bool MergeInfillLines::tryMerge(const bool first_is_already_merged, GCodePath& first_path, const Point first_path_start, GCodePath& second_path, const Point second_path_start, Point& new_first_path_start, coord_t& error_area) const
        const Point first_path_end = first_path.points.back();
        const Point second_path_end = second_path.points.back();
        const coord_t line_width = first_path.config->getLineWidth();

        //Lines may be adjacent side-by-side then.
        Point first_path_leave_point;
        coord_t merged_size2;
        if (first_is_already_merged)
            first_path_leave_point = first_path.points.back();  // this is the point that's going to merge
        } else {
            first_path_leave_point = (first_path_start + first_path_end) / 2;
        const Point second_path_destination_point = (second_path_start + second_path_end) / 2;
        const Point merged_direction = second_path_destination_point - first_path_leave_point;
        if (first_is_already_merged)
            merged_size2 = vSize2(second_path_destination_point - first_path.points.back());  // check distance with last point in merged line that is to be replaced
            merged_size2 = vSize2(merged_direction);
        if (merged_size2 > 25 * line_width * line_width)
            return false; //Lines are too far away from each other.
        if (merged_direction.X == 0 && merged_direction.Y == 0)
            return true;  // we can just disregard the second point as it's exactly at the leave point of the first path.

        // Max 1 line width to the side of the merged_direction
        if (LinearAlg2D::getDist2FromLine(first_path_end, second_path_destination_point, second_path_destination_point + merged_direction) > line_width * line_width
            || LinearAlg2D::getDist2FromLine(second_path_start, first_path_leave_point, first_path_leave_point + merged_direction) > line_width * line_width
            || LinearAlg2D::getDist2FromLine(second_path_end,   first_path_leave_point, first_path_leave_point + merged_direction) > line_width * line_width
            //|| abs(dot(normal(merged_direction, 1000), normal(second_path_end - second_path_start, 1000))) > 866000    // 866000 angle of old second_path with new merged direction should not be too small (30 degrees), as it will introduce holes
            return false; //One of the lines is too far from the merged line. Lines would be too wide or too far off.
        if (first_is_already_merged && first_path.points.size() > 1 && first_path.points[first_path.points.size() - 2] == second_path_destination_point)  // yes this can actually happen
            return false;

        return mergeLinesSideBySide(first_is_already_merged, first_path, first_path_start, second_path, second_path_start, new_first_path_start, error_area);
Exemple #2
    bool MergeInfillLines::tryMerge(const bool first_is_already_merged, GCodePath& first_path, const Point first_path_start, GCodePath& second_path, const Point second_path_start, Point& new_first_path_start, coord_t& error_area) const
        const Point first_path_end = first_path.points.back();
        const Point second_path_end = second_path.points.back();
        const coord_t line_width = first_path.config->getLineWidth();

        // This check prevents [CURA-5690] fat skin lines:
        const coord_t line_width_squared = line_width * line_width;
        if (vSize2(first_path_end - second_path_start) < line_width_squared || vSize2(first_path_start - second_path_end) < line_width_squared)
            // Define max_dot_product_squared as 20*20, where 20 micron is the allowed inaccuracy in the dot product, allowing a slight curve:
            constexpr coord_t max_dot_product_squared = 400;

            const Point first_direction = first_path_end - first_path_start;
            const Point second_direction = second_path_end - second_path_start;

            // Only continue to try-merge at this point if the lines line up straight:
            if (dot(first_direction, second_direction) + max_dot_product_squared > vSize(first_direction) * vSize(second_direction))
                return false;

        //Lines may be adjacent side-by-side then.
        Point first_path_leave_point;
        coord_t merged_size2;
        if (first_is_already_merged)
            first_path_leave_point = first_path.points.back();  // this is the point that's going to merge
        } else {
            first_path_leave_point = (first_path_start + first_path_end) / 2;
        const Point second_path_destination_point = (second_path_start + second_path_end) / 2;
        const Point merged_direction = second_path_destination_point - first_path_leave_point;
        if (first_is_already_merged)
            merged_size2 = vSize2(second_path_destination_point - first_path.points.back());  // check distance with last point in merged line that is to be replaced
            merged_size2 = vSize2(merged_direction);
        if (merged_size2 > 25 * line_width * line_width)
            return false; //Lines are too far away from each other.
        if (merged_direction.X == 0 && merged_direction.Y == 0)
            new_first_path_start = first_path_start;
            return false;  // returning true will not work for the gradual infill

        // Max 1 line width to the side of the merged_direction
        if (LinearAlg2D::getDist2FromLine(first_path_end, second_path_destination_point, second_path_destination_point + merged_direction) > line_width * line_width
            || LinearAlg2D::getDist2FromLine(second_path_start, first_path_leave_point, first_path_leave_point + merged_direction) > line_width * line_width
            || LinearAlg2D::getDist2FromLine(second_path_end,   first_path_leave_point, first_path_leave_point + merged_direction) > line_width * line_width
            //|| abs(dot(normal(merged_direction, 1000), normal(second_path_end - second_path_start, 1000))) > 866000    // 866000 angle of old second_path with new merged direction should not be too small (30 degrees), as it will introduce holes
            return false; //One of the lines is too far from the merged line. Lines would be too wide or too far off.
        if (first_is_already_merged && first_path.points.size() > 1 && first_path.points[first_path.points.size() - 2] == second_path_destination_point)  // yes this can actually happen
            return false;

        return mergeLinesSideBySide(first_is_already_merged, first_path, first_path_start, second_path, second_path_start, new_first_path_start, error_area);