Exemple #1
void btm_inc_day(struct btm *const d)
  assert(d != NULL);
  d->day ++;
  if (d->day > max_monthday(d->year,d->month))
    d->day = 1;
Exemple #2
void btm_dec_day(struct btm *const d)
  assert(d != NULL);
  if (d->day == 0)
    d->day = max_monthday(d->year,d->month);
Exemple #3
bool tumbler_new(tumbler__s *const tum,const char *text)
  ; all variables are defined here, even though u2, u3, u4, segments and
  ; part aren't used until tumbler_new_range.  It appears that defining them
  ; there causes a compiler error.  It's either a bug in the version of GCC
  ; I'm using, or you can't declare variables after a goto target label.
  ; I'm not sure what the case is here, so I'm moving them up here.
  struct value u1;
  struct value u2;
  struct value u3;
  struct value u4;
  bool         part = false;
  assert(tum  != NULL);
  assert(text != NULL);
  ; parse year
  if (!parse_num(&u1,&text,g_blog->first.year,g_blog->last.year))
    return false;
  if (u1.val == g_blog->first.year)
    tum->start.month = g_blog->first.month;
    tum->start.day   = g_blog->first.day;
    tum->start.month = 1;
    tum->start.day   = 1;
  tum->ustart      = tum->ustop     = UNIT_YEAR;
  tum->start.year  = tum->stop.year = u1.val;
  tum->start.part  = 1;
  tum->stop.month  = 12;
  tum->stop.day    = 31;
  tum->stop.part   = ENTRY_MAX;
  if (*text == '\0')
    return check_dates(tum);
  if (*text == '-')
    goto tumbler_new_range;
  if (*text != '/')
    return false;
  if (*text == '\0')
    return tum->redirect |= true;
  ; parse month
  if (!parse_num(&u1,&text,1,12))
    return false;
  assert(tum->start.part == 1);
  assert(tum->stop.part  == ENTRY_MAX);
  tum->start.month = tum->stop.month = u1.val;
  tum->ustart      = tum->ustop      = UNIT_MONTH;
  tum->stop.day    = max_monthday(tum->start.year,tum->start.month);
  if (u1.len == 1)
    tum->redirect |= true;
  if (*text == '\0')
    return check_dates(tum);
  if (*text == '-')
    goto tumbler_new_range;
  if (*text != '/')
    return false;
  if (*text == '\0')
    return tum->redirect |= true;
  ; parse day
  if (!parse_num(&u1,&text,1,max_monthday(tum->start.year,tum->start.month)))
    return false;
  tum->start.day = tum->stop.day = u1.val;
  tum->ustart    = tum->ustop    = UNIT_DAY;
  if (u1.len == 1)
    tum->redirect |= true;
  if (*text == '\0')
    return check_dates(tum);
  if (*text == '-')
    goto tumbler_new_range;
  if (*text == '/')
    goto tumbler_new_file;
  if (*text != '.')
    return false;
  if (*text == '\0')
    return false;
  ; parse part
  if (!parse_num(&u1,&text,1,ENTRY_MAX))
    return false;
  tum->start.part = tum->stop.part = u1.val;
  tum->ustart     = tum->ustop     = UNIT_PART;
  if ((u1.len > 1) && (*u1.txt == '0'))
    tum->redirect |= true;
  if (*text == '\0')
    return check_dates(tum);
  if (*text != '-')
    return false;
  assert(*text == '-');
  goto tumbler_new_range;
  ; parse file

  assert(*text == '/');
  tum->file = true;
  for (size_t i = 0 ; i < FILENAME_MAX ; i++)
    tum->filename[i] = *text++;
    if (tum->filename[i] == '\0')
      return check_dates(tum);
    if (tum->filename[i] == '/')
      return false;
  return false;
  ; parse the range portion of the tumbler.  Since the number of segments in
  ; this portion is variable, we parse first without reguard to the actual
  ; ranges, keep track of the number of segments found, then after we're
  ; done with the parsing, we figure everything out.

  assert(*text == '-');
  tum->range = true;
  ; first unit
  if (!parse_num(&u1,&text,1,INT_MAX))
    return false;
  if (*text == '\0')
    goto tumbler_new_calculate;
  if (*text == '.')
    goto tumbler_new_range_part;
  if (*text != '/')
    return false;
  if (*text == '\0')
    tum->redirect |= true;
    goto tumbler_new_calculate;
  ; second unit
  if (!parse_num(&u2,&text,1,INT_MAX))
    return false;
  if (*text == '\0')
    goto tumbler_new_calculate;
  if (*text == '.')
    goto tumbler_new_range_part;
  if (*text != '/')
    return false;
  if (*text == '\0')
    tum->redirect |= true;
    goto tumbler_new_calculate;
  ; third unit
  if (!parse_num(&u3,&text,1,INT_MAX))
    return false;
  if (*text == '\0')
    goto tumbler_new_calculate;
  if (*text != '.')
    return false;
  ; the fourth unit, OR the part.  The part will always be stuffed into u4.

  assert(part          == false);
  assert(*text         == '.');
  assert(tum->segments >= 1);
  if (!parse_num(&u4,&text,1,ENTRY_MAX))
    return false;
  part = true;
  if ((u4.len > 1) && (*u4.txt == '0'))
    tum->redirect |= true;
  if (*text != '\0')
    return false;
  ; Now figure everything out.  If we have all four segments, then this part
  ; is easy---we fill out every part of the range portion with our values.
  ; All values have already been checked against the lower bound of 1, so we
  ; only have to check against the upper limit for the most part.
  ; Here is also were we check for leading or missing zeros, and set the
  ; redirect flag appropriately.  The month and day require a leading zero,
  ; while the part does not.

  if (tum->segments == 4)
    tum->redirect |= (u2.len == 1)
                  || (u3.len == 1)
                  || ((u4.len > 1) && (*u4.txt == '0'))
    tum->stop.year  = u1.val;
    tum->stop.month = u2.val;
    tum->stop.day   = u3.val;
    tum->stop.part  = u4.val;
    tum->ustop      = UNIT_PART;
    return check_dates(tum);
  ; If we have three segments, there are two cases to consider:
  ;     2000/02/03-2004/05/06
  ; or
  ;     2000/02/03-04/05.6
  ; The first is when part is false.  This is a fairly easy case to handle.
  else if (tum->segments == 3)
    if (part)
      tum->redirect |= (u1.len == 1)
                    || (u2.len == 1)
                    || ((u4.len > 1) && (*u4.txt == '0'))
      tum->stop.month = u1.val;
      tum->stop.day   = u2.val;
      tum->stop.part  = u4.val;
      tum->ustop      = UNIT_PART;
      return check_dates(tum);
      tum->stop.year  = u1.val;
      tum->stop.month = u2.val;
      tum->stop.day   = u3.val;
      tum->stop.part  = ENTRY_MAX;
      return check_dates(tum);
  ; We have two segments.  If there is a part, then it's easy:
  ;     2000/02/03-04.1
  ; The next few cases not so:
  ;     2000/02/03-2004/05
  ;     2000/02/03-04/05
  ; We use some huristics to distinquish between the two.  This means we
  ; can't specify years before 13 AD, but I doubt that will be an issue any
  ; time soon.
  else if (tum->segments == 2)
    if (part)
      tum->redirect |= (u1.len == 1)
                    || ((u4.len > 1) && (*u4.txt == '0'))
      tum->stop.day  = u1.val;
      tum->stop.part = u4.val;
      tum->ustop     = UNIT_PART;
      return check_dates(tum);
      ; check for year/month vs. month/day
      if (u1.val >= g_blog->first.year)
        tum->redirect   |= (u2.len == 1);
        tum->stop.year   = u1.val;
        tum->stop.month  = u2.val;
        tum->stop.day    = max_monthday(tum->stop.year,tum->stop.month);
        tum->stop.part   = ENTRY_MAX;
        tum->ustop       = UNIT_MONTH;
        return check_dates(tum);
        tum->redirect |= (u1.len == 1)
                      || (u2.len == 1)
        tum->stop.month = u1.val;
        tum->stop.day   = u2.val;
        tum->stop.part  = ENTRY_MAX;
        tum->ustop      = UNIT_DAY;
        return check_dates(tum);
  ; Final case---one segment.  We use the unit defined in the starting
  ; portion to determine what type of segment this is.
      case UNIT_YEAR:
           tum->stop.year  = u1.val;
           tum->stop.month = 12;
           tum->stop.day   = 31; /* there are always 31 days in Debtember */
           tum->stop.part  = ENTRY_MAX;
           tum->ustop      = UNIT_YEAR;
           return check_dates(tum);
      case UNIT_MONTH:
           tum->redirect   |= (u1.len == 1);
           tum->stop.month  = u1.val;
           tum->stop.day    = max_monthday(tum->stop.year,tum->stop.month);
           tum->stop.part   = ENTRY_MAX;
           tum->ustop       = UNIT_MONTH;
           return check_dates(tum);
      case UNIT_DAY:
           tum->redirect  |= (u1.len == 1);
           tum->stop.day   = u1.val;
           tum->stop.part  = ENTRY_MAX;
           tum->ustop      = UNIT_DAY;
           return check_dates(tum);
      case UNIT_PART:
           tum->redirect  |= ((u1.len > 1) && (*u1.txt == '0'));
           tum->stop.part  = u1.val;
           tum->ustop      = UNIT_PART;
           return check_dates(tum);
      case UNIT_INDEX:
           return false;
  return false;