Exemple #1
 * Assign an anti-diagonal stripe of starting points spread evenly along
 * the diagonal running from the upper right to the lower left.
 * If they don't all fit, spread the remainder randomly.
void maze_solve_start_antidiagonal(struct maze *mp)
	int i;
	int j;
	struct maze_child *mcp = mp->msp->mcp;
	int n = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < nthreads; i++)
		if (mcp[i].startrow == -1)
	if (n > mp->ncols)
		n = mp->ncols;
	i = 1;
	for (j = 0; j < nthreads; j++) {
		if (mcp[j].startrow != -1)
		maze_solve_start_assign(mp, j,
					mp->nrows -
					maze_row_col_frac(mp->nrows, i, n + 1),
					maze_row_col_frac(mp->ncols, i, n + 1));
/*&&&&*/for (i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) fprintf(stderr, "Start(%d): (%d, %d)\n", i, mcp[i].startrow, mcp[i].startcol);
Exemple #2
 * Assign a horizontal stripe of starting points evenly spread across
 * the width of the maze.  If they don't all fit, spread the remainder
 * randomly.
void maze_solve_start_horizontal(struct maze *mp)
	int i;
	int j;
	struct maze_child *mcp = mp->msp->mcp;
	int n = 0;
	int row = maze_row_col_frac(mp->nrows, 1, 2);

	for (i = 0; i < nthreads; i++)
		if (mcp[i].startrow == -1)
	if (n > mp->ncols)
		n = mp->ncols;
	i = 1;
	for (j = 0; j < nthreads; j++) {
		if (mcp[j].startrow != -1)
		maze_solve_start_assign(mp, j, row,
					maze_row_col_frac(mp->ncols, i, n + 1));
Exemple #3
 * Spread the per-thread starting points in a sensible pattern across the
 * maze.  If there are more than nine threads, spread the remainder
 * randomly.
void maze_solve_start_spread(struct maze *mp)
	int i;
	int n = nthreads;
	int r;
	int c;
	struct rowcol *rc;
	int rowspread[5];
	int colspread[5];

	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		rowspread[i] = maze_row_col_frac(mp->nrows, i, 4);
		colspread[i] = maze_row_col_frac(mp->ncols, i, 4);
	if (n > 9)
		n = 9;
	rc = pos[n - 1];
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		r = rowspread[rc[i].row];
		c = colspread[rc[i].col];
		(void)maze_solve_start_assign(mp, i, r, c);
Exemple #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	unsigned long long dt;
	int i = 1;
	struct maze *mp;
	double q;
	int solved = 1;
	char *binin = NULL;
	char *binout = NULL;
	FILE *figfp = stdout;
	char *figout = NULL;
	int figupc = 300;
	int figupcgiven = 0;
	int figvisit = 0;
	int generate = 0;
	int rows = 41;
	int cols = 32;
	double straightfrac = 0.2;
	double segbends = 4;
	double revisit = 0.2;
	unsigned long seed = current_time();
	int startrow = 0;
	int startcol = 0;
	int endrow = -1;
	int endcol = -1;
	int wallin = 0;
	int wallinrow;
	int wallincol;
	int solve = 1;
	int clear = 0;

	/* Parse arguments. */
	while (i < argc) {
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "--input") == 0) {
			if (generate)
				      "Conflict: --input and --generate\n");
			if (i >= argc - 1)
				usage(argv[0], "--input requires path name\n");
			binin = argv[++i];
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--output") == 0) {
			if (i >= argc - 1)
				usage(argv[0], "--output requires path name\n");
			binout = argv[++i];
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--fig") == 0) {
			if (i >= argc - 1)
				usage(argv[0], "--fig requires path name\n");
			figout = argv[++i];
			figfp = fopen(figout, "w");
			if (figfp == NULL)
				usage(argv[0], "--fig file unwriteable\n");
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--figupc") == 0) {
			if (i >= argc - 1)
				      "--figupc requires fig units per cell\n");
			figupc = strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
			if (figupc <= 0)
				      "--figupc must be non-negative\n");
			figupcgiven = 1;
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--figlinethickness") == 0) {
			if (i >= argc - 1)
				      "--figlinethickness requires number\n");
			line_thickness = strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
			if (line_thickness <= 0)
				      "--figlinethickness must be "
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--figvisit") == 0) {
			figvisit = 1;
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--nofig") == 0) {
			if (figfp != stdout)
				usage(argv[0], "Conflict: --fig and --nofig\n");
			figfp = NULL;
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--generate") == 0) {
			generate = 1;
			if (binin)
				      "Conflict: --generate and --input\n");
			if (i < argc - 1 && argv[i + 1][0] != '-') {
				rows = strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
				cols = rows;
			if (i < argc - 1 && argv[i + 1][0] != '-')
				cols = strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--gen_sf") == 0) {
			if (i >= argc - 1)
				      "--gen_sf requires straightfrac\n");
			straightfrac = strtod(argv[++i], NULL);
			if (straightfrac <= 0.0)
				      "--gen_sf requires straightfrac > 0");
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--gen_sb") == 0) {
			if (i >= argc - 1)
				usage(argv[0], "--gen_sb requires segbends\n");
			segbends = strtod(argv[++i], NULL);
			if (segbends < 0.0)
				      "--gen_sb requires segbends >= 0\n");
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--gen_rv") == 0) {
			if (i >= argc - 1)
				usage(argv[0], "--gen_rv requires revisit\n");
			revisit = strtod(argv[++i], NULL);
			if (revisit < 0.0 || revisit > 1.0)
				usage(argv[0], "--gen_rv: 0 <= revisit <= 1\n");
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--seed") == 0) {
			if (i >= argc - 1)
				usage(argv[0], "--seed requires integer\n");
			seed = strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--solve") == 0) {
			solve = 1;
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--start") == 0) {
			if (i >= argc - 2)
				usage(argv[0], "--start requires position\n");
			startrow = strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
			startcol = strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--end") == 0) {
			if (i >= argc - 2)
				usage(argv[0], "--end requires position\n");
			endrow = strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
			endcol = strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--wall-in") == 0) {
			if (i >= argc - 2)
				usage(argv[0], "--wall-in requires position\n");
			if (wallin)
				usage(argv[0], "Multiple --wall-in commands\n");
			wallin = 1;
			wallinrow = strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
			wallincol = strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 0);
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--nosolve") == 0) {
			solve = 0;
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--clear") == 0) {
			clear = 1;
		} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) {
			usage(argv[0], "");
		} else {
			int j = maze_solve_parse(i, argc, argv);

			if (i == j)
				usage(argv[0], "Unrecognized argument: %s\n",
			i = j - 1;

	/* Get maze. */
	if (generate) {
		if (startrow < 0)
			startrow = maze_row_col_frac(rows, 1, -startrow);
		if (startcol < 0)
			startcol = maze_row_col_frac(cols, 1, -startcol);
		if (endrow < 0)
			endrow = maze_row_col_frac(rows, 1, -endrow);
		if (endcol < 0)
			endcol = maze_row_col_frac(cols, 1, -endcol);
		mp = maze_create(rows, cols, startrow, startcol,
				 straightfrac, segbends, revisit);
	} else if (binin != NULL) {
		mp = maze_binary_in(binin);
		if (mp == NULL)
			usage(argv[0], "Bad --input file\n");
		if (clear)
		if (startrow < 0)
			startrow = maze_row_col_frac(mp->nrows, 1, -startrow);
		if (startcol < 0)
			startcol = maze_row_col_frac(mp->ncols, 1, -startcol);
		if (endrow < 0)
			endrow = maze_row_col_frac(mp->nrows, 1, -endrow);
		if (endcol < 0)
			endcol = maze_row_col_frac(mp->ncols, 1, -endcol);
	} else {
		usage(argv[0], "Must specify one of --input and --generate\n");
	if (startrow == endrow && startcol == endcol)
		usage(argv[0], "--start and --end both (%d, %d)\n",
		      startrow, startcol);

	/* Wall-in the specified cell. */
	if (wallin) {
		if (wallinrow < 0)
			wallinrow = maze_row_col_frac(mp->nrows, 1, -wallinrow);
		if (wallincol < 0)
			wallincol = maze_row_col_frac(mp->ncols, 1, -wallincol);
		if (!maze_wall_in(mp, wallinrow, wallincol))
			      "--wall-in %d %d must be within maze, "
			      "limits: %d %d.\n",
			      wallinrow, wallincol, mp->nrows, mp->ncols);

	/* Solve maze. */
	if (solve) {
		maze_unvisit_all(mp);  /* Erase any prior solution. */
		if (!maze_cell_exists(mp, startrow, startcol)) {
				"Start position %d %d must be within maze: "
				"(0-%d, 0-%d)\n",
				startrow, startcol,
				mp->nrows - 1, mp->ncols - 1);
		if (!maze_cell_exists(mp, endrow, endcol)) {
				"End position %d %d must be within maze: "
				"(0-%d, 0-%d)\n",
				endrow, endcol, mp->nrows - 1, mp->ncols - 1);
		q = maze_solve(mp, startrow, startcol, endrow, endcol, &dt);
		if (q == 0) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Maze has no solution\n");
			solved = 0;
		q = q / (double)(abs(endrow - startrow) +
				 abs(endcol - startcol) + 1);
			"Maze quality: %g  dt = %g visits = %d/%d (%g%%)\n",
			q, ((double)dt) / (double)1000000, mp->vi,
			mp->nrows * mp->ncols,
			mp->vi * 100. / (double)(mp->nrows * mp->ncols));

	/* Output binary, if requested. */
	if (binout != NULL)
		maze_binary_out(binout, mp);

	/* Output fig, if requested. */
	if (figfp != NULL) {
		if (!figupcgiven) {  /* Set up for US Letter. */
			int fr = 300 * 41 / mp->nrows;
			int fc = 300 * 32 / mp->ncols;

			if (fr < fc)
				figupc = fr;
				figupc = fc;
		maze_to_fig(figfp, mp, figupc, !solved || figvisit);
