Exemple #1
void find_minimums(array A, int *mins)
    if (height[A]==1) {
    } else {
        array evens=half(A);
        int even_minimums[height(evens)];
        int leftmost=0;
        for (int i=0; i<height(evens); i++)
            leftmost=min_index(A, 2*i, leftmost, even_minimums[i]+1);
            mins[2*i]  =leftmost;
        if (height(A)%2) {
void CostMapCalculation::sysMessageCallback(const std_msgs::String& string)
    ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: sysMsgCallback, msg contents: %s", string.data.c_str());

    if (string.data == "reset")
        ROS_INFO("HectorCM: reset");

        // set default values
        cost_map.data.assign(cost_map.info.width * cost_map.info.height,UNKNOWN_CELL);
        elevation_cost_map.data.assign(cost_map.info.width * cost_map.info.height,UNKNOWN_CELL);
        cloud_cost_map.data.assign(cost_map.info.width * cost_map.info.height,UNKNOWN_CELL);

        // loop through starting area
        min_index(0) = cost_map.info.width/2-floor(initial_free_cells_radius/cost_map.info.resolution);
        min_index(1) = cost_map.info.height/2-floor(initial_free_cells_radius/cost_map.info.resolution);
        max_index(0) = cost_map.info.width/2+floor(initial_free_cells_radius/cost_map.info.resolution);
        max_index(1) = cost_map.info.height/2+floor(initial_free_cells_radius/cost_map.info.resolution);
        for (int v = min_index(1); v < max_index(1); ++v)
            for (int u = min_index(0); u < max_index(0); ++u)
                cost_map.data[MAP_IDX(cost_map.info.width, u, v)] = FREE_CELL;

        received_elevation_map = false;
        received_grid_map      = false;
        received_point_cloud   = false;
unsigned int
get_max_idle_FP(tasks_schedule * t_sched, unsigned int kth_task)
    unsigned int max_idle = 0;
    task_timeline *tl;

    tl = &t_sched->timeline;
    max_idle += t_sched->hyperperiod;

    /*computing W_min */
	unsigned int W_min = 0;
	unsigned int prev_time, prev_duration;

	do {
	while (has_priority_FP(t_sched->ts, kth_task, tl->id));

	prev_time = t_sched->timeline.release_time;
	prev_duration = min_index(&t_sched->ts->task_list[tl->id]->sd);
	W_min = prev_duration;

	while (next_task(t_sched)) {
	    if (!has_priority_FP(t_sched->ts, kth_task, tl->id)) {
		W_min = (W_min > tl->release_time - prev_time) ?
		    W_min - (tl->release_time - prev_time) : 0;

		prev_duration =

		prev_time = t_sched->timeline.release_time;
		W_min += prev_duration;
	W_min = (W_min > t_sched->hyperperiod - prev_time) ?
	    W_min - (t_sched->hyperperiod - prev_time) : 0;

	max_idle += W_min;
    /*computing C_min */
	unsigned int C_min = 0;
	while (next_task(t_sched)) {
	    if (!has_priority_FP(t_sched->ts, kth_task, tl->id)) {
		C_min += min_index(&t_sched->ts->task_list[tl->id]->sd);

	max_idle -= C_min;

    return max_idle;
void CostMapCalculation::updateMapParamsCallback(const nav_msgs::MapMetaData& map_meta_data)
    ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: received new map meta data -> overwrite old parameters");

    // check if new parameters differ and abort otherwise
    if (cost_map.info.width == map_meta_data.width &&
        cost_map.info.height == map_meta_data.height &&
        cost_map.info.resolution == map_meta_data.resolution &&
        cost_map.info.origin.position.x == map_meta_data.origin.position.x &&
        cost_map.info.origin.position.y == map_meta_data.origin.position.y &&
        cost_map.info.origin.position.z == map_meta_data.origin.position.z &&
        cost_map.info.origin.orientation.x == map_meta_data.origin.orientation.x &&
        cost_map.info.origin.orientation.y == map_meta_data.origin.orientation.y &&
        cost_map.info.origin.orientation.z == map_meta_data.origin.orientation.z &&
        cost_map.info.origin.orientation.w == map_meta_data.origin.orientation.w) {

    // set new parameters
    cost_map.info.width = map_meta_data.width;
    cost_map.info.height = map_meta_data.height;
    cost_map.info.resolution = map_meta_data.resolution;

    cost_map.info.origin.position.x = map_meta_data.origin.position.x;
    cost_map.info.origin.position.y = map_meta_data.origin.position.y;
    cost_map.info.origin.position.z = map_meta_data.origin.position.z;

    cost_map.info.origin.orientation.x = map_meta_data.origin.orientation.x;
    cost_map.info.origin.orientation.y = map_meta_data.origin.orientation.y;
    cost_map.info.origin.orientation.z = map_meta_data.origin.orientation.z;
    cost_map.info.origin.orientation.w = map_meta_data.origin.orientation.w;


    // allocate memory
    cost_map.data.assign(cost_map.info.width * cost_map.info.height,UNKNOWN_CELL);
    elevation_cost_map.data.assign(cost_map.info.width * cost_map.info.height,UNKNOWN_CELL);
    cloud_cost_map.data.assign(cost_map.info.width * cost_map.info.height,UNKNOWN_CELL);

    // loop through starting area
    min_index(0) = cost_map.info.width/2-floor(initial_free_cells_radius/cost_map.info.resolution);
    min_index(1) = cost_map.info.height/2-floor(initial_free_cells_radius/cost_map.info.resolution);
    max_index(0) = cost_map.info.width/2+floor(initial_free_cells_radius/cost_map.info.resolution);
    max_index(1) = cost_map.info.height/2+floor(initial_free_cells_radius/cost_map.info.resolution);
    for (int v = min_index(1); v < max_index(1); ++v)
        for (int u = min_index(0); u < max_index(0); ++u)
            cost_map.data[MAP_IDX(cost_map.info.width, u, v)] = FREE_CELL;

    // update flags
    received_elevation_map = false;
    received_grid_map      = false;
    use_cloud_map          = false;
Exemple #5
template <typename VoxelT, typename WeightT> bool
pcl::TSDFVolume<VoxelT, WeightT>::extractNeighborhood (const Eigen::Vector3i &voxel_coord, int neighborhood_size,
                                                                       VoxelTVec &neighborhood) const
  // point_index is at the center of a cube of scale_ x scale_ x scale_ voxels
  int shift = (neighborhood_size - 1) / 2;
  Eigen::Vector3i min_index = voxel_coord.array() - shift;
  Eigen::Vector3i max_index = voxel_coord.array() + shift;

  // check that index is within range
  if (getLinearVoxelIndex(min_index) < 0 || getLinearVoxelIndex(max_index) >= (int)size())
    pcl::console::print_info ("[extractNeighborhood] Skipping voxel with coord (%d, %d, %d).\n", voxel_coord(0), voxel_coord(1), voxel_coord(2));
    return false;

  static const int descriptor_size = neighborhood_size*neighborhood_size*neighborhood_size;
  neighborhood.resize (descriptor_size);

  const Eigen::RowVector3i offset_vector (1, neighborhood_size, neighborhood_size*neighborhood_size);

  // loop over all voxels in 3D neighborhood
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int z = min_index(2); z <= max_index(2); ++z)
    for (int y = min_index(1); y <= max_index(1); ++y)
      for (int x = min_index(0); x <= max_index(0); ++x)
        // linear voxel index in volume and index in descriptor vector
        Eigen::Vector3i point (x,y,z);
        int volume_idx = getLinearVoxelIndex (point);
        int descr_idx  = offset_vector * (point - min_index);

/*        std::cout << "linear index " << volume_idx << std::endl;
        std::cout << "weight " << weights_->at (volume_idx) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "volume " << volume_->at (volume_idx) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "descr  " << neighborhood.rows() << "x" << neighborhood.cols() << ", val = " << neighborhood << std::endl;
        std::cout << "descr index = " << descr_idx << std::endl;
        // get the TSDF value and store as descriptor entry
        if (weights_->at (volume_idx) != 0)
          neighborhood (descr_idx) = volume_->at (volume_idx);
          neighborhood (descr_idx) = -1.0; // if never visited we assume inside of object (outside captured and thus filled with positive values)

  return true;
bool CostMapCalculation::computeWindowIndices(ros::Time time,double update_radius)
    int update_radius_map;
    Eigen::Vector2f index_world, index_map;

    // window update region
    // only update cells within the max a curtain radius of current robot position
    tf::StampedTransform transform;

    // get local map transform
        listener.waitForTransform(map_frame_id, local_transform_frame_id, time, ros::Duration(5));
        listener.lookupTransform(map_frame_id, local_transform_frame_id, time, transform);
    catch (tf::TransformException ex)
        return false;

    index_world(0) = transform.getOrigin().x();
    index_world(1) = transform.getOrigin().y();
    index_map = world_map_transform.getC2Coords(index_world);
    update_radius_map = floor(((double)update_radius/(double)cost_map.info.resolution));

    // compute window min/max index
    if(index_map(1) < update_radius_map)
        min_index(1) = 0;
        min_index(1) = index_map(1) - update_radius_map;

    if(index_map(1) + update_radius_map > cost_map.info.height)
        max_index(1) = cost_map.info.height;
        max_index(1) = index_map(1) + update_radius_map;

    if(index_map(0) < update_radius_map)
        min_index(0) = 0;
        min_index(0) = index_map(0) - update_radius_map;

    if(index_map(0) + update_radius_map > cost_map.info.width)
        max_index(0) = cost_map.info.width;
        max_index(0) = index_map(0) + update_radius_map;

    return true;
Exemple #7
template <typename VoxelT, typename WeightT> bool
pcl::TSDFVolume<VoxelT, WeightT>::addNeighborhood (const Eigen::Vector3i &voxel_coord, int neighborhood_size,
                                                                   const VoxelTVec &neighborhood, WeightT voxel_weight)
  // point_index is at the center of a cube of scale_ x scale_ x scale_ voxels
  int shift = (neighborhood_size - 1) / 2;
  Eigen::Vector3i min_index = voxel_coord.array() - shift;
  Eigen::Vector3i max_index = voxel_coord.array() + shift;

  // check that index is within range
  if (getLinearVoxelIndex(min_index) < 0 || getLinearVoxelIndex(max_index) >= (int)size())
    pcl::console::print_info ("[addNeighborhood] Skipping voxel with coord (%d, %d, %d).\n", voxel_coord(0), voxel_coord(1), voxel_coord(2));
    return false;

  // static const int descriptor_size = neighborhood_size*neighborhood_size*neighborhood_size;
  const Eigen::RowVector3i offset_vector (1, neighborhood_size, neighborhood_size*neighborhood_size);

  Eigen::Vector3i index = min_index;
  // loop over all voxels in 3D neighborhood
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int z = min_index(2); z <= max_index(2); ++z)
    for (int y = min_index(1); y <= max_index(1); ++y)
      for (int x = min_index(0); x <= max_index(0); ++x)
        // linear voxel index in volume and index in descriptor vector
        Eigen::Vector3i point (x,y,z);
        int volume_idx = getLinearVoxelIndex (point);
        int descr_idx  = offset_vector * (point - min_index);

        // add the descriptor entry to the volume
        VoxelT &voxel = volume_->at (volume_idx);
        WeightT &weight = weights_->at (volume_idx);

        // TODO check that this simple lock works correctly!!
        #pragma omp atomic
        voxel += neighborhood (descr_idx);

        #pragma omp atomic
        weight += voxel_weight;

  return true;
Exemple #8
int main()
    int array[MAX_SIZE], size, index,i;

    scanf("%d", &size);
    get_array(array, size);
    index = min_index(array, size);
    printf("minimum number is %d, whose position is %d.", array[index], index);
    return 0;
 function_algebra_rotation3D(const coord_type& ax, double a) 
   : axis(ap3d::normalization(ax)), 
     e1(3, coord_type::no_init), e2(3, coord_type::no_init), 
     alpha(a), cosa(cos(a)), sina(sin(a)) 
   d_Def = 3;d_Im = 3;
   is_affine = true;
   int i = min_index(axis);
   int j=(i==1 ? 2 : 1);
   e2[i] = 0;
   e2[j] = -axis[6-i-j];
   e2[6-i-j] = axis[j]; // now e2*axis = 0
   e1 = ap3d::vectorproduct(e2,axis);
   if(ap3d::det3(e1,e2,axis) < 0)
     e1 *= -1;
Exemple #10
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int idx[3] = {285,165,143};
	long val[3];
	pfunc_t func[3] = {func_t, func_p, func_h};
	int i;

	/* initialize T(2),P(2),H(2) */
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		val[i] = func[i](idx[i]);

	while (1) {
		i = min_index(val, NARRAY(val));
		val[i] = func[i](idx[i]);
		if (equal(val, NARRAY(val)))

	printf("%ld\n", val[0]);
	return 0;
Exemple #11
DateSet::remove(int b, int e)
  data_.remove_at(b - min_index(), e - min_index());
CostMapCalculation::CostMapCalculation() : nHandle(), pnHandle("~")
    int width, height;
    double grid_res_xy;

    pnHandle.param("elevation_resolution", grid_res_z, 0.01); //[m]

    pnHandle.param("max_grid_size_x", width, 1024); //[cell]
    cost_map.info.width = width;
    pnHandle.param("max_grid_size_y", height, 1024); //[cell]
    cost_map.info.height = height;
    pnHandle.param("map_resolution", grid_res_xy, 0.05); //[m]
    cost_map.info.resolution = grid_res_xy;
    pnHandle.param("origin_x",cost_map.info.origin.position.x, -(double)cost_map.info.width*(double)cost_map.info.resolution/2.0); //[m]
    pnHandle.param("origin_y",cost_map.info.origin.position.y, -(double)cost_map.info.height*(double)cost_map.info.resolution/2.0); //[m]
    pnHandle.param("origin_z",cost_map.info.origin.position.z, 0.0); //[m]
    pnHandle.param("orientation_x",cost_map.info.origin.orientation.x, 0.0); //[]
    pnHandle.param("orientation_y",cost_map.info.origin.orientation.y, 0.0); //[]
    pnHandle.param("orientation_z",cost_map.info.origin.orientation.z, 0.0); //[]
    pnHandle.param("orientation_w",cost_map.info.origin.orientation.w, 1.0); //[]

    pnHandle.param("initial_free_cells_radius", initial_free_cells_radius, 0.30); //[m]
    pnHandle.param("update_radius", update_radius_world, 4.0); //[m]
    pnHandle.param("max_delta_elevation", max_delta_elevation, 0.08); //[m]

    pnHandle.param("map_frame_id", map_frame_id,std::string("map"));
    pnHandle.param("local_transform_frame_id", local_transform_frame_id,std::string("base_footprint"));
    pnHandle.param("cost_map_topic", cost_map_topic, std::string("cost_map"));
    pnHandle.param("elevation_map_topic", elevation_map_topic, std::string("elevation_map_local"));
    pnHandle.param("grid_map_topic", grid_map_topic, std::string("scanmatcher_map"));

    pnHandle.param("use_elevation_map", use_elevation_map, true);
    pnHandle.param("use_grid_map", use_grid_map, true);
    pnHandle.param("use_cloud_map", use_cloud_map, false);
    pnHandle.param("allow_elevation_map_to_clear_occupied_cells", allow_elevation_map_to_clear_occupied_cells, true);
    pnHandle.param("max_clear_size", max_clear_size, 2);

    pnHandle.param("point_cloud_topic", point_cloud_topic,std::string("openni/depth/points"));
    pnHandle.param("slize_min_height", slize_min_height, 0.30); //[m]
    pnHandle.param("slize_max_height", slize_min_height, 0.35); //[m]

    pnHandle.param("costmap_pub_freq", costmap_pub_freq, 4.0); //[Hz]

    pnHandle.param("sys_msg_topic", sys_msg_topic, std::string("syscommand"));

    cost_map.data.assign(cost_map.info.width * cost_map.info.height,UNKNOWN_CELL);
    elevation_cost_map.data.assign(cost_map.info.width * cost_map.info.height,UNKNOWN_CELL);
    cloud_cost_map.data.assign(cost_map.info.width * cost_map.info.height,UNKNOWN_CELL);


    // loop through starting area
    min_index(0) = cost_map.info.width/2-floor(initial_free_cells_radius/cost_map.info.resolution);
    min_index(1) = cost_map.info.height/2-floor(initial_free_cells_radius/cost_map.info.resolution);
    max_index(0) = cost_map.info.width/2+floor(initial_free_cells_radius/cost_map.info.resolution);
    max_index(1) = cost_map.info.height/2+floor(initial_free_cells_radius/cost_map.info.resolution);
    for (int v = min_index(1); v < max_index(1); ++v)
        for (int u = min_index(0); u < max_index(0); ++u)
            cost_map.data[MAP_IDX(cost_map.info.width, u, v)] = FREE_CELL;

    pub_cost_map = nHandle.advertise<nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid>(cost_map_topic, 1, true);

    received_elevation_map = false;
    received_grid_map      = false;
    received_point_cloud   = false;

    sliced_cloud.reset(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);

        sub_elevation_map = nHandle.subscribe(elevation_map_topic,10,&CostMapCalculation::callbackElevationMap,this);

        sub_grid_map = nHandle.subscribe(grid_map_topic,10,&CostMapCalculation::callbackGridMap,this);

        sub_point_cloud = nHandle.subscribe(point_cloud_topic,10,&CostMapCalculation::callbackPointCloud,this);

    sub_map_info = nHandle.subscribe("map_metadata",1,&CostMapCalculation::updateMapParamsCallback,this);

    sub_sysMessage = nHandle.subscribe(sys_msg_topic, 10, &CostMapCalculation::sysMessageCallback, this);
    dyn_rec_server_.setCallback(boost::bind(&CostMapCalculation::dynRecParamCallback, this, _1, _2));

    timer = pnHandle.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0/costmap_pub_freq), &CostMapCalculation::timerCallback,this);

    ROS_INFO("HectorCM: is up and running.");

    pub_cloud_slice = pnHandle.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("cloud_slice",1,true);

Exemple #13
DateSet::data(int i) const
  return data_[i - min_index()];
Exemple #14
DateSet::remove(int i)
  data_.remove_at(i - min_index());
Exemple #15
DateSet::add_at(int i, GDate dt)
  data_.add_at(i - min_index(), dt);
Exemple #16
DateSet::set(int i, GDate dt)
  data_[i - min_index()] = dt;
Exemple #17
mat vqtrain(Array<vec> &DB, int SIZE, int NOITER, double STARTSTEP, bool VERBOSE)
  int    DIM = DB(0).length();
  vec    x;
  vec    codebook(DIM*SIZE);
  int    n, MinIndex, i, j;
  double   MinS, S, D, step, *xp, *cp;

  for (i = 0;i < SIZE;i++) {
    codebook.replace_mid(i*DIM, DB(randi(0, DB.length() - 1)));
  if (VERBOSE) std::cout << "Training VQ..." << std::endl ;

  D = 0;
  for (n = 0;n < NOITER;n++) {
    step = STARTSTEP * (1.0 - double(n) / NOITER);
    if (step < 0) step = 0;
    x = DB(randi(0, DB.length() - 1)); // seems unnecessary! Check it up.
    xp = x._data();

    MinS = 1E20;
    MinIndex = 0;
    for (i = 0;i < SIZE;i++) {
      cp = &codebook(i * DIM);
      S = sqr(xp[0] - cp[0]);
      for (j = 1;j < DIM;j++) {
        S += sqr(xp[j] - cp[j]);
        if (S >= MinS) goto sune;
      MinS = S;
      MinIndex = i;
      i = i;
    D += MinS;
    cp = &codebook(MinIndex * DIM);
    for (j = 0;j < DIM;j++) {
      cp[j] += step * (xp[j] - cp[j]);
    if ((n % 20000 == 0) && (n > 1)) {
      if (VERBOSE) std::cout << n << ": " << D / 20000 << " ";
      D = 0;

  // checking training result
  vec dist(SIZE), num(SIZE);

  for (n = 0;n < DB.length();n++) {
    x = DB(n);
    xp = x._data();
    MinS = 1E20;
    MinIndex = 0;
    for (i = 0;i < SIZE;i++) {
      cp = &codebook(i * DIM);
      S = sqr(xp[0] - cp[0]);
      for (j = 1;j < DIM;j++) {
        S += sqr(xp[j] - cp[j]);
        if (S >= MinS) goto sune2;
      MinS = S;
      MinIndex = i;
      i = i;
    dist(MinIndex) += MinS;
    num(MinIndex) += 1;
  dist = 10 * log10(dist * dist.length() / sum(dist));
  if (VERBOSE) std::cout << std::endl << "Distortion contribution: " << dist << std::endl ;
  if (VERBOSE) std::cout << "Num spread: " << num / DB.length()*100 << " %" << std::endl << std::endl ;
  if (min(dist) < -30) {
    std::cout << "Points without entries! Retraining" << std::endl ;
    j = min_index(dist);
    i = max_index(num);
    codebook.replace_mid(j*DIM, codebook.mid(i*DIM, DIM));
    goto res;

  mat cb(DIM, SIZE);
  for (i = 0;i < SIZE;i++) {
    cb.set_col(i, codebook.mid(i*DIM, DIM));
  return cb;
bool CostMapCalculation::calculateCostMap(char map_level)
    if (!map_level)
      ROS_WARN("Invalid map selection was given to cost map calculation!");
      return false;

    if (map_level & GRID_MAP) ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: compute costmap based on grid map");
    if (map_level & ELEVATION_MAP) ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: compute costmap based on elevation map");
    if (map_level & CLOUD_MAP) ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: compute costmap based on cloud map");

    // loop through each element
    for (int v = min_index(1); v < max_index(1); ++v)
        for (int u = min_index(0); u < max_index(0); ++u)
            unsigned int index = MAP_IDX(cost_map.info.width, u, v);
            int checksum_grid_map = 0;

            cost_map.data[index] = UNKNOWN_CELL;

            // grid map
            if (map_level & GRID_MAP)
                switch (grid_map_.data[index])
                    case OCCUPIED_CELL:
                        if (map_level & ELEVATION_MAP && allow_elevation_map_to_clear_occupied_cells)
                            checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v-1, u  );
                            checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v+1, u  );
                            checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v,   u-1);
                            checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v,   u+1);
                            checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v+1, u+1);
                            checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v-1, u-1);
                            checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v+1, u-1);
                            checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v-1, u+1);

                        cost_map.data[index] = OCCUPIED_CELL;
                    case FREE_CELL: cost_map.data[index] = FREE_CELL; break;

            // point cloud
            if (map_level & CLOUD_MAP)
                if (cost_map.data[index] != OCCUPIED_CELL)
                    switch (cloud_cost_map.data[index])
                        case OCCUPIED_CELL: cost_map.data[index] = OCCUPIED_CELL; break;
                        case FREE_CELL:     cost_map.data[index] = FREE_CELL;     break;

            // elevation map
            if (map_level & ELEVATION_MAP)
                if (cost_map.data[index] != OCCUPIED_CELL || (allow_elevation_map_to_clear_occupied_cells && checksum_grid_map <= max_clear_size*OCCUPIED_CELL))
                    switch (elevation_cost_map.data[index])
                        case OCCUPIED_CELL: cost_map.data[index] = OCCUPIED_CELL; break;
                        case FREE_CELL:     cost_map.data[index] = FREE_CELL;     break;

    ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: computed a new costmap");

    return true;
bool CostMapCalculation::calculateCostMap_old(char map_level)
        // cost map based on grid map only

        ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: compute costmap based on grid map");

        // loop through each element
        for (int v = min_index(1); v < max_index(1); ++v)
            for (int u = min_index(0); u < max_index(0); ++u)
                unsigned int index = MAP_IDX(cost_map.info.width, u, v);

                // check if cell is known
                if((char)grid_map_.data[index] != UNKNOWN_CELL)
                    if(grid_map_.data[index] == OCCUPIED_CELL)
                        // cell is occupied
                        cost_map.data[index] = OCCUPIED_CELL;
                        // cell is not occupied
                        cost_map.data[index] = FREE_CELL;

        // cost map based on elevation map only

        ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: compute costmap based on elevation map");

        // loop through each element
        for (int v = min_index(1); v < max_index(1); ++v)
            for (int u = min_index(0); u < max_index(0); ++u)
                unsigned int index = MAP_IDX(cost_map.info.width, u, v);

                // check if cell is known
                if(elevation_cost_map.data[index] != UNKNOWN_CELL)
                    if(elevation_cost_map.data[index] == OCCUPIED_CELL)
                        // cell is occupied
                        cost_map.data[index] = OCCUPIED_CELL;
                        // cell is not occupied
                        cost_map.data[index] = FREE_CELL;

        // cost map based on elevation and grid map

        ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: compute costmap based on grid and elevation map");

        int checksum_grid_map;

        // loop through each element
        for (int v = min_index(1); v < max_index(1); ++v)
            for (int u = min_index(0); u < max_index(0); ++u)
                unsigned int index = MAP_IDX(cost_map.info.width, u, v);

                // check if cell is known
                if(grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v,u) != UNKNOWN_CELL)
                    if(grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v,u) == OCCUPIED_CELL || elevation_cost_map.data[index] == OCCUPIED_CELL)
                        checksum_grid_map = 0;

                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v-1, u);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v+1, u);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v,   u-1);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v,   u+1);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v+1, u+1);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v-1, u-1);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v+1, u-1);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v-1, u+1);

                        if(elevation_cost_map.data[index] == FREE_CELL && allow_elevation_map_to_clear_occupied_cells)
                            if(checksum_grid_map <= max_clear_size*OCCUPIED_CELL)
                                // cell is free
                                cost_map.data[index] = FREE_CELL;
                                // cell is occupied
                                cost_map.data[index] = OCCUPIED_CELL;
                            // cell is occupied
                            cost_map.data[index] = OCCUPIED_CELL;
                        cost_map.data[index] = FREE_CELL;
        // cost map based on cloud map and grid map

        ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: compute costmap based on grid and cloud map");

        // loop through each element
        for (int v = min_index(1); v < max_index(1); ++v)
            for (int u = min_index(0); u < max_index(0); ++u)
                unsigned int index = MAP_IDX(cost_map.info.width, u, v);

                // check if cell is known
                if(grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v,u) != UNKNOWN_CELL)
                    if(grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v,u) == OCCUPIED_CELL || cloud_cost_map.data[index] == OCCUPIED_CELL)
                            // cell is occupied
                            cost_map.data[index] = OCCUPIED_CELL;
                        cost_map.data[index] = FREE_CELL;

        // cost map based on elevation, cloud and grid map

        ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: compute costmap based on grid, cloud and elevation map");

        int checksum_grid_map;

        // loop through each element
        for (int v = min_index(1); v < max_index(1); ++v)
            for (int u = min_index(0); u < max_index(0); ++u)
                unsigned int index = MAP_IDX(cost_map.info.width, u, v);

                // check if cell is known
                if(grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v,u) != UNKNOWN_CELL)
                    if(grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v,u) == OCCUPIED_CELL || elevation_cost_map.data[index] == OCCUPIED_CELL)
                        checksum_grid_map = 0;

                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v-1, u);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v+1, u);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v,   u-1);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v,   u+1);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v+1, u+1);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v-1, u-1);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v+1, u-1);
                        checksum_grid_map += grid_map_.at<int8_t>(v-1, u+1);

                        if(elevation_cost_map.data[index] == FREE_CELL && allow_elevation_map_to_clear_occupied_cells)
                            if(checksum_grid_map <= max_clear_size*OCCUPIED_CELL)
                                // cell is free
                                cost_map.data[index] = FREE_CELL;
                                // cell is occupied
                                cost_map.data[index] = OCCUPIED_CELL;
                            // cell is occupied
                            cost_map.data[index] = OCCUPIED_CELL;
                        if(cloud_cost_map.data[index] == OCCUPIED_CELL)
                            // cell is occupied
                            cost_map.data[index] = OCCUPIED_CELL;
                            // cell is free
                            cost_map.data[index] = FREE_CELL;


    ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: computed a new costmap");

    return true;
void CostMapCalculation::callbackElevationMap(const hector_elevation_msgs::ElevationGridConstPtr& elevation_map_msg)
    ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: received new elevation map");

    // check header
    if((int)(1000*elevation_map_msg->info.resolution_xy) != (int)(1000*cost_map.info.resolution) &&  // Magic number 1000 -> min grid size should not be less than 1mm
            elevation_map_msg->info.height != cost_map.info.height &&
            elevation_map_msg->info.width != cost_map.info.width)
        ROS_ERROR("HectorCM: elevation map resolution and or size incorrect!");

    // store elevation_map_msg in local variable
    elevation_map_ = cv::Mat(elevation_map_msg->info.height, elevation_map_msg->info.width, CV_16S, const_cast<int16_t*>(&elevation_map_msg->data[0]), 2*(size_t)elevation_map_msg->info.width);

    // store elevation map zero level
    elevation_zero_level = elevation_map_msg->info.zero_elevation;

    // compute region of intereset
    if(!computeWindowIndices(elevation_map_msg->header.stamp, update_radius_world))

    // loop through each element
    int filtered_cell, filtered_cell_x, filtered_cell_y;
    for (int v = min_index(1); v < max_index(1); ++v)
        for (int u = min_index(0); u < max_index(0); ++u)
            // compute cost_map_index
            unsigned int cost_map_index = MAP_IDX(cost_map.info.width, u, v);

            // check if neighbouring cells are known
            if(elevation_map_.at<int16_t>(v+1,u) == (-elevation_zero_level) ||
                    elevation_map_.at<int16_t>(v-1,u) == (-elevation_zero_level) ||
                    elevation_map_.at<int16_t>(v,u+1) == (-elevation_zero_level) ||
                    elevation_map_.at<int16_t>(v,u-1) == (-elevation_zero_level))

            // edge filter
            filtered_cell_y = abs(elevation_map_.at<int16_t>(v,u-1) - elevation_map_.at<int16_t>(v,u+1));
            filtered_cell_x = abs(elevation_map_.at<int16_t>(v-1,u) - elevation_map_.at<int16_t>(v+1,u));

            if(filtered_cell_x > filtered_cell_y)
                filtered_cell = filtered_cell_x;
                filtered_cell =  filtered_cell_y;

            // check if cell is traversable
            if(filtered_cell > max_delta_elevation/grid_res_z)
                // cell is not traversable -> mark it as occupied
                elevation_cost_map.data[cost_map_index] = OCCUPIED_CELL;
                // cell is traversable -> mark it as free
                elevation_cost_map.data[cost_map_index] = FREE_CELL;

    // set elevation map received flag
    received_elevation_map = true;

    // calculate cost map
static int am_p_min_fm(double *p,double *cnr,int *b,int n,int rate,double gamma,int half,double *p_used)
        int i,tone,b_total=0,slice;
        int tone_full[n];             // set to 1 if tone is at MAXBITSPERTONE
        //double gamma = 9.8;
        double margin = MARGIN;
        double c_g = C_G;
        double gamma_hat = pow(10,(gamma+margin-c_g)/10);
        double delta_p[n];
        double p_tot = 0.0,p_budget;        // 0.1 W = 100mW
	char str[15];
	for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
		b[i] = 0;		// zero all bits before loading
		tone_full[i] = 0;	// all tones are not full
		p[i] = 0;		// zero all powers before loading
	if (half == TOP_TONES) {
		strcpy(str,"TOP TONES");
	else if (half == BOTTOM_TONES) {
		strcpy(str,"BOTTOM TONES");
	for (i=0;i<n;i++) {		// just calculate full delta_p array once then update one member at a time inside loop
        	if (!tone_full[i]) {
                	delta_p[i] = (pow(2,(b[i] + 1))-1) * gamma_hat/cnr[i] - (pow(2,b[i])-1) * gamma_hat/cnr[i];
                else {
                        delta_p[i] = 100;
        while (1) {
                if ((tone = min_index(delta_p,n)) == -1) {
                        printf("All tones are full!\n");
			printf("rate = %d\n",b_total);
		p_tot += delta_p[tone];
                p[tone] += delta_p[tone];
		if ((half == BOTTOM_TONES) && (b_total == rate)) {
                //printf("Added a bit on tone %d\n",tone);
                if (b[tone] == MAXBITSPERTONE)
                        tone_full[tone] = 1;
                if (p_tot > p_budget) {
			p_tot -= delta_p[tone];
			p[tone] -= delta_p[tone];
		if (!tone_full[tone]) {
			delta_p[tone] = (pow(2,(b[tone] + 1))-1) * gamma_hat/cnr[tone] - (pow(2,b[tone])-1) * gamma_hat/cnr[tone];
                else {
                        delta_p[tone] = 100;
	if (half == TOP_TONES) {
		slice = n;
		if (b_total != rate) {
			//printf("could not reach target data rate for p_budget = %lf\nb_total = %d\trate = %d\tslice = %d\n",p_budget,b_total,rate,slice);
			b_total=-1;	// return negative if could not reach target rate
	else if (half == BOTTOM_TONES) {
		slice = DMTCHANNELS - n;
	return b_total;