Exemple #1
void determine_paths (char *argv0)
    char   buffer[8192], buffer2[MAX_PATH], *p;

    if (!fl_opt.has_driveletters)
        // 1. User directory
        p = getenv ("HOME");
        if (p == NULL) fly_error ("HOME variable is not set, aborting\n\n");
        str_scopy (buffer, p);
        str_cats (buffer, ".nftp2");
        if (access (buffer, X_OK) < 0)
            if (mkdir1 (buffer, 0700) < 0)
                fly_error ("\nCannot create directory `%s'\n\n", buffer);
        paths.user_libpath = strdup (buffer);
        chmod (buffer, 0700);

        // 2. System directory
        strcpy (buffer, USR_PATH"/nftp2");
        if (access (buffer, X_OK) == 0)
            paths.system_libpath = strdup (buffer);
            strcpy (buffer, USR_LOCAL_PATH"/nftp2");
            if (access (buffer, X_OK) == 0)
               paths.system_libpath = strdup (buffer);
               paths.system_libpath = paths.user_libpath;
        // 1. System directory
        strcpy (buffer, argv0);
        str_translate (buffer, '\\', '/');
        p = strrchr (buffer, '/');
        if (p == NULL) p = buffer;
        *p = '\0';

        // bare filename
        if (p == buffer)
            buffer[0] = query_drive () + 'a';
            buffer[1] = ':';
            getcwd (buffer2, sizeof(buffer2));
            str_translate (buffer2, '\\', '/');
            if (buffer2[1] == ':')
                strcpy (buffer+2, buffer2+2);
                strcpy (buffer+2, buffer2);
        paths.system_libpath = strdup (buffer);

        // 2. User directory
        paths.user_libpath = paths.system_libpath;

Exemple #2
void initialize (int *argc, char **argv[], char ***envp)
    char    buf[512], *p;
    char    inifile[MAX_PATH], ifile[MAX_PATH];
    time_t     t1;
    struct tm  tm1;
#ifdef __MINGW32__
    WSADATA wsa;

    //putenv ("TZ=GMT0");
    //tzset ();

    // first we need to initialize FLY variables
    fly_initialize ();
    fl_opt.appname = "nftp";

    if (fl_opt.has_console)
        fprintf (stderr, "\nNFTP - Version%sof %s, %s"
                 "\nCopyright (C) Sergey Ayukov 1994--2000.\n\n",
                 NFTP_VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__);

    fly_process_args (argc, argv, envp);

    // checking command-line arguments
    check_args (*argc, *argv);

    // find where our config files are
    determine_paths ((*argv)[0]);

    // delete old temporary files
    clear_tmp ();

    // loading configuration files
    init_config ();

    // initilialize debug subsystem if specified
    if (options.debug)
        sprintf (buf, /*sizeof(buf),*/ "%s/debug", paths.user_libpath);
        mkdir1 (buf, 0700);
        sprintf (buf, /*sizeof(buf),*/ "%s/debug/nftp.dbg.%u", paths.user_libpath, (int)getpid ());
        dbfile = fopen (buf, "w");
        tools_debug = dbfile;

    if (options.log_cc)
        sprintf (buf, /*sizeof(buf),*/ "%s/CC", paths.user_libpath);
        mkdir1 (buf, 0700);
        t1 = time (NULL);
        tm1 = *localtime (&t1);
        sprintf (buf, "CC/%04d-%02d-%02d.%02d:%02d:%02d.log",
                 tm1.tm_year+1900, tm1.tm_mon, tm1.tm_mday,
                 tm1.tm_hour, tm1.tm_min, tm1.tm_sec);
        p = str_sjoin (paths.user_libpath, buf);
        cc_log = fopen (p, "w");
        if (cc_log == NULL) options.log_cc = FALSE;
        free (p);

    // load language-specific things
    nls_init (paths.system_libpath, paths.user_libpath);
    load_menu ();

    // check for correct NFTP.INI version
    strcpy (buf, NFTP_VERSION);
    str_strip2 (buf, " ");
    //if (str_numchars (buf, '.') > 1)  *(strrchr (buf, '.')) = '\0';
    if (strcmp (options.version, buf) != 0)
        // looking for nftp.i file in user dir, then in system dir
        strcpy (ifile, paths.user_libpath);
        str_cats (ifile, "nftp.i");
        if (access (ifile, R_OK) != 0)
            strcpy (ifile, paths.system_libpath);
            str_cats (ifile, "nftp.i");
            if (access (ifile, R_OK) != 0)
                fly_error (MSG(M_INI_CANT_FIND_NFTP_I),
                        paths.user_libpath, paths.system_libpath);
        strcpy (inifile, paths.user_libpath);
        str_cats (inifile, "nftp.ini");
        update_inifile (inifile, ifile);
        GetProfileOptions (inifile);

    config_fly ();

#ifdef __MINGW32__
    WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsa);
Exemple #3
int ext2(void) {
    printf("Hello World, this is the Ext2 FS\n");
    // Hardcode test fs into memory so that we can test read
    // Set up the superblock
    struct ext2_super_block *sb;
    sb = (struct ext2_super_block*) (VIRT_MEM_LOCATION +
    sb->s_inodes_count          = 50;
    sb->s_blocks_count          = 8192;
    sb->s_r_blocks_count        = 6;
    sb->s_free_blocks_count     = 8186;
    sb->s_free_inodes_count     = 49;
    sb->s_first_data_block      = 1;
    sb->s_log_block_size        = 0;
    sb->s_log_frag_size         = 0;
    sb->s_blocks_per_group      = 8192;
    sb->s_frags_per_group       = 8192;
    sb->s_inodes_per_group      = 50;
    sb->s_magic                 = EXT2_MAGIC;
    sb->s_state                 = EXT2_VALID_FS;
    sb->s_errors                = EXT2_ERRORS_CONTINUE;
    sb->s_creator_os            = EXT2_OS_XINU;
    sb->s_first_ino             = 2;
    sb->s_inode_size            = sizeof( struct ext2_inode );
    sb->s_block_group_nr        = 0;
    char name[16]               = "FAKE RAM FS :D";

    // Set up the group descriptors table
    struct ext2_group_desc *gpd;
    gpd = (struct ext2_group_desc *) (sb + 1);
    gpd->bg_block_bitmap        = 2;
    gpd->bg_inode_bitmap        = 3;
    gpd->bg_inode_table         = 4;
    gpd->bg_free_blocks_count   = 44;
    gpd->bg_free_inodes_count   = 19;
    gpd->bg_used_dirs_count     = 1;

    // Set up the block bitmap
    uint8 *blBitmap;
    blBitmap = (uint8 *) (sb + 2);
    blBitmap[0] = 0x3F;      // super block
    int i;
    for (i = 6; i < sb->s_blocks_count; i++)
        blBitmap[i] = 0;
    // Set up the inode bitmap
    uint8 *iBitmap;
    iBitmap = (uint8 *) (sb + 3);
    iBitmap[0] = 0x1;     // .
    for (i = 1; i < sb->s_inodes_count; i++)
        iBitmap[i] = 0;

    // Set up the inode table
    struct ext2_inode *iTbl;
    iTbl = (struct ext2_inode *) (sb + 4);
    // Set up . inode
    iTbl->i_mode = EXT2_S_IFDIR;
    iTbl->i_size = sizeof(struct ext2_dir_entry_2);
    iTbl->i_links_count = 0;
    iTbl->i_blocks = 1;
    iTbl->i_flags = EXT2_NODUMP_FL;
    iTbl->i_block[0] = 5;

    // Set up . entry for the home directory
    struct ext2_dir_entry_2 *blk5;
    blk5 = (struct ext2_dir_entry_2 *) (sb + 5);
    blk5->inode = 1;
    blk5->next_dirent = 0;
    blk5->name_len = 1;
    blk5->filetype = 2;
    char homeName[255] = ".";
    memcpy(blk5->name, homeName, 255);


    touch1( xinu_fs, "./", "test" );
    char bufferL[9] = "Go long!";
    uint32 bytes_written;
    ext2_write_status stat = ext2_write_file_by_path( xinu_fs, "./test", bufferL,
                                                      &bytes_written, 0, 8 );
    touch1( xinu_fs, "./", "yo");
    stat = ext2_write_file_by_path( xinu_fs, "./yo", bufferL,
                                                      &bytes_written, 0, 8 );
    touch1( xinu_fs, "./", "whoah" );
    stat = ext2_write_file_by_path( xinu_fs, "./whoah", bufferL,
                                                    &bytes_written, 0, 8 );
    touch1( xinu_fs, "./", "iasjdf" );
    stat = ext2_write_file_by_path( xinu_fs, "./iasjdf", bufferL,
                                                    &bytes_written, 0, 8 );
    touch1( xinu_fs, "./", "f" );
    stat = ext2_write_file_by_path( xinu_fs, "./f", bufferL,
                                                    &bytes_written, 0, 8 );
    ls1( xinu_fs, "./" );
    printf("removing yo\n");
    rm1( xinu_fs, "./", "yo" );
    ls1( xinu_fs, "./" );
    printf("touching asdf\n");
    touch1( xinu_fs, "./", "asdf" );
    stat = ext2_write_file_by_path( xinu_fs, "./asdf", bufferL,
                                                    &bytes_written, 0, 8 );
    ls1( xinu_fs, "./" );
    printf("mking dir\n");
    mkdir1( xinu_fs, "./", "dir" );
    ls1( xinu_fs, "./" );
    printf("touching yo\n");
    touch1( xinu_fs, "./dir/", "yo" );
    ls1( xinu_fs, "./dir/");

    copy1( xinu_fs, "./", "whoah", "./", "hello" );
    ls1( xinu_fs, "./" );
    cat1( xinu_fs, "./", "hello" );

    copy1( xinu_fs, "./", "hello", "./dir/", "hello" );
    ls1( xinu_fs, "./dir/" );
    cat1( xinu_fs, "./dir/", "hello" );

    mv1( xinu_fs, "./dir/", "yo", "./", "a" );
    ls1( xinu_fs, "./" );
    cat1( xinu_fs, "./", "a" );

#if 0
    // Test the read/write functions
    printf("Testing hardcoded data\n");
    print_superblock( xinu_fs->sb );
    struct ext2_inode *i1 = ext2_get_inode(xinu_fs, 1);
    print_inode( i1, 1, xinu_fs );
    struct ext2_dir_entry_2 *home = ext2_get_first_dirent(xinu_fs, i1 );
    print_dirent( home );

    uint32 inode_num = ext2_inode_alloc( xinu_fs );
    struct ext2_inode *i2 = ext2_get_inode( xinu_fs, inode_num+1 );
    i2->i_mode = EXT2_S_IFREG;
    i2->i_size = 0;
    printf("Allocated new inode\n");
    print_inode( i2, inode_num+1, xinu_fs );

    struct ext2_dir_entry_2 *dirent = ext2_dirent_alloc( xinu_fs, i1 );
    dirent->inode = 2;
    dirent->next_dirent = 0;
    dirent->name_len = 4;
    dirent->filetype = EXT2_FT_REG_FILE;
    char testName[255] = "test";
    memcpy(dirent->name, testName, 255);
    printf("Allocated new dir_entry_2 test\n");
    print_dirent( dirent );

    char path[8] = "./test";
    char buffer[14] = "Writing! Yay!";
    char bufferL[9] = "Go long!";
    uint32 bytes_written;
    ext2_write_status stat = ext2_write_file_by_path( xinu_fs, path, buffer,
                                                      &bytes_written, 0, 13 );
    printf("bytes_written = %d stat = %d\n", bytes_written, stat);
    char buffer2[12*1024];
 //   stat = ext2_write_file_by_path( xinu_fs, path, buffer2,
  //                                                    &bytes_written, 13, (12*1024)-1 );
    printf("bytes_written = %d stat = %d\n", bytes_written, stat);
//    stat = ext2_write_file_by_path( xinu_fs, path, bufferL,
//                                                      &bytes_written, (12*1024)+12, 8 );
    printf("bytes_written = %d stat = %d\n", bytes_written, stat);
    int read = 0;
    char readBuf[30];
    read = ext2_read_dirent( xinu_fs, dirent, readBuf, 0, 29);
    printf("Read %d bytes readBuf = %s\n", read, readBuf);
//    read = ext2_read_dirent( xinu_fs, dirent, readBuf, (12*1024)+12, 10);
//    printf("Read %d bytes readBuf = %s\n", read, readBuf);
    return 0;
Exemple #4
static B mkdir(C*v){R!mkdir1(v);}