Exemple #1
static void
load_tree (WTree * tree)
    tree_store_load ();

    tree->selected_ptr = tree->store->tree_first;
    tree_chdir (tree, mc_config_get_home_dir ());
Exemple #2
static void
load_tree (WTree * tree)
    vfs_path_t *vpath;

    tree_store_load ();

    tree->selected_ptr = tree->store->tree_first;
    vpath = vfs_path_from_str (mc_config_get_home_dir ());
    tree_chdir (tree, vpath);
    vfs_path_free (vpath);
Exemple #3
const char *
strip_home_and_password (const char *dir)
    size_t len;
    static char newdir[MC_MAXPATHLEN];

    len = strlen (mc_config_get_home_dir ());
    if (mc_config_get_home_dir () != NULL && strncmp (dir, mc_config_get_home_dir (), len) == 0 &&
        (dir[len] == PATH_SEP || dir[len] == '\0'))
        newdir[0] = '~';
        g_strlcpy (&newdir[1], &dir[len], sizeof (newdir) - 1);
        return newdir;

    /* We do not strip homes in /#ftp tree, I do not like ~'s there 
       (see ftpfs.c why) */
    g_strlcpy (newdir, dir, sizeof (newdir));
    strip_password (newdir, 1);
    return newdir;
Exemple #4
show_datadirs_extended (void)
    (void) printf ("%s %s\n", _("Root directory:"), mc_config_get_home_dir ());
    (void) puts ("");

    PRINTF_GROUP (_("System data"));

    PRINTF_SECTION (_("Config directory:"), mc_global.sysconfig_dir);
    PRINTF_SECTION (_("Data directory:"), mc_global.share_data_dir);

    PRINTF_SECTION (_("File extension handlers:"), EXTHELPERSDIR);

#if defined ENABLE_VFS_EXTFS || defined ENABLE_VFS_FISH
    PRINTF_SECTION (_("VFS plugins and scripts:"), LIBEXECDIR);
    PRINTF2 ("extfs.d:", LIBEXECDIR, MC_EXTFS_DIR "/");
#endif /* ENABLE_VFS_EXTFS || defiined ENABLE_VFS_FISH */
    (void) puts ("");

    PRINTF_GROUP (_("User data"));

    PRINTF_SECTION2 (_("Config directory:"), mc_config_get_path ());
    PRINTF_SECTION2 (_("Data directory:"), mc_config_get_data_path ());
    PRINTF ("skins:", mc_config_get_data_path (), MC_SKINS_SUBDIR "/");
    PRINTF ("extfs.d:", mc_config_get_data_path (), MC_EXTFS_DIR "/");
    PRINTF ("fish:", mc_config_get_data_path (), FISH_PREFIX "/");
    PRINTF ("mcedit macros:", mc_config_get_data_path (), MC_MACRO_FILE);
    PRINTF ("mcedit external macros:", mc_config_get_data_path (), MC_EXTMACRO_FILE ".*");
    PRINTF_SECTION2 (_("Cache directory:"), mc_config_get_cache_path ());

Exemple #5
static void
init_subshell_child (const char *pty_name)
    char *init_file = NULL;
    pid_t mc_sid;

    (void) pty_name;
    setsid ();                  /* Get a fresh terminal session */

    /* Make sure that it has become our controlling terminal */

    /* Redundant on Linux and probably most systems, but just in case: */

    ioctl (subshell_pty_slave, TIOCSCTTY, 0);

    /* Configure its terminal modes and window size */

    /* Set up the pty with the same termios flags as our own tty */
    if (tcsetattr (subshell_pty_slave, TCSANOW, &shell_mode))
        fprintf (stderr, "Cannot set pty terminal modes: %s\r\n", unix_error_string (errno));
        my_exit (FORK_FAILURE);

    /* Set the pty's size (80x25 by default on Linux) according to the */
    /* size of the real terminal as calculated by ncurses, if possible */
    tty_resize (subshell_pty_slave);

    /* Set up the subshell's environment and init file name */

    /* It simplifies things to change to our home directory here, */
    /* and the user's startup file may do a 'cd' command anyway   */
        int ret;
        ret = chdir (mc_config_get_home_dir ());        /* FIXME? What about when we re-run the subshell? */
        (void) ret;

    /* Set MC_SID to prevent running one mc from another */
    mc_sid = getsid (0);
    if (mc_sid != -1)
        char sid_str[BUF_SMALL];
        g_snprintf (sid_str, sizeof (sid_str), "MC_SID=%ld", (long) mc_sid);
        putenv (g_strdup (sid_str));

    switch (subshell_type)
    case BASH:
        init_file = mc_config_get_full_path ("bashrc");

        if (access (init_file, R_OK) == -1)
            g_free (init_file);
            init_file = g_strdup (".bashrc");

        /* Make MC's special commands not show up in bash's history */
        putenv ((char *) "HISTCONTROL=ignorespace");

        /* Allow alternative readline settings for MC */
            char *input_file = mc_config_get_full_path ("inputrc");
            if (access (input_file, R_OK) == 0)
                char *putenv_str = g_strconcat ("INPUTRC=", input_file, NULL);
                putenv (putenv_str);
                g_free (putenv_str);
            g_free (input_file);


    /* TODO: Find a way to pass initfile to TCSH and ZSH */
    case TCSH:
    case ZSH:
    case FISH:

        fprintf (stderr, __FILE__ ": unimplemented subshell type %d\r\n", subshell_type);
        my_exit (FORK_FAILURE);

    /* Attach all our standard file descriptors to the pty */

    /* This is done just before the fork, because stderr must still      */
    /* be connected to the real tty during the above error messages; */
    /* otherwise the user will never see them.                   */

    dup2 (subshell_pty_slave, STDIN_FILENO);
    dup2 (subshell_pty_slave, STDOUT_FILENO);
    dup2 (subshell_pty_slave, STDERR_FILENO);

    close (subshell_pipe[READ]);
    close (subshell_pty_slave); /* These may be FD_CLOEXEC, but just in case... */
    /* Close master side of pty.  This is important; apart from */
    /* freeing up the descriptor for use in the subshell, it also       */
    /* means that when MC exits, the subshell will get a SIGHUP and     */
    /* exit too, because there will be no more descriptors pointing     */
    /* at the master side of the pty and so it will disappear.  */
    close (mc_global.tty.subshell_pty);

    /* Execute the subshell at last */

    switch (subshell_type)
    case BASH:
        execl (mc_global.tty.shell, "bash", "-rcfile", init_file, (char *) NULL);

    case TCSH:
        execl (mc_global.tty.shell, "tcsh", (char *) NULL);

    case ZSH:
        /* Use -g to exclude cmds beginning with space from history
         * and -Z to use the line editor on non-interactive term */
        execl (mc_global.tty.shell, "zsh", "-Z", "-g", (char *) NULL);


    case FISH:
        execl (mc_global.tty.shell, "fish", (char *) NULL);

    /* If we get this far, everything failed miserably */
    g_free (init_file);
    my_exit (FORK_FAILURE);
Exemple #6
Fichier : main.c Projet : BrEacK/mc
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    GError *error = NULL;
    int exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* We had LC_CTYPE before, LC_ALL includs LC_TYPE as well */
    (void) setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
    (void) bindtextdomain ("mc", LOCALEDIR);
    (void) textdomain ("mc");

    /* do this before args parsing */
    str_init_strings (NULL);

    if (!mc_args_parse (&argc, &argv, "mc", &error))
        fprintf (stderr, _("Failed to run:\n%s\n"), error->message);
        g_error_free (error);
        g_free (shell);
        str_uninit_strings ();
        return exit_code;

    /* do this before mc_args_show_info () to view paths in the --datadir-info output */
    OS_Setup ();

    if (!g_path_is_absolute (mc_config_get_home_dir ()))
        error = g_error_new (MC_ERROR, 0, "%s: %s", _("Home directory path is not absolute"),
                             mc_config_get_home_dir ());
        mc_event_deinit (NULL);
        goto startup_exit_falure;

    if (!mc_args_show_info ())
        exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        goto startup_exit_ok;

    if (!events_init (&error))
        goto startup_exit_falure;

    mc_config_init_config_paths (&error);
    if (error == NULL && mc_config_deprecated_dir_present ())
        mc_config_migrate_from_old_place (&error);
    if (error != NULL)
        mc_event_deinit (NULL);
        goto startup_exit_falure;

    vfs_init ();
    vfs_plugins_init ();
    vfs_setup_work_dir ();

    /* do this after vfs initialization due to mc_setctl() call in mc_setup_by_args() */
    if (!mc_setup_by_args (argc, argv, &error))
        vfs_shut ();
        mc_event_deinit (NULL);
        goto startup_exit_falure;

    /* check terminal type
     * $TEMR must be set and not empty
     * mc_global.tty.xterm_flag is used in init_key() and tty_init()
     * Do this after mc_args_handle() where mc_args__force_xterm is set up.
    mc_global.tty.xterm_flag = tty_check_term (mc_args__force_xterm);

    /* NOTE: This has to be called before tty_init or whatever routine
       calls any define_sequence */
    init_key ();

    /* Must be done before installing the SIGCHLD handler [[FIXME]] */
    handle_console (CONSOLE_INIT);

    /* Don't use subshell when invoked as viewer or editor */
    if (mc_global.mc_run_mode != MC_RUN_FULL)
        mc_global.tty.use_subshell = FALSE;

    if (mc_global.tty.use_subshell)
        subshell_get_console_attributes ();

    /* Install the SIGCHLD handler; must be done before init_subshell() */
    init_sigchld ();

    /* We need this, since ncurses endwin () doesn't restore the signals */
    save_stop_handler ();

    /* Must be done before init_subshell, to set up the terminal size: */
    /* FIXME: Should be removed and LINES and COLS computed on subshell */
    tty_init (!mc_args__nomouse, mc_global.tty.xterm_flag);

    load_setup ();

    /* start check mc_global.display_codepage and mc_global.source_codepage */
    check_codeset ();

    /* Removing this from the X code let's us type C-c */
    load_key_defs ();

    load_keymap_defs (!mc_args__nokeymap);

    macros_list = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof (macros_t));

    tty_init_colors (mc_global.tty.disable_colors, mc_args__force_colors);

    mc_skin_init (&error);
    if (error != NULL)
        message (D_ERROR, _("Warning"), "%s", error->message);
        g_error_free (error);
        error = NULL;

    mc_filehighlight = mc_fhl_new (TRUE);
    dlg_set_default_colors ();

    /* Done here to ensure that the subshell doesn't  */
    /* inherit the file descriptors opened below, etc */
    if (mc_global.tty.use_subshell)
        init_subshell ();


    /* Also done after init_subshell, to save any shell init file messages */
    if (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0')
        handle_console (CONSOLE_SAVE);

    if (mc_global.tty.alternate_plus_minus)
        application_keypad_mode ();

    if (mc_global.tty.use_subshell)
        mc_prompt = strip_ctrl_codes (subshell_prompt);
        if (mc_prompt == NULL)
            mc_prompt = (geteuid () == 0) ? "# " : "$ ";
        mc_prompt = (geteuid () == 0) ? "# " : "$ ";

    /* Program main loop */
    if (mc_global.midnight_shutdown)
        exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        exit_code = do_nc ()? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Save the tree store */
    (void) tree_store_save ();

    free_keymap_defs ();

    /* Virtual File System shutdown */
    vfs_shut ();

    flush_extension_file ();    /* does only free memory */

    mc_fhl_free (&mc_filehighlight);
    mc_skin_deinit ();
    tty_colors_done ();

    tty_shutdown ();

    done_setup ();

    if (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0' && (quit & SUBSHELL_EXIT) == 0)
        handle_console (CONSOLE_RESTORE);
    if (mc_global.tty.alternate_plus_minus)
        numeric_keypad_mode ();

    (void) signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);   /* Disable the SIGCHLD handler */

    if (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0')
        handle_console (CONSOLE_DONE);

    if (mc_global.mc_run_mode == MC_RUN_FULL && mc_args__last_wd_file != NULL
        && last_wd_string != NULL && !print_last_revert)
        int last_wd_fd;

        last_wd_fd = open (mc_args__last_wd_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL,
                           S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
        if (last_wd_fd != -1)
            ssize_t ret1;
            int ret2;
            ret1 = write (last_wd_fd, last_wd_string, strlen (last_wd_string));
            ret2 = close (last_wd_fd);
    g_free (last_wd_string);

    g_free (shell);

    done_key ();

    if (macros_list != NULL)
        guint i;
        macros_t *macros;
        for (i = 0; i < macros_list->len; i++)
            macros = &g_array_index (macros_list, struct macros_t, i);
            if (macros != NULL && macros->macro != NULL)
                (void) g_array_free (macros->macro, FALSE);
        (void) g_array_free (macros_list, TRUE);
Exemple #7
user_menu_cmd (struct WEdit * edit_widget, const char *menu_file, int selected_entry)
    char *p;
    char *data, **entries;
    int max_cols, menu_lines, menu_limit;
    int col, i, accept_entry = 1;
    int selected, old_patterns;
    gboolean res = FALSE;
    gboolean interactive = TRUE;

    if (!vfs_current_is_local ())
        message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot execute commands on non-local filesystems"));
        return FALSE;
    if (menu_file != NULL)
        menu = g_strdup (menu_file);
        menu = g_strdup (edit_widget ? EDIT_LOCAL_MENU : MC_LOCAL_MENU);
    if (!exist_file (menu) || !menu_file_own (menu))
        if (menu_file != NULL)
            message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("Cannot open file %s\n%s"), menu,
                     unix_error_string (errno));
            MC_PTR_FREE (menu);
            return FALSE;

        g_free (menu);
        if (edit_widget)
            menu = mc_config_get_full_path (EDIT_HOME_MENU);
            menu = mc_config_get_full_path (MC_USERMENU_FILE);

        if (!exist_file (menu))
            g_free (menu);
            menu =
                mc_build_filename (mc_config_get_home_dir (),
                                   edit_widget ? EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU : MC_GLOBAL_MENU, NULL);
            if (!exist_file (menu))
                g_free (menu);
                menu =
                    mc_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir,
                                       edit_widget ? EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU : MC_GLOBAL_MENU, NULL);
                if (!exist_file (menu))
                    g_free (menu);
                    menu = mc_build_filename
                        (mc_global.share_data_dir, edit_widget ? EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU : MC_GLOBAL_MENU,

    if (!g_file_get_contents (menu, &data, NULL, NULL))
        message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("Cannot open file%s\n%s"), menu, unix_error_string (errno));
        MC_PTR_FREE (menu);
        return FALSE;

    max_cols = 0;
    selected = 0;
    menu_limit = 0;
    entries = 0;

    /* Parse the menu file */
    old_patterns = easy_patterns;
    p = check_patterns (data);
    for (menu_lines = col = 0; *p; str_next_char (&p))
        if (menu_lines >= menu_limit)
            char **new_entries;

            menu_limit += MAX_ENTRIES;
            new_entries = g_try_realloc (entries, sizeof (new_entries[0]) * menu_limit);

            if (new_entries == NULL)

            entries = new_entries;
            new_entries += menu_limit;
            while (--new_entries >= &entries[menu_lines])
                *new_entries = NULL;
        if (col == 0 && !entries[menu_lines])
            if (*p == '#')
                /* show prompt if first line of external script is #interactive */
                if (selected_entry >= 0 && strncmp (p, "#silent", 7) == 0)
                    interactive = FALSE;
                /* A commented menu entry */
                accept_entry = 1;
            else if (*p == '+')
                if (*(p + 1) == '=')
                    /* Combined adding and default */
                    p = test_line (edit_widget, p + 1, &accept_entry);
                    if (selected == 0 && accept_entry)
                        selected = menu_lines;
                    /* A condition for adding the entry */
                    p = test_line (edit_widget, p, &accept_entry);
            else if (*p == '=')
                if (*(p + 1) == '+')
                    /* Combined adding and default */
                    p = test_line (edit_widget, p + 1, &accept_entry);
                    if (selected == 0 && accept_entry)
                        selected = menu_lines;
                    /* A condition for making the entry default */
                    i = 1;
                    p = test_line (edit_widget, p, &i);
                    if (selected == 0 && i)
                        selected = menu_lines;
            else if (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && str_isprint (p))
                /* A menu entry title line */
                if (accept_entry)
                    entries[menu_lines] = p;
                    accept_entry = 1;
        if (*p == '\n')
            if (entries[menu_lines])
                accept_entry = 1;
            max_cols = max (max_cols, col);
            col = 0;
            if (*p == '\t')
                *p = ' ';

    if (menu_lines == 0)
        message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("No suitable entries found in %s"), menu);
        res = FALSE;
        if (selected_entry >= 0)
            selected = selected_entry;
            Listbox *listbox;

            max_cols = min (max (max_cols, col), MAX_ENTRY_LEN);

            /* Create listbox */
            listbox = create_listbox_window (menu_lines, max_cols + 2, _("User menu"),
                                             "[Menu File Edit]");
            /* insert all the items found */
            for (i = 0; i < menu_lines; i++)
                p = entries[i];
                LISTBOX_APPEND_TEXT (listbox, (unsigned char) p[0],
                                     extract_line (p, p + MAX_ENTRY_LEN), p);
            /* Select the default entry */
            listbox_select_entry (listbox->list, selected);

            selected = run_listbox (listbox);
        if (selected >= 0)
            execute_menu_command (edit_widget, entries[selected], interactive);
            res = TRUE;

        do_refresh ();

    easy_patterns = old_patterns;
    MC_PTR_FREE (menu);
    g_free (entries);
    g_free (data);
    return res;
Exemple #8
Fichier : main.c Projet : V07D/mc
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    GError *mcerror = NULL;
    gboolean config_migrated = FALSE;
    char *config_migrate_msg;
    int exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;

    mc_global.timer = mc_timer_new ();

    /* We had LC_CTYPE before, LC_ALL includs LC_TYPE as well */
    (void) setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
    (void) bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
    (void) textdomain (PACKAGE);

    /* do this before args parsing */
    str_init_strings (NULL);

    if (!mc_args_parse (&argc, &argv, "mc", &mcerror))
        fprintf (stderr, _("Failed to run:\n%s\n"), mcerror->message);
        g_error_free (mcerror);
        g_free (mc_global.tty.shell);
        str_uninit_strings ();
        mc_timer_destroy (mc_global.timer);
        return exit_code;

    /* do this before mc_args_show_info () to view paths in the --datadir-info output */
    OS_Setup ();

    if (!g_path_is_absolute (mc_config_get_home_dir ()))
        mc_propagate_error (&mcerror, 0, "%s: %s", _("Home directory path is not absolute"),
                            mc_config_get_home_dir ());
        mc_event_deinit (NULL);
        goto startup_exit_falure;

    if (!mc_args_show_info ())
        exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        goto startup_exit_ok;

    if (!events_init (&mcerror))
        goto startup_exit_falure;

    mc_config_init_config_paths (&mcerror);
    config_migrated = mc_config_migrate_from_old_place (&mcerror, &config_migrate_msg);
    if (mcerror != NULL)
        mc_event_deinit (NULL);
        goto startup_exit_falure;

    vfs_init ();
    vfs_plugins_init ();

    load_setup ();

    /* Must be done after load_setup because depends on mc_global.vfs.cd_symlinks */
    vfs_setup_work_dir ();

    /* Resolve the other_dir panel option. Must be done after vfs_setup_work_dir */
        char *buffer;
        vfs_path_t *vpath;

        buffer = mc_config_get_string (mc_panels_config, "Dirs", "other_dir", ".");
        vpath = vfs_path_from_str (buffer);
        if (vfs_file_is_local (vpath))
            saved_other_dir = buffer;
            g_free (buffer);
        vfs_path_free (vpath);

    /* Set up temporary directory after VFS initialization */
    mc_tmpdir ();

    /* do this after vfs initialization and vfs working directory setup
       due to mc_setctl() and mcedit_arg_vpath_new() calls in mc_setup_by_args() */
    if (!mc_setup_by_args (argc, argv, &mcerror))
        vfs_shut ();
        done_setup ();
        g_free (saved_other_dir);
        mc_event_deinit (NULL);
        goto startup_exit_falure;

    /* check terminal type
     * $TEMR must be set and not empty
     * mc_global.tty.xterm_flag is used in init_key() and tty_init()
     * Do this after mc_args_handle() where mc_args__force_xterm is set up.
    mc_global.tty.xterm_flag = tty_check_term (mc_args__force_xterm);

    /* NOTE: This has to be called before tty_init or whatever routine
       calls any define_sequence */
    init_key ();

    /* Must be done before installing the SIGCHLD handler [[FIXME]] */
    handle_console (CONSOLE_INIT);

    /* Don't use subshell when invoked as viewer or editor */
    if (mc_global.mc_run_mode != MC_RUN_FULL)
        mc_global.tty.use_subshell = FALSE;

    if (mc_global.tty.use_subshell)
        subshell_get_console_attributes ();
#endif /* ENABLE_SUBSHELL */

    /* Install the SIGCHLD handler; must be done before init_subshell() */
    init_sigchld ();

    /* We need this, since ncurses endwin () doesn't restore the signals */
    save_stop_handler ();

    /* Must be done before init_subshell, to set up the terminal size: */
    /* FIXME: Should be removed and LINES and COLS computed on subshell */
    tty_init (!mc_args__nomouse, mc_global.tty.xterm_flag);

    /* start check mc_global.display_codepage and mc_global.source_codepage */
    check_codeset ();

    /* Removing this from the X code let's us type C-c */
    load_key_defs ();

    load_keymap_defs (!mc_args__nokeymap);

    macros_list = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof (macros_t));

    tty_init_colors (mc_global.tty.disable_colors, mc_args__force_colors);

    mc_skin_init (NULL, &mcerror);
    dlg_set_default_colors ();
    input_set_default_colors ();
    if (mc_global.mc_run_mode == MC_RUN_FULL)
        command_set_default_colors ();

    mc_error_message (&mcerror);

    /* Done here to ensure that the subshell doesn't  */
    /* inherit the file descriptors opened below, etc */
    if (mc_global.tty.use_subshell)
        init_subshell ();
#endif /* ENABLE_SUBSHELL */

    /* Also done after init_subshell, to save any shell init file messages */
    if (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0')
        handle_console (CONSOLE_SAVE);

    if (mc_global.tty.alternate_plus_minus)
        application_keypad_mode ();

    /* Done after subshell initialization to allow select and paste text by mouse
       w/o Shift button in subshell in the native console */
    init_mouse ();

    /* Done after do_enter_ca_mode (tty_init) because in VTE bracketed mode is
       separate for the normal and alternate screens */
    enable_bracketed_paste ();

    /* subshell_prompt is NULL here */
    mc_prompt = (geteuid () == 0) ? "# " : "$ ";

    if (config_migrated)
        message (D_ERROR, _("Warning"), "%s", config_migrate_msg);
        g_free (config_migrate_msg);

    /* Program main loop */
    if (mc_global.midnight_shutdown)
        exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        exit_code = do_nc ()? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Save the tree store */
    (void) tree_store_save ();

    free_keymap_defs ();

    /* Virtual File System shutdown */
    vfs_shut ();

    flush_extension_file ();    /* does only free memory */

    mc_skin_deinit ();
    tty_colors_done ();

    tty_shutdown ();

    done_setup ();

    if (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0' && (quit & SUBSHELL_EXIT) == 0)
        handle_console (CONSOLE_RESTORE);
    if (mc_global.tty.alternate_plus_minus)
        numeric_keypad_mode ();

    (void) signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);   /* Disable the SIGCHLD handler */

    if (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0')
        handle_console (CONSOLE_DONE);

    if (mc_global.mc_run_mode == MC_RUN_FULL && mc_args__last_wd_file != NULL
        && last_wd_string != NULL && !print_last_revert)
        int last_wd_fd;

        last_wd_fd = open (mc_args__last_wd_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL,
                           S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
        if (last_wd_fd != -1)
            ssize_t ret1;
            int ret2;
            ret1 = write (last_wd_fd, last_wd_string, strlen (last_wd_string));
            ret2 = close (last_wd_fd);
            (void) ret1;
            (void) ret2;
    g_free (last_wd_string);

    g_free (mc_global.tty.shell);

    done_key ();

    if (macros_list != NULL)
        guint i;
        for (i = 0; i < macros_list->len; i++)
            macros_t *macros;

            macros = &g_array_index (macros_list, struct macros_t, i);
            if (macros != NULL && macros->macro != NULL)
                (void) g_array_free (macros->macro, FALSE);
        (void) g_array_free (macros_list, TRUE);
Exemple #9
do_cd_command (char *orig_cmd)
    int len;
    int operand_pos = CD_OPERAND_OFFSET;
    const char *cmd;

    /* Any final whitespace should be removed here
       (to see why, try "cd fred "). */
    /* NOTE: I think we should not remove the extra space,
       that way, we can cd into hidden directories */
    /* FIXME: what about interpreting quoted strings like the shell.
       so one could type "cd <tab> M-a <enter>" and it would work. */
    len = strlen (orig_cmd) - 1;
    while (len >= 0 && (orig_cmd[len] == ' ' || orig_cmd[len] == '\t' || orig_cmd[len] == '\n'))
        orig_cmd[len] = 0;

    cmd = orig_cmd;
    if (cmd[CD_OPERAND_OFFSET - 1] == 0)
        cmd = "cd ";            /* 0..2 => given text, 3 => \0 */

    /* allow any amount of white space in front of the path operand */
    while (cmd[operand_pos] == ' ' || cmd[operand_pos] == '\t')

    if (get_current_type () == view_tree)
        if (cmd[0] == 0)
            sync_tree (mc_config_get_home_dir ());
        else if (DIR_IS_DOTDOT (cmd + operand_pos))
            if (vfs_path_elements_count (current_panel->cwd_vpath) != 1 ||
                strlen (vfs_path_get_by_index (current_panel->cwd_vpath, 0)->path) > 1)
                vfs_path_t *tmp_vpath = current_panel->cwd_vpath;

                current_panel->cwd_vpath =
                    vfs_path_vtokens_get (tmp_vpath, 0, vfs_path_tokens_count (tmp_vpath) - 1);
                vfs_path_free (tmp_vpath);
            sync_tree (vfs_path_as_str (current_panel->cwd_vpath));
        else if (cmd[operand_pos] == PATH_SEP)
            sync_tree (cmd + operand_pos);
            vfs_path_t *new_vpath;

            new_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (current_panel->cwd_vpath, cmd + operand_pos, NULL);
            sync_tree (vfs_path_as_str (new_vpath));
            vfs_path_free (new_vpath);
        char *path;
        vfs_path_t *q_vpath;
        gboolean ok;

        path = examine_cd (&cmd[operand_pos]);

        if (*path == '\0')
            q_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (mc_config_get_home_dir ());
            q_vpath = vfs_path_from_str_flags (path, VPF_NO_CANON);

        ok = do_cd (q_vpath, cd_parse_command);
        if (!ok)
            ok = handle_cdpath (path);

        if (!ok)
            char *d;

            d = vfs_path_to_str_flags (q_vpath, 0, VPF_STRIP_PASSWORD);
            message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("Cannot chdir to \"%s\"\n%s"), d,
                     unix_error_string (errno));
            g_free (d);

        vfs_path_free (q_vpath);
        g_free (path);