Exemple #1
// Return 0 if everything is OK, non-zero if error.  If we did not set anything
// then we return non-zero (this is not an error, but we indicate that we did
// not do anything).
//   The set method must set both the GA's parameter and the value in the
// parameter list (kind of stupid to maintain two copies of the same data, but
// oh well).  The call to set on params is redundant for the times when this
// method is called *after* the parameter list has been updated, but it is
// necessary when this method is called directly by the user.
GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr(const char* name, const void* value){
  int status=1;

  params.set(name, value);	// redundant for some cases, but not others 

  if(strcmp(name, gaNnBestGenomes) == 0 ||
     strcmp(name, gaSNnBestGenomes) == 0){
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << *((int*)value) << "'\n";
    status = 0;
  else if(strcmp(name, gaNpopulationSize) == 0 ||
	  strcmp(name, gaSNpopulationSize) == 0){
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << *((int*)value) << "'\n";
    status = 0;
  else if(strcmp(name, gaNminimaxi) == 0 ||
     strcmp(name, gaSNminimaxi) == 0){
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << *((int*)value) << "'\n";
    status = 0;
  else if(strcmp(name, gaNnGenerations) == 0 ||
     strcmp(name, gaSNnGenerations) == 0){
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << *((int*)value) << "'\n";
    status = 0;
  else if(strcmp(name, gaNpConvergence) == 0 || 
	  strcmp(name, gaSNpConvergence) == 0){
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << *((float*)value) << "'\n";
    status = 0;
  else if(strcmp(name, gaNnConvergence) == 0 || 
	  strcmp(name, gaSNnConvergence) == 0){
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << *((int*)value) << "'\n";
    status = 0;
  else if(strcmp(name, gaNpCrossover) == 0 ||
	  strcmp(name, gaSNpCrossover) == 0){
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << *((float*)value) << "'\n";
    status = 0;
  else if(strcmp(name, gaNpMutation) == 0 ||
	  strcmp(name, gaSNpMutation) == 0){
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << *((float*)value) << "'\n";
    status = 0;
  else if(strcmp(name,gaNscoreFrequency) == 0 ||
	  strcmp(name,gaSNscoreFrequency) == 0){
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << *((int*)value) << "'\n";
    status = 0;
  else if(strcmp(name,gaNflushFrequency) == 0 ||
	  strcmp(name,gaSNflushFrequency) == 0){
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << *((int*)value) << "'\n";
    status = 0;
  else if(strcmp(name,gaNrecordDiversity) == 0 ||
	  strcmp(name,gaSNrecordDiversity) == 0){
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << *((int*)value) << "'\n";
    stats.recordDiversity(*((int*)value) ? gaTrue : gaFalse);
    status = 0;
  else if(strcmp(name,gaNselectScores) == 0 ||
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << *((int*)value) << "'\n";
    status = 0;
  else if(strcmp(name,gaNscoreFilename) == 0 ||
	  strcmp(name,gaSNscoreFilename) == 0){
#ifdef GA_DEBUG
    cerr << "GAGeneticAlgorithm::setptr\n  setting '" << name << "' to '" << ((char*)value) << "'\n";
    char tmpname[64];
    memcpy(tmpname, value, strlen((char*)value)+1);
    status = 0;
  return status;
Exemple #2
//   Evolve a new generation of genomes.  When we start this routine, pop
// contains the current generation.  When we finish, pop contains the new 
// generation and oldPop contains the (no longer) current generation.  The 
// previous old generation is lost.  We don't deallocate any memory, we just
// reset the contents of the genomes.
//   The selection routine must return a pointer to a genome from the old
// population.
  int i, mut, c1, c2;
  GAGenome *mom, *dad;          // tmp holders for selected genomes

  GAPopulation *tmppop;		// Swap the old population with the new pop.
  tmppop = oldPop;		// When we finish the ++ we want the newly 
  oldPop = pop;			// generated population to be current (for
  pop = tmppop;			// references to it from member functions).

// Generate the individuals in the temporary population from individuals in 
// the main population.

  for(i=0; i<pop->size()-1; i+=2){	// takes care of odd population
    mom = &(oldPop->select());  
    dad = &(oldPop->select());
    stats.numsel += 2;		// keep track of number of selections

    c1 = c2 = 0;
      stats.numcro += (*scross)(*mom, *dad,
				&pop->individual(i), &pop->individual(i+1));
      c1 = c2 = 1;
      pop->individual( i ).copy(*mom);
    stats.nummut += (mut = pop->individual( i ).mutate(pMutation()));
    if(mut > 0) c1 = 1;
    stats.nummut += (mut = pop->individual(i+1).mutate(pMutation()));
    if(mut > 0) c2 = 1;

    stats.numeval += c1 + c2;
  if(pop->size() % 2 != 0){	// do the remaining population member
    mom = &(oldPop->select());  
    dad = &(oldPop->select());
    stats.numsel += 2;		// keep track of number of selections

    c1 = 0;
      stats.numcro += (*scross)(*mom, *dad, &pop->individual(i), (GAGenome*)0);
      c1 = 1;
	pop->individual( i ).copy(*mom);
	pop->individual( i ).copy(*dad);
    stats.nummut += (mut = pop->individual( i ).mutate(pMutation()));
    if(mut > 0) c1 = 1;

    stats.numeval += c1;

  // Pass mpi_tasks and mpi_rank to the population clas

  stats.numrep += pop->size();
  pop->evaluate(gaTrue);	// get info about current pop for next time

// If we are supposed to be elitist, carry the best individual from the old
// population into the current population.  Be sure to check whether we are
// supposed to minimize or maximize.

  if(minimaxi() == GAGeneticAlgorithm::MAXIMIZE) {
    if(el && oldPop->best().score() > pop->best().score())
      oldPop->replace(pop->replace(&(oldPop->best()), GAPopulation::WORST), 
  else {
    if(el && oldPop->best().score() < pop->best().score())
      oldPop->replace(pop->replace(&(oldPop->best()), GAPopulation::WORST), 

  stats.update(*pop);		// update the statistics by one generation