Exemple #1
/* Test outbound cell. The callstack is:
 *  channel_flush_some_cells()
 *   -> channel_flush_from_first_active_circuit()
 *     -> channel_write_packed_cell()
 *       -> write_packed_cell()
 *         -> chan->write_packed_cell() fct ptr.
 * This test goes from a cell in a circuit up to the channel write handler
 * that should put them on the connection outbuf. */
static void
test_channel_outbound_cell(void *arg)
  int old_count;
  channel_t *chan = NULL;
  packed_cell_t *p_cell = NULL, *p_cell2 = NULL;
  origin_circuit_t *circ = NULL;
  cell_queue_t *queue;

  (void) arg;

  /* Set the test time to be mocked, since this test assumes that no
   * time will pass, ewma values will not need to be re-scaled, and so on */
  monotime_set_mock_time_nsec(U64_LITERAL(1000000000) * 12345);


  /* The channel will be freed so we need to hijack this so the scheduler
   * doesn't get confused. */
  MOCK(scheduler_release_channel, scheduler_release_channel_mock);

  /* Accept cells to lower layer */
  test_chan_accept_cells = 1;

  /* Setup a valid circuit to queue a cell. */
  circ = origin_circuit_new();
  /* Circuit needs an origin purpose to be considered origin. */
  TO_CIRCUIT(circ)->n_circ_id = 42;
  /* This is the outbound test so use the next channel queue. */
  queue = &TO_CIRCUIT(circ)->n_chan_cells;
  /* Setup packed cell to queue on the circuit. */
  p_cell = packed_cell_new();
  p_cell2 = packed_cell_new();
  /* Setup a channel to put the circuit on. */
  chan = new_fake_channel();
  chan->state = CHANNEL_STATE_OPENING;
  /* Outbound channel. */
  /* Try to register it so we can clean it through the channel cleanup
   * process. */
  tt_int_op(chan->registered, OP_EQ, 1);
  /* Set EWMA policy so we can pick it when flushing. */
  circuitmux_set_policy(chan->cmux, &ewma_policy);
  tt_ptr_op(circuitmux_get_policy(chan->cmux), OP_EQ, &ewma_policy);

  /* Register circuit to the channel circid map which will attach the circuit
   * to the channel's cmux as well. */
  circuit_set_n_circid_chan(TO_CIRCUIT(circ), 42, chan);
  tt_int_op(channel_num_circuits(chan), OP_EQ, 1);
  /* Test the cmux state. */
  tt_ptr_op(TO_CIRCUIT(circ)->n_mux, OP_EQ, chan->cmux);
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_is_circuit_attached(chan->cmux, TO_CIRCUIT(circ)),
            OP_EQ, 1);

  /* Flush the channel without any cell on it. */
  old_count = test_cells_written;
  ssize_t flushed = channel_flush_some_cells(chan, 1);
  tt_i64_op(flushed, OP_EQ, 0);
  tt_int_op(test_cells_written, OP_EQ, old_count);
  tt_int_op(channel_more_to_flush(chan), OP_EQ, 0);
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_num_active_circuits(chan->cmux), OP_EQ, 0);
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_num_cells(chan->cmux), OP_EQ, 0);
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_is_circuit_active(chan->cmux, TO_CIRCUIT(circ)),
            OP_EQ, 0);
  tt_u64_op(chan->n_cells_xmitted, OP_EQ, 0);
  tt_u64_op(chan->n_bytes_xmitted, OP_EQ, 0);

  /* Queue cell onto the next queue that is the outbound direction. Than
   * update its cmux so the circuit can be picked when flushing cells. */
  cell_queue_append(queue, p_cell);
  p_cell = NULL;
  tt_int_op(queue->n, OP_EQ, 1);
  cell_queue_append(queue, p_cell2);
  p_cell2 = NULL;
  tt_int_op(queue->n, OP_EQ, 2);

  update_circuit_on_cmux(TO_CIRCUIT(circ), CELL_DIRECTION_OUT);
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_num_active_circuits(chan->cmux), OP_EQ, 1);
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_num_cells(chan->cmux), OP_EQ, 2);
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_is_circuit_active(chan->cmux, TO_CIRCUIT(circ)),
            OP_EQ, 1);

  /* From this point on, we have a queued cell on an active circuit attached
   * to the channel's cmux. */

  /* Flush the first cell. This is going to go down the call stack. */
  old_count = test_cells_written;
  flushed = channel_flush_some_cells(chan, 1);
  tt_i64_op(flushed, OP_EQ, 1);
  tt_int_op(test_cells_written, OP_EQ, old_count + 1);
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_num_cells(chan->cmux), OP_EQ, 1);
  tt_int_op(channel_more_to_flush(chan), OP_EQ, 1);
  /* Circuit should remain active because there is a second cell queued. */
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_is_circuit_active(chan->cmux, TO_CIRCUIT(circ)),
            OP_EQ, 1);
  /* Should still be attached. */
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_is_circuit_attached(chan->cmux, TO_CIRCUIT(circ)),
            OP_EQ, 1);
  tt_u64_op(chan->n_cells_xmitted, OP_EQ, 1);
  tt_u64_op(chan->n_bytes_xmitted, OP_EQ, get_cell_network_size(0));

  /* Flush second cell. This is going to go down the call stack. */
  old_count = test_cells_written;
  flushed = channel_flush_some_cells(chan, 1);
  tt_i64_op(flushed, OP_EQ, 1);
  tt_int_op(test_cells_written, OP_EQ, old_count + 1);
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_num_cells(chan->cmux), OP_EQ, 0);
  tt_int_op(channel_more_to_flush(chan), OP_EQ, 0);
  /* No more cells should make the circuit inactive. */
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_is_circuit_active(chan->cmux, TO_CIRCUIT(circ)),
            OP_EQ, 0);
  /* Should still be attached. */
  tt_int_op(circuitmux_is_circuit_attached(chan->cmux, TO_CIRCUIT(circ)),
            OP_EQ, 1);
  tt_u64_op(chan->n_cells_xmitted, OP_EQ, 2);
  tt_u64_op(chan->n_bytes_xmitted, OP_EQ, get_cell_network_size(0) * 2);

  if (circ) {
static void
test_buffer_time_tracking(void *arg)
    buf_t *buf=NULL, *buf2=NULL;
    const time_t START = 1389288246;
    const uint64_t START_NSEC = ((uint64_t)START) * 1000000000;
    int i;
    char tmp[4096];

    crypto_rand(tmp, sizeof(tmp));


    buf = buf_new_with_capacity(3000); /* rounds up to next power of 2. */

    const uint32_t START_MSEC = (uint32_t)monotime_coarse_absolute_msec();

    /* Empty buffer means the timestamp is 0. */
    tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC));
    tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+1000));

    write_to_buf("ABCDEFG", 7, buf);
    tt_int_op(1000, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+1000));

    buf2 = buf_copy(buf);
    tt_int_op(1234, OP_EQ,
              buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf2, START_MSEC+1234));

    /* Now add more bytes; enough to overflow the first chunk. */
    monotime_coarse_set_mock_time_nsec(START_NSEC + 123 * (uint64_t)1000000);
    for (i = 0; i < 600; ++i)
        write_to_buf("ABCDEFG", 7, buf);
    tt_int_op(4207, OP_EQ, buf_datalen(buf));

    /* The oldest bytes are still in the front. */
    tt_int_op(2000, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+2000));

    /* Once those bytes are dropped, the chunk is still on the first
     * timestamp. */
    fetch_from_buf(tmp, 100, buf);
    tt_int_op(2000, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+2000));

    /* But once we discard the whole first chunk, we get the data in the second
     * chunk. */
    fetch_from_buf(tmp, 4000, buf);
    tt_int_op(107, OP_EQ, buf_datalen(buf));
    tt_int_op(2000, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+2123));

    /* This time we'll be grabbing a chunk from the freelist, and making sure
       its time gets updated */
    monotime_coarse_set_mock_time_nsec(START_NSEC + 5617 * (uint64_t)1000000);
    for (i = 0; i < 600; ++i)
        write_to_buf("ABCDEFG", 7, buf);
    tt_int_op(4307, OP_EQ, buf_datalen(buf));

    tt_int_op(2000, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+2123));
    fetch_from_buf(tmp, 4000, buf);
    fetch_from_buf(tmp, 306, buf);
    tt_int_op(0, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+5617));
    tt_int_op(383, OP_EQ, buf_get_oldest_chunk_timestamp(buf, START_MSEC+6000));
