int BitcoinUnits::decimals(int unit)
    if(walletModel && walletModel->getOptionsModel())
        if (walletModel->getOptionsModel()->getDecimalPoints() > maxdecimals(unit))
            return maxdecimals(unit);
            return walletModel->getOptionsModel()->getDecimalPoints();
        return maxdecimals(unit);
QString BitcoinUnits::formatFee(int unit, qint64 n, bool fPlus)
    // Note: not using straight sprintf here because we do NOT want
    // localized number formatting.
        return QString(); // Refuse to format invalid unit
    qint64 coin = factor(unit);
    qint64 n_abs = (n > 0 ? n : -n);
    qint64 quotient = n_abs / coin;
    qint64 remainder = n_abs % coin;
    QString quotient_str = QString("%L1").arg(quotient);
    QString remainder_str = QString::number(remainder).rightJustified(maxdecimals(unit), '0');

    // Right-trim excess zeros after the decimal point
    int nTrim = 0;
    for (int i = remainder_str.size()-1; i>=2 && ( == '0'); --i)

    if (n < 0)
        quotient_str.insert(0, '-');
    else if (fPlus && n > 0)
        quotient_str.insert(0, '+');

    if (remainder_str.size())
        return quotient_str + QString(".") + remainder_str;
        return quotient_str;
QString BitcoinUnits::formatMaxDecimals(int unit, qint64 n, int decimals, bool fPlus, bool fHideAmounts)
    // Note: not using straight sprintf here because we do NOT want
    // localized number formatting.
        return QString(); // Refuse to format invalid unit
    qint64 coin = factor(unit);
    qint64 n_abs = (n > 0 ? n : -n);
    qint64 quotient = n_abs / coin;
    qint64 remainder = n_abs % coin;
    QString quotient_str = QString("%L1").arg(quotient);
    QString remainder_str = QString::number(remainder).rightJustified(maxdecimals(unit), '0').left(decimals);

    // Pad zeros after remainder up to number of decimals
    for (int i = remainder_str.size(); i < decimals; ++i)


    if (n < 0)
        quotient_str.insert(0, '-');
    else if (fPlus && n > 0)
        quotient_str.insert(0, '+');

    if (remainder_str.size())
        return quotient_str + QString(".") + remainder_str;
        return quotient_str;
bool BitcoinUnits::parse(int unit, const QString &value, qint64 *val_out)
    if(!valid(unit) || value.isEmpty())
        return false; // Refuse to parse invalid unit or empty string
    int num_decimals = maxdecimals(unit);
    QStringList parts = value.split(".");

    if(parts.size() > 2)
        return false; // More than one dot
    QString whole = parts[0];
    QString decimals;

    if(parts.size() > 1)
        decimals = parts[1];
    if(decimals.size() > num_decimals)
        return false; // Exceeds max precision
    bool ok = false;
    QString str = whole + decimals.leftJustified(num_decimals, '0');

    if(str.size() > 18)
        return false; // Longer numbers will exceed 63 bits
    qint64 retvalue = str.toLongLong(&ok);
        *val_out = retvalue;
    return ok;
// draw the chartchartheight
QTAChartCore::draw (void)
  QWidget *gqw;
  QTACObject *object, *delobject;
  if (Q_UNLIKELY (!tfinit))
	QString title;  
	createTFButtons ();  
    startbar = &TIMEFRAME[0].TFStartBar;
    excess_drag_width = &TIMEFRAME[0].TFExcess_Drag_Width;
    title = Symbol + " - " + TIMEFRAME[0].TFName;
    currenttf = TIMEFRAME[0].TFName;
    setTitle (title, QString::fromUtf8 (subtitletext));
    tfinit = true;
  // collect garbage objects
	delobject = NULL;  
    foreach (object, Object)
      if (object->deleteit)
        delobject = object;
    if (delobject != NULL)
      deleteObject (delobject);
  while (delobject != NULL);
  // collect garbase QWidgets
  if (garbageQWidget.size () > 0)
	gqw = garbageQWidget[0];
	gqw->deleteLater ();
	garbageQWidget.remove (0); 
  if (reloaded)
    points = maxdecimals (HLOC);
    decimals = qCeil (qAbs (qLog10 (points)));
    OPEN.clear ();
    CLOSE.clear ();
    HIGH.clear ();
    LOW.clear ();
    VOLUME.clear ();
    foreach (const QTAChartFrame &frame, *HLOC)
      OPEN += frame.Open;
      CLOSE += frame.Close;
      HIGH += frame.High;
      LOW += frame.Low;
      VOLUME += frame.Volume;
    reloaded = false;

  // geometry
  geom (this);
  // draw the objects
  foreach (object, Object)
    object->draw ();
  // draw the chart frame, grid, bottom text 
  ruller_cursor_x = chartrightmost + 2;
  ruller_cursor->setPos (ruller_cursor_x, ruller_cursor_y);
  bottom_text->setPos (chartleftmost, height - (bottomline_height + 5));

  topedge->setLine (chartleftmost, charttopmost, chartrightmost + 3, charttopmost);
  bottomedge->setLine (chartleftmost, chartbottomost + 5, width, chartbottomost + 5);
  rightedge->setLine (chartrightmost + 3, 0, chartrightmost + 3, height);
  leftedge->setLine (chartleftmost, 0, chartleftmost, height);
  if (show_grid)
    drawGRID ();
    clearGRID ();
  if (linear)
    scaletitle->setPlainText ("Linear");
    scaletitle->setPlainText ("Logarithmic");
  if (chart_style == QTACHART_CANDLE)
    typetitle->setPlainText ("Candle");
    drawCandleChart ();
  else  if (chart_style == QTACHART_HEIKINASHI)  
    typetitle->setPlainText ("Heikin-Ashi");
    drawCandleChart ();
  else if (chart_style == QTACHART_BAR)
    typetitle->setPlainText ("Bar");
    drawBarChart ();
  else if (chart_style == QTACHART_LINE)
    typetitle->setPlainText ("Line");
    drawPriceLine (linecolor, linethickness);
  clearITEMS ();
  setRullerCursor (ruller_cursor_y);