Exemple #1
main (int argc, char *argv[])
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;
   mongoc_client_t *client;

   if (argc != 2) {
      fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s MONGO_URI\n", argv[0]);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   mongoc_init ();

   client = mongoc_client_new (argv[1]);
   if (!client) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Invalid URI: \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, 2);

   collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "local", "oplog.rs");

   tail_collection (collection);

   mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);

   return 0;
main (int   argc,
      char *argv[])
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   mongoc_apm_callbacks_t *callbacks;
   stats_t stats = { 0 }; 
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;
   const char *uristr = "mongodb://";
   const char *collection_name = "test";
   bson_t doc;

   mongoc_init ();

   if (argc > 1) {
      uristr = argv [1];

   client = mongoc_client_new (uristr);

   if (!client) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Failed to parse URI.\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, 2);
   callbacks = mongoc_apm_callbacks_new ();
   mongoc_apm_set_command_started_cb (callbacks, command_started);
   mongoc_apm_set_command_succeeded_cb (callbacks, command_succeeded );
   mongoc_apm_set_command_failed_cb (callbacks, command_failed);
   mongoc_client_set_apm_callbacks (client,
                                    (void *) &stats /* context pointer */);

   bson_init (&doc);
   BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&doc, "_id", 1);

   collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "test", collection_name);
   mongoc_collection_drop (collection, NULL);
   mongoc_collection_insert (collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE, &doc, NULL, NULL);
   /* duplicate key error on the second insert */
   mongoc_collection_insert (collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE, &doc, NULL, NULL);

   printf ("started: %d\nsucceeded: %d\nfailed: %d\n",
           stats.started, stats.succeeded, stats.failed);

   bson_destroy (&doc);
   mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
   mongoc_apm_callbacks_destroy (callbacks);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);

   mongoc_cleanup ();

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #3
main (void)
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;
   mongoc_database_t *database;
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t *options;

   mongoc_init ();
   client = mongoc_client_new (
   mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, 2);
   database = mongoc_client_get_database (client, "databaseName");

   options = BCON_NEW ("validator",
                       BCON_INT32 (34),
                       BCON_UTF8 ("error"),
                       BCON_UTF8 ("moderate"));

   collection = mongoc_database_create_collection (
      database, "collectionName", options, &error);
   if (!collection) {
      fprintf (
         stderr, "Got error: \"%s\" on line %d\n", error.message, __LINE__);
      return 1;

   fam_flags (collection);
   fam_bypass (collection);
   fam_update (collection);
   fam_fields (collection);
   fam_opts (collection);
   fam_sort (collection);

   mongoc_collection_drop (collection, NULL);
   bson_destroy (options);
   mongoc_database_destroy (database);
   mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);

   mongoc_cleanup ();
   return 0;
Exemple #4
main (int argc, char *argv[])
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;

   mongoc_init ();

   client = mongoc_client_new ("mongodb://localhost/?appname=bulk-collation");
   mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, 2);
   collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "db", "collection");
   bulk_collation (collection);

   mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);

   mongoc_cleanup ();

   return 0;
Exemple #5
main (int argc, char *argv[])
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;

   mongoc_init ();

   client = mongoc_client_new (
   mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, 2);
   collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "test", "zipcodes");

   print_pipeline (collection);

   mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);

   mongoc_cleanup ();

   return 0;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;
   const char *uri_string = "mongodb://localhost/?appname=bulk-collation";
   mongoc_uri_t *uri;
   bson_error_t error;

   mongoc_init ();

   uri = mongoc_uri_new_with_error (uri_string, &error);
   if (!uri) {
      fprintf (stderr,
               "failed to parse URI: %s\n"
               "error message:       %s\n",
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   client = mongoc_client_new_from_uri (uri);
   if (!client) {
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, 2);
   collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "db", "collection");
   bulk_collation (collection);

   mongoc_uri_destroy (uri);
   mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);

   mongoc_cleanup ();

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;
   mongoc_cursor_t *cursor;
   bson_error_t error;
   const bson_t *doc;
   const char *collection_name = "test";
   bson_t query;
   char *str;
   const char *uri_string = "mongodb://";
   mongoc_uri_t *uri;

   mongoc_init ();

   if (argc > 1) {
      uri_string = argv[1];

   if (argc > 2) {
      collection_name = argv[2];

   uri = mongoc_uri_new_with_error (uri_string, &error);
   if (!uri) {
      fprintf (stderr,
               "failed to parse URI: %s\n"
               "error message:       %s\n",
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   client = mongoc_client_new_from_uri (uri);
   if (!client) {
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, 2);

   bson_init (&query);

#if 0
   bson_append_utf8 (&query, "hello", -1, "world", -1);

   collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "test", collection_name);
   cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts (
      NULL,  /* additional options */
      NULL); /* read prefs, NULL for default */

   while (mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc)) {
      str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (doc, NULL);
      fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", str);
      bson_free (str);

   if (mongoc_cursor_error (cursor, &error)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Cursor Failure: %s\n", error.message);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   bson_destroy (&query);
   mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor);
   mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
   mongoc_uri_destroy (uri);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);
   mongoc_cleanup ();

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemple #8
main (int argc, char *argv[])
   int exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;

   mongoc_client_t *client;
   mongoc_client_session_t *client_session = NULL;
   mongoc_collection_t *collection = NULL;
   const char *uristr = "mongodb://";
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t *selector = NULL;
   bson_t *update = NULL;
   bson_t *update_opts = NULL;
   bson_t *find_opts = NULL;
   mongoc_read_prefs_t *secondary = NULL;
   mongoc_cursor_t *cursor = NULL;
   const bson_t *doc;
   char *str;
   bool r;

   mongoc_init ();

   if (argc > 1) {
      uristr = argv[1];

   client = mongoc_client_new (uristr);

   if (!client) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Failed to parse URI.\n");
      goto done;

   mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, 2);

   /* pass NULL for options - by default the session is causally consistent */
   client_session = mongoc_client_start_session (client, NULL, &error);
   if (!client_session) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Failed to start session: %s\n", error.message);
      goto done;

   collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "test", "collection");
   selector = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (1));
   update = BCON_NEW ("$inc", "{", "x", BCON_INT32 (1), "}");
   update_opts = bson_new ();
   if (!mongoc_client_session_append (client_session, update_opts, &error)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Could not add session to opts: %s\n", error.message);
      goto done;

   r = mongoc_collection_update_one (
      collection, selector, update, update_opts, NULL /* reply */, &error);

   if (!r) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Update failed: %s\n", error.message);
      goto done;

   bson_destroy (selector);
   selector = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (1));
   secondary = mongoc_read_prefs_new (MONGOC_READ_SECONDARY);

   find_opts = BCON_NEW ("maxTimeMS", BCON_INT32 (2000));
   if (!mongoc_client_session_append (client_session, find_opts, &error)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Could not add session to opts: %s\n", error.message);
      goto done;

   /* read from secondary. since we're in a causally consistent session, the
    * data is guaranteed to reflect the update we did on the primary. the query
    * blocks waiting for the secondary to catch up, if necessary, or times out
    * and fails after 2000 ms.
   cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts (
      collection, selector, find_opts, secondary);

   bson_destroy (selector);
   mongoc_read_prefs_destroy (secondary);
   bson_destroy (find_opts);

   while (mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc)) {
      str = bson_as_json (doc, NULL);
      fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", str);
      bson_free (str);

   if (mongoc_cursor_error (cursor, &error)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Cursor Failure: %s\n", error.message);
      goto done;

   exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;

   if (find_opts) {
      bson_destroy (find_opts);
   if (update) {
      bson_destroy (update);
   if (selector) {
      bson_destroy (selector);
   if (update_opts) {
      bson_destroy (update_opts);
   if (secondary) {
      mongoc_read_prefs_destroy (secondary);
   /* destroy cursor, collection, session before the client they came from */
   if (cursor) {
      mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor);
   if (collection) {
      mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
   if (client_session) {
      mongoc_client_session_destroy (client_session);
   if (client) {
      mongoc_client_destroy (client);

   mongoc_cleanup ();

   return exit_code;
Exemple #9
main (int argc, char *argv[])
   mongoc_gridfs_t *gridfs;
   mongoc_gridfs_file_t *file;
   mongoc_gridfs_file_list_t *list;
   mongoc_gridfs_file_opt_t opt = {0};
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   mongoc_stream_t *stream;
   bson_t filter;
   bson_t opts;
   bson_t child;
   bson_error_t error;
   ssize_t r;
   char buf[4096];
   mongoc_iovec_t iov;
   const char *filename;
   const char *command;
   bson_value_t id;

   if (argc < 2) {
      fprintf (stderr, "usage - %s command ...\n", argv[0]);
      return 1;

   mongoc_init ();

   iov.iov_base = (void *) buf;
   iov.iov_len = sizeof buf;

   /* connect to localhost client */
   client =
      mongoc_client_new ("mongodb://");
   assert (client);
   mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, 2);

   /* grab a gridfs handle in test prefixed by fs */
   gridfs = mongoc_client_get_gridfs (client, "test", "fs", &error);
   assert (gridfs);

   command = argv[1];
   filename = argv[2];

   if (strcmp (command, "read") == 0) {
      if (argc != 3) {
         fprintf (stderr, "usage - %s read filename\n", argv[0]);
         return 1;
      file = mongoc_gridfs_find_one_by_filename (gridfs, filename, &error);
      assert (file);

      stream = mongoc_stream_gridfs_new (file);
      assert (stream);

      for (;;) {
         r = mongoc_stream_readv (stream, &iov, 1, -1, 0);

         assert (r >= 0);

         if (r == 0) {

         if (fwrite (iov.iov_base, 1, r, stdout) != r) {
            MONGOC_ERROR ("Failed to write to stdout. Exiting.\n");
            exit (1);

      mongoc_stream_destroy (stream);
      mongoc_gridfs_file_destroy (file);
   } else if (strcmp (command, "list") == 0) {
      bson_init (&filter);

      bson_init (&opts);
      bson_append_document_begin (&opts, "sort", -1, &child);
      BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&child, "filename", 1);
      bson_append_document_end (&opts, &child);

      list = mongoc_gridfs_find_with_opts (gridfs, &filter, &opts);

      bson_destroy (&filter);
      bson_destroy (&opts);

      while ((file = mongoc_gridfs_file_list_next (list))) {
         const char *name = mongoc_gridfs_file_get_filename (file);
         printf ("%s\n", name ? name : "?");

         mongoc_gridfs_file_destroy (file);

      mongoc_gridfs_file_list_destroy (list);
   } else if (strcmp (command, "write") == 0) {
      if (argc != 4) {
         fprintf (stderr, "usage - %s write filename input_file\n", argv[0]);
         return 1;

      stream = mongoc_stream_file_new_for_path (argv[3], O_RDONLY, 0);
      assert (stream);

      opt.filename = filename;

      /* the driver generates a file_id for you */
      file = mongoc_gridfs_create_file_from_stream (gridfs, stream, &opt);
      assert (file);

      id.value_type = BSON_TYPE_INT32;
      id.value.v_int32 = 1;

      /* optional: the following method specifies a file_id of any
         BSON type */
      if (!mongoc_gridfs_file_set_id (file, &id, &error)) {
         fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", error.message);
         return 1;

      mongoc_gridfs_file_save (file);
      mongoc_gridfs_file_destroy (file);
   } else {
      fprintf (stderr, "Unknown command");
      return 1;

   mongoc_gridfs_destroy (gridfs);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);

   mongoc_cleanup ();

   return 0;
Exemple #10
main (int argc, char *argv[])
   mongoc_database_t *database;
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   bson_t reply;
   uint16_t port;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t ping;
   char *host_and_port;
   char *str;
   bool r;

   if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) {
      fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s HOSTNAME [PORT]\n", argv[0]);
      return 1;

   mongoc_init ();

   port = (argc == 3) ? atoi (argv[2]) : 27017;

   if (!strncmp (argv[1], "mongodb://", 10) ||
       !strncmp (argv[1], "mongodb+srv://", 14)) {
      host_and_port = bson_strdup (argv[1]);
   } else {
      host_and_port = bson_strdup_printf ("mongodb://%s:%hu", argv[1], port);

   client = mongoc_client_new (host_and_port);

   if (!client) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Invalid hostname or port: %s\n", host_and_port);
      bson_free (host_and_port);
      return 2;
   bson_free (host_and_port);

   mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, 2);

   bson_init (&ping);
   bson_append_int32 (&ping, "ping", 4, 1);
   database = mongoc_client_get_database (client, "test");
   r = mongoc_database_command_with_opts (
      database, &ping, NULL, NULL, &reply, &error);

   if (r) {
      str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (&reply, NULL);
      fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", str);
      bson_free (str);
   } else {
      fprintf (stderr, "Ping failure: %s\n", error.message);

   bson_destroy (&ping);
   bson_destroy (&reply);
   mongoc_database_destroy (database);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);

   return r ? 0 : 3;
Exemple #11
main (int argc, char *argv[])
   mongoc_client_t *client = NULL;
   mongoc_database_t *database = NULL;
   mongoc_collection_t *collection = NULL;
   mongoc_cursor_t *cursor = NULL;
   bson_error_t error;
   const char *uristr = "mongodb://";
   const char *authuristr;
   bson_t roles;
   bson_t query;
   const bson_t *doc;

   if (argc != 2) {
      printf ("%s - [implicit|scram]\n", argv[0]);
      return 1;

   if (strcmp (argv[1], "implicit") == 0) {
      authuristr = "mongodb://user,=:[email protected]/test?appname=scram-example";
   } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "scram") == 0) {
      authuristr = "mongodb://user,=:[email protected]/"
   } else {
      printf ("%s - [implicit|scram]\n", argv[0]);
      return 1;

   mongoc_init ();

   client = mongoc_client_new (uristr);

   if (!client) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Failed to parse URI.\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

   mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, 2);

   database = mongoc_client_get_database (client, "test");

   bson_init (&roles);
   bson_init (&query);

   BCON_APPEND (&roles, "0", "{", "role", "root", "db", "admin", "}");

   mongoc_database_add_user (database, "user,=", "pass", &roles, NULL, &error);

   mongoc_database_destroy (database);

   mongoc_client_destroy (client);

   client = mongoc_client_new (authuristr);

   if (!client) {
      fprintf (stderr, "failed to parse SCRAM uri\n");
      goto CLEANUP;

   mongoc_client_set_error_api (client, 2);

   collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, "test", "test");

   cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts (collection, &query, NULL, NULL);

   mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc);

   if (mongoc_cursor_error (cursor, &error)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Auth error: %s\n", error.message);
      goto CLEANUP;


   bson_destroy (&roles);
   bson_destroy (&query);

   if (collection) {
      mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);

   if (client) {
      mongoc_client_destroy (client);

   if (cursor) {
      mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor);

   mongoc_cleanup ();

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;