Exemple #1
sgen_memgov_try_alloc_space (mword size, int space)
	if (sgen_memgov_available_free_space () < size)
		return FALSE;

	SGEN_ATOMIC_ADD_P (allocated_heap, size);
	mono_runtime_resource_check_limit (MONO_RESOURCE_GC_HEAP, allocated_heap);
	return TRUE;
Exemple #2
static CodeChunk*
new_codechunk (CodeChunk *last, int dynamic, int size)
	int minsize, flags = CODE_FLAG_MMAP;
	int chunk_size, bsize = 0;
	int pagesize, valloc_granule;
	CodeChunk *chunk;
	void *ptr;


	pagesize = mono_pagesize ();
	valloc_granule = mono_valloc_granule ();

	if (dynamic) {
		chunk_size = size;
	} else {
		minsize = MAX (pagesize * MIN_PAGES, valloc_granule);
		if (size < minsize)
			chunk_size = minsize;
		else {
			/* Allocate MIN_ALIGN-1 more than we need so we can still */
			/* guarantee MIN_ALIGN alignment for individual allocs    */
			/* from mono_code_manager_reserve_align.                  */
			size += MIN_ALIGN - 1;
			size &= ~(MIN_ALIGN - 1);
			chunk_size = size;
			chunk_size += valloc_granule - 1;
			chunk_size &= ~ (valloc_granule - 1);
#ifdef BIND_ROOM
	if (dynamic)
		/* Reserve more space since there are no other chunks we might use if this one gets full */
		bsize = (chunk_size * 2) / BIND_ROOM;
		bsize = chunk_size / BIND_ROOM;
	if (bsize < MIN_BSIZE)
		bsize = MIN_BSIZE;
	bsize += MIN_ALIGN -1;
	bsize &= ~ (MIN_ALIGN - 1);
	if (chunk_size - size < bsize) {
		chunk_size = size + bsize;
		if (!dynamic) {
			chunk_size += valloc_granule - 1;
			chunk_size &= ~ (valloc_granule - 1);

	if (flags == CODE_FLAG_MALLOC) {
		ptr = dlmemalign (MIN_ALIGN, chunk_size + MIN_ALIGN - 1);
		if (!ptr)
			return NULL;
	} else {
		/* Try to allocate code chunks next to each other to help the VM */
		ptr = NULL;
		if (last)
			ptr = codechunk_valloc ((guint8*)last->data + last->size, chunk_size);
		if (!ptr)
			ptr = codechunk_valloc (NULL, chunk_size);
		if (!ptr)
			return NULL;

	if (flags == CODE_FLAG_MALLOC) {
#ifdef BIND_ROOM
		/* Make sure the thunks area is zeroed */
		memset (ptr, 0, bsize);

	chunk = (CodeChunk *) g_malloc (sizeof (CodeChunk));
	if (!chunk) {
		if (flags == CODE_FLAG_MALLOC)
			dlfree (ptr);
			mono_vfree (ptr, chunk_size, MONO_MEM_ACCOUNT_CODE);
		return NULL;
	chunk->next = NULL;
	chunk->size = chunk_size;
	chunk->data = (char *) ptr;
	chunk->flags = flags;
	chunk->pos = bsize;
	chunk->bsize = bsize;
	if (code_manager_callbacks.chunk_new)
		code_manager_callbacks.chunk_new ((gpointer)chunk->data, chunk->size);
	mono_profiler_code_chunk_new((gpointer) chunk->data, chunk->size);

	code_memory_used += chunk_size;
	mono_runtime_resource_check_limit (MONO_RESOURCE_JIT_CODE, code_memory_used);
	/*printf ("code chunk at: %p\n", ptr);*/
	return chunk;