Exemple #1
mono_thread_info_resume (MonoNativeThreadId tid)
	gboolean result; /* don't initialize it so the compiler can catch unitilized paths. */
	MonoThreadHazardPointers *hp = mono_hazard_pointer_get ();
	MonoThreadInfo *info = mono_thread_info_lookup (tid); /*info on HP1*/

	if (!info) {
		result = FALSE;
		goto cleanup;
	result = mono_thread_info_core_resume (info);

	mono_hazard_pointer_clear (hp, 1);
	return result;
Exemple #2
mono_runtime_shutdown_stat_profiler (void)
	mono_atomic_store_i32 (&sampling_thread_running, 0);

	mono_profiler_sampling_thread_post ();

	 * There is a slight problem when we're using CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID: If
	 * we're shutting down and there's largely no activity in the process other
	 * than waiting for the sampler thread to shut down, it can take upwards of
	 * 20 seconds (depending on a lot of factors) for us to shut down because
	 * the sleep progresses very slowly as a result of the low CPU activity.
	 * We fix this by repeatedly sending the profiler signal to the sampler
	 * thread in order to interrupt the sleep. clock_sleep_ns_abs () will check
	 * sampling_thread_running upon an interrupt and return immediately if it's
	 * zero. profiler_signal_handler () has a special case to ignore the signal
	 * for the sampler thread.
	MonoThreadInfo *info;

	// Did it shut down already?
	if ((info = mono_thread_info_lookup (sampling_thread))) {
		while (!mono_atomic_load_i32 (&sampling_thread_exiting)) {
			mono_threads_pthread_kill (info, profiler_signal);
			mono_thread_info_usleep (10 * 1000 /* 10ms */);

		// Make sure info can be freed.
		mono_hazard_pointer_clear (mono_hazard_pointer_get (), 1);

	mono_os_event_wait_one (&sampling_thread_exited, MONO_INFINITE_WAIT, FALSE);
	mono_os_event_destroy (&sampling_thread_exited);

	 * We can't safely remove the signal handler because we have no guarantee
	 * that all pending signals have been delivered at this point. This should
	 * not really be a problem anyway.
	//remove_signal_handler (profiler_signal);
Exemple #3
mono_thread_info_safe_suspend_and_run (MonoNativeThreadId id, gboolean interrupt_kernel, MonoSuspendThreadCallback callback, gpointer user_data)
	int result;
	MonoThreadInfo *info = NULL;
	MonoThreadHazardPointers *hp = mono_hazard_pointer_get ();

	THREADS_SUSPEND_DEBUG ("SUSPENDING tid %p\n", (void*)id);
	/*FIXME: unify this with self-suspend*/
	g_assert (id != mono_native_thread_id_get ());

	/* This can block during stw */
	mono_thread_info_suspend_lock ();
	mono_threads_begin_global_suspend ();

	info = suspend_sync_nolock (id, interrupt_kernel);
	if (!info)
		goto done;

	switch (result = callback (info, user_data)) {
	case MonoResumeThread:
		mono_hazard_pointer_set (hp, 1, info);
		mono_thread_info_core_resume (info);
		mono_threads_wait_pending_operations ();
	case KeepSuspended:
		g_assert (!mono_threads_is_coop_enabled ());
		g_error ("Invalid suspend_and_run callback return value %d", result);

	mono_hazard_pointer_clear (hp, 1);
	mono_threads_end_global_suspend ();
	mono_thread_info_suspend_unlock ();
mono_lock_free_queue_dequeue (MonoLockFreeQueue *q)
	MonoThreadHazardPointers *hp = mono_hazard_pointer_get ();
	MonoLockFreeQueueNode *head;

	for (;;) {
		MonoLockFreeQueueNode *tail, *next;

		head = (MonoLockFreeQueueNode *) get_hazardous_pointer ((gpointer volatile*)&q->head, hp, 0);
		tail = (MonoLockFreeQueueNode*)q->tail;
		mono_memory_read_barrier ();
		next = head->next;
		mono_memory_read_barrier ();

		/* Are head, tail and next consistent? */
		if (head == q->head) {
			g_assert (next != INVALID_NEXT && next != FREE_NEXT);
			g_assert (next != head);

			/* Is queue empty or tail behind? */
			if (head == tail) {
				if (next == END_MARKER) {
					/* Queue is empty */
					mono_hazard_pointer_clear (hp, 0);

					 * We only continue if we
					 * reenqueue the dummy
					 * ourselves, so as not to
					 * wait for threads that might
					 * not actually run.
					if (!is_dummy (q, head) && try_reenqueue_dummy (q))

					return NULL;

				/* Try to advance tail */
				InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((gpointer volatile*)&q->tail, next, tail);
			} else {
				g_assert (next != END_MARKER);
				/* Try to dequeue head */
				if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ((gpointer volatile*)&q->head, next, head) == head)

		mono_memory_write_barrier ();
		mono_hazard_pointer_clear (hp, 0);

	 * The head is dequeued now, so we know it's this thread's
	 * responsibility to free it - no other thread can.
	mono_memory_write_barrier ();
	mono_hazard_pointer_clear (hp, 0);

	g_assert (head->next);
	 * Setting next here isn't necessary for correctness, but we
	 * do it to make sure that we catch dereferencing next in a
	 * node that's not in the queue anymore.
	head->next = INVALID_NEXT;
	g_assert (head->in_queue);
	head->in_queue = FALSE;
	mono_memory_write_barrier ();

	if (is_dummy (q, head)) {
		g_assert (q->has_dummy);
		q->has_dummy = 0;
		mono_memory_write_barrier ();
		mono_thread_hazardous_free_or_queue (head, free_dummy, FALSE, TRUE);
		if (try_reenqueue_dummy (q))
			goto retry;
		return NULL;

	/* The caller must hazardously free the node. */
	return head;