Exemple #1
/* uses the null model to classify a mesh
   that did not have a model in such a way
   that verification will accept it */
void mds_derive_model(struct mds_apf* m)
  int d;
  mds_id e;
  int i;
  mds_id de;
  struct mds_set s;
  struct mds_copies* c;
  struct gmi_ent* interior = mds_find_model(m, m->mds.d, 0);
  struct gmi_ent* boundary = mds_find_model(m, m->mds.d - 1, 0);
  /* first classify everything to the interior */
  for (d = 0; d <= m->mds.d; ++d)
    for (e = mds_begin(&m->mds, d);
         e != MDS_NONE;
         e = mds_next(&m->mds, e))
      m->model[mds_type(e)][mds_index(e)] = interior;
  /* then if a face has neither two adjacent elements
     nor a remote copy, classify its closure onto the model boundary */
  for (e = mds_begin(&m->mds, m->mds.d - 1);
       e != MDS_NONE;
       e = mds_next(&m->mds, e)) {
    mds_get_adjacent(&m->mds, e, m->mds.d, &s);
    c = mds_get_copies(&m->remotes, e);
    if (c || s.n == 2)
    for (d = 0; d < m->mds.d; ++d) {
      mds_get_adjacent(&m->mds, e, d, &s);
      for (i = 0; i < s.n; ++i) {
        de = s.e[i];
        m->model[mds_type(de)][mds_index(de)] = boundary;
Exemple #2
static void rebuild_tags(
    struct mds_apf* m,
    struct mds_apf* m2,
    struct mds_tag* old_of,
    struct mds_tag* new_of)
  struct mds_tag* t;
  struct mds_tag* nt;
  int d;
  mds_id e;
  mds_id ne;
  void* p;
  void* q;
  for (t = m->tags.first; t; t = t->next) {
    if (t == new_of)
    nt = mds_create_tag(&(m2->tags),
    mds_swap_tag_structs(&m->tags, &t, &m2->tags, &nt);
    for (d = 0; d <= m2->mds.d; ++d) {
      for (ne = mds_begin(&(m2->mds),d);
           ne != MDS_NONE;
           ne = mds_next(&(m2->mds),ne)) {
        e = lookup(old_of,ne);
        if ( ! mds_has_tag(t,e))
        p = mds_get_tag(t,e);
        q = mds_get_tag(nt,ne);
Exemple #3
static mds_id* sort_verts(struct mds_apf* m, struct mds_tag* tag)
  mds_id v;
  mds_id* sorted_verts;
  sorted_verts = malloc(sizeof(mds_id) * m->mds.n[MDS_VERTEX]);
  for (v = mds_begin(&m->mds, 0); v != MDS_NONE; v = mds_next(&m->mds, v)) {
    mds_id* ip;
    ip = mds_get_tag(tag, v);
    sorted_verts[*ip] = v;
  return sorted_verts;
Exemple #4
struct mds_tag* mds_number_verts_bfs(struct mds_apf* m)
  struct mds_tag* tag;
  mds_id label;
  mds_id v;
  tag = mds_create_tag(&m->tags, "mds_number", sizeof(mds_id), 1);
  label = 0;
  v = find_seed(m);
  number_connected_verts(&m->mds, v, tag, &label);
  for (v = mds_begin(&m->mds, 0); v != MDS_NONE; v = mds_next(&m->mds, v))
    number_connected_verts(&m->mds, v, tag, &label);
  assert(label == m->mds.n[MDS_VERTEX]);
  return tag;
Exemple #5
static void rebuild_parts(
    struct mds_apf* m,
    struct mds_apf* m2,
    struct mds_tag* old_of)
  int d;
  mds_id ne;
  mds_id e;
  for (d = 0; d <= m->mds.d; ++d)
    for (ne = mds_begin(&m2->mds, d);
         ne != MDS_NONE;
         ne = mds_next(&m2->mds, ne)) {
      e = lookup(old_of, ne);
      mds_set_part(m2, ne, mds_get_part(m, e));
Exemple #6
static mds_id find_seed(struct mds_apf* m)
  int best_dim = 4;
  mds_id best_v = MDS_NONE;
  int dim;
  mds_id v;
  for (v = mds_begin(&m->mds, 0);
       v != MDS_NONE;
       v = mds_next(&m->mds, v)) {
    dim = mds_model_dim(m, mds_apf_model(m, v));
    if (dim < best_dim) {
      best_dim = dim;
      best_v = v;
  return best_v;
Exemple #7
static void rebuild_coords(
    struct mds_apf* m,
    struct mds_apf* m2,
    struct mds_tag* old_of)
  mds_id ne;
  mds_id e;
  for (ne = mds_begin(&m2->mds, 0);
       ne != MDS_NONE;
       ne = mds_next(&m2->mds, ne)) {
    e = lookup(old_of, ne);
    memcpy(mds_apf_point(m2, ne),
           mds_apf_point(m, e),
           3 * sizeof(double));
    memcpy(mds_apf_param(m2, ne),
           mds_apf_param(m, e),
           2 * sizeof(double));
Exemple #8
static int align_copies(struct mds_net* net, struct mds* m)
  int d;
  mds_id e;
  struct mds_copies* c;
  int did_change = 0;
  for (d = 1; d < m->d; ++d)
    for (e = mds_begin(m, d); e != MDS_NONE; e = mds_next(m, e)) {
      c = mds_get_copies(net, e);
      if (!c)
      if (owns_copies(e, c))
        downs_to_copies(m, e, c);
  while (PCU_Comm_Receive())
    if (recv_down_copies(net, m))
      did_change = 1;
  return PCU_Or(did_change);
Exemple #9
/* see apf/apfConvert.cc apf::Converter::createRemotes */
static void rebuild_net(struct mds_net* net,
    struct mds* m,
    struct mds_net* net2,
    struct mds* m2,
    struct mds_tag* new_of)
  int d;
  mds_id e;
  mds_id ne;
  mds_id ce;
  mds_id nce;
  struct mds_copies* cs;
  struct mds_copy c;
  int i;
  for (d = 0; d <= m->d; ++d)
    for (e = mds_begin(m, d); e != MDS_NONE; e = mds_next(m, e)) {
      cs = mds_get_copies(net, e);
      if (!cs)
      ne = lookup(new_of, e);
      for (i = 0; i < cs->n; ++i) {
        ce = cs->c[i].e;
        PCU_COMM_PACK(cs->c[i].p, ce);
        PCU_COMM_PACK(cs->c[i].p, ne);
  while (PCU_Comm_Listen()) {
    c.p = PCU_Comm_Sender();
    while (!PCU_Comm_Unpacked()) {
      c.e = ne;
      nce = lookup(new_of, ce);
      mds_add_copy(net2, m2, nce, c);
Exemple #10
static struct mds_tag* invert(
    struct mds* m,
    struct mds_apf* m2,
    struct mds_tag* new_of)
  struct mds_tag* old_of;
  int d;
  mds_id e;
  mds_id ne;
  mds_id* ip;
  old_of = mds_create_tag(&(m2->tags),
  for (d = 0; d <= m->d; ++d) {
    for (e = mds_begin(m,d);
         e != MDS_NONE;
         e = mds_next(m,e)) {
      ne = lookup(new_of,e);
      ip = mds_get_tag(old_of,ne);
      *ip = mds_index(e);
  return old_of;