Exemple #1
PostResponser(struct mg_connection *conn, void *cbdata)
	long long r_total = 0;
	int r, s;

	char buf[2048];

	const struct mg_request_info *ri = mg_get_request_info(conn);

	if (strcmp(ri->request_method, "POST")) {
		char buf[1024];
		int ret = mg_get_request_link(conn, buf, sizeof(buf));

		          "HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed\r\nConnection: close\r\n");
		mg_printf(conn, "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n");
		          "%s method not allowed in the POST handler\n",
		if (ret >= 0) {
			          "use a web tool to send a POST request to %s\n",
		return 1;

	if (ri->content_length >= 0) {
		/* We know the content length in advance */
	} else {
		/* We must read until we find the end (chunked encoding
		 * or connection close), indicated my mg_read returning 0 */

	          "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: "
	          "close\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n");
	mg_printf(conn, "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n");

	r = mg_read(conn, buf, sizeof(buf));
	while (r > 0) {
		r_total += r;
		s = mg_send_chunk(conn, buf, r);
		if (r != s) {
			/* Send error */
		r = mg_read(conn, buf, sizeof(buf));
	mg_printf(conn, "0\r\n");

	return 1;
    int HttpServer::callback(struct mg_connection *conn)
        const struct mg_request_info *request_info = mg_get_request_info(conn);
        char* readBuffer = NULL;
        int postSize = 0;

        HttpServer* _this = (HttpServer*) request_info->user_data;

        if (strcmp(request_info->request_method, "GET") == 0)
                _this->SendResponse(_this->GetSpecification(), conn);
                return 1;
            //Mark the request as unprocessed.
            return 0;
        else if (strcmp(request_info->request_method, "POST") == 0)
            //get size of postData
            sscanf(mg_get_header(conn, "Content-Length"), "%d", &postSize);
            readBuffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * (postSize + 1));
            mg_read(conn, readBuffer, postSize);
            _this->OnRequest(readBuffer, conn);

            //Mark the request as processed by our handler.
            return 1;
            return 0;
Exemple #3
static void test_mg_upload(void) {
  static const char *boundary = "OOO___MY_BOUNDARY___OOO";
  struct mg_context *ctx;
  struct mg_connection *conn;
  char ebuf[100], buf[20], *file_data, *post_data = NULL;
  int file_len, post_data_len;

  ASSERT((ctx = mg_start(&CALLBACKS, NULL, OPTIONS)) != NULL);
  ASSERT((file_data = read_file("mongoose.c", &file_len)) != NULL);
  post_data_len = alloc_printf(&post_data, 0,
                                       "Content-Disposition: form-data; "
                                       "name=\"file\"; "
                                       boundary, upload_filename,
                                       file_len, file_data, boundary);
  ASSERT(post_data_len > 0);
  ASSERT((conn = mg_download("localhost", atoi(HTTPS_PORT), 1,
                             ebuf, sizeof(ebuf),
                             "POST /upload HTTP/1.1\r\n"
                             "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
                             "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; "
                             "%.*s", post_data_len, boundary,
                             post_data_len, post_data)) != NULL);
  free(file_data), free(post_data);
  ASSERT(mg_read(conn, buf, sizeof(buf)) == (int) strlen(upload_ok_message));
  ASSERT(memcmp(buf, upload_ok_message, strlen(upload_ok_message)) == 0);
Exemple #4
static int begin_request_handler(struct mg_connection *conn) {
  const struct mg_request_info *ri = mg_get_request_info(conn);
  char post_data[1024], input1[sizeof(post_data)], input2[sizeof(post_data)];
  int post_data_len;

  if (!strcmp(ri->uri, "/handle_post_request")) {
    // User has submitted a form, show submitted data and a variable value
    post_data_len = mg_read(conn, post_data, sizeof(post_data));

    // Parse form data. input1 and input2 are guaranteed to be NUL-terminated
    mg_get_var(post_data, post_data_len, "input_1", input1, sizeof(input1));
    mg_get_var(post_data, post_data_len, "input_2", input2, sizeof(input2));

    // Send reply to the client, showing submitted form values.
    mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
              "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
              "Submitted data: [%.*s]\n"
              "Submitted data length: %d bytes\n"
              "input_1: [%s]\n"
              "input_2: [%s]\n",
              post_data_len, post_data, post_data_len, input1, input2);
  } else {
    // Show HTML form.
    mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
              "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
              "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n%s",
              (int) strlen(html_form), html_form);
  return 1;  // Mark request as processed
Exemple #5
// A handler for the /authorize endpoint.
// Login page form sends user name and password to this endpoint.
static void authorize(struct mg_connection *conn,
                      const struct mg_request_info *request_info) {
  char user[32], password[32], referer[256];

  if(!strcmp(request_info->request_method, "POST")) {
    char post_data[1024];
    int post_data_len = mg_read(conn, post_data, sizeof(post_data));

    mg_get_var(post_data, post_data_len, "user", user, sizeof(user));
    mg_get_var(post_data, post_data_len, "password", password, sizeof(password));
    mg_get_var(post_data, post_data_len, "referer", referer, sizeof(referer));
  } else {
    // Fetch user name and password.
    get_qsvar(request_info, "user", user, sizeof(user));
    get_qsvar(request_info, "password", password, sizeof(password));
    get_qsvar(request_info, "ref", referer, sizeof(referer));

  /* Referer url must begin with '/' */
  if((referer[0] != '/') || (strcmp(referer, AUTHORIZE_URL) == 0))
    strcpy(referer, "/");

  if(ntop->checkUserPassword(user, password)) {
    set_cookie(conn, user, referer);
  } else {
    // Authentication failure, redirect to login.
    redirect_to_login(conn, request_info);
Exemple #6
int HttpConnection::read(core::data& da)
    if (da.length())
        return 0;
    use<mg_connection> cnt = connection;
    return mg_read(cnt, da.bytes(), da.length());
bool RequestHandler::getJSONFromRequest(struct mg_connection *conn, Json::Value& ret) {
	Json::Reader reader;
	_log.log(LOG_INFO, "Parsing data from /graph POST request.\n");
	int contentLength = atoi(mg_get_header(conn,"Content-Length"));
	char* contentData = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*(contentLength+1));
	if (contentData == NULL) {
		_log.log(LOG_ERROR, "Could not malloc bodyData for received request.\n");
		handleError(conn, ERR_MAJOR_SERVER_ERROR, "Could not malloc bodyData for received request.");
		return false;
	int contentLengthRead = mg_read(conn, contentData, contentLength);
	if (contentLengthRead != contentLength) {
		_log.log(LOG_ERROR, "Did not receive the same amount of data as content length claimed\n");
		handleError(conn, ERR_SERVER_ERROR, "Could not malloc bodyData for received request.");	
		return false;
	contentData[contentLengthRead] = 0;
	_log.log(LOG_INFO, "Received %d bytes successfully.\n", contentLength);
	return reader.parse(string(contentData),ret);
std::wstring IEDriverServer::ReadRequestBody(struct mg_connection *conn, const struct mg_request_info *request_info) {
	std::wstring request_body = L"";
	int content_length = 0;
	for (int header_index = 0; header_index < 64; ++header_index) {
		if (request_info->http_headers[header_index].name == NULL) {
		if (strcmp(request_info->http_headers[header_index].name, "Content-Length") == 0) {
			content_length = atoi(request_info->http_headers[header_index].value);
	if (content_length == 0) {
		request_body = L"{}";
	} else {
		std::vector<char> input_buffer(content_length + 1);
		int bytes_read = 0;
		while (bytes_read < content_length) {
			bytes_read += mg_read(conn, &input_buffer[bytes_read], content_length - bytes_read);
		input_buffer[content_length] = '\0';
		int output_buffer_size = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, &input_buffer[0], -1, NULL, 0);
		vector<TCHAR> output_buffer(output_buffer_size);
		::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, &input_buffer[0], -1, &output_buffer[0], output_buffer_size);
		request_body.append(&output_buffer[0], bytes_read);

	return request_body;
Exemple #9
// A handler for the /authorize endpoint.
// Login page form sends user name and password to this endpoint.
static void authorize(struct mg_connection *conn,
                      const struct mg_request_info *request_info) {
  char user[32], password[32], referer[256];

  if(!strcmp(request_info->request_method, "POST")) {
    char post_data[1024];
    int post_data_len = mg_read(conn, post_data, sizeof(post_data));

    mg_get_var(post_data, post_data_len, "user", user, sizeof(user));
    mg_get_var(post_data, post_data_len, "password", password, sizeof(password));
    mg_get_var(post_data, post_data_len, "referer", referer, sizeof(referer));
  } else {
    // Fetch user name and password.
    get_qsvar(request_info, "user", user, sizeof(user));
    get_qsvar(request_info, "password", password, sizeof(password));
    get_qsvar(request_info, "ref", referer, sizeof(referer));

  /* Referer url must begin with '/' */
  if((referer[0] != '/') || (strcmp(referer, AUTHORIZE_URL) == 0))
    strcpy(referer, "/");

  if(ntop->checkUserPassword(user, password)) {
    char key[256], session_id[64], random[64];

    // Authentication success:
    //   1. create new session
    //   2. set session ID token in the cookie
    // The most secure way is to stay HTTPS all the time. However, just to
    // show the technique, we redirect to HTTP after the successful
    // authentication. The danger of doing this is that session cookie can
    // be stolen and an attacker may impersonate the user.
    // Secure application must use HTTPS all the time.

    snprintf(random, sizeof(random), "%d", rand());

    generate_session_id(session_id, random, user);

    // ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "==> %s\t%s", random, session_id);

    /* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie */
    mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n"
	      "Set-Cookie: session=%s; path=/; max-age=%u; HttpOnly\r\n"  // Session ID
	      "Set-Cookie: user=%s; path=/; max-age=%u; HttpOnly\r\n"  // Set user, needed by Javascript code
	      "Location: %s%s\r\n\r\n",
	      session_id, HTTP_SESSION_DURATION,
	      ntop->getPrefs()->get_http_prefix(), referer);

    /* Save session in redis */
    snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "sessions.%s", session_id);
    ntop->getRedis()->set(key, user, HTTP_SESSION_DURATION);
    ntop->getTrace()->traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "[HTTP] Set session sessions.%s", session_id);
  } else {
    // Authentication failure, redirect to login.
    redirect_to_login(conn, request_info);
Exemple #10
        handlePut(CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn)
        /* Handler may access the request info using mg_get_request_info */
        const struct mg_request_info *req_info = mg_get_request_info(conn);
        long long rlen, wlen;
        long long nlen = 0;
        long long tlen = req_info->content_length;
        FILE * f;
        char buf[1024];
        int fail = 0;

#ifdef _WIN32
        _snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "D:\\somewhere\\%s\\%s", req_info->remote_user, req_info->local_uri);
        buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; /* TODO: check overflow */
        f = fopen_recursive(buf, "wb");
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "~/somewhere/%s/%s", req_info->remote_user, req_info->local_uri);
        buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; /* TODO: check overflow */
        f = fopen_recursive(buf, "w");

        if (!f) {
            fail = 1;
        } else {
            while (nlen < tlen) {
                rlen = tlen - nlen;
                if (rlen > sizeof(buf)) {
                    rlen = sizeof(buf);
                rlen = mg_read(conn, buf, (size_t)rlen);
                if (rlen <= 0) {
                    fail = 1;
                wlen = fwrite(buf, 1, (size_t)rlen, f);
                if (rlen != rlen) {
                    fail = 1;
                nlen += wlen;

        if (fail) {
                "HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict\r\n"
                "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
                "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
        } else {
                "HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\n"
                "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
                "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");

        return true;
Exemple #11
static int lsp_read(lua_State *L) {
  struct mg_connection *conn = lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
  char buf[1024];
  int len = mg_read(conn, buf, sizeof(buf));

  if (len <= 0) return 0;
  lua_pushlstring(L, buf, len);

  return 1;
Exemple #12
static char *read_conn(struct mg_connection *conn, int *size) {
  char buf[100], *data = NULL;
  int len;
  *size = 0;
  while ((len = mg_read(conn, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {
    *size += len;
    ASSERT((data = realloc(data, *size)) != NULL);
    memcpy(data + *size - len, buf, len);
  return data;
Exemple #13
static void test_get_var(struct mg_connection *conn) {
  char *var, *buf;
  size_t buf_len;
  const char *cl;
  int var_len;
  const struct mg_request_info *ri = mg_get_request_info(conn);
  int is_form_enc = 0;


  buf_len = 0;
  var = buf = NULL;
  cl = mg_get_header(conn, "Content-Length");
  mg_printf(conn, "cl: %p\n", cl);
  if ((!strcmp(ri->request_method, "POST") ||
       !strcmp(ri->request_method, "PUT"))
      && cl != NULL) {
    buf_len = atoi(cl);
    buf = malloc(buf_len);
    /* Read in two pieces, to test continuation */
    if (buf_len > 2) {
      mg_read(conn, buf, 2);
      mg_read(conn, buf + 2, buf_len - 2);
    } else {
      mg_read(conn, buf, buf_len);
    is_form_enc = 1;
  } else {
    MG_ASSERT(ri->query_string != NULL); // query_string ~ "" when no query string was specified in the request
    buf_len = strlen(ri->query_string);
    buf = malloc(buf_len + 1);
    strcpy(buf, ri->query_string);
    is_form_enc = 1;
  var = malloc(buf_len + 1);
  var_len = mg_get_var(buf, buf_len, "my_var", var, buf_len + 1, is_form_enc);
  mg_printf(conn, "Value: [%s]\n", var);
  mg_printf(conn, "Value size: [%d]\n", var_len);
Exemple #14
RemRep::RemRep(const std::string &lports) : Replyer("self"), mListenPorts(lports) {

  // add register filter
  addPostFilter(std::tuple<std::string, std::function<cJSON *(RequestInfo &)>>
                {"register", [&](RequestInfo &ri) -> cJSON* {
    cJSON *root = nullptr;
    char requestBody[32768];
    try {
      RemoteObjectServer *newros = new RemoteObjectServer(ri.getRequestMethodArgument(0));

      mg_read(ri.getClientStructure(), requestBody, sizeof(requestBody));

      addStatusMsg(&root, "Registration succeded : Object indexed into service.");
    } catch(BadJSONFormatException) {
      addStatusMsg(&root, "Registration canceled : Unable to parse received data!");  
    } catch(ArgumentIndexOutOfBounds) {
      addStatusMsg(&root, "Registration canceled : Can not read object name from query string!");  

    return root;

  // add unregister filter
  addGetFilter(std::tuple<std::string, std::function<cJSON *(RequestInfo &)>>
                {"unregister", [&](RequestInfo &ri) -> cJSON* {
    cJSON *root = nullptr;
    bool objFound = false;

    auto newListEnd = std::remove_if(mRMpool.begin(), mRMpool.end(), [&](Replyer *rCandidate) {
      try {
        if(rCandidate->getName() == ri.getRequestMethodArgument(0)) {
          addStatusMsg(&root, "Unregistration succeded : Object is no further accounted for.");
          objFound = true;
          return true;
      } catch(ArgumentIndexOutOfBounds) { 
      return false;
    mRMpool.erase(newListEnd, mRMpool.end());

      addStatusMsg(&root, "Unregistration not carried out : Object not found.");

    return root;
Exemple #15
QString MushiRequest::getPost(){
        return this->readBuffer;
    char buffer[1000];

    while(mg_read(this->conn,&buffer,1000) > 0){
    return this->readBuffer;
Exemple #16
static void *callback(enum mg_event event, struct mg_connection *conn) {
  if (event == MG_WEBSOCKET_READY) {
    unsigned char buf[40];
    buf[0] = 0x81;
    buf[1] = snprintf((char *) buf + 2, sizeof(buf) - 2, "%s", "server ready");
    mg_write(conn, buf, 2 + buf[1]);
    return "";  // MG_WEBSOCKET_READY return value is ignored
  } else if (event == MG_WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE) {
    unsigned char buf[200], reply[200];
    int n, i, mask_len, xor, msg_len, len;

    // Read message from the client.
    // Accept only small (<126 bytes) messages.
    len = 0;
    msg_len = mask_len = 0;
    for (;;) {
      if ((n = mg_read(conn, buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len)) <= 0) {
        return "";  // Read error, close websocket
      len += n;
      if (len >= 2) {
        msg_len = buf[1] & 127;
        mask_len = (buf[1] & 128) ? 4 : 0;
        if (msg_len > 125) {
          return ""; // Message is too long, close websocket
        // If we've buffered the whole message, exit the loop
        if (len >= 2 + mask_len + msg_len) {

    // Prepare frame
    reply[0] = 0x81;  // text, FIN set
    reply[1] = msg_len;

    // Copy message from request to reply, applying the mask if required.
    for (i = 0; i < msg_len; i++) {
      xor = mask_len == 0 ? 0 : buf[2 + (i % 4)];
      reply[i + 2] = buf[i + 2 + mask_len] ^ xor;

    // Echo the message back to the client
    mg_write(conn, reply, 2 + msg_len);

    // Return non-NULL means stoping websocket conversation.
    // Close the conversation if client has sent us "exit" string.
    return memcmp(reply + 2, "exit", 4) == 0 ? "" : NULL;
  } else {
    return NULL;
      int ServiceInputStream::read(string& str, int max) {
        int bytes = 0, recv = 0;
        size_t size = min(10000, max);
        char * buffer = new char[size];

        while (max > 0 && (bytes = mg_read(_conn, buffer, size)) > 0) {
          str = str.append(buffer, bytes);
          max -= bytes;
          recv += bytes;
        //LOGDEBUG("received data size="<<recv);
        return recv;
Exemple #18
static int event_handler(struct mg_event *event) {
  struct mg_request_info *ri = event->request_info;

  if (event->type == MG_REQUEST_BEGIN) {
    if (!strcmp(ri->uri, "/data")) {
      mg_printf(event->conn, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
          "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
          "%s", fetch_data);
      return 1;

    if (!strcmp(ri->uri, "/zerolen")) {
      char buf[100];
      mg_printf(event->conn, "%s",
                "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\nok");
      printf("[%d]\n", mg_read(event->conn, buf, sizeof(buf)));
      ASSERT(mg_read(event->conn, buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0);
      return 1;

    if (!strcmp(ri->uri, "/upload")) {
      test_upload(event->conn, "lua_5.2.1.h", "./f1.txt");
      test_upload(event->conn, "lsqlite3.c", "./f2.txt");
      ASSERT(mg_upload(event->conn, ".", NULL, 0) == NULL);

      mg_printf(event->conn, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
                "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
                "%s", upload_ok_message);
      return 1;
  } else if (event->type == MG_EVENT_LOG) {
    printf("%s\n", (const char *) event->event_param);

  return 0;
Exemple #19
static void test_get_var(struct mg_connection *conn,
                         const struct mg_request_info *ri) {
  char *var, *buf;
  size_t buf_len;
  const char *cl;
  int var_len;

  mg_printf(conn, "%s", standard_reply);

  buf_len = 0;
  var = buf = NULL;
  cl = mg_get_header(conn, "Content-Length");
  mg_printf(conn, "cl: %p\n", cl);
  if ((!strcmp(ri->request_method, "POST") ||
       !strcmp(ri->request_method, "PUT"))
      && cl != NULL) {
    buf_len = atoi(cl);
    buf = malloc(buf_len);
    /* Read in two pieces, to test continuation */
    if (buf_len > 2) {
      mg_read(conn, buf, 2);
      mg_read(conn, buf + 2, buf_len - 2);
    } else {
      mg_read(conn, buf, buf_len);
  } else if (ri->query_string != NULL) {
    buf_len = strlen(ri->query_string);
    buf = malloc(buf_len + 1);
    strcpy(buf, ri->query_string);
  var = malloc(buf_len + 1);
  var_len = mg_get_var(buf, buf_len, "my_var", var, buf_len + 1);
  mg_printf(conn, "Value: [%s]\n", var);
  mg_printf(conn, "Value size: [%d]\n", var_len);
static char* adapt_read_connection(struct mg_connection* connection, int* len_out) {
    int buf_size = 256;
    char* buf = (char*)malloc(buf_size + 1);
    int len = 0;
    int r;
    while((r = mg_read(connection, buf + len, buf_size - len)) > 0) {
        len += r;
        if (len == buf_size) {
            buf_size *= 2;
            buf = (char*)realloc(buf, buf_size + 1);
    buf[len] = '\0';
    *len_out = len;
    return buf;
Exemple #21
static int api_callback(struct mg_connection *conn) {
  struct mg_request_info *ri = mg_get_request_info(conn);
  char post_data[100] = "";

  ASSERT(ri->user_data == (void *) 123);
  ASSERT(ri->num_headers == 2);
  ASSERT(strcmp(mg_get_header(conn, "host"), "blah.com") == 0);
  ASSERT(mg_read(conn, post_data, sizeof(post_data)) == 3);
  ASSERT(memcmp(post_data, "b=1", 3) == 0);
  ASSERT(ri->query_string != NULL);
  ASSERT(ri->remote_ip > 0);
  ASSERT(ri->remote_port > 0);
  ASSERT(strcmp(ri->http_version, "1.0") == 0);

  mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n");
  return 1;
Exemple #22
	handlePost(CivetServer *server, struct mg_connection *conn)
		/* Handler may access the request info using mg_get_request_info */
		const struct mg_request_info *req_info = mg_get_request_info(conn);
		long long rlen, wlen;
		long long nlen = 0;
		long long tlen = req_info->content_length;
		char buf[1024];

		          "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: "
		          "text/html\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");

		mg_printf(conn, "<html><body>\n");
		mg_printf(conn, "<h2>This is the Foo POST handler!!!</h2>\n");
		          "<p>The request was:<br><pre>%s %s HTTP/%s</pre></p>\n",
		mg_printf(conn, "<p>Content Length: %li</p>\n", (long)tlen);
		mg_printf(conn, "<pre>\n");

		while (nlen < tlen) {
			rlen = tlen - nlen;
			if (rlen > sizeof(buf)) {
				rlen = sizeof(buf);
			rlen = mg_read(conn, buf, (size_t)rlen);
			if (rlen <= 0) {
			wlen = mg_write(conn, buf, (size_t)rlen);
			if (rlen != rlen) {
			nlen += wlen;

		mg_printf(conn, "\n</pre>\n");
		mg_printf(conn, "</body></html>\n");

		return true;
Exemple #23
    Request::Request(struct mg_connection *connection_, const struct mg_request_info *request_) : 
        url = string(request->uri);
        method = string(request->request_method);

        // Downloading POST data
        ostringstream postData;
        if (mg_get_header(connection, "Content-Type") != NULL) {
            int n;
            char post[1024];
            while (n = mg_read(connection, post, sizeof(post))) {
                postData.write(post, n);
        data = postData.str();
  static PostDataStatus ReadBody(std::string& postData,
                                 struct mg_connection *connection,
                                 const IHttpHandler::Arguments& headers)
    IHttpHandler::Arguments::const_iterator cs = headers.find("content-length");
    if (cs == headers.end())
      return PostDataStatus_NoLength;

    int length;      
      length = boost::lexical_cast<int>(cs->second);
    catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast)
      return PostDataStatus_NoLength;

    if (length < 0)
      length = 0;


    size_t pos = 0;
    while (length > 0)
      int r = mg_read(connection, &postData[pos], length);
      if (r <= 0)
        return PostDataStatus_Failure;

      assert(r <= length);
      length -= r;
      pos += r;

    return PostDataStatus_Success;
///Function to send a simple text ajax rely
void Executive::ajaxReply(struct mg_connection *conn, const struct mg_request_info *request_info)
	const char * clength;
	char h1[] = "Content-Length";
	clength = mg_get_header(conn,h1);	//get length of post data
	int clen = atoi(clength);
	char *pdata = (char *)malloc(clen+clen/8+1);
	int datalen = mg_read(conn,pdata,clen);	//read post data
	pdata[clen] = '\0';
	printf("\nUser data: %s",pdata);
	mg_printf(conn, "%s\r\n%s", ajax_reply_start,pdata);
	catch(std::exception ex)
		std::cout << "\n  " << ex.what() << "\n\n";
///Function to send sniffed file list to the client
void Executive::listReply(struct mg_connection *conn, const struct mg_request_info *request_info)
	int is_jsonp;
	char text[100];
	const char * json;
	std::stringstream ss;
	std::string msg;
	mg_printf(conn, "%s\r\n", json_reply_start);	//prints the json message starting headers
	const char * clength;
	char h1[] = "Content-Length";
	clength = mg_get_header(conn,h1);	//get the length of post data
	int clen = atoi(clength);
	char *pdata = (char *)malloc(clen+clen/8+1);
	int datalen = mg_read(conn,pdata,clen);	//read post data
	pdata[clen] = '\0';
	mg_get_var(pdata, strlen(pdata == NULL ? "" : pdata), "text", text, sizeof(text));
	std::string path(text);
	is_jsonp = handle_jsonp(pdata,conn, request_info);	//find the callback function
	std::set<std::string> filelist = fsniffer2.getFiles();	//get sniffed files
	for (std::set<std::string>::iterator it=filelist.begin(); it != filelist.end(); it++)
		std::string tempstr = HTMLEncode(*it);	//html encode filepaths
		ss<<"{item: \""<<tempstr<<"\"},";
	msg = ss.str();
	json = msg.c_str();
	mg_printf(conn, "%s", json);	//print json array to the connection

	if (is_jsonp) 	{
		mg_printf(conn, "%s", ")");	//print closing bracket for the function
//	fsniffer2.saveFiles();	//save sniffed files
	catch(std::exception ex){std::cout << "\n  " << ex.what() << "\n\n";}
///Function to send sniffed process list
void Executive::procReply(struct mg_connection *conn, const struct mg_request_info *request_info)
	int is_jsonp;

	const char * json;
	std::stringstream ss;
	std::string msg;
	mg_printf(conn, "%s\r\n", json_reply_start);	//prints the json message starting headers
	const char * clength;
	char h1[] = "Content-Length";
	clength = mg_get_header(conn,h1);	//get the length of post data
	int clen = atoi(clength);
	char *pdata = (char *)malloc(clen+clen/8+1);
	int datalen = mg_read(conn,pdata,clen);	//read post data
	pdata[clen] = '\0';
	/*mg_get_var(pdata, strlen(pdata == NULL ? "" : pdata), "text", text, sizeof(text));
	std::string path(text);*/
	is_jsonp = handle_jsonp(pdata,conn, request_info);	//find the callback function
	std::map<std::string,int> filelist = prsniffer.getProcesses();	//get process list
	for (std::map<std::string,int>::iterator it=filelist.begin(); it != filelist.end(); it++)
		std::string tempstr = HTMLEncode((*it).first);
		ss<<"{item: \""<<tempstr<<" ("<<(*it).second<<")\"},";	//store process name and count
	msg = ss.str();
	json = msg.c_str();
	mg_printf(conn, "%s", json);	//print json array to the connection
	if (is_jsonp)
		mg_printf(conn, "%s", ")");	//print closing bracket for the function
	}catch(std::exception ex){std::cout << "\n  " << ex.what() << "\n\n";}
Exemple #28
static void mg_keep_alive(struct mg_connection* conn, const struct mg_request_info* ri) {
	const char *cl;
	char *buf;
	int len;

	mg_printf(conn, "%s", standard_reply);
	if (strcmp(ri->request_method, "POST") == 0 &&
		(cl = mg_get_header(conn, "Content-Length")) != NULL) {
		len = atoi(cl);
		if ((buf = MEM_ALLOC(len+1)) != NULL) {
			mg_read(conn, buf, len);
			buf[len] = '\0';

			uint id;
			sscanf(buf, "%u", &id); 

			// Invoke keep_alive
			_invoke("keep_alive_cb", id, NULL);
Exemple #29
static int api_cb(struct mg_event *event) {
  struct mg_request_info *ri = event->request_info;
  char post_data[100] = "";

  if (event->type == MG_REQUEST_BEGIN) {
    ASSERT(event->user_data == (void *) 123);
    ASSERT(ri->num_headers == 2);
    ASSERT(strcmp(mg_get_header(event->conn, "host"), "blah.com") == 0);
    ASSERT(mg_read(event->conn, post_data, sizeof(post_data)) == 3);
    ASSERT(memcmp(post_data, "b=1", 3) == 0);
    ASSERT(ri->query_string != NULL);
    ASSERT(strcmp(ri->query_string, api_uri + 2) == 0);
    ASSERT(ri->remote_ip > 0);
    ASSERT(ri->remote_port > 0);
    ASSERT(strcmp(ri->http_version, "1.0") == 0);

    mg_printf(event->conn, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n");
    return 1;

  return 0;
Exemple #30
static void test_mg_upload(void) {
  static const char *boundary = "OOO___MY_BOUNDARY___OOO";
  struct mg_context *ctx;
  struct mg_connection *conn;
  char ebuf[100], buf[20], *file_data, *file2_data, *post_data;
  int file_len, file2_len, post_data_len;

  ASSERT((ctx = mg_start(OPTIONS, event_handler, NULL)) != NULL);

  // Upload two files
  ASSERT((file_data = read_file("lua_5.2.1.h", &file_len)) != NULL);
  ASSERT((file2_data = read_file("lsqlite3.c", &file2_len)) != NULL);
  post_data = NULL;
  post_data_len = alloc_printf(&post_data, 0,
      // First file
      "--%s\r\n" "Content-Disposition: form-data; " "name=\"file\"; "
      "filename=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n" "%.*s\r\n"
      // Second file
      "--%s\r\n" "Content-Disposition: form-data; " "name=\"file\"; "
      "filename=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n" "%.*s\r\n"
      // Final boundary
      boundary, "f1.txt", file_len, file_data, boundary, "f2.txt",
      file2_len, file2_data, boundary);
  ASSERT(post_data_len > 0);
  ASSERT((conn = mg_download("localhost", atoi(HTTPS_PORT), 1,
                             ebuf, sizeof(ebuf),
                             "POST /upload HTTP/1.1\r\n"
                             "Content-Length: %d\r\n"
                             "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; "
                             "%.*s", post_data_len, boundary,
                             post_data_len, post_data)) != NULL);
  ASSERT(mg_read(conn, buf, sizeof(buf)) == (int) strlen(upload_ok_message));
  ASSERT(memcmp(buf, upload_ok_message, strlen(upload_ok_message)) == 0);
