/* * namespace and class are supposed to match already if this function is used. */ gboolean mono_method_desc_match (MonoMethodDesc *desc, MonoMethod *method) { char *sig; gboolean name_match; name_match = strcmp (desc->name, method->name) == 0; #ifndef _EGLIB_MAJOR if (!name_match && desc->name_glob) name_match = g_pattern_match_simple (desc->name, method->name); #endif if (!name_match) return FALSE; if (!desc->args) return TRUE; if (desc->num_args != mono_method_signature (method)->param_count) return FALSE; sig = mono_signature_get_desc (mono_method_signature (method), desc->include_namespace); if (strcmp (sig, desc->args)) { g_free (sig); return FALSE; } g_free (sig); return TRUE; }
static void method_jit_result (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method, MonoJitInfo* jinfo, int result) { if (result == MONO_PROFILE_OK) { int i; MonoDebugSourceLocation *sourceLoc; MonoDebugMethodJitInfo *dmji; MonoClass *klass = mono_method_get_class (method); char *signature = mono_signature_get_desc (mono_method_signature (method), TRUE); char *name = g_strdup_printf ("%s(%s)", mono_method_get_name (method), signature); char *classname = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s", mono_class_get_namespace (klass), mono_class_get_namespace (klass)[0] != 0 ? "::" : "", mono_class_get_name (klass)); gpointer code_start = mono_jit_info_get_code_start (jinfo); int code_size = mono_jit_info_get_code_size (jinfo); iJIT_Method_Load vtuneMethod; memset(&vtuneMethod, 0, sizeof(vtuneMethod)); vtuneMethod.method_id = iJIT_GetNewMethodID(); vtuneMethod.method_name = name; vtuneMethod.method_load_address = code_start; vtuneMethod.method_size = code_size; vtuneMethod.class_file_name = classname; dmji = mono_debug_find_method (method, mono_domain_get()); if (dmji != NULL) { vtuneMethod.line_number_size = dmji->num_line_numbers; vtuneMethod.line_number_table = (vtuneMethod.line_number_size != 0) ? (LineNumberInfo*)malloc(sizeof(LineNumberInfo) * vtuneMethod.line_number_size) : NULL; for (i = 0; i < dmji->num_line_numbers; ++i) { sourceLoc = mono_debug_lookup_source_location (method, dmji->line_numbers[i].native_offset, mono_domain_get()); if (sourceLoc == NULL) { g_free (vtuneMethod.line_number_table); vtuneMethod.line_number_table = NULL; vtuneMethod.line_number_size = 0; break; } if (i == 0) vtuneMethod.source_file_name = strdup(sourceLoc->source_file); vtuneMethod.line_number_table[i].Offset = dmji->line_numbers[i].native_offset; vtuneMethod.line_number_table[i].LineNumber = sourceLoc->row; mono_debug_free_source_location (sourceLoc); } mono_debug_free_method_jit_info (dmji); } iJIT_NotifyEvent(iJVM_EVENT_TYPE_METHOD_LOAD_FINISHED, &vtuneMethod); if (vtuneMethod.source_file_name != NULL) g_free (vtuneMethod.source_file_name); if (vtuneMethod.line_number_table != NULL) g_free (vtuneMethod.line_number_table); g_free (signature); g_free (name); g_free (classname); } }
String GDMonoMethod::get_signature_desc(bool p_namespaces) const { MonoMethodSignature *method_sig = mono_method_signature(mono_method); char *sig_desc = mono_signature_get_desc(method_sig, p_namespaces); String res = sig_desc; mono_free(sig_desc); return res; }
static int dump_verify_info (MonoImage *image, int flags) { GSList *errors, *tmp; int count = 0, verifiable = 0; const char* desc [] = { "Ok", "Error", "Warning", NULL, "CLS", NULL, NULL, NULL, "Not Verifiable" }; if (verify_code) { /* verify code */ int i; MonoTableInfo *m = &image->tables [MONO_TABLE_METHOD]; for (i = 0; i < m->rows; ++i) { MonoMethod *method; MonoError error; method = mono_get_method_checked (image, MONO_TOKEN_METHOD_DEF | (i+1), NULL, NULL, &error); if (!method) { g_print ("Warning: Cannot lookup method with token 0x%08x due to %s\n", i + 1, mono_error_get_message (&error)); mono_error_cleanup (&error); continue; } errors = mono_method_verify (method, flags); if (errors) { MonoClass *klass = mono_method_get_class (method); char *name = mono_type_full_name (&klass->byval_arg); if (mono_method_signature (method) == NULL) { g_print ("In method: %s::%s(ERROR)\n", name, mono_method_get_name (method)); } else { char *sig; sig = mono_signature_get_desc (mono_method_signature (method), FALSE); g_print ("In method: %s::%s(%s)\n", name, mono_method_get_name (method), sig); g_free (sig); } g_free (name); } for (tmp = errors; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { MonoVerifyInfo *info = (MonoVerifyInfo *)tmp->data; g_print ("%s: %s\n", desc [info->status], info->message); if (info->status == MONO_VERIFY_ERROR) { count++; verifiable = 3; } if(info->status == MONO_VERIFY_NOT_VERIFIABLE) { if (verifiable < 2) verifiable = 2; } } mono_free_verify_list (errors); } } if (count) g_print ("Error count: %d\n", count); return verifiable; }
void CPipeServer::GetMethodSignature() { void *method = (void *)ReadQword(); void *methodsignature = mono_method_signature(method); char *sig = mono_signature_get_desc(methodsignature, TRUE); int paramcount = mono_signature_get_param_count(methodsignature); char **names=(char **)calloc(sizeof(char *), paramcount); int i; mono_method_get_param_names(method, (const char **)names); WriteByte(paramcount); for (i = 0; i < paramcount; i++) { if (names[i]) { WriteByte(strlen(names[i])); Write(names[i], strlen(names[i])); } else WriteByte(0); } free(names); WriteWord(strlen(sig)); Write(sig, strlen(sig)); g_free(sig); //12/5/2014:send the returntype as well void *returntype = mono_signature_get_return_type(methodsignature); if (returntype) { char *tname = mono_type_get_name(returntype); if (tname) { WriteByte(strlen(tname)); Write(tname, strlen(tname)); g_free(tname); } else WriteByte(0); } else WriteByte(0); }
String GDMonoMethod::get_full_name_no_class() const { String res; MonoMethodSignature *method_sig = mono_method_signature(mono_method); char *ret_str = mono_type_full_name(mono_signature_get_return_type(method_sig)); res += ret_str; mono_free(ret_str); res += " "; res += name; res += "("; char *sig_desc = mono_signature_get_desc(method_sig, true); res += sig_desc; mono_free(sig_desc); res += ")"; return res; }
static void output_method (MonoMethod *method, gpointer dummy, MonoProfiler *prof) { MonoMethodHeader *header; char *classname; char *tmpsig; char *tmpname; FILE *outfile; MonoClass *klass; MonoImage *image; outfile = prof->outfile; header = mono_method_get_header (method); tmpsig = mono_signature_get_desc (mono_method_signature (method), TRUE); tmpsig = g_markup_escape_text (tmpsig, strlen (tmpsig)); klass = mono_method_get_class (method); classname = mono_type_get_name (mono_class_get_type (klass)); image = mono_class_get_image (klass); tmpname = mono_method_get_name (method); tmpname = g_markup_escape_text (tmpname, strlen (tmpname)); fprintf (outfile, "\t<method assembly=\"%s\" class=\"%s\" name=\"%s (%s)\" token=\"%d\">\n", mono_image_get_name (image), classname, tmpname, tmpsig, mono_method_get_token (method)); g_free (tmpsig); g_free (tmpname); fprintf (outfile, "\t\t"); count = 0; prev_offset = 0; mono_profiler_coverage_get (prof, method, output_entry); fprintf (outfile, "\n"); fprintf (outfile, "\t</method>\n"); }
gpointer mono_arch_get_gsharedvt_call_info (gpointer addr, MonoMethodSignature *normal_sig, MonoMethodSignature *gsharedvt_sig, gboolean gsharedvt_in, gint32 vcall_offset, gboolean calli) { GSharedVtCallInfo *info; CallInfo *caller_cinfo, *callee_cinfo; MonoMethodSignature *caller_sig, *callee_sig; int aindex, i; gboolean var_ret = FALSE; CallInfo *cinfo, *gcinfo; MonoMethodSignature *sig, *gsig; GPtrArray *map; if (gsharedvt_in) { caller_sig = normal_sig; callee_sig = gsharedvt_sig; caller_cinfo = mono_arch_get_call_info (NULL, caller_sig); callee_cinfo = mono_arch_get_call_info (NULL, callee_sig); } else { callee_sig = normal_sig; caller_sig = gsharedvt_sig; callee_cinfo = mono_arch_get_call_info (NULL, callee_sig); caller_cinfo = mono_arch_get_call_info (NULL, caller_sig); } /* * If GSHAREDVT_IN is true, this means we are transitioning from normal to gsharedvt code. The caller uses the * normal call signature, while the callee uses the gsharedvt signature. * If GSHAREDVT_IN is false, its the other way around. */ /* sig/cinfo describes the normal call, while gsig/gcinfo describes the gsharedvt call */ if (gsharedvt_in) { sig = caller_sig; gsig = callee_sig; cinfo = caller_cinfo; gcinfo = callee_cinfo; } else { sig = callee_sig; gsig = caller_sig; cinfo = callee_cinfo; gcinfo = caller_cinfo; } DEBUG_AMD64_GSHAREDVT_PRINT ("source sig: (%s) return (%s)\n", mono_signature_get_desc (caller_sig, FALSE), mono_type_full_name (mono_signature_get_return_type (caller_sig))); // Leak DEBUG_AMD64_GSHAREDVT_PRINT ("dest sig: (%s) return (%s)\n", mono_signature_get_desc (callee_sig, FALSE), mono_type_full_name (mono_signature_get_return_type (callee_sig))); if (gcinfo->ret.storage == ArgGsharedvtVariableInReg) { /* * The return type is gsharedvt */ var_ret = TRUE; } /* * The stack looks like this: * <arguments> * <trampoline frame> * <call area> * We have to map the stack slots in <arguments> to the stack slots in <call area>. */ map = g_ptr_array_new (); for (aindex = 0; aindex < cinfo->nargs; ++aindex) { ArgInfo *src_info = &caller_cinfo->args [aindex]; ArgInfo *dst_info = &callee_cinfo->args [aindex]; int *src = NULL, *dst = NULL; int nsrc = -1, ndst = -1, nslots = 0; int arg_marshal = GSHAREDVT_ARG_NONE; int arg_slots = 0; // Size in quadwords DEBUG_AMD64_GSHAREDVT_PRINT ("-- arg %d in (%s) out (%s)\n", aindex, arg_info_desc (src_info), arg_info_desc (dst_info)); switch (src_info->storage) { case ArgInIReg: case ArgInDoubleSSEReg: case ArgInFloatSSEReg: case ArgValuetypeInReg: case ArgOnStack: nsrc = get_arg_slots (src_info, &src, TRUE); break; case ArgGSharedVtInReg: handle_marshal_when_src_gsharedvt (dst_info, &arg_marshal, &arg_slots); handle_map_when_gsharedvt_in_reg (src_info, &nsrc, &src); break; case ArgGSharedVtOnStack: handle_marshal_when_src_gsharedvt (dst_info, &arg_marshal, &arg_slots); handle_map_when_gsharedvt_on_stack (src_info, &nsrc, &src, TRUE); break; case ArgValuetypeAddrInIReg: case ArgValuetypeAddrOnStack: nsrc = get_arg_slots (src_info, &src, TRUE); break; default: g_error ("Gsharedvt can't handle source arg type %d", (int)src_info->storage); // Inappropriate value: ArgValuetypeAddrInIReg is for returns only } switch (dst_info->storage) { case ArgInIReg: case ArgInDoubleSSEReg: case ArgInFloatSSEReg: case ArgOnStack: case ArgValuetypeInReg: ndst = get_arg_slots (dst_info, &dst, FALSE); break; case ArgGSharedVtInReg: handle_marshal_when_dst_gsharedvt (src_info, &arg_marshal); handle_map_when_gsharedvt_in_reg (dst_info, &ndst, &dst); break; case ArgGSharedVtOnStack: handle_marshal_when_dst_gsharedvt (src_info, &arg_marshal); handle_map_when_gsharedvt_on_stack (dst_info, &ndst, &dst, FALSE); break; case ArgValuetypeAddrInIReg: case ArgValuetypeAddrOnStack: ndst = get_arg_slots (dst_info, &dst, FALSE); break; default: g_error ("Gsharedvt can't handle dest arg type %d", (int)dst_info->storage); // See above } if (nsrc) src [0] |= (arg_marshal << SRC_DESCRIPTOR_MARSHAL_SHIFT) | (arg_slots << SLOT_COUNT_SHIFT); /* Merge and add to the global list*/ nslots = MIN (nsrc, ndst); DEBUG_AMD64_GSHAREDVT_PRINT ("nsrc %d ndst %d\n", nsrc, ndst); for (i = 0; i < nslots; ++i) add_to_map (map, src [i], dst [i]); g_free (src); g_free (dst); } DEBUG_AMD64_GSHAREDVT_PRINT ("-- return in (%s) out (%s) var_ret %d\n", arg_info_desc (&caller_cinfo->ret), arg_info_desc (&callee_cinfo->ret), var_ret); if (cinfo->ret.storage == ArgValuetypeAddrInIReg) { /* Both the caller and the callee pass the vtype ret address in r8 (System V) and RCX or RDX (Windows) */ g_assert (gcinfo->ret.storage == ArgValuetypeAddrInIReg || gcinfo->ret.storage == ArgGsharedvtVariableInReg); add_to_map (map, map_reg (cinfo->ret.reg), map_reg (cinfo->ret.reg)); } info = mono_domain_alloc0 (mono_domain_get (), sizeof (GSharedVtCallInfo) + (map->len * sizeof (int))); info->addr = addr; info->stack_usage = callee_cinfo->stack_usage; info->ret_marshal = GSHAREDVT_RET_NONE; info->gsharedvt_in = gsharedvt_in ? 1 : 0; info->vret_slot = -1; info->calli = calli; if (var_ret) { g_assert (gcinfo->ret.storage == ArgGsharedvtVariableInReg); info->vret_arg_reg = map_reg (gcinfo->ret.reg); DEBUG_AMD64_GSHAREDVT_PRINT ("mapping vreg_arg_reg to %d in reg %s\n", info->vret_arg_reg, mono_arch_regname (gcinfo->ret.reg)); } else { info->vret_arg_reg = -1; } #ifdef DEBUG_AMD64_GSHAREDVT printf ("final map:\n"); for (i = 0; i < map->len; i += 2) { printf ("\t[%d] src %x dst %x\n ", i / 2, GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_ptr_array_index (map, i)), GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_ptr_array_index (map, i + 1))); } #endif info->vcall_offset = vcall_offset; info->map_count = map->len / 2; for (i = 0; i < map->len; ++i) info->map [i] = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_ptr_array_index (map, i)); g_ptr_array_free (map, TRUE); /* Compute return value marshalling */ if (var_ret) { /* Compute return value marshalling */ switch (cinfo->ret.storage) { case ArgInIReg: if (!gsharedvt_in || sig->ret->byref) { info->ret_marshal = GSHAREDVT_RET_IREGS_1; } else { MonoType *ret = sig->ret; // Unwrap enums if (ret->type == MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE) ret = mini_type_get_underlying_type (ret); switch (ret->type) { case MONO_TYPE_I1: info->ret_marshal = GSHAREDVT_RET_I1; break; case MONO_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case MONO_TYPE_U1: info->ret_marshal = GSHAREDVT_RET_U1; break; case MONO_TYPE_I2: info->ret_marshal = GSHAREDVT_RET_I2; break; case MONO_TYPE_CHAR: case MONO_TYPE_U2: info->ret_marshal = GSHAREDVT_RET_U2; break; case MONO_TYPE_I4: info->ret_marshal = GSHAREDVT_RET_I4; break; case MONO_TYPE_U4: info->ret_marshal = GSHAREDVT_RET_U4; break; case MONO_TYPE_I: case MONO_TYPE_U: case MONO_TYPE_PTR: case MONO_TYPE_FNPTR: case MONO_TYPE_CLASS: case MONO_TYPE_OBJECT: case MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_ARRAY: case MONO_TYPE_STRING: case MONO_TYPE_U8: case MONO_TYPE_I8: info->ret_marshal = GSHAREDVT_RET_I8; break; case MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST: g_assert (!mono_type_generic_inst_is_valuetype (ret)); info->ret_marshal = GSHAREDVT_RET_I8; break; default: g_error ("Gsharedvt can't handle dst type [%d]", (int)sig->ret->type); } } break; case ArgValuetypeInReg: info->ret_marshal = GSHAREDVT_RET_IREGS_1 - 1 + cinfo->ret.nregs; g_assert (cinfo->ret.nregs == 1); // ABI supports 2-register return but we do not implement this. break; case ArgInDoubleSSEReg: case ArgInFloatSSEReg: info->ret_marshal = GSHAREDVT_RET_R8; break; case ArgValuetypeAddrInIReg: break; default: g_error ("Can't marshal return of storage [%d] %s", (int)cinfo->ret.storage, storage_name (cinfo->ret.storage)); } if (gsharedvt_in && cinfo->ret.storage != ArgValuetypeAddrInIReg) { /* Allocate stack space for the return value */ info->vret_slot = map_stack_slot (info->stack_usage / sizeof (gpointer)); info->stack_usage += mono_type_stack_size_internal (normal_sig->ret, NULL, FALSE) + sizeof (gpointer); } DEBUG_AMD64_GSHAREDVT_PRINT ("RET marshal is %s\n", ret_marshal_name [info->ret_marshal]); } info->stack_usage = ALIGN_TO (info->stack_usage, MONO_ARCH_FRAME_ALIGNMENT); g_free (callee_cinfo); g_free (caller_cinfo); DEBUG_AMD64_GSHAREDVT_PRINT ("allocated an info at %p stack usage %d\n", info, info->stack_usage); return info; }