void main()
	char* s;
	char* t;
	char* result;

	s = "lcwxsxalbjprcinbjkjqwntkjxiwejeplcofcordziwdsjhbvqrrdkeokmkoyrdlvtrxjkciuymmktohlhzosfdctpsrixfeqwdzigjcexqqseydmzugezkzqetzbyftwiueodivdylvfjbtivzowlomphlqhqjdzfjpitklryjwhkpshqgdbwpsfdimttruycmjvwwpwfnerfyyvebzdtr";
	t = "iwcxrxqmytahqwffvntz";
	result = minWindow(s, t);
	printf("%s", result);

Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    struct timeval tvStart, tvEnd;
    char* ret;
    gettimeofday(&tvStart, NULL);
    ret = minWindow(argv[1], argv[2]);
    gettimeofday(&tvEnd, NULL);

    printf("minWindow('%s', '%s'): '%s'\n", argv[1], argv[2], ret);
    int ds = tvEnd.tv_sec - tvStart.tv_sec;
    int dus = tvEnd.tv_usec - tvStart.tv_usec;
    if (dus < 0) {
        dus += 1000000;
    printf("Time %d.%06d, minWindow\n", ds, dus);
    return 0;
Exemple #3
int main()
 char s[]="acbbaca";
 char t[]="aba";
 int start, end;
 if(minWindow(s, t, start, end))
    printf("smallest window length is %d\n", end - start + 1);
    int i;
    for(i = start; i<=end; i++)
   printf("Window not present\n");
 return 0;
Exemple #4
 * Core that apply a 3x3(Configurable) 2d Convolution, Erode, Dilate on
 * grayscale images
 * http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2014_1/ug902-vivado-high-level-synthesis.pdf
 * */
void doImgProc(hls::stream<uint_8_side_channel>& inStream,
               hls::stream<int_8_side_channel> & outStream,
               char                              kernel[KERNEL_DIM * KERNEL_DIM],
               int                               operation)
#pragma HLS INTERFACE axis port=inStream
#pragma HLS INTERFACE axis port=outStream
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=return bundle=CRTL_BUS
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=operation bundle=CRTL_BUS
#pragma HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port=kernel bundle=KERNEL_BUS

  // Defining the line buffer and setting the inter dependency to false through
  // pragmas
  hls::LineBuffer<KERNEL_DIM, IMG_WIDTH, unsigned char> lineBuff;
  hls::Window<KERNEL_DIM, KERNEL_DIM, short> window;

  // Index used to keep track of row,col
  int idxCol       = 0;
  int idxRow       = 0;
  int pixConvolved = 0;

  // Calculate delay to fix line-buffer offset
  int waitTicks  = (IMG_WIDTH * (KERNEL_DIM - 1) + KERNEL_DIM) / 2;// 241;
  int countWait  = 0;
  int sentPixels = 0;

  int_8_side_channel  dataOutSideChannel;
  uint_8_side_channel currPixelSideChannel;

  // Iterate on all pixels for our 320x240 image, the HLS PIPELINE improves our
  // latency
  for (int idxPixel = 0; idxPixel < (IMG_WIDTH * IMG_HEIGHT); idxPixel++) {

    // Read and cache (Block here if FIFO sender is empty)
    currPixelSideChannel = inStream.read();

    // Get the pixel data
    unsigned char pixelIn = currPixelSideChannel.data;

    // Put data on the LineBuffer
    lineBuff.insert_top(pixelIn, idxCol); // Will put in val[2] of line buffer
                                          // (Check Debug)

    // Put data on the window and multiply with the kernel
    for (int idxWinRow = 0; idxWinRow < KERNEL_DIM; idxWinRow++) {
      for (int idxWinCol = 0; idxWinCol < KERNEL_DIM; idxWinCol++) {
        // idxWinCol + pixConvolved, will slide the window ...
        short val = (short)lineBuff.getval(idxWinRow, idxWinCol + pixConvolved);

        // Multiply kernel by the sampling window
        val = (short)kernel[(idxWinRow * KERNEL_DIM) + idxWinCol] * val;
        window.insert(val, idxWinRow, idxWinCol);

    // Avoid calculate out of the image boundaries and if we can convolve
    short valOutput = 0;

    if ((idxRow >= KERNEL_DIM - 1) && (idxCol >= KERNEL_DIM - 1)) {
      switch (operation) {
      case 0:

        // Convolution
        valOutput = sumWindow(&window);
        valOutput = valOutput / 8;

        // Avoid negative values
        if (valOutput < 0) valOutput = 0;

      case 1:

        // Erode
        valOutput = minWindow(&window);

      case 2:

        // Dilate
        valOutput = maxWindow(&window);


    // Calculate row and col index
    if (idxCol < IMG_WIDTH - 1) {
    else {
      // New line
      idxCol = 0;
      pixConvolved = 0;

     * Fix the line buffer delay, on a 320x240 image with 3x3 kernel, the delay
     * will be
     * ((240*2) + 3)/2 = 241
     * So we wait for 241 ticks send the results than put more 241 zeros

    // Put data on output stream (side-channel(tlast) way...)

    /*dataOutSideChannel.data = valOutput;
       dataOutSideChannel.keep = currPixelSideChannel.keep;
       dataOutSideChannel.strb = currPixelSideChannel.strb;
       dataOutSideChannel.user = currPixelSideChannel.user;
       dataOutSideChannel.last = currPixelSideChannel.last;
       dataOutSideChannel.id = currPixelSideChannel.id;
       dataOutSideChannel.dest = currPixelSideChannel.dest;

       // Send to the stream (Block if the FIFO receiver is full)

    if (countWait > waitTicks)  {
      dataOutSideChannel.data = valOutput;
      dataOutSideChannel.keep = currPixelSideChannel.keep;
      dataOutSideChannel.strb = currPixelSideChannel.strb;
      dataOutSideChannel.user = currPixelSideChannel.user;
      dataOutSideChannel.last = 0;
      dataOutSideChannel.id   = currPixelSideChannel.id;
      dataOutSideChannel.dest = currPixelSideChannel.dest;

      // Send to the stream (Block if the FIFO receiver is full)

  // Now send the remaining zeros (Just the (Number of delayed ticks)
  for (countWait = 0; countWait < waitTicks; countWait++) {
    dataOutSideChannel.data = 0;
    dataOutSideChannel.keep = currPixelSideChannel.keep;
    dataOutSideChannel.strb = currPixelSideChannel.strb;
    dataOutSideChannel.user = currPixelSideChannel.user;

    // Send last on the last item
    if (countWait < waitTicks - 1) dataOutSideChannel.last = 0;
    else dataOutSideChannel.last = 1;
    dataOutSideChannel.id   = currPixelSideChannel.id;
    dataOutSideChannel.dest = currPixelSideChannel.dest;

    // Send to the stream (Block if the FIFO receiver is full)
int main() {
    cout<<minWindow("ADOBECODEBANC", "ABC")<<endl;
    return 0;