Exemple #1
static struct memGfx *altColorLabels(char **labels, int labelCount, int width)
/* Return a memory image with alternating colors. */
struct memGfx *mg = NULL;
Color c1,c2;
MgFont *font = mgMediumFont();
int lineHeight = mgFontLineHeight(font)-1;
int height = lineHeight * labelCount, i;
int y = 0;

/* Allocate picture and set up colors. */
mg = mgNew(width, height);
c1 = mgFindColor(mg, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xFF);
c2 = mgFindColor(mg, 0xFF, 0xC8, 0xC8);

/* Draw text. */
for (i=labelCount-1; i >= 0; --i)
    Color c = ((i&1) ? c2 : c1);
    mgDrawBox(mg, 0, y, width, lineHeight, c);
    mgTextRight(mg, 0+1, y+1, width-1, lineHeight, MG_BLACK, font, labels[i]);
    y += lineHeight;

return mg;
Exemple #2
void makeBlockColors(struct memGfx *mg)
/* Get some defined colors to play with. */
int i;
struct rgbColor *c;
for (i=0; i<ArraySize(blockColors); ++i)
    c = blockRgbColors+i;
    blockColors[i] = mgFindColor(mg, c->r, c->g, c->b);
Exemple #3
void agpVsMap(char *agpName, char *infoName, char *gifName)
/* agpVsMap - Plot clones in agp vs. map coordinates. */
struct mapPos *mapList, *mp;
struct agpFrag *agpList, *bp;
struct hash *cloneHash = newHash(14);
struct hashEl *hel;
struct cloneInfo *cloneList = NULL, *clone;
struct memGfx *mg = NULL;
int pixWidth = 600;
int pixHeight = 600;
int rulerHeight = 20;
int maxMapPos = 0, maxAgpPos = 0;
double scaleMap, scaleAgp;
Color orange, green;

mapList = readInfoFile(infoName);
agpList = readAgpFile(agpName);

for (mp = mapList; mp != NULL; mp = mp->next)
    if (mp->phase > 0)
	hel = hashAddUnique(cloneHash, mp->cloneName, clone);
	clone->name = hel->name;
	clone->mp = mp;
	slAddHead(&cloneList, clone);
	if (mp->pos > maxMapPos) maxMapPos = mp->pos;

for (bp = agpList; bp != NULL; bp = bp->next)
    if (bp->chromStart > maxAgpPos) maxAgpPos = bp->chromStart;

/* Draw scatterplot on bitmap. */
mg = mgNew(pixWidth, pixHeight);
orange = mgFindColor(mg, 210, 150, 0);
green = mgFindColor(mg, 0, 200, 0);
mgDrawRuler(mg, 0, pixHeight-rulerHeight, rulerHeight, pixWidth, MG_BLACK,
       mgSmallFont(), 0, maxMapPos+1);
scaleMap = (double)pixWidth/(double)(maxMapPos+1.0);
scaleAgp = (double)(pixHeight)/(double)(maxAgpPos+1.0);
for (bp = agpList; bp != NULL; bp = bp->next)
    char cloneName[128];
    fragToCloneName(bp->frag, cloneName);
    clone = hashFindVal(cloneHash, cloneName);
    if (clone == NULL)
        warn("%s is in %s but not %s", cloneName, 
	    agpName, infoName);
	int x = round(scaleMap*clone->mp->pos);
	int y = pixHeight - round(scaleAgp*bp->chromStart);
	int phase = clone->mp->phase;
	int back;
	if (phase <= 1) back = green;
	else if (phase == 2) back = orange;
	else back = MG_RED;
	drawPlus(mg, x, y, back);

mgSaveGif(mg, gifName);