void fractal_choice(char **argv, t_struct *mystruct) { if (ft_strequ(argv[1], "Julia") == 1) { mystruct->fracnum = 1; julia_init(mystruct); mlx_mouse_hook(mystruct->win, ft_zoom, mystruct); mlx_hook(mystruct->win, 6, (1L << 6), motion_julia, mystruct); } else if (ft_strequ(argv[1], "Mandel") == 1) { mystruct->fracnum = 2; mandel_init(mystruct); mlx_mouse_hook(mystruct->win, ft_zoom_mandel, mystruct); mlx_hook(mystruct->win, 6, (1L << 6), motion_mandel, mystruct); } else if (ft_strequ(argv[1], "Burning") == 1) { mystruct->fracnum = 3; burn_init(mystruct); mlx_mouse_hook(mystruct->win, ft_zoom_burning, mystruct); mlx_hook(mystruct->win, 6, (1L << 6), motion_burning, mystruct); } else error_arg(); }
void ft_initialisation(t_id *s) { s->test = 0; s->sol = -1; s->gun = -1; s->plafond = -1; s->display = 0; s->planex = 0; s->planey = 0.66; s->dirx = -1; s->diry = 0; s->level = 0; s->img = mlx_new_image(s->mlx, W_X, W_Y); s->data = mlx_get_data_addr(s->img, &s->bit_per_pixel, &s->s_line, &s->endian); s->bpp = s->bit_per_pixel / 8; ft_xpm_textures(s); ft_corps(s); mlx_mouse_hook(s->win, mouse_reaction_click, s); mlx_key_hook(s->win, key_reaction, s); mlx_hook(s->win, 17, (1L << 17), red_cross, s); mlx_hook(s->win, KEYPRESS, KEYPRESSMASK, ft_movement, s); mlx_hook(s->win, MOTIONNOTIFY, POINTERMOTIOMMASK, mouse_reaction, s); mlx_loop(s->mlx); }
int main(void) { int x; int y; int nb_it; double x_f; double y_f; double stepx; double stepy; t_env e; set_env(&e, "titre", WX, WY); x = 0; x_f = e.xmin; while (x <= WX) { y = 0; y_f = e.ymin; while (y <= WY) { nb_it = is_converg((mandelbrot), x_f, y_f); // printf("val x_f = %lf, val de y_f = %lf, val de nb_it = %d\n", x_f, y_f, nb_it); if (nb_it < 1000) mlx_pixel_put_img(e.img, x, y, rainbow_gen(nb_it * 40)); y++; y_f += e.stepy; } x_f += e.stepx; x++; } mlx_put_image_to_window(e.mlx, e.win, e.img, 0,0); mlx_mouse_hook(e.win, mouse_hook, &e); mlx_loop(e.mlx); return (0); }
static void *start_fractal(void *data) { t_thread_info ti; int frac_set; frac_set = (int)data; ti.blk.r = 0; ti.blk.g = 0; ti.blk.b = 0; ti.blk.alpha = 0; ti.c = (t_co *)ft_memalloc(sizeof(t_co)); init_co_img(ti.c); ti.lock = 0; ti.show = 2; choose_set(frac_set, &ti); draw_set(ti.c->img, &ti.frac); IMG_TO_WINDOW(ti.c->mlx_ptr, ti.c->win_ptr, ti.c->img_ptr); mlx_hook(ti.c->win_ptr, KEYPRESS, 3, &handler_key, (void *)&ti); if (ti.frac.fract == JULIA) mlx_hook(ti.c->win_ptr, MOTNOTY, 1L << 6, &handler_julia, (void *)&ti); mlx_mouse_hook(ti.c->win_ptr, &handler_mouse, (void *)&ti); menu(ti.c); mlx_loop(ti.c->mlx_ptr); return (NULL); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { t_img *img; if (check_error(argc, argv[1])) { ft_putendl("Usage : ./fractol [Arg1]"); ft_putendl("Arg1 being \"Julia\" or \"Mandelbrot\" or \"Ship\""); return (1); } if (!(img = init_image())) ft_mlx_error(); if (argv[1][0] == 'm' || argv[1][0] == 'M') img->type = 'm'; else if (argv[1][0] == 's' || argv[1][0] == 'S') img->type = 's'; else if (argv[1][0] == 'j' || argv[1][0] == 'J') img->type = 'j'; mlx_hook(img->win_ptr, 2, 1L << 8, grab_key, img); mlx_expose_hook(img->win_ptr, grab_expose, img); mlx_hook(img->win_ptr, MOTION_NOTIFY, POINTER_MOTION, motion_notify, img); mlx_mouse_hook(img->win_ptr, mouse_hook, img); mlx_loop(img->mlx_ptr); return (0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { t_env e; if (ac != 2) ft_error("Voir Usage a la compilation."); ft_getinput(&e, av[1]); if (!(e.mlx = mlx_init())) ft_error("mlx_init: Connexion au Xserver echouee."); if (!(e.win = mlx_new_window(e.mlx, WIDTH, HEIGHT, "fdf"))) ft_error("mlx_new_window: La fenetre n'a pas pu etre creee."); if (!(e.img = mlx_new_image(e.mlx, WIDTH, HEIGHT))) ft_error("mlx_new_image: L'image n'a pas pu etre creee."); if (!(e.table = mlx_get_data_addr(e.img, &e.bpp, &e.size, &e.endian))) ft_error("mlx_get_data_addr: Les donnees n'ont pas pu etre lues."); e.zoom = 10; e.r = 0xcc; e.g = 0xcc; e.b = 0xcc; ft_center(&e, 0, 0, 0); ft_draw(&e); mlx_expose_hook(e.win, &ft_exposehook, &e); mlx_mouse_hook(e.win, &ft_mousehook, &e); mlx_hook(e.win, KeyPress, KeyPressMask, &ft_keypress, &e); mlx_loop(e.mlx); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { t_env e; t_cam cam; t_set settings; if (!argv[1] || argc != 2) { ft_putendl_fd("\033[1;33;40mWrong number of argument\033[0m", 2); ft_putstr_fd("Wolf3d : \n\t./wolf3d \033[1;32;40myour_map\033[0m", 2); ft_putendl_fd(" -> will start an arcade game with your map", 2); ft_putendl_fd("\t./wolf3d story -> will start the story mode", 2); return (0); } e.cam = &cam; e.set = &settings; e.file = ft_strdup(argv[1]); w_init(&e); w_check_out(&e); mlx_expose_hook(e.win, expose_hook, &e); mlx_hook(e.win, KeyPress, KeyPressMask, key_p, &e); mlx_hook(e.win, KeyRelease, KeyReleaseMask, key_r, &e); mlx_mouse_hook(e.win, mouse_hook, &e); mlx_loop_hook(e.mlx, &move, &e); mlx_loop(e.mlx); return (0); }
void ft_burning_hub(mlx_t *mlx) { mlx->win_burning = mlx_new_window(mlx->mlx_ptr, WIDTH, HEIGHT, "burning"); mlx_key_hook(mlx->win_burning, key_burning, mlx); mlx_mouse_hook(mlx->win_burning, mouse_burning, mlx); mlx_expose_hook(mlx->win_burning, expose_burning, mlx); }
void ft_mandelbrot(void) { t_env *e; int bpp; int ls; int endian; e = (t_env *)malloc(sizeof(t_env)); e->mlx = mlx_init(); e->win = mlx_new_window(e->mlx, SIZE_W, SIZE_W, "fractal de Mandelbrot"); bpp = 4; ls = 4 * SIZE_W; endian = 0; e->xmin = -2; e->xmax = 2; e->ymin = -2; e->ymax = 2; e->data = NULL; e->img = mlx_new_image(e->mlx, SIZE_W, SIZE_W); e->data = mlx_get_data_addr(e->img, &bpp, &ls, &endian); mlx_expose_hook(e->win, expose_hook, e); mlx_mouse_hook(e->win, mouse_hook, e); mlx_key_hook(e->win, key_hook, e); mlx_loop(e->mlx); }
void init_hooks(t_env *e) { mlx_hook(e->win, 2, (1L << 7), &key_hook, e); mlx_loop_hook(e->core, &loop_hook, e); mlx_expose_hook(e->win, &expose_hook, e); mlx_mouse_hook(e->win, &mouse_hook, e); mlx_hook(e->win, 6, (1L << 6), mouse_move, e); }
static void set_hooks(t_env *w) { mlx_expose_hook(w->win, expose_hook, w); mlx_mouse_hook(w->win, mouse_hook, w); mlx_hook(w->win, 2, 0, keypressed, w); mlx_hook(w->win, 3, 1, keyreleased, w); mlx_hook(w->win, 6, 1 << 6, motion_hook, w); }
int main_loop(t_map *m) { set_param(m); calculus(m); mlx_key_hook(m->win, &get_loop_key, m); mlx_mouse_hook(m->win, &get_loop_scroll, m); mlx_hook(m->win, 6, (1l << 6), &get_loop_mouse, m); mlx_loop(m->mlx); return (0); }
void handle_second_win(void) { static int i = 0; mlx_hook(g()->p2.win, 6, 64, &mouse_hook, &g()->p2); mlx_key_hook(g()->p2.win, key_hook, &g()->p2); mlx_mouse_hook(g()->p2.win, mouse2_hook, &g()->p2); mlx_expose_hook(g()->p2.win, expose_hook, &g()->p2); if (i == 0) first_display_secwin(&i); }
void han_shot_first(t_init st, char *str) { st = init_all(st, str); resolution(st); mlx_hook(st.win, 2, 1, key_hook, &st); if (ft_strcmp(str, "Julia") == 0) mlx_hook(st.win, 6, (1L << 6), motion_hook, &st); mlx_mouse_hook(st.win, mouse_hook, &st); mlx_put_image_to_window(st.mlx, st.win, st.link, st.pos_x_image, st.pos_y_image); mlx_loop(st.mlx); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { t_env e; e.mlx = mlx_init(); e.win = mlx_new_window(e.mlx, 420, 420, "fenetre de fouuuuuuuuu !!!!!!"); mlx_key_hook(e.win, key_hook, &e); mlx_expose_hook(e.win, expose_hook, &e); mlx_mouse_hook(e.win, mouse_hook, &e); mlx_loop(e.mlx); return (0); }
int main(void) { t_env e; e.mlx = mlx_init(); e.win = mlx_new_window(e.mlx, WIDTH, HEIGHT, TITLE); ft_init_env(&e); mlx_key_hook(e.win, ft_key_hook, &e); mlx_mouse_hook(e.win, ft_mouse_hook, &e); mlx_expose_hook(e.win, ft_expose_hook, &e); mlx_loop(e.mlx); return (0); }
void ft_mlx(t_env *e) { e->f = malloc(sizeof(t_img)); e->mlx = mlx_init(); e->win = mlx_new_window(e->mlx, WIDTH + (2 * OFF), HEIGHT + (2 * OFF), "triangle_try_angle"); e->f->img = mlx_new_image(e->mlx, WIDTH + (2 * OFF), HEIGHT + (2 * OFF)); e->f->d = mlx_get_data_addr(e->f->img, &e->f->bpp, &e->f->line_size, &e->f->endian); mlx_key_hook(e->win, key_hook, e); mlx_mouse_hook(e->win, mouse_hook, e); mlx_expose_hook(e->win, expose_hook, e); mlx_loop(e->mlx); }
void ft_launch(t_param *p, char *file) { if ((p->e.mlx = mlx_init()) == NULL) exit(ft_error("[Mlx init]: Initialisation impossible")); p->e.win = mlx_new_window(p->e.mlx, WIN_X, WIN_Y, p->file); p->e.img = mlx_new_image(p->e.mlx, WIN_X, WIN_Y); p->data = mlx_get_data_addr(p->e.img, &(p->bpp), &(p->sl), &(p->endian)); ft_work(p, 0); mlx_mouse_hook(p->e.win, &ft_mouse_hook, p); mlx_expose_hook(p->e.win, &ft_expose_hook, p); mlx_key_hook(p->e.win, &ft_key_hook, p); mlx_loop(p->e.mlx); }
int resolution(t_letubbies po) { t_mlx list; list = init_mlx(po); list.lp = put_gap_lpoint(list); ft_try(list); mlx_hook(list.win, 2, 1, key_hook, &list); mlx_mouse_hook(list.win, mouse_hook, &list); mlx_put_image_to_window(list.mlx, list.win, list.link, list.pos_x_image, list.pos_y_image); mlx_loop(list.mlx); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { t_all *all; all = ft_malloc(sizeof(t_all)); frac_init(all, argc, argv); mlx_hook(all->env.win, 6, (1L << 6), mouse_move, all); mlx_key_hook(all->env.win, key_hook, all); mlx_mouse_hook(all->env.win, mouse_hook, all); mlx_loop_hook(all->env.mlx, loop_hook, all); mlx_expose_hook(all->env.win, expose_hook, all); mlx_loop(all->env.mlx); return (0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { t_env e; parser(&e, ac, av); env_setup(&e); algorithm(&e); mlx_key_hook(e.win, key, &e); mlx_mouse_hook(e.win, mouse, &e); mlx_expose_hook(e.win, expose, &e); mlx_hook(e.win, MOTION_NOTIFY, POINTER_MOTION_MASK, motion_mouse, &e); mlx_loop(e.mlx); return (0); }
void map_processing(t_e *e) { e->mlx = mlx_init(); e->win = mlx_new_window(e->mlx, WIN_W, WIN_H, WIN_N); e->ima = mlx_new_image(e->mlx, WIN_W, WIN_H); e->ima_data = mlx_get_data_addr( e->ima, &(e->ima_bits), &(e->ima_line), &(e->ima_endi)); e->grid = create_grid(e); reset(e); mlx_key_hook(e->win, key_hook, e); mlx_mouse_hook(e->win, mouse_hook, e); mlx_expose_hook(e->win, expose_hook, e); mlx_hook(e->win, 17, (1L << 17), &end_exe, e); mlx_hook(e->win, 2, (1L << 0), &key_hook_press, e); mlx_loop(e->mlx); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { t_fract f; ft_bzero(&f, sizeof(t_fract)); get_args(argc, argv, &f); init_env(&f); if (getppid() == 0) usage(); f.render_mode(&f); mlx_mouse_hook(f.win, &mouse_hook, &f); mlx_hook(f.win, KEY_PRESS, KEY_PRESS_MASK, key_hook, &f); mlx_hook(f.win, MOTION_NOTIFY, PTR_MOTION_MASK, motion_hook, &f); mlx_loop(f.mlx); mlx_destroy_window(f.mlx, f.win); return (0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { t_frac frac; if (ac >= 2) check_arg(av, &frac.img, &frac); else { cat_readme(); return (0); } mlx_mouse_hook(frac.img.win, ft_mouse_hook, &frac); mlx_hook(frac.img.win, 2, 1, ft_key_press, &frac); mlx_hook(frac.img.win, MOTIONNOTIFY, POINTERMOTIONMASK, ft_move_mouse, &frac); mlx_loop(frac.img.mlx); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { t_env env; if (argc != 2) print_usage(); if (WINX <= 0 || WINY <= 0) exit(0); init_env(&env); init_fract(argv, &env); mlx_mouse_hook(env.win, my_mouse_hook, &env); mlx_key_hook(env.win, my_key_hook, &env); mlx_key_hook(env.winop, i_quit, &env); mlx_loop_hook(env.mlx, my_loop_hook, &env); mlx_hook(env.win, 6, (1L << 6), my_hook_events, &env); mlx_loop(env.mlx); return (0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { t_env e; init_var(ac, av, &e); e.mlx = mlx_init(); if (e.mlx == NULL) exit(0); e.win = mlx_new_window(e.mlx, W_WIDTH, W_HEIGHT, "Fract'ol"); e.img = mlx_new_image(e.mlx, W_WIDTH, W_HEIGHT); e.data = mlx_get_data_addr(e.img, &e.bpp, &e.sl, &e.endian); mlx_hook(e.win, MotionNotify, PointerMotionMask, mouse_move, &e); mlx_expose_hook(e.win, expose_hook, &e); mlx_mouse_hook(e.win, mouse_hook, &e); mlx_key_hook(e.win, key_hook, &e); mlx_loop(e.mlx); return (0); }
void screen_init(t_box *box, int id) { t_cmplx a; ft_bzero(&a, sizeof(t_cmplx)); if (box->img != NULL) mlx_destroy_image(box->mlx, box->img); if (box->win != NULL) mlx_destroy_window(box->mlx, box->win); init(box, id); if (id == 1 || id == 3 || id == 5 || id == 7 || id == 9) print_mandelbrot(box, id); else if (id == 2 || id == 4 || id == 6 || id == 8 || id == 10) print_julia(box, id, &a); mlx_hook(box->win, 2, (1L << 0), command2, box); mlx_hook(box->win, 6, (1L << 6), mouse_command, box); mlx_mouse_hook(box->win, mouse_click, box); mlx_put_image_to_window(box->mlx, box->win, box->img, 0, 0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { t_fract e; if (ac == 2 && (e.fract = check_fract(av[1]))) { var_init(&e); e.mlx = mlx_init(); e.win = mlx_new_window(e.mlx, WIDTH, HEIGHT, "fractol"); mlx_expose_hook(e.win, draw, &e); mlx_mouse_hook(e.win, zoom, &e); mlx_key_hook(e.win, key, &e); mlx_hook(e.win, 6, (1L << 6), mouse, &e); mlx_loop(e.mlx); } else display_params(); return (0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int two_win; if (ac < 2) ft_error(INVALID_ARGZ); init_all(); two_win = parse_params(av); init_mlx(two_win); mlx_hook(g()->p.win, 6, 64, &mouse_hook, &g()->p); mlx_key_hook(g()->p.win, key_hook, &g()->p); mlx_mouse_hook(g()->p.win, mouse2_hook, &g()->p); mlx_expose_hook(g()->p.win, expose_hook, &g()->p); if (two_win) handle_second_win(); mlx_loop_hook(g()->e.mlx, loop_hook, &g()->cur); mlx_loop(g()->e.mlx); return (0); }
int ft_init(int **val, int length, int width) { t_coord e; e.move_x = 0; e.move_y = 0; e.zoom = 0; e.t_val = val; e.length = length; e.width = width; e.val = ft_init_coord(e.t_val, e.length, e.width, &e); e.mlx = mlx_init(); e.win = mlx_new_window(e.mlx, 2080, 1350, "fdf"); mlx_expose_hook(e.win, &ft_expose_hook, &e); e.indice = mlx_key_hook(e.win, &ft_key_hook, &e); e.indice = mlx_mouse_hook(e.win, &ft_mouse_hook, &e); e.indice = mlx_loop(e.mlx); return (0); }