static int MCA_do_file_dialog(MCExecPoint& ep, const char *p_title, const char *p_prompt, const char *p_filter, const char *p_initial, unsigned int p_options) { int t_result = 0; char *t_initial_file; t_initial_file = NULL; char *t_initial_folder; t_initial_folder = NULL; ep . clear(); if (*p_initial != '\0') { char *t_initial_clone; t_initial_clone = strdup(p_initial); MCU_w32path2std(t_initial_clone); MCU_fix_path(t_initial_clone); if (MCS_exists(t_initial_clone, False)) t_initial_folder = t_initial_clone; else if ((p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) != 0) { t_initial_file = strrchr(t_initial_clone, '/'); if (t_initial_file == NULL) { if (strlen(t_initial_clone) != 0) t_initial_file = t_initial_clone; } else { *t_initial_file = '\0'; t_initial_file++; if (t_initial_file[0] == '\0') t_initial_file = NULL; if (MCS_exists(t_initial_clone, False)) t_initial_folder = t_initial_clone; } } else { char *t_leaf; t_leaf = strrchr(t_initial_clone, '/'); if (t_leaf != NULL) { *t_leaf = '\0'; if (MCS_exists(t_initial_clone, False)) t_initial_folder = t_initial_clone; } } t_initial_file = strdup(t_initial_file); t_initial_folder = MCS_resolvepath(t_initial_folder); delete t_initial_clone; } if (!MCModeMakeLocalWindows()) { char ** t_filters = NULL; uint32_t t_filter_count = 0; if (p_filter != NULL) { const char *t_strptr = p_filter; while (t_strptr[0] != '\0') { t_filter_count++; t_filters = (char**)realloc(t_filters, t_filter_count * sizeof(char*)); t_filters[t_filter_count - 1] = (char *)t_strptr; t_strptr += strlen(t_strptr) + 1; } } MCRemoteFileDialog(ep, p_title, p_prompt, t_filters, t_filter_count, t_initial_folder, t_initial_file, (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) != 0, (p_options & MCA_OPTION_PLURAL) != 0); free(t_filters); return 0; } Window t_window; t_window = MCModeGetParentWindow(); bool t_succeeded; int t_filter_index; if (MCmajorosversion >= 0x0600) { static SHCreateItemFromParsingNamePtr s_shcreateitemfromparsingname = NULL; if (s_shcreateitemfromparsingname == NULL) { static HMODULE s_shell32_module = NULL; s_shell32_module = LoadLibraryA("shell32.dll"); s_shcreateitemfromparsingname = (SHCreateItemFromParsingNamePtr)GetProcAddress(s_shell32_module, "SHCreateItemFromParsingName"); } IFileSaveDialog *t_file_save_dialog; IFileOpenDialog *t_file_open_dialog; IFileDialog *t_file_dialog; t_file_dialog = NULL; HRESULT t_hresult; if ((p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) == 0) { t_hresult = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileOpenDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IFileOpenDialog), (LPVOID *)&t_file_open_dialog); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); t_file_dialog = t_file_open_dialog; } else { t_hresult = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileSaveDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IFileSaveDialog), (LPVOID *)&t_file_save_dialog); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); t_file_dialog = t_file_save_dialog; } if (t_succeeded) { DWORD t_options; t_options = FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM | FOS_NOCHANGEDIR | FOS_PATHMUSTEXIST; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_PLURAL) t_options |= FOS_ALLOWMULTISELECT; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) t_options |= FOS_OVERWRITEPROMPT; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG) t_options |= FOS_PICKFOLDERS; else t_options |= FOS_FILEMUSTEXIST; t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetOptions(t_options); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded && t_initial_folder != NULL) { IShellItem *t_initial_folder_shellitem; t_initial_folder_shellitem = NULL; t_hresult = s_shcreateitemfromparsingname(WideCString(t_initial_folder), NULL, __uuidof(IShellItem), (LPVOID *)&t_initial_folder_shellitem); if (SUCCEEDED(t_hresult)) t_file_dialog -> SetFolder(t_initial_folder_shellitem); if (t_initial_folder_shellitem != NULL) t_initial_folder_shellitem -> Release(); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded && t_initial_file != NULL) { t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetFileName(WideCString(t_initial_file)); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded && p_filter != NULL && (p_options & MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG) == 0) { uint4 t_filter_length, t_filter_count; measure_filter(p_filter, t_filter_length, t_filter_count); WideCString t_filters(p_filter, t_filter_length); COMDLG_FILTERSPEC *t_filter_spec; filter_to_spec(t_filters, t_filter_count, t_filter_spec); t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetFileTypes(t_filter_count, t_filter_spec); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); delete t_filter_spec; } if (t_succeeded && p_filter != NULL && (p_options & MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG) == 0) { t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetFileTypeIndex(1); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded) t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetTitle(WideCString(p_prompt)); if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> Show(t_window != NULL ? (HWND)t_window -> handle . window : NULL); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if ((p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) == 0) { IShellItemArray *t_file_items; t_file_items = NULL; if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = t_file_open_dialog -> GetResults(&t_file_items); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } DWORD t_file_item_count; if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = t_file_items -> GetCount(&t_file_item_count); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded) { ep . clear(); for(uint4 t_index = 0; t_index < t_file_item_count && t_succeeded; ++t_index) { IShellItem *t_file_item; t_file_item = NULL; if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = t_file_items -> GetItemAt(t_index, &t_file_item); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = append_shellitem_path_and_release(ep, t_file_item, t_index == 0); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } } } if (t_file_items != NULL) t_file_items -> Release(); } else { IShellItem *t_file_item; t_file_item = NULL; if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> GetResult(&t_file_item); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded) { ep . clear(); t_hresult = append_shellitem_path_and_release(ep, t_file_item, true); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } } t_filter_index = 0; if (t_succeeded && (p_options & MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG) == 0) { UINT t_index; t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> GetFileTypeIndex(&t_index); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); if (t_succeeded) t_filter_index = (int)t_index; } if (t_file_dialog != NULL) t_file_dialog -> Release(); if (!t_succeeded) t_result = t_hresult; else t_result = 0; } else { OPENFILENAMEA t_open_dialog; memset(&t_open_dialog, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAMEA)); t_open_dialog . lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAMEA); char *t_initial_file_buffer = new char[MAX_PATH]; if (t_initial_file != NULL) strcpy(t_initial_file_buffer, t_initial_file); else *t_initial_file_buffer = '\0'; t_open_dialog . lpstrFilter = p_filter; t_open_dialog . nFilterIndex = 1; t_open_dialog . lpstrFile = t_initial_file_buffer; t_open_dialog . nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; t_open_dialog . lpstrInitialDir = t_initial_folder; t_open_dialog . lpstrTitle = p_prompt; t_open_dialog . Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_LONGNAMES | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_ENABLEHOOK | OFN_ENABLESIZING; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_PLURAL) t_open_dialog . Flags |= OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) t_open_dialog . Flags |= OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; t_open_dialog . lpstrFilter = p_filter; t_open_dialog . lpfnHook = open_dialog_hook; t_open_dialog . hwndOwner = t_window != NULL ? (HWND)t_window -> handle . window : NULL; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) t_succeeded = GetSaveFileNameA((LPOPENFILENAMEA)&t_open_dialog) == TRUE; else { *t_open_dialog . lpstrFile = '\0'; t_succeeded = GetOpenFileNameA((LPOPENFILENAMEA)&t_open_dialog) == TRUE; } if (!t_succeeded) t_result = CommDlgExtendedError(); // MW-2005-07-26: Try again without the specified filename if it was invalid if (t_result == FNERR_INVALIDFILENAME) { *t_open_dialog . lpstrFile = '\0'; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) t_succeeded = GetSaveFileNameA((LPOPENFILENAMEA)&t_open_dialog) == TRUE; else t_succeeded = GetOpenFileNameA((LPOPENFILENAMEA)&t_open_dialog) == TRUE; if (!t_succeeded) t_result = CommDlgExtendedError(); } if (t_result == FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL) t_succeeded = true; if (t_succeeded) { build_paths(ep); t_filter_index = t_open_dialog . nFilterIndex; } delete t_initial_file_buffer; } if (t_succeeded) { if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_RETURN_FILTER) { const char *t_type = p_filter; const char *t_types = p_filter; for(int t_index = t_filter_index * 2 - 1; t_index > 1; t_types += 1) if (*t_types == '\0') t_type = t_types + 1, t_index -= 1; MCresult -> copysvalue(t_type); } t_result = 0; } waitonbutton(); if (t_initial_folder != NULL) delete t_initial_folder; if (t_initial_file != NULL) delete t_initial_file; return t_result; }
static int MCA_do_file_dialog(MCStringRef p_title, MCStringRef p_prompt, MCStringRef p_filter, MCStringRef p_initial, unsigned int p_options, MCStringRef &r_value, MCStringRef &r_result) { int t_result = 0; MCAutoStringRef t_initial_file; MCAutoStringRef t_initial_folder; MCAutoStringRef t_initial_native_folder; if (p_initial != nil && !MCStringIsEmpty(p_initial)) { MCAutoStringRef t_fixed_path; /* UNCHECKED */ MCU_fix_path(p_initial, &t_fixed_path); if (MCS_exists(*t_fixed_path, False)) t_initial_folder = *t_fixed_path; else if ((p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) != 0) { uindex_t t_last_slash; if (!MCStringLastIndexOfChar(*t_fixed_path, '/', UINDEX_MAX, kMCStringOptionCompareExact, t_last_slash)) { if (MCStringGetLength(*t_fixed_path) != 0) t_initial_file = *t_fixed_path; } else { if (t_last_slash < MCStringGetLength(*t_fixed_path) - 1) /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringCopySubstring(*t_fixed_path, MCRangeMake(t_last_slash + 1, MCStringGetLength(*t_fixed_path) - (t_last_slash + 1)), &t_initial_file); MCAutoStringRef t_folder_split; /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringCopySubstring(*t_fixed_path, MCRangeMake(0, t_last_slash - 1), &t_folder_split); if (MCS_exists(*t_folder_split, False)) t_initial_folder = *t_folder_split; } } else { uindex_t t_last_slash; if (MCStringLastIndexOfChar(*t_fixed_path, '/', UINDEX_MAX, kMCStringOptionCompareExact, t_last_slash)) { MCAutoStringRef t_folder_split; /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringCopySubstring(*t_fixed_path, MCRangeMake(0, t_last_slash - 1), &t_folder_split); if (MCS_exists(*t_folder_split, False)) t_initial_folder = *t_folder_split; } } MCAutoStringRef t_resolved_folder; /* UNCHECKED */ MCS_resolvepath(*t_initial_folder != nil ? *t_initial_folder : kMCEmptyString, &t_resolved_folder); /* UNCHECKED */ MCS_pathtonative(*t_resolved_folder, &t_initial_native_folder); } if (!MCModeMakeLocalWindows()) { MCAutoStringRefArray t_filters; if (p_filter != NULL) { /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringsSplit(p_filter, '\0', t_filters.PtrRef(), t_filters.CountRef()); } MCRemoteFileDialog(p_title, p_prompt, *t_filters, t_filters.Count(), *t_initial_native_folder, *t_initial_file, (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) != 0, (p_options & MCA_OPTION_PLURAL) != 0, r_value); return 0; } Window t_window; t_window = MCModeGetParentWindow(); MCAutoStringRef t_value; bool t_succeeded; int t_filter_index; if (MCmajorosversion >= 0x0600) { static SHCreateItemFromParsingNamePtr s_shcreateitemfromparsingname = NULL; if (s_shcreateitemfromparsingname == NULL) { static HMODULE s_shell32_module = NULL; s_shell32_module = LoadLibraryW(L"shell32.dll"); s_shcreateitemfromparsingname = (SHCreateItemFromParsingNamePtr)GetProcAddress(s_shell32_module, "SHCreateItemFromParsingName"); } IFileSaveDialog *t_file_save_dialog; IFileOpenDialog *t_file_open_dialog; IFileDialog *t_file_dialog; t_file_dialog = NULL; HRESULT t_hresult; if ((p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) == 0) { t_hresult = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileOpenDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IFileOpenDialog), (LPVOID *)&t_file_open_dialog); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); t_file_dialog = t_file_open_dialog; } else { t_hresult = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileSaveDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IFileSaveDialog), (LPVOID *)&t_file_save_dialog); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); t_file_dialog = t_file_save_dialog; } if (t_succeeded) { DWORD t_options; t_options = FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM | FOS_NOCHANGEDIR | FOS_PATHMUSTEXIST; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_PLURAL) t_options |= FOS_ALLOWMULTISELECT; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) t_options |= FOS_OVERWRITEPROMPT; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG) t_options |= FOS_PICKFOLDERS; else t_options |= FOS_FILEMUSTEXIST; t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetOptions(t_options); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded && *t_initial_native_folder != NULL) { IShellItem *t_initial_folder_shellitem; t_initial_folder_shellitem = NULL; MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_initial_folder_wstr; /* UNCHECKED */ t_initial_folder_wstr.Lock(*t_initial_native_folder); t_hresult = s_shcreateitemfromparsingname(*t_initial_folder_wstr, NULL, __uuidof(IShellItem), (LPVOID *)&t_initial_folder_shellitem); if (SUCCEEDED(t_hresult)) t_file_dialog -> SetFolder(t_initial_folder_shellitem); if (t_initial_folder_shellitem != NULL) t_initial_folder_shellitem -> Release(); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded && *t_initial_file != NULL) { MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_initial_file_wstr; /* UNCHECKED */ t_initial_file_wstr.Lock(*t_initial_file); t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetFileName(*t_initial_file_wstr); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded && p_filter != NULL && (p_options & MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG) == 0) { uint4 t_filter_length, t_filter_count; measure_filter(p_filter, t_filter_length, t_filter_count); MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_filter_wstr; /* UNCHECKED */ t_filter_wstr.Lock(p_filter); COMDLG_FILTERSPEC *t_filter_spec; filter_to_spec(*t_filter_wstr, t_filter_count, t_filter_spec); t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetFileTypes(t_filter_count, t_filter_spec); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); delete t_filter_spec; } if (t_succeeded && p_filter != NULL && (p_options & MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG) == 0) { t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetFileTypeIndex(1); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded) { MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_prompt_wstr; /* UNCHECKED */ t_prompt_wstr.Lock(p_prompt); t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> SetTitle(*t_prompt_wstr); } if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> Show(t_window != NULL ? (HWND)t_window -> handle . window : NULL); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if ((p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) == 0) { IShellItemArray *t_file_items; t_file_items = NULL; if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = t_file_open_dialog -> GetResults(&t_file_items); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } DWORD t_file_item_count; if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = t_file_items -> GetCount(&t_file_item_count); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded) { for(uint4 t_index = 0; t_index < t_file_item_count && t_succeeded; ++t_index) { IShellItem *t_file_item; t_file_item = NULL; if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = t_file_items -> GetItemAt(t_index, &t_file_item); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = append_shellitem_path_and_release(t_file_item, t_index == 0, &t_value); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } } } if (t_file_items != NULL) t_file_items -> Release(); } else { IShellItem *t_file_item; t_file_item = NULL; if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> GetResult(&t_file_item); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } if (t_succeeded) { t_hresult = append_shellitem_path_and_release(t_file_item, true, &t_value); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); } } t_filter_index = 0; if (t_succeeded && (p_options & MCA_OPTION_FOLDER_DIALOG) == 0) { UINT t_index; t_hresult = t_file_dialog -> GetFileTypeIndex(&t_index); t_succeeded = SUCCEEDED(t_hresult); if (t_succeeded) t_filter_index = (int)t_index; } if (t_file_dialog != NULL) t_file_dialog -> Release(); if (!t_succeeded) t_result = t_hresult; else t_result = 0; } else { OPENFILENAMEW t_open_dialog; memset(&t_open_dialog, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW)); t_open_dialog . lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW); MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_initial_folder_wstr; MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_prompt_wstr; MCAutoStringRefAsWString t_filter_wstr; /* UNCHECKED */ t_filter_wstr.Lock(p_filter); /* UNCHECKED */ t_initial_folder_wstr.Lock(*t_initial_native_folder); /* UNCHECKED */ t_prompt_wstr.Lock(p_prompt); MCAutoArray<unichar_t> t_buffer; /* UNCHECKED */ t_buffer.New(MAX_PATH); if (!MCStringIsEmpty(*t_initial_file)) /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringGetChars(*t_initial_file, MCRangeMake(0, t_buffer.Size()), t_buffer.Ptr()); else t_buffer[0] = '\0'; t_open_dialog . lpstrFilter = *t_filter_wstr; t_open_dialog . nFilterIndex = 1; t_open_dialog . lpstrFile = t_buffer.Ptr(); t_open_dialog . nMaxFile = t_buffer.Size(); t_open_dialog . lpstrInitialDir = *t_initial_folder_wstr; t_open_dialog . lpstrTitle = *t_prompt_wstr; t_open_dialog . Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_LONGNAMES | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_ENABLEHOOK | OFN_ENABLESIZING; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_PLURAL) t_open_dialog . Flags |= OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) t_open_dialog . Flags |= OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; t_open_dialog . lpstrFilter = *t_filter_wstr; t_open_dialog . lpfnHook = open_dialog_hook; t_open_dialog . hwndOwner = t_window != NULL ? (HWND)t_window -> handle . window : NULL; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) t_succeeded = GetSaveFileNameW(&t_open_dialog) == TRUE; else { *t_open_dialog . lpstrFile = '\0'; t_succeeded = GetOpenFileNameW(&t_open_dialog) == TRUE; } if (!t_succeeded) t_result = CommDlgExtendedError(); // MW-2005-07-26: Try again without the specified filename if it was invalid if (t_result == FNERR_INVALIDFILENAME) { *t_open_dialog . lpstrFile = '\0'; if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_SAVE_DIALOG) t_succeeded = GetSaveFileNameW(&t_open_dialog) == TRUE; else t_succeeded = GetOpenFileNameW(&t_open_dialog) == TRUE; if (!t_succeeded) t_result = CommDlgExtendedError(); } if (t_result == FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL) t_succeeded = true; if (t_succeeded) { build_paths(&t_value); t_filter_index = t_open_dialog . nFilterIndex; } } if (t_succeeded) { if (p_options & MCA_OPTION_RETURN_FILTER) { // The filter string has the following format: // "<description0>\0<extensions0>\0<description1>\0...\0<extensionsN>\0" // so the n'th filter comes after the 2(n - 1)'th null character uindex_t t_index = 2 * (t_filter_index - 1); uindex_t t_offset = 0; while (t_index--) { /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringFirstIndexOfChar(p_filter, '\0', t_offset, kMCStringOptionCompareExact, t_offset); t_offset++; } uindex_t t_end; t_end = UINDEX_MAX; /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringFirstIndexOfChar(p_filter, '\0', t_offset, kMCStringOptionCompareExact, t_end); /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringCopySubstring(p_filter, MCRangeMake(t_offset, t_end-t_offset), r_result); } t_result = 0; r_value = MCValueRetain(*t_value); } else r_result = MCValueRetain(MCNameGetString(MCN_cancel)); waitonbutton(); return t_result; }