Real SinglePhaseFluidProperties::rho(Real p, Real T) const { mooseDeprecated(name(), ": rho() is deprecated. Use rho_from_p_T() instead"); return rho_from_p_T(p, T); }
MooseObjectPtr Factory::create(const std::string & obj_name, const std::string & name, InputParameters parameters, THREAD_ID tid /* =0 */, bool print_deprecated /* =true */) { if (print_deprecated) mooseDeprecated("Factory::create() is deprecated, please use Factory::create<T>() instead"); // Pointer to the object constructor std::map<std::string, buildPtr>::iterator it = _name_to_build_pointer.find(obj_name); // Check if the object is registered if (it == _name_to_build_pointer.end()) reportUnregisteredError(obj_name); // Print out deprecated message, if it exists deprecatedMessage(obj_name); // Create the actual parameters object that the object will reference InputParameters & params = _app.getInputParameterWarehouse().addInputParameters(name, parameters, tid); // Check to make sure that all required parameters are supplied params.checkParams(name); // register type name as constructed _constructed_types.insert(obj_name); // Actually call the function pointer. You can do this in one line, // but it's a bit more obvious what's happening if you do it in two... buildPtr & func = it->second; return (*func)(params); }
IdealGasFluidPropertiesPT::IdealGasFluidPropertiesPT(const InputParameters & parameters) : IdealGasFluidProperties(parameters) { mooseDeprecated( name(), ": IdealGasFluidPropertiesPT is deprecated. Just use IdealGasFluidProperties instead"); }
void SinglePhaseFluidProperties::henryConstant_dT(Real T, Real & Kh, Real & dKh_dT) const { mooseDeprecated(name(), ": henryConstant_dT() is deprecated. Use henryConstant() instead"); henryConstant(T, Kh, dKh_dT); }
PorousFlowFluidStateBrineCO2IC::PorousFlowFluidStateBrineCO2IC(const InputParameters & parameters) : PorousFlowFluidStateIC(parameters) { mooseDeprecated(name(), ": the PorousFlowFluidStateBrineCO2IC IC is deprecated. Just use " "PorousFlowFluidStateIC instead"); }
void SinglePhaseFluidProperties::mu_dpT(Real p, Real T, Real & mu, Real & dmu_dp, Real & dmu_dT) const { mooseDeprecated(name(), ": mu_dpT() is deprecated. Use mu_from_p_T() instead"); mu_from_p_T(p, T, mu, dmu_dp, dmu_dT); }
bool PorousFlowAddMaterialJoiner::hasJoiner(std::string property) { // Get the list of materials in the input file auto actions = _awh.getActions<AddMaterialAction>(); for (auto & action : actions) { AddMaterialAction * material = const_cast<AddMaterialAction *>(action); if (material->getMooseObjectType() == "PorousFlowJoiner") { // If a PorousFlowJoiner material has been included in the input file, // let the user know that it should be removed mooseDeprecated("PorousFlowJoiner materials are no longer required in the input " "file.\nPlease remove all PorousFlowJoiner materials from this input file to " "get rid of this warning"); const std::string joiner_property = material->getObjectParams().get<std::string>("material_property"); // Check if the given material property is joined by this material if (joiner_property == property) return true; } } // If no PorousFlowJoiner materials matched property, return false return false; }
void SinglePhaseFluidProperties::e_dpT(Real p, Real T, Real & e, Real & de_dp, Real & de_dT) const { mooseDeprecated(name(), ": e_dpT() is deprecated. Use e_from_p_T() instead"); e_from_p_T(p, T, e, de_dp, de_dT); }
void SinglePhaseFluidProperties::rho_mu(Real p, Real T, Real & rho, Real & mu) const { mooseDeprecated(name(), ": rho_mu() is deprecated. Use rho_mu_from_p_T() instead"); rho_mu_from_p_T(p, T, rho, mu); }
void SinglePhaseFluidProperties::h_dpT(Real p, Real T, Real & h, Real & dh_dp, Real & dh_dT) const { mooseDeprecated(name(), ": h_dpT() is deprecated. Use h_from_p_T() instead"); h_from_p_T(p, T, h, dh_dp, dh_dT); }
std::shared_ptr<FEProblem> ActionWarehouse::problem() { mooseDeprecated( "ActionWarehouse::problem() is deprecated, please use ActionWarehouse::problemBase() \n"); return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<FEProblem>(_problem); }
void SinglePhaseFluidProperties::vaporPressure_dT(Real T, Real & psat, Real & dpsat_dT) const { mooseDeprecated(name(), ": vaporPressure_dT() is deprecated. Use vaporPressure() instead"); vaporPressure(T, psat, dpsat_dT); }
void SinglePhaseFluidProperties::k_dpT(Real p, Real T, Real & k, Real & dk_dp, Real & dk_dT) const { mooseDeprecated(name(), ": k_dpT() is deprecated. Use k_from_p_T() instead"); k_from_p_T(p, T, k, dk_dp, dk_dT); }
void FunctionalExpansionToolsApp::associateSyntax(Syntax & /*syntax*/, ActionFactory & action_factory) { mooseDeprecated("use registerAll instead of associateSyntax"); Registry::registerActionsTo(action_factory, {"FunctionalExpansionToolsApp"}); /* Uncomment Syntax parameters and register your new objects here! */ }
PorousFlowPorosityHM::PorousFlowPorosityHM(const InputParameters & parameters) : PorousFlowPorosity(parameters) { mooseDeprecated("PorousFlowPorosityHM is deprecated. In your input file please replace\n " "type = PorousFlowPorosityHM\nwith\n type = PorousFlowPorosity\n " "mechanical = true\n fluid = true"); }
void SinglePhaseFluidProperties::rho_dpT( Real p, Real T, Real & rho, Real & drho_dp, Real & drho_dT) const { mooseDeprecated(name(), ": rho_dpT() is deprecated. Use rho_from_p_T() instead"); rho_from_p_T(p, T, rho, drho_dp, drho_dT); }
void SinglePhaseFluidProperties::mu_drhoT_from_rho_T( Real rho, Real T, Real drho_dT, Real & mu, Real & dmu_drho, Real & dmu_dT) const { mooseDeprecated(name(), ":mu_drhoT_from_rho_T() is deprecated. Use mu_from_rho_T() instead"); mu_from_rho_T(rho, T, drho_dT, mu, dmu_drho, dmu_dT); }
void SinglePhaseFluidProperties::henryConstantIAPWS_dT( Real T, Real & Kh, Real & dKh_dT, Real A, Real B, Real C) const { mooseDeprecated(name(), ":henryConstantIAPWS_dT() is deprecated. Use henryConstantIAPWS() instead"); henryConstantIAPWS(T, Kh, dKh_dT, A, B, C); }
const std::vector<ExecFlagType> & MultiAppTransfer::execFlags() const { mooseDeprecated("The execFlags() methos is being removed because MOOSE has been updated to use a " "ExecFlagEnum for execute flags. The current flags should be retrieved from " "the \"exeucte_on\" parameters of your object or by using the \"_execute_enum\" " "reference to the parameter or the getExecuteOnEnum() method."); return _exec_flags; }
void RankFourTensor::fillFromInputVector(const std::vector<Real> input, bool all_21) { mooseDeprecated(); if (all_21) fillFromInputVector(input, symmetric21); else fillFromInputVector(input, symmetric9); }
MooseEnumBase::MooseEnumBase(std::string names, bool allow_out_of_range) : _out_of_range_index(allow_out_of_range ? INVALID_ID + 1 : 0) { if (names.find(',') != std::string::npos) { mooseDeprecated("Please use a space to separate options in a MooseEnum, commas are deprecated\nMooseEnum initialized with names: \"" << names << '\"'); fillNames(names, ","); } else fillNames(names); }
RichardsApp::RichardsApp(const InputParameters & parameters) : MooseApp(parameters) { Moose::registerObjects(_factory); RichardsApp::registerObjects(_factory); Moose::associateSyntax(_syntax, _action_factory); RichardsApp::associateSyntax(_syntax, _action_factory); mooseDeprecated("Please use the PorousFlow module instead. If Richards contains functionality " "not included in PorousFlow, please contact the moose-users google group"); }
TensorMechanicsMaterial::TensorMechanicsMaterial(const InputParameters & parameters) : Material(parameters), _grad_disp_x(coupledGradient("disp_x")), _grad_disp_y(coupledGradient("disp_y")), _grad_disp_z(_mesh.dimension() == 3 ? coupledGradient("disp_z") : _grad_zero), _grad_disp_x_old(_fe_problem.isTransient() ? coupledGradientOld("disp_x") : _grad_zero), _grad_disp_y_old(_fe_problem.isTransient() ? coupledGradientOld("disp_y") : _grad_zero), _grad_disp_z_old(_fe_problem.isTransient() && _mesh.dimension() == 3 ? coupledGradientOld("disp_z") : _grad_zero), _base_name(isParamValid("base_name") ? getParam<std::string>("base_name") + "_" : ""), _stress(declareProperty<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "stress")), _total_strain(declareProperty<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "total_strain")), _elastic_strain(declareProperty<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "elastic_strain")), _elasticity_tensor_name(_base_name + "elasticity_tensor"), _elasticity_tensor(declareProperty<RankFourTensor>(_elasticity_tensor_name)), _Jacobian_mult(declareProperty<RankFourTensor>(_base_name + "Jacobian_mult")), _Euler_angles(getParam<Real>("euler_angle_1"), getParam<Real>("euler_angle_2"), getParam<Real>("euler_angle_3")), _Cijkl(getParam<std::vector<Real>>("C_ijkl"), (RankFourTensor::FillMethod)(int)getParam<MooseEnum>("fill_method")), _prefactor_function(isParamValid("elasticity_tensor_prefactor") ? &getFunction("elasticity_tensor_prefactor") : NULL) { mooseDeprecated("EigenStrainBaseMaterial is deprecated. Please use the TensorMechanics " "plug-and-play system instead: " "" "PlugAndPlayMechanicsApproach/"); const std::vector<FunctionName> & fcn_names( getParam<std::vector<FunctionName>>("initial_stress")); const unsigned num = fcn_names.size(); if (!(num == 0 || num == 3 * 3)) mooseError( "Either zero or ", 3 * 3, " initial stress functions must be provided to TensorMechanicsMaterial. You supplied ", num, "\n"); _initial_stress.resize(num); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; ++i) _initial_stress[i] = &getFunctionByName(fcn_names[i]); }
void Factory::deprecatedMessage(const std::string obj_name) { std::map<std::string, std::time_t>::iterator time_it = _deprecated_time.find(obj_name); // If the object is not deprecated return if (time_it == _deprecated_time.end()) return; // Get the current time std::time_t now; time(&now); // Get the stop time std::time_t t_end = time_it->second; // Message storage std::ostringstream msg; std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator name_it = _deprecated_name.find(obj_name); // Expired object if (now > t_end) { msg << "***** Invalid Object: " << obj_name << " *****\n"; msg << "Expired on " << ctime(&t_end); // Append replacement object, if it exsits if (name_it != _deprecated_name.end()) msg << "Update your application using the '" << name_it->second << "' object"; // Produce the error message mooseDeprecationExpired(msg.str()); } // Expiring object else { // Build the basic message msg << "Deprecated Object: " << obj_name << "\n"; msg << "This object will be removed on " << ctime(&t_end); // Append replacement object, if it exsits if (name_it != _deprecated_name.end()) msg << "Replace " << obj_name << " with " << name_it->second; // Produce the error message mooseDeprecated(msg.str()); } }
StressDivergenceTensors::StressDivergenceTensors(const InputParameters & parameters) : Kernel(parameters), _base_name(isParamValid("base_name") ? getParam<std::string>("base_name") + "_" : ""), _stress(getMaterialPropertyByName<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "stress")), _Jacobian_mult(getMaterialPropertyByName<ElasticityTensorR4>(_base_name + "Jacobian_mult")), _component(getParam<unsigned int>("component")), _ndisp(coupledComponents("displacements")), _disp(3), _disp_var(3), _temp_coupled(isCoupled("temp")), _temp_var(_temp_coupled ? coupled("temp") : 0) { if (_ndisp) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _ndisp; ++i) { _disp[i] = &coupledValue("displacements", i); _disp_var[i] = coupled("displacements", i); } } //This code is for the depricated version that allows three unique displacement variables else if ((_ndisp == 0) && isParamValid("disp_x")) { mooseDeprecated("StressDivergenceTensors has been updated to accept a string of displacement variable names, e.g. displacements = 'disp_x disp_y' in the input file."); _disp[0] = &coupledValue("disp_x"); _disp_var[0] = coupled("disp_x"); ++_ndisp; if (isParamValid("disp_y")) { _disp[1] = &coupledValue("disp_y"); _disp_var[1] = coupled("disp_y"); ++_ndisp; if (isParamValid("disp_z")) { _disp[2] = &coupledValue("disp_z"); _disp_var[2] = coupled("disp_z"); ++_ndisp; } } } else mooseError("The input file should specify a string of displacement names; these names should match the Variable block names."); // Checking for consistency between mesh size and length of the provided displacements vector if (_ndisp != _mesh.dimension()) mooseError("The number of displacement variables supplied must match the mesh dimension."); }
SlaveConstraint::SlaveConstraint(const InputParameters & parameters) : DiracKernel(parameters), _component(getParam<unsigned int>("component")), _model(ContactMaster::contactModel(getParam<std::string>("model"))), _formulation(ContactMaster::contactFormulation(getParam<std::string>("formulation"))), _normalize_penalty(getParam<bool>("normalize_penalty")), _penetration_locator( getPenetrationLocator(getParam<BoundaryName>("master"), getParam<BoundaryName>("boundary"), Utility::string_to_enum<Order>(getParam<MooseEnum>("order")))), _penalty(getParam<Real>("penalty")), _friction_coefficient(getParam<Real>("friction_coefficient")), _residual_copy(_sys.residualGhosted()), _vars(3, libMesh::invalid_uint), _mesh_dimension(_mesh.dimension()), _nodal_area_var(getVar("nodal_area", 0)), _aux_system(_nodal_area_var->sys()), _aux_solution(_aux_system.currentSolution()) { if (isParamValid("displacements")) { // modern parameter scheme for displacements for (unsigned int i = 0; i < coupledComponents("displacements"); ++i) _vars[i] = coupled("displacements", i); } else { // Legacy parameter scheme for displacements if (isParamValid("disp_x")) _vars[0] = coupled("disp_x"); if (isParamValid("disp_y")) _vars[1] = coupled("disp_y"); if (isParamValid("disp_z")) _vars[2] = coupled("disp_z"); mooseDeprecated("use the `displacements` parameter rather than the `disp_*` parameters (those " "will go away with the deprecation of the Solid Mechanics module)."); } if (parameters.isParamValid("tangential_tolerance")) _penetration_locator.setTangentialTolerance(getParam<Real>("tangential_tolerance")); if (parameters.isParamValid("normal_smoothing_distance")) _penetration_locator.setNormalSmoothingDistance(getParam<Real>("normal_smoothing_distance")); if (parameters.isParamValid("normal_smoothing_method")) _penetration_locator.setNormalSmoothingMethod( parameters.get<std::string>("normal_smoothing_method")); }
LinearElasticMaterial::LinearElasticMaterial(const InputParameters & parameters) : TensorMechanicsMaterial(parameters), _T(coupledValue("T")), _T0(getParam<Real>("T0")), _thermal_expansion_coeff(getParam<Real>("thermal_expansion_coeff")), _applied_strain_vector(getParam<std::vector<Real> >("applied_strain_vector")) { mooseDeprecated("LinearElasticMaterial is deprecated. Refer to to convert this input file."); //Initialize applied strain tensor from input vector if (_applied_strain_vector.size() == 6) _applied_strain_tensor.fillFromInputVector(_applied_strain_vector); else; }
GrainAdvectionVelocity::GrainAdvectionVelocity(const InputParameters & parameters) : DerivativeMaterialInterface<Material>(parameters), _grain_tracker(getUserObject<GrainTrackerInterface>("grain_data")), _grain_force_torque(getUserObject<GrainForceAndTorqueInterface>("grain_force")), _grain_volumes(getVectorPostprocessorValue("grain_volumes", "feature_volumes")), _grain_forces(_grain_force_torque.getForceValues()), _grain_torques(_grain_force_torque.getTorqueValues()), _mt(getParam<Real>("translation_constant")), _mr(getParam<Real>("rotation_constant")), _op_num(coupledComponents("etas")), _base_name(isParamValid("base_name") ? getParam<std::string>("base_name") + "_" : ""), _velocity_advection( declareProperty<std::vector<RealGradient>>(_base_name + "advection_velocity")) { mooseDeprecated("Use GrainAdvectionAux for visualizing advection velocities."); }
ComputeStrainBase::ComputeStrainBase(const InputParameters & parameters) : DerivativeMaterialInterface<Material>(parameters), _ndisp(coupledComponents("displacements")), _disp(3), _grad_disp(3), _grad_disp_old(3), _T(coupledValue("temperature")), _T0(getParam<Real>("temperature_ref")), _thermal_expansion_coeff(getParam<Real>("thermal_expansion_coeff")), _no_thermal_eigenstrains(false), _base_name(isParamValid("base_name") ? getParam<std::string>("base_name") + "_" : "" ), _mechanical_strain(declareProperty<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "mechanical_strain")), _total_strain(declareProperty<RankTwoTensor>(_base_name + "total_strain")), _stateful_displacements(getParam<bool>("stateful_displacements") && _fe_problem.isTransient()), _volumetric_locking_correction(getParam<bool>("volumetric_locking_correction")) { // Checking for consistency between mesh size and length of the provided displacements vector if (_ndisp != _mesh.dimension()) mooseError("The number of variables supplied in 'displacements' must match the mesh dimension."); if (parameters.isParamSetByUser("thermal_expansion_coeff")) _no_thermal_eigenstrains = true; if (_no_thermal_eigenstrains) mooseDeprecated("The calculation of the thermal strains has been moved to the material ComputeThermalExpansionEigenStrains"); // fetch coupled variables and gradients (as stateful properties if necessary) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _ndisp; ++i) { _disp[i] = &coupledValue("displacements", i); _grad_disp[i] = &coupledGradient("displacements", i); if (_stateful_displacements) _grad_disp_old[i] = &coupledGradientOld("displacements" ,i); else _grad_disp_old[i] = &_grad_zero; } // set unused dimensions to zero for (unsigned i = _ndisp; i < 3; ++i) { _disp[i] = &_zero; _grad_disp[i] = &_grad_zero; _grad_disp_old[i] = &_grad_zero; } }
PorousFlow2PhasePS_VG::PorousFlow2PhasePS_VG(const InputParameters & parameters) : PorousFlow2PhasePS(parameters), _m(getParam<Real>("m")), _pc_max(getParam<Real>("pc_max")), _p0(getParam<Real>("p0")), _alpha(1.0 / _p0) { mooseDeprecated("PorousFlow2PhasePS_VG is deprecated. Please use PorousFlow2PhasePS and a " "PorousFlowCapillaryPressureVG UserObject instead"); if (_dictator.numPhases() != 2) mooseError("The Dictator proclaims that the number of phases is ", _dictator.numPhases(), " whereas PorousFlow2PhasePS_VG can only be used for 2-phase simulation. Be aware " "that the Dictator has noted your mistake."); }