int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
    QString port = "COM13";
    if (argc >= 2) port = argv[1];
    BusMngr mngr(port);

    return a.exec();
 virtual bool endElement() {
     DiameterPeerManager mngr(m_task);
     if (! mngr.Add(m_peerInfo.hostname,
                    true)) {   
         AAA_LOG((LM_INFO, "(%P|%t) WARING !!! - Unable to add peer: %s\n", 
 	 return OD_Utl_XML_Element::endElement();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // Initialization of wxWindows library
  if( !wxInitialize() ) {
    puts("Failed to initialize the wxWidgets library.");
    return -1;

  // message_logger is an auxiliary object defined in file logexc.h
  // it is used for the error handling
  message_logger::global().set_throw(true);  // run-time errors will generate exceptions

    int res;

    // Error handling class message_logger contains definitions
    // of errors, warnings and messages. Errors (vblOERR level) occur in
    // the case of incorrect input parameters of library functions,
    // incorrect function call sequence, impossibility to access the
    // remote system. Warnings (vblWARN level) occur due to the failure of
    // file copying, remote command execution, job duplication.
    // The following command enables output of all messages (vblALL)
    // and sets program interruption on errors and warnings (vblALLBAD)

    // Initialization of the shell
    gmShellUnix shell;

    // Creation of the persistent remote directory
    // (needed for the first run only)
    puts("Copying permanent files to the remote system ...");

    // Copying of the persistent files
    shell.StageIn("../input/permfile.txt", "tmp/remote_dir");
    // For text files the full remote file name should be specified ("tmp/remote_dir/")!
    shell.StageIn("text:../input/", "tmp/remote_dir/");

    // Attribute for execution of the script
    shell.Execute("chmod u+x tmp/remote_dir/");

    // The following command enables output of all messages (vblALL)
    // and sets program interruption only on errors (vblERR)

    // Initialization of the job manager
    gmPBSManager mngr(shell);  // use the second argument to select the PBS queue
    mngr.SetParam("/usr/local/bin", "GMD"); // "GMD" is the prefix for the PBS jobs

    // Initialization of the job
    gmJob* job = mngr.CreateJob();
    job->command = "$HOME/tmp/remote_dir/ 1 2"; // execution command path and arguments
    // Input files and directories
    job->AddInFile("../input/infile1.txt", "", gmJob::TEXT);
    job->AddInFile("../input/infile2.txt", "", gmJob::TEXT);
    job->AddInFile("../input/indir", "");
    job->AddInFile("tmp/remote_dir/permfile.txt", "", gmJob::REMOTE); // этот файл будет взят из каталога на удаленной системе

    printf("State before submission: %s\n", gmJob::StateName(job->GetState()));

    // Job submission
    res = job->Submit("test");
    wxString id = job->GetID();
    printf("State after submission: %s, id = %s\n", gmJob::StateName(res), id.c_str());

    wxSleep(2);  // Usually after 2 seconds the jobs is started

    // Copying of an intermediate result (a file from the working directory)
    res = job->StageOut("../example1-out-inter", "outfile.txt", gmJob::TEXT | gmJob::CREATEPATH);
    printf("File uploaded with the exit code: %d\n", res);

    // Detaching from the job manager. After Detach the remote job is still
    // running while the job object is deleted.

    // Restoring the job object (attaching to the working remote job)
    // using the saved id
    job = mngr.Restore(id);
    res = job->LastState();  // LastState returns here the status obtained by Restore
                             // without extra remote system calls
    printf("State after Attach: %s\n", gmJob::StateName(res));

    if(res && res != JOB_FAILED) {
      // Output files and directories
      job->AddOutFile("../example1-out-final", "outfile.txt", gmJob::TEXT | gmJob::CREATEPATH);
      job->AddOutFile("../example1-out-final", "outdir");
      job->AddOutFile("tmp/remote_dir", "permfile.txt", gmJob::REMOTE); // этот файл будет скопирован в каталог на удаленной системе
      // Files to store stdout and stderr
      job->AddOutFile("../example1-out-final/out", "STDOUT");
      job->AddOutFile("../example1-out-final/err", "STDERR");

      // Waiting for the job completion and fetching the results
      //mngr.wait_timeout = 15000;  // uncommend this to set a timeout
      res = job->FetchResult();  // use the secong arg to prevent waiting
      printf("State after FetchResult: %s\n", gmJob::StateName(res));

    // Removing the temporary directory on the remote source and the job object
  catch(gmJobException &e){ (void)e; }


  return 0;