int Private_Impl_Still::createCamera() {
            if ( mmal_component_create ( MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_CAMERA, &camera ) ) {
                cout << API_NAME << ": Failed to create camera component.\n";
                return -1;

            if ( !camera->output_num ) {
                cout << API_NAME << ": Camera does not have output ports!\n";
                return -1;

            camera_still_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT];

            // Enable the camera, and tell it its control callback function
            if ( mmal_port_enable ( camera->control, control_callback ) ) {
                cout << API_NAME << ": Could not enable control port.\n";
                return -1;

            MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CONFIG_T camConfig = {
                {MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CONFIG, sizeof ( camConfig ) },
                width, // max_stills_w
                height, // max_stills_h
                0, // stills_yuv422
                1, // one_shot_stills
                width, // max_preview_video_w
                height, // max_preview_video_h
                3, // num_preview_video_frames
                0, // stills_capture_circular_buffer_height
                0, // fast_preview_resume
                MMAL_PARAM_TIMESTAMP_MODE_RESET_STC // use_stc_timestamp
            if ( mmal_port_parameter_set ( camera->control, &camConfig.hdr ) != MMAL_SUCCESS )
                cout << API_NAME << ": Could not set port parameters.\n";


            MMAL_ES_FORMAT_T * format = camera_still_port->format;
            format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
            format->es->video.width = width;
            format->es->video.height = height;
            format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
            format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
            format->es->video.crop.width = width;
            format->es->video.crop.height = height;
            format->es->video.frame_rate.num = STILLS_FRAME_RATE_NUM;
            format->es->video.frame_rate.den = STILLS_FRAME_RATE_DEN;

            if ( camera_still_port->buffer_size < camera_still_port->buffer_size_min )
                camera_still_port->buffer_size = camera_still_port->buffer_size_min;

            camera_still_port->buffer_num = camera_still_port->buffer_num_recommended;

            if ( mmal_port_format_commit ( camera_still_port ) ) {
                cout << API_NAME << ": Camera still format could not be set.\n";
                return -1;

            if ( mmal_component_enable ( camera ) ) {
                cout << API_NAME << ": Camera component could not be enabled.\n";
                return -1;

            if ( ! ( encoder_pool = mmal_port_pool_create ( camera_still_port, camera_still_port->buffer_num, camera_still_port->buffer_size ) ) ) {
                cout << API_NAME << ": Failed to create buffer header pool for camera.\n";
                return -1;

            return 0;
 void Private_Impl_Still::commitExposure() {
     MMAL_PARAMETER_EXPOSUREMODE_T exp_mode = {{MMAL_PARAMETER_EXPOSURE_MODE,sizeof ( exp_mode ) }, convertExposure ( exposure ) };
     if ( mmal_port_parameter_set ( camera->control, &exp_mode.hdr ) != MMAL_SUCCESS )
         cout << API_NAME << ": Failed to set exposure parameter.\n";
Exemple #3
 * Create the camera component, set up its ports
 * @param state Pointer to state control struct
 * @return MMAL_SUCCESS if all OK, something else otherwise
static MMAL_STATUS_T create_video_camera_component(RASPISTILL_STATE *state)
   MMAL_COMPONENT_T *camera = 0;
   MMAL_ES_FORMAT_T *format;
   MMAL_PORT_T  *video_port = NULL, *still_port = NULL;
   MMAL_STATUS_T status;

   /* Create the component */
   status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_CAMERA, &camera);

   if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
      vcos_log_error("Failed to create camera component");
      goto error;

   if (!camera->output_num) {
      status = MMAL_ENOSYS;
      vcos_log_error("Camera doesn't have output ports");
      goto error;

   video_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_VIDEO_PORT];
   still_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT];

   // Enable the camera, and tell it its control callback function
   status = mmal_port_enable(camera->control, camera_control_callback);

   if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)  {
      vcos_log_error("Unable to enable control port : error %d", status);
      goto error;

   //  set up the camera configuration
         { MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CONFIG, sizeof(cam_config) },
         .max_stills_w = state->width,
         .max_stills_h = state->height,
         .stills_yuv422 = 0,
         .one_shot_stills = 1,
         .max_preview_video_w = 640,
         .max_preview_video_h = 480,
         .num_preview_video_frames = 3,
         .stills_capture_circular_buffer_height = 0,
         .fast_preview_resume = 0,
         .use_stc_timestamp = MMAL_PARAM_TIMESTAMP_MODE_RESET_STC
   mmal_port_parameter_set(camera->control, &cam_config.hdr);
   raspicamcontrol_set_all_parameters(camera, &state->camera_parameters);
   // Now set up the port formats

   // Set the encode format on the video  port

   format = video_port->format;
   format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;

   format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
   format->es->video.width = state->width;
   format->es->video.height = state->height;
   format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
   format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
   format->es->video.crop.width = state->width;
   format->es->video.crop.height = state->height;
   format->es->video.frame_rate.num = state->framerate;
   format->es->video.frame_rate.den = VIDEO_FRAME_RATE_DEN;

   status = mmal_port_format_commit(video_port);

   if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
      vcos_log_error("camera video format couldn't be set");
      goto error;

   // Ensure there are enough buffers to avoid dropping frames
   if (video_port->buffer_num < VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM)
      video_port->buffer_num = VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM;

   // Set the encode format on the still  port

   format = still_port->format;

   format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
   if (state->videoEncode == 1) {
       format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
   format->es->video.width = state->width;
   format->es->video.height = state->height;
   format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
   format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
   format->es->video.crop.width = state->width;
   format->es->video.crop.height = state->height;
   format->es->video.frame_rate.num = STILLS_FRAME_RATE_NUM;
   format->es->video.frame_rate.den = STILLS_FRAME_RATE_DEN;

   status = mmal_port_format_commit(still_port);

   if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
      vcos_log_error("camera still format couldn't be set");
      goto error;

   /* Ensure there are enough buffers to avoid dropping frames */
   if (still_port->buffer_num < VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM)
      still_port->buffer_num = VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM;

   /* Enable component */
   status = mmal_component_enable(camera);

   if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
      vcos_log_error("camera component couldn't be enabled");
      goto error;


   state->camera_component = camera;


   return status;


   if (camera)

   return status;
Exemple #4
 * Create the encoder component, set up its ports
 * @param state Pointer to state control struct
 * @return MMAL_SUCCESS if all OK, something else otherwise
static MMAL_STATUS_T create_video_encoder_component(RASPISTILL_STATE *state)
   MMAL_COMPONENT_T *encoder = 0;
   MMAL_PORT_T *encoder_input = NULL, *encoder_output = NULL;
   MMAL_STATUS_T status;
   MMAL_POOL_T *pool;

   status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_VIDEO_ENCODER, &encoder);

   if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
      vcos_log_error("Unable to create video encoder component");
      goto error;

   if (!encoder->input_num || !encoder->output_num)
      status = MMAL_ENOSYS;
      vcos_log_error("Video encoder doesn't have input/output ports");
      goto error;

   encoder_input = encoder->input[0];
   encoder_output = encoder->output[0];

   // We want same format on input and output
   mmal_format_copy(encoder_output->format, encoder_input->format);

   // Only supporting H264 at the moment

   encoder_output->format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_H264;
   encoder_output->format->bitrate = state->bitrate;

   encoder_output->buffer_size = encoder_output->buffer_size_recommended;

   if (encoder_output->buffer_size < encoder_output->buffer_size_min)
      encoder_output->buffer_size = encoder_output->buffer_size_min;

   encoder_output->buffer_num = encoder_output->buffer_num_recommended;

   if (encoder_output->buffer_num < encoder_output->buffer_num_min)
      encoder_output->buffer_num = encoder_output->buffer_num_min;

   // Commit the port changes to the output port
   status = mmal_port_format_commit(encoder_output);

   if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
      vcos_log_error("Unable to set format on video encoder output port");
      goto error;

   // Set the rate control parameter
   if (0)
      status = mmal_port_parameter_set(encoder_output, &param.hdr);
      if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
         vcos_log_error("Unable to set ratecontrol");
         goto error;


   if (state->intraperiod)
      MMAL_PARAMETER_UINT32_T param = {{ MMAL_PARAMETER_INTRAPERIOD, sizeof(param)}, state->intraperiod};
      status = mmal_port_parameter_set(encoder_output, &param.hdr);
      if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
         vcos_log_error("Unable to set intraperiod");
         goto error;


   if (mmal_port_parameter_set_boolean(encoder_input, MMAL_PARAMETER_VIDEO_IMMUTABLE_INPUT, state->immutableInput) != MMAL_SUCCESS)
      vcos_log_error("Unable to set immutable input flag");
      // Continue rather than abort..

   //  Enable component
   status = mmal_component_enable(encoder);

   if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
      vcos_log_error("Unable to enable video encoder component");
      goto error;

   /* Create pool of buffer headers for the output port to consume */
   pool = mmal_port_pool_create(encoder_output, encoder_output->buffer_num, encoder_output->buffer_size);

   if (!pool)
      vcos_log_error("Failed to create buffer header pool for encoder output port %s", encoder_output->name);

   state->encoder_pool = pool;
   state->encoder_component = encoder;


   return status;

   if (encoder)

   return status;
 * Create the camera component, set up its ports
 * @param state Pointer to state control struct
 * @return MMAL_SUCCESS if all OK, something else otherwise
MMAL_STATUS_T create_camera_component(RASPIVID_STATE *state) {
    MMAL_COMPONENT_T *camera = 0;
    MMAL_ES_FORMAT_T *format;
    MMAL_PORT_T *preview_port = NULL, *video_port = NULL, *still_port = NULL;
    MMAL_STATUS_T status;

    /* Create the component */
    status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_CAMERA, &camera);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        vcos_log_error("Failed to create camera component");
        goto error;

    status = raspicamcontrol_set_stereo_mode(camera->output[0], 
    status += raspicamcontrol_set_stereo_mode(camera->output[1], 
    status += raspicamcontrol_set_stereo_mode(camera->output[2], 

    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        vcos_log_error("Could not set stereo mode : error %d", status);
        goto error;

    MMAL_PARAMETER_INT32_T camera_num =
    {{MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_NUM, sizeof(camera_num)}, state->cameraNum};

    status = mmal_port_parameter_set(camera->control, &camera_num.hdr);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        vcos_log_error("Could not select camera : error %d", status);
        goto error;

    if (!camera->output_num) {
        status = MMAL_ENOSYS;
        vcos_log_error("Camera doesn't have output ports");
        goto error;

    status = mmal_port_parameter_set_uint32(camera->control, 
            MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CUSTOM_SENSOR_CONFIG, state->sensor_mode);

    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
        vcos_log_error("Could not set sensor mode : error %d", status);
        goto error;

    preview_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT];
    video_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_VIDEO_PORT];
    still_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT];

    if (state->settings) {
        MMAL_PARAMETER_CHANGE_EVENT_REQUEST_T change_event_request =

        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(camera->control, &change_event_request.hdr);
        if ( status != MMAL_SUCCESS ) {
            vcos_log_error("No camera settings events");


    // Enable the camera, and tell it its control callback function
    status = mmal_port_enable(camera->control, camera_control_callback);

    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        vcos_log_error("Unable to enable control port : error %d", status);
        goto error;

    //  set up the camera configuration
            { MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CONFIG, sizeof(cam_config) },
            .max_stills_w = state->width,
            .max_stills_h = state->height,
            .stills_yuv422 = 0,
            .one_shot_stills = 0,
            .max_preview_video_w = state->width,
            .max_preview_video_h = state->height,
            .num_preview_video_frames = 3,
            .stills_capture_circular_buffer_height = 0,
            .fast_preview_resume = 0,
            .use_stc_timestamp = MMAL_PARAM_TIMESTAMP_MODE_RAW_STC
        mmal_port_parameter_set(camera->control, &cam_config.hdr);

    // Now set up the port formats

    // Set the encode format on the Preview port
    // HW limitations mean we need the preview to be the same size as the required recorded output

    format = preview_port->format;

    format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
    format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;

    if(state->camera_parameters.shutter_speed > 6000000)
        MMAL_PARAMETER_FPS_RANGE_T fps_range = {{MMAL_PARAMETER_FPS_RANGE, sizeof(fps_range)},
            { 50, 1000 }, {166, 1000}
        mmal_port_parameter_set(preview_port, &fps_range.hdr);
    else if(state->camera_parameters.shutter_speed > 1000000)
        MMAL_PARAMETER_FPS_RANGE_T fps_range = {{MMAL_PARAMETER_FPS_RANGE, sizeof(fps_range)},
            { 166, 1000 }, {999, 1000}
        mmal_port_parameter_set(preview_port, &fps_range.hdr);

    //enable dynamic framerate if necessary
    if (state->camera_parameters.shutter_speed)
        if (state->framerate > 1000000./state->camera_parameters.shutter_speed)
            if (state->verbose)
                DLOG("Enable dynamic frame rate to fulfil shutter speed requirement");

    format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
    format->es->video.width = VCOS_ALIGN_UP(state->width, 32);
    format->es->video.height = VCOS_ALIGN_UP(state->height, 16);
    format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
    format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
    format->es->video.crop.width = state->width;
    format->es->video.crop.height = state->height;
    format->es->video.frame_rate.num = PREVIEW_FRAME_RATE_NUM;
    format->es->video.frame_rate.den = PREVIEW_FRAME_RATE_DEN;

    status = mmal_port_format_commit(preview_port);

    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
        vcos_log_error("camera viewfinder format couldn't be set");
        goto error;

    // Set the encode format on the video  port

    format = video_port->format;
    format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;

    if(state->camera_parameters.shutter_speed > 6000000)
        MMAL_PARAMETER_FPS_RANGE_T fps_range = {{MMAL_PARAMETER_FPS_RANGE, sizeof(fps_range)},
            { 50, 1000 }, {166, 1000}
        mmal_port_parameter_set(video_port, &fps_range.hdr);
    else if(state->camera_parameters.shutter_speed > 1000000)
        MMAL_PARAMETER_FPS_RANGE_T fps_range = {{MMAL_PARAMETER_FPS_RANGE, sizeof(fps_range)},
            { 167, 1000 }, {999, 1000}
        mmal_port_parameter_set(video_port, &fps_range.hdr);

    format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
    format->es->video.width = VCOS_ALIGN_UP(state->width, 32);
    format->es->video.height = VCOS_ALIGN_UP(state->height, 16);
    format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
    format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
    format->es->video.crop.width = state->width;
    format->es->video.crop.height = state->height;
    format->es->video.frame_rate.num = state->framerate;
    format->es->video.frame_rate.den = VIDEO_FRAME_RATE_DEN;

    status = mmal_port_format_commit(video_port);

    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
        vcos_log_error("camera video format couldn't be set");
        goto error;

    // Ensure there are enough buffers to avoid dropping frames
    if (video_port->buffer_num < VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM)
        video_port->buffer_num = VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM;

    // Set the encode format on the still port

    format = still_port->format;

    format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
    format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;

    format->es->video.width = VCOS_ALIGN_UP(state->width, 32);
    format->es->video.height = VCOS_ALIGN_UP(state->height, 16);
    format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
    format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
    format->es->video.crop.width = state->width;
    format->es->video.crop.height = state->height;
    format->es->video.frame_rate.num = 0;
    format->es->video.frame_rate.den = 1;

    status = mmal_port_format_commit(still_port);

    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
        vcos_log_error("camera still format couldn't be set");
        goto error;

    /* Ensure there are enough buffers to avoid dropping frames */
    if (still_port->buffer_num < VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM)
        still_port->buffer_num = VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM;

    /* Enable component */
    status = mmal_component_enable(camera);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
        vcos_log_error("camera component couldn't be enabled");
        goto error;

    raspicamcontrol_set_all_parameters(camera, &state->camera_parameters);

    state->camera_component = camera;


    return status;


    if (camera)

    return status;
 * Create the encoder component, set up its ports
 * @param state Pointer to state control struct
 * @return MMAL_SUCCESS if all OK, something else otherwise
MMAL_STATUS_T create_encoder_component(RASPIVID_STATE *state)
    MMAL_COMPONENT_T *encoder = 0;
    MMAL_PORT_T *encoder_input = NULL, *encoder_output = NULL;
    MMAL_STATUS_T status;
    MMAL_POOL_T *pool;

    // Create encoder component
    status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_VIDEO_ENCODER, &encoder);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
        vcos_log_error("Unable to create video encoder component");
        goto error;

    if (!encoder->input_num || !encoder->output_num)
        status = MMAL_ENOSYS;
        vcos_log_error("Video encoder doesn't have input/output ports");
        goto error;

    encoder_input = encoder->input[0];
    encoder_output = encoder->output[0];

    // We want same format on input and output
    mmal_format_copy(encoder_output->format, encoder_input->format);

    // Only supporting H264 at the moment
    encoder_output->format->encoding = state->encoding;

    encoder_output->format->bitrate = state->bitrate;

    if (state->encoding == MMAL_ENCODING_H264)
        encoder_output->buffer_size = encoder_output->buffer_size_recommended;
        encoder_output->buffer_size = 256<<10;

    if (encoder_output->buffer_size < encoder_output->buffer_size_min)
        encoder_output->buffer_size = encoder_output->buffer_size_min;

    encoder_output->buffer_num = encoder_output->buffer_num_recommended;

    if (encoder_output->buffer_num < encoder_output->buffer_num_min)
        encoder_output->buffer_num = encoder_output->buffer_num_min;

    // We need to set the frame rate on output to 0, to ensure it gets
    // updated correctly from the input framerate when port connected
    encoder_output->format->es->video.frame_rate.num = 0;
    encoder_output->format->es->video.frame_rate.den = 1;

    // Commit the port changes to the output port
    status = mmal_port_format_commit(encoder_output);

    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
        vcos_log_error("Unable to set format on video encoder output port");
        goto error;

    // Set the rate control parameter
    if (state->videoRateControl)
         * MMAL RATE Control constants
        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(encoder_output, &param.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
            vcos_log_error("Unable to set ratecontrol");
            goto error;

         * MMAL RATE Control Model
        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(encoder_output, &param2.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
            vcos_log_error("Unable to set rate control model");
            goto error;


    if (state->encoding == MMAL_ENCODING_H264 &&
            state->intraperiod != -1)
        MMAL_PARAMETER_UINT32_T param = {{ MMAL_PARAMETER_INTRAPERIOD, sizeof(param)}, state->intraperiod};
        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(encoder_output, &param.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
            vcos_log_error("Unable to set intraperiod");
            goto error;

    if (state->encoding == MMAL_ENCODING_H264 && state->quantisationParameter)

        MMAL_PARAMETER_UINT32_T param =
        {{ MMAL_PARAMETER_VIDEO_ENCODE_INITIAL_QUANT, sizeof(param)}, state->quantisationInitialParameter};
        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(encoder_output, &param.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
            vcos_log_error("Unable to set initial QP");
            goto error;

        MMAL_PARAMETER_UINT32_T param2 =
        {{ MMAL_PARAMETER_VIDEO_ENCODE_MIN_QUANT, sizeof(param)}, state->quantisationMinParameter};
        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(encoder_output, &param2.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
            vcos_log_error("Unable to set min QP");
            goto error;

        MMAL_PARAMETER_UINT32_T param3 =
        {{ MMAL_PARAMETER_VIDEO_ENCODE_MAX_QUANT, sizeof(param)}, state->quantisationMaxParameter};
        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(encoder_output, &param3.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
            vcos_log_error("Unable to set max QP");
            goto error;


    if (state->encoding == MMAL_ENCODING_H264)
        param.hdr.size = sizeof(param);

        param.profile[0].profile = state->profile;
        param.profile[0].level = MMAL_VIDEO_LEVEL_H264_4; // This is the only value supported

        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(encoder_output, &param.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
            vcos_log_error("Unable to set H264 profile");
            goto error;

    if (mmal_port_parameter_set_boolean(encoder_input,
        vcos_log_error("Unable to set immutable input flag");
        // Continue rather than abort..

    //set INLINE HEADER flag to generate SPS and PPS for every IDR if requested
    if (mmal_port_parameter_set_boolean(encoder_output,
        vcos_log_error("failed to set INLINE HEADER FLAG parameters");
        // Continue rather than abort..

#ifdef __NOT_WORKING__
    // set CABAC disable
    if (mmal_port_parameter_set_boolean(encoder_output,
        vcos_log_error("failed to set CABAC DISABLE parameters");
        // Continue rather than abort..
#endif // __NOT_WORKING__

    //set Encode SPS Timing
    if (mmal_port_parameter_set_boolean(encoder_output,
        vcos_log_error("failed to set SPS TIMING HEADER FLAG parameters");
        // Continue rather than abort..

    // set Minimise Fragmentation
    if (mmal_port_parameter_set_boolean(encoder_output,
        vcos_log_error("failed to set SPS TIMING HEADER FLAG parameters");
        // Continue rather than abort..

    // Adaptive intra refresh settings
    if (state->encoding == MMAL_ENCODING_H264 &&
            state->intra_refresh_type != -1) {
        param.hdr.size = sizeof(param);

        // Get first so we don't overwrite anything unexpectedly
        status = mmal_port_parameter_get(encoder_output, &param.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
            vcos_log_warn("Unable to get existing H264 intra-refresh values. Please update your firmware");
            // Set some defaults, don't just pass random stack data
            param.air_mbs = param.air_ref = param.cir_mbs = param.pir_mbs = 0;

        param.refresh_mode = state->intra_refresh_type;

        //if (state->intra_refresh_type == MMAL_VIDEO_INTRA_REFRESH_CYCLIC_MROWS)
        //  param.cir_mbs = 10;

        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(encoder_output, &param.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
            vcos_log_error("Unable to set H264 intra-refresh values");
            goto error;

    //  Enable component
    status = mmal_component_enable(encoder);

    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        vcos_log_error("Unable to enable video encoder component");
        goto error;

    /* Create pool of buffer headers for the output port to consume */
    pool = mmal_port_pool_create(encoder_output, encoder_output->buffer_num, encoder_output->buffer_size);

    if (!pool) {
        vcos_log_error("Failed to create buffer header pool for encoder output port %s", encoder_output->name);

    state->encoder_pool = pool;
    state->encoder_component = encoder;

    return status;

    if (encoder)

    state->encoder_component = NULL;

    return status;
 * Create the camera component, set up its ports
 * @param state Pointer to state control struct
 * @return 0 if failed, pointer to component if successful
static MMAL_COMPONENT_T *create_camera_component(RASPIVID_STATE *state)
	MMAL_COMPONENT_T *camera = 0;
	MMAL_ES_FORMAT_T *format;
	MMAL_PORT_T *preview_port = NULL, *video_port = NULL, *still_port = NULL;
	MMAL_STATUS_T status;
	/* Create the component */
	status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_CAMERA, &camera);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
	   vcos_log_error("Failed to create camera component");
	   goto error;
	if (!camera->output_num)
	   vcos_log_error("Camera doesn't have output ports");
	   goto error;
	video_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_VIDEO_PORT];
	still_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT];
	//  set up the camera configuration
	      { MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CONFIG, sizeof(cam_config) },
	      .max_stills_w = state->width,
	      .max_stills_h = state->height,
	      .stills_yuv422 = 0,
	      .one_shot_stills = 0,
	      .max_preview_video_w = state->width,
	      .max_preview_video_h = state->height,
	      .num_preview_video_frames = 3,
	      .stills_capture_circular_buffer_height = 0,
	      .fast_preview_resume = 0,
	      .use_stc_timestamp = MMAL_PARAM_TIMESTAMP_MODE_RESET_STC
	   mmal_port_parameter_set(camera->control, &cam_config.hdr);
	// Set the encode format on the video  port
	format = video_port->format;
	format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
	format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
	format->es->video.width = state->width;
	format->es->video.height = state->height;
	format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.width = state->width;
	format->es->video.crop.height = state->height;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.num = state->framerate;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.den = VIDEO_FRAME_RATE_DEN;
	status = mmal_port_format_commit(video_port);
	if (status)
	   vcos_log_error("camera video format couldn't be set");
	   goto error;
	// PR : plug the callback to the video port 
	status = mmal_port_enable(video_port, video_buffer_callback);
	if (status)
	   vcos_log_error("camera video callback2 error");
	   goto error;

   // Ensure there are enough buffers to avoid dropping frames
   if (video_port->buffer_num < VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM)
      video_port->buffer_num = VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM;

   // Set the encode format on the still  port
   format = still_port->format;
   format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
   format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
   format->es->video.width = state->width;
   format->es->video.height = state->height;
   format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
   format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
   format->es->video.crop.width = state->width;
   format->es->video.crop.height = state->height;
   format->es->video.frame_rate.num = 1;
   format->es->video.frame_rate.den = 1;

   status = mmal_port_format_commit(still_port);
   if (status)
      vcos_log_error("camera still format couldn't be set");
      goto error;

	//PR : create pool of message on video port
	MMAL_POOL_T *pool;
	video_port->buffer_size = video_port->buffer_size_recommended;
	video_port->buffer_num = video_port->buffer_num_recommended;
	pool = mmal_port_pool_create(video_port, video_port->buffer_num, video_port->buffer_size);
	if (!pool)
	   vcos_log_error("Failed to create buffer header pool for video output port");
	state->video_pool = pool;

	/* Ensure there are enough buffers to avoid dropping frames */
	if (still_port->buffer_num < VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM)
	   still_port->buffer_num = VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM;
	/* Enable component */
	status = mmal_component_enable(camera);
	if (status)
	   vcos_log_error("camera component couldn't be enabled");
	   goto error;
	raspicamcontrol_set_all_parameters(camera, &state->camera_parameters);
	state->camera_component = camera;
	return camera;


   if (camera)

   return 0;
Exemple #8
static int OpenDecoder(decoder_t *dec)
    int ret = VLC_SUCCESS;
    decoder_sys_t *sys;
    MMAL_PARAMETER_UINT32_T extra_buffers;
    MMAL_STATUS_T status;

    if (dec->fmt_in.i_cat != VIDEO_ES)
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    if (dec->fmt_in.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_MPGV &&
            dec->fmt_in.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_H264)
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    sys = calloc(1, sizeof(decoder_sys_t));
    if (!sys) {
        ret = VLC_ENOMEM;
        goto out;
    dec->p_sys = sys;

    sys->opaque = var_InheritBool(dec, MMAL_OPAQUE_NAME);

    status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_VIDEO_DECODER, &sys->component);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(dec, "Failed to create MMAL component %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_VIDEO_DECODER, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;

    sys->component->control->userdata = (struct MMAL_PORT_USERDATA_T *)dec;
    status = mmal_port_enable(sys->component->control, control_port_cb);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(dec, "Failed to enable control port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                sys->component->control->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;

    sys->input = sys->component->input[0];
    sys->input->userdata = (struct MMAL_PORT_USERDATA_T *)dec;
    if (dec->fmt_in.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_MPGV)
        sys->input->format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_MP2V;
        sys->input->format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_H264;

    if (dec->fmt_in.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_H264) {
        if (dec->fmt_in.i_extra > 0) {
            status = mmal_format_extradata_alloc(sys->input->format,
            if (status == MMAL_SUCCESS) {
                memcpy(sys->input->format->extradata, dec->fmt_in.p_extra,
                sys->input->format->extradata_size = dec->fmt_in.i_extra;
            } else {
                msg_Err(dec, "Failed to allocate extra format data on input port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                        sys->input->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));

    status = mmal_port_format_commit(sys->input);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(dec, "Failed to commit format for input port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                sys->input->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;
    sys->input->buffer_size = sys->input->buffer_size_recommended;
    sys->input->buffer_num = sys->input->buffer_num_recommended;

    status = mmal_port_enable(sys->input, input_port_cb);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(dec, "Failed to enable input port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                sys->input->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;

    sys->output = sys->component->output[0];
    sys->output->userdata = (struct MMAL_PORT_USERDATA_T *)dec;

    if (sys->opaque) { = MMAL_PARAMETER_EXTRA_BUFFERS;
        extra_buffers.hdr.size = sizeof(MMAL_PARAMETER_UINT32_T);
        extra_buffers.value = NUM_EXTRA_BUFFERS;
        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(sys->output, &extra_buffers.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
            msg_Err(dec, "Failed to set MMAL_PARAMETER_EXTRA_BUFFERS on output port (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                    status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
            ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
            goto out;

        msg_Dbg(dec, "Activate zero-copy for output port");
        MMAL_PARAMETER_BOOLEAN_T zero_copy = {

        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(sys->output, &zero_copy.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
           msg_Err(dec, "Failed to set zero copy on port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                    sys->output->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
           goto out;

    status = mmal_port_enable(sys->output, output_port_cb);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(dec, "Failed to enable output port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                sys->output->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;

    status = mmal_component_enable(sys->component);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(dec, "Failed to enable component %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                sys->component->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;

    sys->input_pool = mmal_pool_create(sys->input->buffer_num, 0);
    sys->decoded_pictures = mmal_queue_create();

    if (sys->opaque) {
        dec->fmt_out.i_codec = VLC_CODEC_MMAL_OPAQUE;
        dec-> = VLC_CODEC_MMAL_OPAQUE;
    } else {
        dec->fmt_out.i_codec = VLC_CODEC_I420;
        dec-> = VLC_CODEC_I420;

    dec->fmt_out.i_cat = VIDEO_ES;
    dec->pf_decode_video = decode;

    vlc_sem_init(&sys->sem, 0);

    if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)

    return ret;
MMAL_STATUS_T set_camera_info(MMAL_COMPONENT_T *camera, const MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_INFO_T *value){
	if (!camera)
	return mmal_port_parameter_set(camera->control, &(value->hdr));
Exemple #10
 * Create the camera component, set up its ports
 * @param state Pointer to state control struct
 * @return 0 if failed, pointer to component if successful
static MMAL_COMPONENT_T *create_camera_component(RASPISTILL_STATE *state)
   MMAL_COMPONENT_T *camera = 0;
   MMAL_ES_FORMAT_T *format;
   MMAL_PORT_T *preview_port = NULL, *video_port = NULL, *still_port = NULL;
   MMAL_STATUS_T status;

   /* Create the component */
   status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_CAMERA, &camera);

   if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
      vcos_log_error("Failed to create camera component");
      goto error;

   if (!camera->output_num)
      vcos_log_error("Camera doesn't have output ports");
      goto error;

   preview_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT];
   video_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_VIDEO_PORT];
   still_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT];

   // Enable the camera, and tell it its control callback function
   status = mmal_port_enable(camera->control, camera_control_callback);

   if (status)
      vcos_log_error("Unable to enable control port : error %d", status);
      goto error;

   //  set up the camera configuration
         { MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CONFIG, sizeof(cam_config) },
         .max_stills_w = state->width,
         .max_stills_h = state->height,
         .stills_yuv422 = 0,
         .one_shot_stills = 1,
         .max_preview_video_w = state->preview_parameters.previewWindow.width,
         .max_preview_video_h = state->preview_parameters.previewWindow.height,
         .num_preview_video_frames = 3,
         .stills_capture_circular_buffer_height = 0,
         .fast_preview_resume = 0,
         .use_stc_timestamp = MMAL_PARAM_TIMESTAMP_MODE_RESET_STC
      mmal_port_parameter_set(camera->control, &cam_config.hdr);

   raspicamcontrol_set_all_parameters(camera, &state->camera_parameters);

   // Now set up the port formats

   format = preview_port->format;

   format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
   format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;

   format->es->video.width = state->preview_parameters.previewWindow.width;
   format->es->video.height = state->preview_parameters.previewWindow.height;
   format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
   format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
   format->es->video.crop.width = state->preview_parameters.previewWindow.width;
   format->es->video.crop.height =state->preview_parameters.previewWindow.height;
   format->es->video.frame_rate.num = PREVIEW_FRAME_RATE_NUM;
   format->es->video.frame_rate.den = PREVIEW_FRAME_RATE_DEN;
   status = mmal_port_format_commit(preview_port);

   if (status)
      vcos_log_error("camera viewfinder format couldn't be set");
      goto error;

   // Set the same format on the video  port (which we dont use here)
   mmal_format_full_copy(video_port->format, format);
   status = mmal_port_format_commit(video_port);

   if (status)
      vcos_log_error("camera video format couldn't be set");
      goto error;

   // Ensure there are enough buffers to avoid dropping frames
   if (video_port->buffer_num < VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM)
      video_port->buffer_num = VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM;

   format = still_port->format;

   // Set our stills format on the stills (for encoder) port
   format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
   format->es->video.width = state->width;
   format->es->video.height = state->height;
   format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
   format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
   format->es->video.crop.width = state->width;
   format->es->video.crop.height = state->height;
   format->es->video.frame_rate.num = STILLS_FRAME_RATE_NUM;
   format->es->video.frame_rate.den = STILLS_FRAME_RATE_DEN;

   status = mmal_port_format_commit(still_port);

   if (status)
      vcos_log_error("camera still format couldn't be set");
      goto error;

   /* Ensure there are enough buffers to avoid dropping frames */
   if (still_port->buffer_num < VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM)
      still_port->buffer_num = VIDEO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_NUM;

   /* Enable component */
   status = mmal_component_enable(camera);

   if (status)
      vcos_log_error("camera component couldn't be enabled");
      goto error;

   if (state->wantRAW)
      if (mmal_port_parameter_set_boolean(still_port, MMAL_PARAMETER_ENABLE_RAW_CAPTURE, 1) != MMAL_SUCCESS)
         vcos_log_error("RAW was requested, but failed to enable");

         // Continue on and take picture without.

   state->camera_component = camera;

   if (state->verbose)
      fprintf(stderr, "Camera component done\n");

   return camera;


   if (camera)

   return 0;
Exemple #11
MMAL_COMPONENT_T* CCamera::CreateCameraComponentAndSetupPorts()
	MMAL_COMPONENT_T *camera = 0;
	MMAL_ES_FORMAT_T *format;
	MMAL_PORT_T *preview_port = NULL, *video_port = NULL, *still_port = NULL;
	MMAL_STATUS_T status;

	//create the camera component
	status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_CAMERA, &camera);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Failed to create camera component\n");
		return NULL;

	//check we have output ports
	if (!camera->output_num)
		printf("Camera doesn't have output ports");
		return NULL;

	//get the 3 ports
	preview_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT];
	video_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_VIDEO_PORT];
	still_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT];

	// Enable the camera, and tell it its control callback function
	status = mmal_port_enable(camera->control, CameraControlCallback);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Unable to enable control port : error %d", status);
		return NULL;

	//  set up the camera configuration
		cam_config.hdr.size = sizeof(cam_config);
		cam_config.max_stills_w = Width;
		cam_config.max_stills_h = Height;
		cam_config.stills_yuv422 = 0;
		cam_config.one_shot_stills = 0;
		cam_config.max_preview_video_w = Width;
		cam_config.max_preview_video_h = Height;
		cam_config.num_preview_video_frames = 3;
		cam_config.stills_capture_circular_buffer_height = 0;
		cam_config.fast_preview_resume = 0;
		cam_config.use_stc_timestamp = MMAL_PARAM_TIMESTAMP_MODE_RESET_STC;
		mmal_port_parameter_set(camera->control, &cam_config.hdr);

	// setup preview port format - QUESTION: Needed if we aren't using preview?
	format = preview_port->format;
	format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
	format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
	format->es->video.width = Width;
	format->es->video.height = Height;
	format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.width = Width;
	format->es->video.crop.height = Height;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.num = FrameRate;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.den = 1;
	status = mmal_port_format_commit(preview_port);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Couldn't set preview port format : error %d", status);
		return NULL;

	//setup video port format
	format = video_port->format;
	format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
	format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
	format->es->video.width = Width;
	format->es->video.height = Height;
	format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.width = Width;
	format->es->video.crop.height = Height;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.num = FrameRate;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.den = 1;
	status = mmal_port_format_commit(video_port);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Couldn't set video port format : error %d", status);
		return NULL;

	//setup still port format
	format = still_port->format;
	format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
	format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
	format->es->video.width = Width;
	format->es->video.height = Height;
	format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.width = Width;
	format->es->video.crop.height = Height;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.num = 1;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.den = 1;
	status = mmal_port_format_commit(still_port);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Couldn't set still port format : error %d", status);
		return NULL;

	//apply all camera parameters
	raspicamcontrol_set_all_parameters(camera, &CameraParameters);

	//enable the camera
	status = mmal_component_enable(camera);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Couldn't enable camera\n");
		return NULL;	

	return camera;
Exemple #12
void create_camera_component(int Width, int Height, int FrameRate){
	MMAL_COMPONENT_T *camera = 0;
	MMAL_ES_FORMAT_T *format;
	MMAL_STATUS_T status;
	/* Create the component */
	status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_CAMERA, &camera);

	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)	{
		printf("Failed to create camera component : error %d\n", status);

	if (!camera->output_num)	{
		status = MMAL_ENOSYS;
		printf("Camera doesn't have output ports\n");

	preview_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT];
	video_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_VIDEO_PORT];
	still_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT];
	// Enable the camera, and tell it its control callback function
	status = mmal_port_enable(camera->control, camera_control_callback);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)	{
		printf("Unable to enable control port : error %d\n", status);
	//set camera parameters.
	cam_config.hdr.size = sizeof(cam_config);
	cam_config.max_stills_w = Width;
	cam_config.max_stills_h = Height;
	cam_config.stills_yuv422 = 0;
	cam_config.one_shot_stills = 0;
	cam_config.max_preview_video_w = Width;
	cam_config.max_preview_video_h = Height;
	cam_config.num_preview_video_frames = 3;
	cam_config.stills_capture_circular_buffer_height = 0;
	cam_config.fast_preview_resume = 0;
	cam_config.use_stc_timestamp = MMAL_PARAM_TIMESTAMP_MODE_RESET_STC;
	status = mmal_port_parameter_set(camera->control, &cam_config.hdr);

	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)	{
		printf("Unable to set camera parameters : error %d\n", status);
	// setup preview port format - QUESTION: Needed if we aren't using preview?
	format = preview_port->format;
	format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
	format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
	format->es->video.width = Width;
	format->es->video.height = Height;
	format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.width = Width;
	format->es->video.crop.height = Height;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.num = FrameRate;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.den = 1;
	status = mmal_port_format_commit(preview_port);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Couldn't set preview port format : error %d\n", status);

	//setup video port format
	format = video_port->format;
	format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
	format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
	format->es->video.width = Width;
	format->es->video.height = Height;
	format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.width = Width;
	format->es->video.crop.height = Height;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.num = FrameRate;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.den = 1;
	status = mmal_port_format_commit(video_port);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Couldn't set video port format : error %d\n", status);
	//setup still port format
	format = still_port->format;
	format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
	format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
	format->es->video.width = Width;
	format->es->video.height = Height;
	format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
	format->es->video.crop.width = Width;
	format->es->video.crop.height = Height;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.num = 1;
	format->es->video.frame_rate.den = 1;
	status = mmal_port_format_commit(still_port);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Couldn't set still port format : error %d\n", status);
	status = mmal_port_parameter_set_boolean(preview_port,
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Failed to enable zero copy on camera video port\n");
	status = mmal_port_format_commit(preview_port);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("camera format couldn't be set\n");
	/* For GL a pool of opaque buffer handles must be allocated in the client.
	* These buffers are used to create the EGL images.
	preview_port->buffer_num = 3;
	preview_port->buffer_size = preview_port->buffer_size_recommended;

	/* Pool + queue to hold preview frames */
	video_pool = mmal_port_pool_create(preview_port,preview_port->buffer_num,preview_port->buffer_size);
	if (!video_pool)
		printf("Error allocating camera video pool. Buffer num: %d Buffer size: %d\n", preview_port->buffer_num, preview_port->buffer_size);
		status = MMAL_ENOMEM;
	printf("Allocated %d MMAL buffers of size %d.\n", preview_port->buffer_num, preview_port->buffer_size);

	/* Place filled buffers from the preview port in a queue to render */
	video_queue = mmal_queue_create();
	if (!video_queue)
		printf("Error allocating video buffer queue\n");
		status = MMAL_ENOMEM;

	/* Enable video port callback */
	//port->userdata = (struct MMAL_PORT_USERDATA_T *)this;
	status = mmal_port_enable(preview_port, video_output_callback);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Failed to enable video port\n");
	// Set up the camera_parameters to default
	//apply all camera parameters
	raspicamcontrol_set_all_parameters(camera, &cameraParameters);

	//enable the camera
	status = mmal_component_enable(camera);
	if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Couldn't enable camera\n\n");
	//send all the buffers in our pool to the video port ready for use
		int num = mmal_queue_length(video_pool->queue);
		int q;
		for (q=0;q<num;q++)
			MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer = mmal_queue_get(video_pool->queue);
			if (!buffer)
				printf("Unable to get a required buffer %d from pool queue\n\n", q);
			else if (mmal_port_send_buffer(preview_port, buffer)!= MMAL_SUCCESS)
				printf("Unable to send a buffer to port (%d)\n\n", q);
	//begin capture
	if (mmal_port_parameter_set_boolean(preview_port, MMAL_PARAMETER_CAPTURE, 1) != MMAL_SUCCESS)
		printf("Failed to start capture\n\n");
	printf("Camera initialized.\n");
	//Setup the camera's textures and EGL images.
	glGenTextures(1, &cam_ytex);
	glGenTextures(1, &cam_utex);
	glGenTextures(1, &cam_vtex);
int setup_camera(PORT_USERDATA *userdata) {
    MMAL_STATUS_T status;
    MMAL_COMPONENT_T *camera = 0;
    MMAL_ES_FORMAT_T *format;
    MMAL_PORT_T * camera_preview_port;
    MMAL_PORT_T * camera_video_port;
    MMAL_PORT_T * camera_still_port;
    MMAL_POOL_T * camera_video_port_pool;

    status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_CAMERA, &camera);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: create camera %x\n", status);
        return -1;
    userdata->camera = camera;
    userdata->camera_preview_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT];
    userdata->camera_video_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_VIDEO_PORT];
    userdata->camera_still_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT];

    camera_preview_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT];
    camera_video_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_VIDEO_PORT];
    camera_still_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT];

        MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CONFIG_T cam_config = {
            { MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CONFIG, sizeof (cam_config)},
            .max_stills_w = 1280,
            .max_stills_h = 720,
            .stills_yuv422 = 0,
            .one_shot_stills = 1,
            .max_preview_video_w = VIDEO_WIDTH,
            .max_preview_video_h = VIDEO_HEIGHT,
            .num_preview_video_frames = 3,
            .stills_capture_circular_buffer_height = 0,
            .fast_preview_resume = 0,
            .use_stc_timestamp = MMAL_PARAM_TIMESTAMP_MODE_RESET_STC
        mmal_port_parameter_set(camera->control, &cam_config.hdr);

    // Setup camera preview port format 
    format = camera_preview_port->format;
    format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
    format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
    format->es->video.width = VIDEO_WIDTH;
    format->es->video.height = VIDEO_HEIGHT;
    format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
    format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
    format->es->video.crop.width = VIDEO_WIDTH;
    format->es->video.crop.height = VIDEO_HEIGHT;

    status = mmal_port_format_commit(camera_preview_port);

    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: camera viewfinder format couldn't be set\n");
        return -1;

    // Setup camera video port format
    mmal_format_copy(camera_video_port->format, camera_preview_port->format);

    format = camera_video_port->format;
    format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
    format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;
    format->es->video.width = VIDEO_WIDTH;
    format->es->video.height = VIDEO_HEIGHT;
    format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
    format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
    format->es->video.crop.width = VIDEO_WIDTH;
    format->es->video.crop.height = VIDEO_HEIGHT;
    format->es->video.frame_rate.num = VIDEO_FPS;
    format->es->video.frame_rate.den = 1;

    camera_video_port->buffer_size = format->es->video.width * format->es->video.height * 12 / 8;
    camera_video_port->buffer_num = 2;

    fprintf(stderr, "INFO:camera video buffer_size = %d\n", camera_video_port->buffer_size);
    fprintf(stderr, "INFO:camera video buffer_num = %d\n", camera_video_port->buffer_num);

    status = mmal_port_format_commit(camera_video_port);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to commit camera video port format (%u)\n", status);
        return -1;

    camera_video_port_pool = (MMAL_POOL_T *) mmal_port_pool_create(camera_video_port, camera_video_port->buffer_num, camera_video_port->buffer_size);
    userdata->camera_video_port_pool = camera_video_port_pool;
    camera_video_port->userdata = (struct MMAL_PORT_USERDATA_T *) userdata;

    status = mmal_port_enable(camera_video_port, camera_video_buffer_callback);

    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to enable camera video port (%u)\n", status);
        return -1;

    status = mmal_component_enable(camera);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to enable camera (%u)\n", status);
        return -1;

    fill_port_buffer(userdata->camera_video_port, userdata->camera_video_port_pool);

    if (mmal_port_parameter_set_boolean(camera_video_port, MMAL_PARAMETER_CAPTURE, 1) != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        printf("%s: Failed to start capture\n", __func__);

    fprintf(stderr, "INFO: camera created\n");
    return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    MMAL_COMPONENT_T *camera = 0;
    MMAL_COMPONENT_T *preview = 0;
    MMAL_ES_FORMAT_T *format;
    MMAL_STATUS_T status;
    MMAL_PORT_T *camera_preview_port = NULL, *camera_video_port = NULL, *camera_still_port = NULL;
    MMAL_PORT_T *preview_input_port = NULL;

    MMAL_CONNECTION_T *camera_preview_connection = 0;



    status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_CAMERA, &camera);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Error: create camera %x\n", status);
        return -1;

    camera_preview_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT];
    camera_video_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_VIDEO_PORT];
    camera_still_port = camera->output[MMAL_CAMERA_CAPTURE_PORT];

        MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CONFIG_T cam_config = {
            { MMAL_PARAMETER_CAMERA_CONFIG, sizeof (cam_config)},
            .max_stills_w = 1280,
            .max_stills_h = 720,
            .stills_yuv422 = 0,
            .one_shot_stills = 1,
            .max_preview_video_w = 1280,
            .max_preview_video_h = 720,
            .num_preview_video_frames = 3,
            .stills_capture_circular_buffer_height = 0,
            .fast_preview_resume = 0,
            .use_stc_timestamp = MMAL_PARAM_TIMESTAMP_MODE_RESET_STC
        mmal_port_parameter_set(camera->control, &cam_config.hdr);

    format = camera_preview_port->format;

    format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
    format->encoding_variant = MMAL_ENCODING_I420;

    format->es->video.width = 1280;
    format->es->video.height = 720;
    format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
    format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
    format->es->video.crop.width = 1280;
    format->es->video.crop.height = 720;

    status = mmal_port_format_commit(camera_preview_port);

    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Error: camera viewfinder format couldn't be set\n");
        return -1;

    status = mmal_component_enable(camera);

    status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_VIDEO_RENDERER, &preview);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Error: unable to create preview (%u)\n", status);
        return -1;
    preview_input_port = preview->input[0];

        param.hdr.size = sizeof (MMAL_DISPLAYREGION_T);
        param.set = MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_LAYER;
        param.layer = 0;
        param.set |= MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_FULLSCREEN;
        param.fullscreen = 1;
        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(preview_input_port, &param.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS && status != MMAL_ENOSYS) {
            printf("Error: unable to set preview port parameters (%u)\n", status);
            return -1;

    status = mmal_connection_create(&camera_preview_connection, camera_preview_port, preview_input_port, MMAL_CONNECTION_FLAG_TUNNELLING | MMAL_CONNECTION_FLAG_ALLOCATION_ON_INPUT);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Error: unable to create connection (%u)\n", status);
        return -1;

    status = mmal_connection_enable(camera_preview_connection);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Error: unable to enable connection (%u)\n", status);
        return -1;
    while (1);

    return 0;
Exemple #15
static int Open(filter_t *filter)
    int32_t frame_duration = filter-> != 0 ?
            (int64_t)1000000 * filter-> /
            filter-> : 0;
    bool use_qpu = var_InheritBool(filter, MMAL_DEINTERLACE_QPU);

            { MMAL_PARAMETER_IMAGE_EFFECT_PARAMETERS, sizeof(imfx_param) },
            { 3, frame_duration, 0, use_qpu }

    int ret = VLC_SUCCESS;
    MMAL_STATUS_T status;
    filter_sys_t *sys;

    msg_Dbg(filter, "Try to open mmal_deinterlace filter. frame_duration: %d, QPU %s!",
            frame_duration, use_qpu ? "used" : "unused");

    if (filter-> != VLC_CODEC_MMAL_OPAQUE)
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    if (filter-> != VLC_CODEC_MMAL_OPAQUE)
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    sys = calloc(1, sizeof(filter_sys_t));
    if (!sys)
        return VLC_ENOMEM;
    filter->p_sys = sys;


    status = mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_DEINTERLACE, &sys->component);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(filter, "Failed to create MMAL component %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_DEINTERLACE, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;

    status = mmal_port_parameter_set(sys->component->output[0], &imfx_param.hdr);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(filter, "Failed to configure MMAL component %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_DEINTERLACE, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;

    sys->component->control->userdata = (struct MMAL_PORT_USERDATA_T *)filter;
    status = mmal_port_enable(sys->component->control, control_port_cb);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(filter, "Failed to enable control port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                sys->component->control->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;

    sys->input = sys->component->input[0];
    sys->input->userdata = (struct MMAL_PORT_USERDATA_T *)filter;
    if (filter->fmt_in.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_MMAL_OPAQUE)
        sys->input->format->encoding = MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE;
    sys->input->format->es->video.width = filter->;
    sys->input->format->es->video.height = filter->;
    sys->input->format->es->video.crop.x = 0;
    sys->input->format->es->video.crop.y = 0;
    sys->input->format->es->video.crop.width = filter->;
    sys->input->format->es->video.crop.height = filter->;
    sys->input->format->es->video.par.num = filter->;
    sys->input->format->es->video.par.den = filter->;

    es_format_Copy(&filter->fmt_out, &filter->fmt_in);
    filter-> *= 2;

    status = mmal_port_format_commit(sys->input);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(filter, "Failed to commit format for input port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                        sys->input->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;
    sys->input->buffer_size = sys->input->buffer_size_recommended;
    sys->input->buffer_num = sys->input->buffer_num_recommended;

    if (filter->fmt_in.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_MMAL_OPAQUE) {
        MMAL_PARAMETER_BOOLEAN_T zero_copy = {

        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(sys->input, &zero_copy.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
           msg_Err(filter, "Failed to set zero copy on port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                    sys->input->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
           goto out;

    status = mmal_port_enable(sys->input, input_port_cb);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(filter, "Failed to enable input port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                sys->input->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;

    sys->output = sys->component->output[0];
    sys->output->userdata = (struct MMAL_PORT_USERDATA_T *)filter;
    mmal_format_full_copy(sys->output->format, sys->input->format);

    status = mmal_port_format_commit(sys->output);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(filter, "Failed to commit format for output port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                        sys->input->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;

    sys->output->buffer_num = 3;

    if (filter->fmt_in.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_MMAL_OPAQUE) {
        MMAL_PARAMETER_UINT32_T extra_buffers = {
        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(sys->output, &extra_buffers.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
            msg_Err(filter, "Failed to set MMAL_PARAMETER_EXTRA_BUFFERS on output port (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                    status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
            goto out;

        MMAL_PARAMETER_BOOLEAN_T zero_copy = {

        status = mmal_port_parameter_set(sys->output, &zero_copy.hdr);
        if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
           msg_Err(filter, "Failed to set zero copy on port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                    sys->output->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
           goto out;

    status = mmal_port_enable(sys->output, output_port_cb);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(filter, "Failed to enable output port %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                sys->output->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;

    status = mmal_component_enable(sys->component);
    if (status != MMAL_SUCCESS) {
        msg_Err(filter, "Failed to enable component %s (status=%"PRIx32" %s)",
                sys->component->name, status, mmal_status_to_string(status));
        ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
        goto out;

    sys->filtered_pictures = mmal_queue_create();

    filter->pf_video_filter = deinterlace;
    filter->pf_flush = flush;

    vlc_sem_init(&sys->sem, 0);

    if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)

    return ret;