Exemple #1
int tryLogin(int hSocket, sLogin** psLogin, char* szLogin, char* szPassword)
  char ipaddr_str[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
  int iRet;
  unsigned char bufSend[BUF_SIZE];
  unsigned char* bufReceive;
  int nReceiveBufferSize = 0;
  /* Rsh could care less what the password is */

  /* send username */
  memset(bufSend, 0, sizeof(bufSend));
  strncpy(bufSend+1, szLogin, strlen(szLogin));
  strncpy(bufSend+2+strlen(szLogin), szPassword, strlen(szPassword));
  strncpy(bufSend+1+strlen(szLogin)+1+strlen(szPassword)+1, "id", 3);

  if (medusaSend(hSocket, bufSend, strlen(szLogin)+1+strlen(szPassword)+1+4 , 0) < 0)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaSend was not successful", MODULE_NAME);
  nReceiveBufferSize = 0;
  /* this is the port that the client should listen to for
     stderr. We should really check this but we're going to skip */
  bufReceive = medusaReceiveRaw(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize);
  if (bufReceive == NULL)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaReceive returned no data. Which ends rsh test.", MODULE_NAME);
    return FAILURE;
  bufReceive = medusaReceiveRaw(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize);
  if (bufReceive == NULL)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaReceive returned no data. Exiting...", MODULE_NAME);
    return FAILURE;
  else if (strstr(bufReceive,"uid") != NULL)
    writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s : Login attempt successful.", MODULE_NAME);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_SUCCESS;
    writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s : Login attempt failed.", MODULE_NAME);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_FAIL;
    iRet = MSTATE_NEW;
  setPassResult((*psLogin), szPassword);

Exemple #2
int tryLogin(int hSocket, sLogin** psLogin, _CVS_DATA* _psSessionData, char* szLogin, char* szPassword)
  int iRet, nSendBufferSize, nReceiveBufferSize;
  unsigned int i;
  unsigned char* bufReceive;
  char *szAuth, *szPassTmp;

  /* evil cvs encryption sheme...
          0 111           P 125           p  58
  ! 120   1  52   A  57   Q  55   a 121   q 113
  "  53   2  75   B  83   R  54   b 117   r  32
          3 119   C  43   S  66   c 104   s  90
          4  49   D  46   T 124   d 101   t  44
  % 109   5  34   E 102   U 126   e 100   u  98
  &  72   6  82   F  40   V  59   f  69   v  60
  ' 108   7  81   G  89   W  47   g  73   w  51
  (  70   8  95   H  38   X  92   h  99   x  33
  )  64   9  65   I 103   Y  71   i  63   y  97
  *  76   : 112   J  45   Z 115   j  94   z  62
  +  67   ;  86   K  50           k  93
  , 116   < 118   L  42           l  39
  -  74   = 110   M 123           m  37
  .  68   > 122   N  91           n  61
  /  87   ? 105   O  35   _  56   o  48

  char key[] =
  { 0, 120, 53, 0, 0, 109, 72, 108, 70, 64, 76, 67, 116, 74, 68, 87,
    111, 52, 75, 119, 49, 34, 82, 81, 95, 65, 112, 86, 118, 110, 122, 105,
    0, 57, 83, 43, 46, 102, 40, 89, 38, 103, 45, 50, 42, 123, 91, 35,
    125, 55, 54, 66, 124, 126, 59, 47, 92, 71, 115, 0, 0, 0, 0, 56,
    0, 121, 117, 104, 101, 100, 69, 73, 99, 63, 94, 93, 39, 37, 61, 48,
    58, 113, 32, 90, 44, 98, 60, 51, 33, 97, 62
  }; /* 92 characters */
  if (strlen(szPassword) > 92)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] Password must be limited to 92 or less characters.", MODULE_NAME);
    return FAILURE;

  szPassTmp = malloc(strlen(szPassword) + 1);
  memset(szPassTmp, 0, strlen(szPassword) + 1);
  strncpy(szPassTmp, szPassword, strlen(szPassword));

  for (i = 0; i < strlen(szPassTmp); i++)
    szPassTmp[i] = key[szPassTmp[i] - 0x20];

  nSendBufferSize = strlen(_psSessionData->szDir) + strlen(szLogin) + strlen(szPassTmp) + 56;
  szAuth = malloc(nSendBufferSize + 1);
  memset(szAuth, 0, nSendBufferSize + 1);
  sprintf(szAuth, "BEGIN VERIFICATION REQUEST\n%s\n%s\nA%s\nEND VERIFICATION REQUEST\n", _psSessionData->szDir, szLogin, szPassTmp);

  if (medusaSend(hSocket, (unsigned char*)szAuth, nSendBufferSize, 0) < 0)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] failed: medusaSend was not successful", MODULE_NAME);
    return FAILURE;

  nReceiveBufferSize = 0;
  bufReceive = medusaReceiveRaw(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize);
  if (bufReceive == NULL)
    return FAILURE;

  if (strstr((char*)bufReceive, "I LOVE YOU\n"))
    writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] Login attempt successful.", MODULE_NAME);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_SUCCESS;
  else if (strstr((char*)bufReceive, "E PAM start error: Critical error - immediate abort\n"))
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] User (%s) does not exist.", MODULE_NAME, szLogin);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_ERROR;
  else if (strstr((char*)bufReceive, "I HATE YOU\n"))
    writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] Login attempt failed.", MODULE_NAME);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_FAIL;
    iRet = MSTATE_NEW;
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] Unknown Error Message: %s", MODULE_NAME, bufReceive);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_ERROR;
  setPassResult((*psLogin), szPassword);


Exemple #3
int tryLogin(int hSocket, sLogin** psLogin, _MYSQL_DATA* _psSessionData, char* szLogin, char* szPassword)
  int iRet;
  int iReturnCode = MSTATE_EXITING;
  unsigned char* bufReceive = NULL;
  char* szSessionSalt = NULL;
  unsigned char* szResponse = NULL;
  unsigned long iResponseLength = 0;
  int nReceiveBufferSize = 0;

  /* initialize MySQL connection */
  iRet = MySQLSessionInit(hSocket, &szSessionSalt);
  if (iRet == FAILURE)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] Failed to initialize MySQL connection (%s).", MODULE_NAME, (*psLogin)->psServer->pHostIP);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_ERROR;
    return MSTATE_EXITING;

  /* prepare client authentication packet */
  if (strlen(szSessionSalt) == 8 || _psSessionData->protoFlag == PROTO_OLD)
    if (_psSessionData->protoFlag == PROTO_OLD) {
      writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] Using older style authentication based on previous server response.", MODULE_NAME);
    iRet = MySQLPrepareAuthOld(_psSessionData, szLogin, szPassword, szSessionSalt, &szResponse, &iResponseLength);
    if (iRet == FAILURE)
      writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] Failed to create client authentication packet.", MODULE_NAME);
      return FAILURE;
    iRet = MySQLPrepareAuth(_psSessionData, szLogin, szPassword, szSessionSalt, &szResponse, &iResponseLength);
    if (iRet == FAILURE)
      writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s: Failed to create client authentication packet.", MODULE_NAME);
      return FAILURE;

  /* send authentication attempt */
  if (medusaSend(hSocket, szResponse, iResponseLength, 0) < 0)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaSend was not successful", MODULE_NAME);
    return FAILURE;

  /* process authentication response */
  nReceiveBufferSize = 0;
  bufReceive = medusaReceiveRaw(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize);
  if (bufReceive == NULL)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaReceive returned no data.", MODULE_NAME);
    return FAILURE;

  if (bufReceive[4] == 0x00)
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_SUCCESS;
    iReturnCode = MSTATE_EXITING;
  else if (bufReceive[4] == 0xFF)
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_FAIL;
    if (bufReceive[5] == 0xe3 && bufReceive[6] == 0x04)
      writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] failed: MYSQL VERSION IS NEWER\n", MODULE_NAME);
      (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_ERROR;
      iReturnCode = MSTATE_EXITING;
      iReturnCode = MSTATE_NEW;
  else if (bufReceive[4] == 0xFE)
    /* Protocol 10 is used by MySQL 3.22 and later. However, MySQL 4.1 introduced a new password algorithm.
       In some cases, MySQL 4.1 and later systems will contain accounts which are still configured with password
       hashes generated using the older algorithm. When we authenticate to a 4.1 server and this is the case,
       the server is nice enough to tell us and allow us to reauthenticate.

    writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "[%s] Server requested older authentication type. It is likely the remote account exists and has an older style password hash.", MODULE_NAME);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_FAIL;

    /* Attempt authentication again using old-style password hash and existing connection */
    _psSessionData->protoFlag = PROTO_OLD;
    iRet = MySQLPrepareAuthNewOld(_psSessionData, szPassword, szSessionSalt, &szResponse, &iResponseLength);
    if (iRet == FAILURE)
      writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] Failed to create client authentication packet.", MODULE_NAME);
      return FAILURE;

    /* send authentication attempt */
    if (medusaSend(hSocket, szResponse, iResponseLength, 0) < 0)
      writeError(ERR_ERROR, "[%s] medusaSend was not successful", MODULE_NAME);
      return FAILURE;

    /* process authentication response */
    nReceiveBufferSize = 0;
    bufReceive = medusaReceiveRaw(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize);
    if (bufReceive == NULL)
      writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaReceive returned no data.", MODULE_NAME);
      return FAILURE;

    if (bufReceive[4] == 0x00)
      (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_SUCCESS;
      iReturnCode = MSTATE_EXITING;
    else if (bufReceive[4] == 0xFF)
      (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_FAIL;

      if (bufReceive[5] == 0xe3 && bufReceive[6] == 0x04) {
        writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: MYSQL VERSION IS NEWER\n", MODULE_NAME);
        (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_ERROR;
        iReturnCode = MSTATE_EXITING;
        iReturnCode = MSTATE_NEW;
    /* End of the weird downshift resend case */
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s: Unknown response code received from server: %X", MODULE_NAME, bufReceive[4]);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_UNKNOWN;
    iReturnCode = MSTATE_EXITING;

  /* close MySQL connection */
  iRet = MySQLSessionQuit(hSocket);
  if (iRet == FAILURE)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s: Failed to terminate MySQL connection.", MODULE_NAME);
    return FAILURE;

  setPassResult((*psLogin), szPassword);

Exemple #4
int MySQLSessionInit(int hSocket, char** szSessionSalt)
  unsigned char* bufReceive;
  char* szServerVersion;
  int nReceiveBufferSize = 0;
  int newerauth = 0;

  bufReceive = medusaReceiveRaw(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize);
  if (bufReceive == NULL)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaReceive returned no data.", MODULE_NAME);
    return FAILURE;

  /* check protocol version */
  if (bufReceive[4] == 0xff)
    if (strstr((char*)bufReceive + 7, "is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server"))
      writeError(ERR_WARNING, "%s: Server responded that host is not allowed to connect to MySQL service.", MODULE_NAME);
      return FAILURE;
      writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s: Failed to retrieve server version: %s", MODULE_NAME, bufReceive + 7);
      return FAILURE;

  if (bufReceive[4] < 10)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s: Server responded requesting protocol version (%d). Version 10 support required.", MODULE_NAME, bufReceive[4]);
    return FAILURE;
  else if (bufReceive[4] > 10)
    writeError(ERR_WARNING, "%s: Server responded requesting protocol version (%d). Support for versions >10 is unknown.", MODULE_NAME, bufReceive[4]);

  /* check server version */
  szServerVersion = (char*)bufReceive + 5;

  if (!(strstr(szServerVersion, "3.") || strstr(szServerVersion, "4.") || strstr(szServerVersion, "5.") ))
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s: Server responded requesting version (%d). Only versions 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x are currently supported.", MODULE_NAME, szServerVersion);
    return FAILURE;

  if ((strstr(szServerVersion, "4.1") || strstr(szServerVersion, "5.") ))
     writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s: Server version %s is using newer auth method.", MODULE_NAME, szServerVersion);

  if (newerauth)
    /* retrieve session salt for newer auth */
    *szSessionSalt = malloc(22);
    memset(*szSessionSalt, 0, 22);
    memcpy(*szSessionSalt, bufReceive + strlen(szServerVersion) + 10, 9);
    memcpy(*szSessionSalt+8 , bufReceive + strlen(szServerVersion) + 37 , 12); 

    if (strlen(*szSessionSalt) != 20)
      writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s: Failed to retrieve valid session salt.", MODULE_NAME);
      return FAILURE;
      writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s: Retrieved session salt: %s", MODULE_NAME, *szSessionSalt);
    /* use the older salt code */
    *szSessionSalt = malloc(10);
    memset(*szSessionSalt, 0, 10);
    memcpy(*szSessionSalt, bufReceive + strlen(szServerVersion) + 10, 9);

    if (strlen(*szSessionSalt) != 8) {
      writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s: Failed to retrieve valid session salt.", MODULE_NAME);
      return FAILURE;
      writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s: Retrieved session salt: %s.", MODULE_NAME, *szSessionSalt);

  return SUCCESS;
Exemple #5
int tryLogin(int hSocket, sLogin** psLogin, char* szLogin, char* szPassword)
  int iRet;
  unsigned char bufSend[BUF_SIZE];
  unsigned char* bufReceive;
  int nReceiveBufferSize = 0;

  /* send username */
  memset(bufSend, 0, sizeof(bufSend));
  strncpy(bufSend+1, szLogin, strlen(szLogin));
  strncpy(bufSend+2+strlen(szLogin), szPassword, strlen(szPassword));
  strncpy(bufSend+1+strlen(szLogin)+1+strlen(szPassword)+1, "id", 3);

  if (medusaSend(hSocket, bufSend, strlen(szLogin)+1+strlen(szPassword)+1+4 , 0) < 0)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaSend was not successful", MODULE_NAME);
  nReceiveBufferSize = 0;
  bufReceive = medusaReceiveRaw(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize);
  if (bufReceive == NULL )
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaReceive returned no data.", MODULE_NAME);
    return FAILURE;
  else if (strstr(bufReceive,"Login incorrect") != NULL)
    writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s : Login attempt failed up here.", MODULE_NAME);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_FAIL;
    /* Why do I need this? */
    iRet = MSTATE_NEW;
    setPassResult((*psLogin), szPassword);
  bufReceive = medusaReceiveRaw(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize);
  if (bufReceive == NULL)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaReceive returned no data.", MODULE_NAME);
    return FAILURE;
  else if (strstr(bufReceive,"uid") != NULL)
    writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s : Login attempt successful.", MODULE_NAME);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_SUCCESS;
  else if (strstr(bufReceive,"Command ID in library") != NULL)
    writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s : AS/400 Login attempt successful.", MODULE_NAME);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_SUCCESS;
    writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s : Login attempt failed down here.", MODULE_NAME);
    (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_FAIL;
    iRet = MSTATE_NEW;
  setPassResult((*psLogin), szPassword);

Exemple #6
int tryLogin(int hSocket, sLogin** psLogin, char* szLogin, char* szPassword)
  char ipaddr_str[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
  int iRet;
  unsigned char bufSend[BUF_SIZE];
  unsigned char* bufReceive;
  int nReceiveBufferSize = 0;

  /* send username */
  memset(bufSend, 0, sizeof(bufSend));
  strncpy(bufSend+1, szLogin, strlen(szLogin));
  strncpy(bufSend+2+strlen(szLogin), szLogin, strlen(szLogin));
  strncpy(bufSend+1+strlen(szLogin)+1+strlen(szLogin)+1, "xterm", 5);
  if (medusaSend(hSocket, bufSend, strlen(szLogin)+1+strlen(szLogin)+1+7 , 0) < 0)
    writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaSend was not successful", MODULE_NAME);
  nReceiveBufferSize = 0;
  bufReceive = medusaReceiveRaw(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize);
  if (bufReceive == NULL)
      writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaReceive returned no data.", MODULE_NAME);
      return FAILURE;

  bufReceive = medusaReceiveRaw(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize);
  if (bufReceive == NULL)
      writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaReceive returned no data.", MODULE_NAME);
      return FAILURE;
  else if (strstr(bufReceive,"Incorrect") != NULL)
      writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s : Login attempt failed here.", MODULE_NAME);
      (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_FAIL;
      iRet = MSTATE_NEW;
  else if (strstr(bufReceive,"Password") != NULL)
      writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s : Login attempt asked for password.", MODULE_NAME);
      if (medusaSend(hSocket, bufSend, strlen(bufSend) , 0) < 0)
        writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaSend was not successful", MODULE_NAME);
      nReceiveBufferSize = 0;
      bufReceive = medusaReceiveRaw(hSocket, &nReceiveBufferSize);
      if (bufReceive == NULL)
        writeError(ERR_ERROR, "%s failed: medusaReceive returned no data.", MODULE_NAME);
        return FAILURE;
      else if (strstr(bufReceive,"incorrect") != NULL)
        writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s : Login attempt failed here.", MODULE_NAME);
        (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_FAIL;
        iRet = MSTATE_NEW;
      else {
        /* We can't tell for sure but it wasn't a failure or a password prompt */
        writeError(ERR_DEBUG_MODULE, "%s : Login attempt succeeded via password send.", MODULE_NAME);
        (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_SUCCESS;
        iRet = MSTATE_EXITING;
      /* We can't tell for sure but it wasn't a failure or a password prompt */
      writeError(ERR_INFO, "%s : Login attempt succeeded via .rhosts", MODULE_NAME);
      (*psLogin)->iResult = LOGIN_RESULT_SUCCESS;
      iRet = MSTATE_EXITING;
  setPassResult((*psLogin), szPassword);