static void fs2netd_store_stats_results()
	char str[512];

	memset(str, 0, sizeof(str));

	multi_display_chat_msg(XSTR("<PXO stats store process complete>", 1001), 0, 0);
	ml_string( XSTR("<PXO stats store process complete>", 1001) );

	if (Multi_debrief_stats_accept_code != 1) {
		sprintf(str, XSTR("<PXO stats store failed for player %s>", 1002), Net_player->m_player->callsign);
		multi_display_chat_msg(str, 0, 0);
void fs2netd_gameserver_update(bool force)
	if ( !Logged_in ) {

	// server hasn't started yet?
	if ( !(Net_player->flags & NETINFO_FLAG_MT_CONNECTED) ) {

	// is it actually time for an update
	if ( !force && (timer_get_seconds() < Next_gameserver_update) ) {

	strcpy_s(Multi_tracker_game_data.mission_name, Netgame.mission_name);
	strcpy_s(Multi_tracker_game_data.title, Netgame.title);
	strcpy_s(Multi_tracker_game_data.campaign_name, Netgame.campaign_name);

	Multi_tracker_game_data.campaign_mode = (ubyte)Netgame.campaign_mode;
	Multi_tracker_game_data.players = (short)multi_num_players();
	Multi_tracker_game_data.game_state = (ubyte)Netgame.game_state;


	// set timeout for every 2 minutes
	Next_gameserver_update = timer_get_seconds() + 120;

	ml_string("FS2NetD sent game server update");
Exemple #3
// write the standard shutdown trailer
void multi_log_write_trailer()
	char str[1024];
	time_t timer;		

	// header message
	timer = time(NULL);
	strftime(str, 1024, "\n\n----\n----\n----\nFreespace Multi Log - Closing on %a, %b %d, %Y  at %I:%M%p", localtime(&timer));
	ml_string(str, 0);	
Exemple #4
// write the standard header to the logfile
void multi_log_write_header()
	char str[1024];
	time_t timer;	

	// header message
	timer = time(NULL);	
	strftime(str, 1024, "Freespace Multi Log - Opened %a, %b %d, %Y  at %I:%M%p\n----\n----\n----\n\n", localtime(&timer));
	ml_string(str, 0);	
void fs2netd_gameserver_disconnect()
	if ( !Logged_in ) {

	// server hasn't started yet?
	if ( !(Net_player->flags & NETINFO_FLAG_MT_CONNECTED) ) {


	Net_player->flags &= ~NETINFO_FLAG_MT_CONNECTED;

	ml_string("FS2NetD sent game server disconnect");
/* arguments: unit -> string list
 * To avoid consing up the list each time this is called, the list
 * is created once and cached.  This is the reason for the declare_root
 * with no corresponding retract_root.
static mlval arguments(mlval unit)
  static mlval result= DEAD;
  int i;

  if(result == DEAD)
    result = MLNIL;
    declare_root(&result, 0);

    for(i=module_argc-1; i >= 0; --i) {
      mlval temp= ml_string(module_argv[i]);  /* Do NOT inline this */
      result= mlw_cons(temp, result);

  return result;
Exemple #7
// printf function itself called by the ml_printf macro
void ml_printf(const char *format, ...)
	char tmp[MAX_LOGFILE_LINE_LEN*4];
	va_list args;

	// if we don't have a valid logfile do nothing
	if(Multi_log_out == NULL){
	// format the text
	va_start(args, format);
	vsprintf(tmp, format, args);
	// log the string
Exemple #8
static mlval word32_to_string(mlval argument)
   word *item;
   char *str;
   mlval result;

   /* The maximum value of a Word32 is 2^32-1 = 4294967295.  This is 10
      characters.  Add 1 for the trailing null, and 2 for the leading 0w. */
   str = (char *) malloc (13);

   item = CWORD32(argument);
   sprintf(str, "0w%lu", (unsigned long) *item);

   result = ml_string (str);
   free (str);

void fs2netd_gameserver_start()
	if ( !Logged_in ) {

	// already been here
	if (Net_player->flags & NETINFO_FLAG_MT_CONNECTED) {

	memset(&Multi_tracker_game_data, 0, sizeof(tracker_game_data));

	strcpy_s(Multi_tracker_game_data.mission_name, Netgame.mission_name);
	strcpy_s(Multi_tracker_game_data.title, Netgame.title);
	strcpy_s(Multi_tracker_game_data.campaign_name, Netgame.campaign_name);

	if ( strlen(Multi_fs_tracker_channel) ) {
		strcpy_s(Multi_tracker_game_data.chat_channel, Multi_fs_tracker_channel);

	Multi_tracker_game_data.campaign_mode = (ubyte)Netgame.campaign_mode;
	Multi_tracker_game_data.flags = Netgame.flags;
	Multi_tracker_game_data.type_flags = Netgame.type_flags;
	Multi_tracker_game_data.players = (short)multi_num_players();
	Multi_tracker_game_data.max_players = (short)Netgame.max_players;
	Multi_tracker_game_data.mode = (ubyte)Netgame.mode;
	Multi_tracker_game_data.rank_base = (ubyte)Netgame.rank_base;
	Multi_tracker_game_data.game_state = (ubyte)Netgame.game_state;
	Multi_tracker_game_data.speed = (ubyte)multi_get_connection_speed();


	Net_player->flags |= NETINFO_FLAG_MT_CONNECTED;

	// initial update should be about 2 seconds from now
	Next_gameserver_update = timer_get_seconds() + 2;

	ml_string("FS2NetD sent game server start");
Exemple #10
extern MLvalue  c2ml_string(char *obj)
{ return_MLvalue( ml_string( (const char *)obj ) ); }
static mlval name(mlval unit)
  mlval string = ml_string(runtime);
  return string;
Exemple #12
extern mlval unix_rusage(mlval unit)
  mlval utime, stime, result;

  /* on Solaris we can't do getrusage without the BSD-compatibility
   * library, which sucks, so we have to fake it : */

  prusage_t  usage;
  prpsinfo_t psinfo;

  if (pioc(PIOCPSINFO,&psinfo) == -1 ||
      pioc(PIOCUSAGE,&usage) == -1)
    exn_raise_syserr(ml_string(strerror(errno)), errno);

  utime = ml_time(&usage.pr_utime);
  declare_root(&utime, 0);
  stime = ml_time(&usage.pr_stime);
  declare_root(&stime, 0);

  result = allocate_record(16);

  /* Lexical ordering for fields -- the result is a record with name fields.
   * idrss	integral resident set size
   * inblock	block input operations
   * isrss	currently 0
   * ixrss	currently 0
   * majflt	page faults requiring physical I/O
   * maxrss	maximum resident set size	Solaris : resident set size
   * minflt	page faults not requiring physical I/O
   * msgrcv	messages received
   * msgsnd	messages sent
   * nivcsw	involuntary context switches
   * nsignals	signals received
   * nswap	swaps voluntary
   * nvcsw	context switches
   * oublock	block output operations
   * stime	system time used
   * utime	user time used

  FIELD(result,  0) = MLINT(psinfo.pr_rssize);
  FIELD(result,  1) = MLINT(usage.pr_inblk);
  FIELD(result,  2) = MLINT(0);
  FIELD(result,  3) = MLINT(0);
  FIELD(result,  4) = MLINT(usage.pr_majf);
  FIELD(result,  5) = MLINT(psinfo.pr_rssize);
  FIELD(result,  6) = MLINT(usage.pr_minf);
  FIELD(result,  7) = MLINT(usage.pr_msnd);
  FIELD(result,  8) = MLINT(usage.pr_mrcv);
  FIELD(result,  9) = MLINT(usage.pr_ictx);
  FIELD(result, 10) = MLINT(usage.pr_sigs);
  FIELD(result, 11) = MLINT(usage.pr_nswap);
  FIELD(result, 12) = MLINT(usage.pr_vctx);
  FIELD(result, 13) = MLINT(usage.pr_oublk);
  FIELD(result, 14) = stime;
  FIELD(result, 15) = utime;

  return result;
static void fs2netd_handle_ping()
	static int CONN_check = -1;

	// if we didn't get a pong within 30 seconds of a ping then assume that the
	// server connection must of have dropped or is otherwise unresponsive
	if ( (Ping_timestamp != -1) && ((timer_get_seconds() - Ping_timestamp) > 30) ) {
		Ping_timestamp = -1;

		ml_string("FS2NetD WARNING: Lost connection to server!");

		// make sure that we are good to go
		if ( !Is_connected ) {
			if (!Is_standalone) {
				popup(PF_USE_AFFIRMATIVE_ICON | PF_TITLE_BIG | PF_TITLE_RED, 1, POPUP_OK, "ERROR:\nLost connection to the FS2NetD server!");

			ml_string("FS2NetD ERROR: Lost connection to the FS2NetD server!");


			ml_string("FS2NetD MSG: Will attempt an automatic reconnect to server in 5 minutes...");
			Login_retry_time = timer_get_seconds() + 300;

		} else {
			ml_string("FS2NetD NOTICE: Connection to server has been reestablished!");

	// send out a ping after 5 minutes of no other activity to make sure the server
	// is still responding (probably not though)
	if ( (Ping_timestamp == -1) && (timer_get_seconds() >= (Last_activity + 300)) ) {
		Ping_timestamp = timer_get_seconds();
		ml_string("FS2NetD sent PING");

		if (Last_activity < 0) {
			Last_activity = timer_get_seconds();

	// check for a valid connection (SID, duplicate login, etc.)
	if ( (CONN_check == -1) || (timer_get_seconds() >= CONN_check) ) {
		// every 3 minutes
		CONN_check = timer_get_seconds() + 180;

		// session ID check
		if ( FS2NetD_CheckValidID() < 0 ) {
			ml_string("FS2NetD WARNING: Unable to validate login!");

			// make sure that we are good to go
			if ( !Is_connected ) {
				if (!Is_standalone) {
					popup(PF_USE_AFFIRMATIVE_ICON | PF_TITLE_BIG | PF_TITLE_RED, 1, POPUP_OK, "ERROR:\nLost connection to the FS2NetD server!");

				ml_string("FS2NetD ERROR: Lost connection to the FS2NetD server!");


				ml_string("FS2NetD MSG: Will attempt an automatic reconnect to server in 5 minutes...");
				Login_retry_time = timer_get_seconds() + 300;

			} else {
				ml_string("FS2NetD NOTICE: Connection to server has been reestablished!");

		// verify that we are only logged in once (for stats saving purposes)
		if ( (Netgame.game_state == NETGAME_STATE_BRIEFING) || (Netgame.game_state == NETGAME_STATE_MISSION_SYNC) ) {

		ml_string("FS2NetD sent IDENT check");
bool fs2netd_login()
	bool retval = true;
	int rc;

	// don't bother with this if we aren't on FS2NetD
	if ( !Om_tracker_flag ) {
		return false;

	if ( !(Game_mode & GM_MULTIPLAYER) ) {
		return false;

	if ( Logged_in && (Multi_tracker_id >= 0) ) {
		return true;

	Logged_in = false;

	Multi_tracker_id = -1;
	memset( Multi_tracker_id_string, 0, sizeof(Multi_tracker_id_string) );

	// verify that our connection settings are sane

	// if we're a standalone, show a dialog saying "validating tables"
	if (Is_standalone) {
		std_create_gen_dialog("Logging into FS2NetD");
		std_gen_set_text("Connecting...", 1);


	if ( !Is_connected ) {
		if ( !Is_standalone ) {
			popup(PF_USE_AFFIRMATIVE_ICON, 1, POPUP_OK, XSTR("Failed to connect to FS2NetD server!", 1578));
		} else {
			std_gen_set_text("Connect FAILED!", 1);

		return false;

	char error_str[256];
	char std_error_str[64];

	do_full_packet = true;

	In_process = true;

	if (Is_standalone) {
		do { rc = fs2netd_login_do(); } while (!rc);
	} else {
		rc = popup_till_condition(fs2netd_login_do, XSTR("&Cancel", 779), XSTR("Logging into FS2NetD", 1579));

	In_process = false;
	Local_timeout = -1;

	memset( error_str, 0, sizeof(error_str) );
	memset( std_error_str, 0, sizeof(std_error_str) );

	switch (rc) {
		// the action was cancelled
		case 0:
			ml_string("FS2NetD MSG: Login process canceled by user.");
			retval = false;

		// didn't get a session id
		case 1: {
			const char *user = Multi_tracker_login;
			const char *passwd = Multi_tracker_passwd;

			if (Is_standalone) {
				if ( strlen(Multi_options_g.std_pxo_login) ) {
					user = Multi_options_g.std_pxo_login;

				if ( strlen(Multi_options_g.std_pxo_password) ) {
					passwd = Multi_options_g.std_pxo_password;

			ml_printf("FS2NetD ERROR: Login %s/%s is invalid!", user, passwd);

			if (strlen(user) == 0) {
				strcpy_s(error_str, "Login failed! No username supplied. Go to options -> multi options and add one");
				strcpy_s(std_error_str, "Login failed! No username!");
			else if (strlen(passwd) == 0) {
				strcpy_s(error_str, "Login failed! No password supplied. Go to options -> multi options and add one");
				strcpy_s(std_error_str, "Login failed! No password!");
			else {
				strcpy_s(error_str, "Login failed!");
				strcpy_s(std_error_str, "Login failed!");
			retval = false;

		// unknown failure fetching pilot data
		case 2:
			ml_string("FS2NetD ERROR: UNKNOWN ERROR when fetching pilot data");
			strcpy_s(error_str, "An Unknown Error (probably a timeout) occured when trying to retrieve your pilot data.");
			strcpy_s(std_error_str, "Unknown Error (timeout?)");
			retval = false;

		// success!!
		case 3:
			ml_string("FS2NetD MSG: Got Pilot data");
			retval = true;

		// success!!  pilot was created
		case 4:
			ml_string("FS2NetD MSG: Created New Pilot");
			strcpy_s(error_str, "New Pilot has been created.");
			strcpy_s(std_error_str, "New Pilot has been created.");
			retval = true;

		// invalid pilot name
		case 5:
			ml_string("FS2NetD ERROR: Invalid Pilot!");
			strcpy_s(error_str, "Invalid pilot name - A serious error has occured, Contact the FS2NetD Administrator!");
			strcpy_s(std_error_str, "Invalid pilot name!");
			retval = false;

		// the session id was invalid
		case 6:
			ml_string("FS2NetD ERROR: Invalid SID!");
			strcpy_s(error_str, "Invalid SID - A serious error has occured, Contact the FS2NetD Administrator!");
			strcpy_s(std_error_str, "Invalid SID");
			retval = false;

			ml_string("FS2NetD ERROR: Unknown return case for GetPlayerData()");
			strcpy_s(error_str, "Unknown return case from GetPlayerData(). Contact the FS2NetD Administrator!");
			retval = false;

	if ( !Is_standalone && strlen(error_str) ) {
		popup(PF_USE_AFFIRMATIVE_ICON, 1, POPUP_OK, error_str);
	} else if ( Is_standalone && std_gen_is_active() && strlen(std_error_str) ) {
		std_gen_set_text(std_error_str, 1);

	if (retval) {
		Logged_in = true;
		sprintf(Multi_tracker_id_string, "%d", Multi_tracker_id);
	} else {
		// clear and reset connection, for the next time we try...

	if (Is_standalone) {

	return retval;
int fs2netd_login_do()
	if (Multi_tracker_id < 0) {
		if ( Is_standalone && std_gen_is_active() ) {
			std_gen_set_text("Verifying username and password", 1);
		} else {
			popup_change_text( XSTR("Verifying username and password", 1576) );

		memset(Multi_tracker_id_string, 0, sizeof(Multi_tracker_id_string));

		if (Local_timeout == -1) {
			Local_timeout = timer_get_seconds() + 15;

		// if timeout passes then bail on SID failure
		if ( timer_get_seconds() > Local_timeout ) {
			ml_string("FS2NetD MSG: Login failure due to timeout!");
			Local_timeout = -1;
			return 2;

		const char *user = Multi_tracker_login;
		const char *passwd = Multi_tracker_passwd;

		if (Is_standalone) {
			if ( strlen(Multi_options_g.std_pxo_login) ) {
				user = Multi_options_g.std_pxo_login;

			if ( strlen(Multi_options_g.std_pxo_password) ) {
				passwd = Multi_options_g.std_pxo_password;

		Multi_tracker_id = FS2NetD_Login(user, passwd, do_full_packet);

		// if we have already been through once then only deal with the recieve packet next time
		do_full_packet = false;

		// invalid login
		if (Multi_tracker_id == -2) {
			Multi_tracker_id = -1;
			Local_timeout = -1;
			return 1;

		if (Multi_tracker_id >= 0) {
			ml_printf("FS2NetD MSG: Login '%s' is valid, session ID is %d!", user, Multi_tracker_id);
			do_full_packet = true;
			Local_timeout = -1;
	} else {
		if ( Is_standalone && std_gen_is_active() ) {
			std_gen_set_text("Getting pilot stats", 1);
		} else {
			popup_change_text( XSTR("Getting pilot stats", 1577) );

		if (Local_timeout == -1) {
			Local_timeout = timer_get_seconds() + 30;

		// if timeout passes then bail on stats failure
		if ( timer_get_seconds() > Local_timeout ) {
			Local_timeout = -1;
			return 2;

		if (do_full_packet) {
			ml_printf("FS2NetD MSG: Requesting login pilot stats for '%s' ...", Players[Player_num].callsign);

		int rescode = FS2NetD_GetPlayerData(Players[Player_num].callsign, &Players[Player_num], true, do_full_packet);

		do_full_packet = false;

		if ( rescode != -1 ) {
			Local_timeout = -1;
			return (rescode + 3);

	return 0;
void fs2netd_store_stats()
	if ( !Logged_in ) {

	ml_string("Sending stats to server");

	// default to not saving the stats
	Multi_debrief_stats_accept_code = 0;

	if (Duplicate_login_detected) {
		Duplicate_login_detected = false;
		multi_display_chat_msg( XSTR("<Duplicate login detected - stats have been tossed>", 1582), 0, 0 );
		ml_string( XSTR("<Duplicate login detected - stats have been tossed>", 1583) );

	if ( game_hacked_data() ) {
		multi_display_chat_msg( XSTR("<Hacked tables detected - stats have been tossed>", 1584), 0, 0 );
		popup(PF_USE_AFFIRMATIVE_ICON, 1, POPUP_OK, XSTR("You are playing with a hacked tables, your stats will not be saved", 1585) );

	if ( (multi_num_players() <= 1) && (Multi_num_players_at_start <= 1) ) {
		multi_display_chat_msg(XSTR("<Not enough players were present at game start or end, stats will not be saved>", 1048), 0, 0);
		ml_string( XSTR("<Not enough players were present at game start or end, stats will not be saved>", 1048) );

	// if any players have hacked info
	for(int idx = 0; idx < MAX_PLAYERS; idx++) {
		if ( MULTI_CONNECTED(Net_players[idx]) && !MULTI_STANDALONE(Net_players[idx]) && (Net_players[idx].flags & NETINFO_FLAG_HAXOR) ) {
			multi_display_chat_msg( XSTR("<Connected player has hacked info - tossing invalid stats>", -1), 0, 0 );
	if ( !fs2netd_check_mission(Netgame.mission_name) ) {
		multi_display_chat_msg(XSTR("<Server detected a non PXO validated mission. Stats will not be saved>", 1049), 0, 0);
		popup(PF_USE_AFFIRMATIVE_ICON, 1, POPUP_OK, XSTR("This is not a PXO validated mission, your stats will not be saved", 1050));

	int spd_ret = fs2netd_send_player();

	switch (spd_ret) { // 0 = pilot updated, 1  = invalid pilot, 2 = invalid (expired?) sid
		case -1:
			ml_string("<stats have been tossed - server error>");

		case 0:
			ml_string( XSTR("<stats have been accepted>", 850) );
			Multi_debrief_stats_accept_code = 1;

		case 1:
			ml_string("<stats have been tossed - pilot error>");

		case 2:
			// we should never get here with the new code
			ml_string("<stats have been tossed - invalid tracker id>");

			multi_display_chat_msg( XSTR("Unknown Stats Store Request Reply", 1586), 0, 0 );
