interiorArray[i][j].x + _interiorDisplacementArray[i][j].x;
					_interiorArray[i][j].y = _interiorArray[i][j].y + _interiorDisplacementArray[i][j].y;
					_interiorArray[i][j].z = _interiorArray[i][j].z + _interiorDisplacementArray[i][j].z;


	acutPrintf(_T("\nVolume: %f, numPoints: %d, kappa: %f\n"), Volume, _numVertices, _kappa);
Exemple #13
// Multi-objective genetic algorithm
long int runMOGA(std::vector<Box*> &vectorBox, Data &data, std::list<Solution> & allSolution)
    std::vector<Box*>::iterator itVector;
    FILE * pipe_fp = 0; // Gnuplot pipe
    int object_id = 0;

    // OPEN GNUPLOT (interactive mode)
    if (Argument::interactive)
        if ( ( pipe_fp = popen("gnuplot", "w") ) != 0 )
            int num_obj = (*vectorBox.begin())->getNbObjective();
            std::vector<double> minZ( num_obj, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() ),
                maxZ( num_obj, -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() );

            for (itVector = vectorBox.begin(); itVector != vectorBox.end(); ++itVector)
                for ( int k = 0; k < (*(*itVector)).getNbObjective(); ++k )
                    minZ[k] = std::min( (*(*itVector)).getMinZ( k ), minZ[k] );
                    maxZ[k] = std::max( (*(*itVector)).getMaxZ( k ), maxZ[k] );

            fputs( "set nokey\n", pipe_fp );
            fputs( "set xlabel \"$z_1$\"\n", pipe_fp );
            fputs( "set ylabel \"$z_2$\"\n", pipe_fp );
            fprintf( pipe_fp, "set xrange [%f:%f]\n", minZ[0], maxZ[0] );
            fprintf( pipe_fp, "set yrange [%f:%f]\n", minZ[1], maxZ[1] );
            std::cerr << "Error: gnuplot pipe failed" << std::endl;

    // Apply MOGA on each box
    for (itVector = vectorBox.begin(); itVector != vectorBox.end(); ++itVector)
        // Draw the box associated
        if ( pipe_fp )
            fprintf( pipe_fp, "set object %d rectangle from %f,%f to %f,%f fillstyle empty\n", object_id,
                     (*(*itVector)).getMinZ(0), (*(*itVector)).getMinZ(1),
                     (*(*itVector)).getMaxZ(0), (*(*itVector)).getMaxZ(1) );

        MOGA m(*(*itVector), Argument::num_individuals, Argument::num_generations, Argument::Pc, Argument::Pm);
        m.pipe_fp_ = pipe_fp;


    if ( pipe_fp )

    for ( std::list<Solution>::iterator it1 = allSolution.begin(); it1 != allSolution.end(); ++it1 )
        for ( std::list<Solution>::iterator it2 = it1; it2 != allSolution.end(); ++it2 )
            bool dominates = true, dominated = true;
            for (int k = 0; k < (*it1).getNbObjective() && (dominates || dominated); ++k)
                if ( !( (*it1).getObj( k ) < (*it2).getObj( k ) ) )
                    dominates = false;

                if ( !( (*it2).getObj( k ) < (*it1).getObj( k ) ) )
                    dominated = false;
            if ( dominates )
                it2 = allSolution.erase( it2 );
            if ( dominated )
                it1 = allSolution.erase( it1 );

    if (Argument::mode_export)
        ToFile::saveYN(allSolution, data);

    return (long int) allSolution.size();