void mqtt3_context_disconnect(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct mosquitto *ctxt) { if(ctxt->state != mosq_cs_disconnecting && ctxt->will){ if(mosquitto_acl_check(db, ctxt, ctxt->will->topic, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ /* Unexpected disconnect, queue the client will. */ mqtt3_db_messages_easy_queue(db, ctxt, ctxt->will->topic, ctxt->will->qos, ctxt->will->payloadlen, ctxt->will->payload, ctxt->will->retain); } } if(ctxt->will){ if(ctxt->will->topic) _mosquitto_free(ctxt->will->topic); if(ctxt->will->payload) _mosquitto_free(ctxt->will->payload); _mosquitto_free(ctxt->will); ctxt->will = NULL; } ctxt->disconnect_t = time(NULL); _mosquitto_socket_close(db, ctxt); }
static int _retain_process(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct mosquitto_msg_store *retained, struct mosquitto *context, const char *sub, int sub_qos) { int rc = 0; int qos; uint16_t mid; rc = mosquitto_acl_check(db, context, retained->msg.topic, MOSQ_ACL_READ); if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_ACL_DENIED){ return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; }else if(rc != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ return rc; } qos = retained->msg.qos; if(qos > sub_qos) qos = sub_qos; if(qos > 0){ mid = _mosquitto_mid_generate(context); }else{ mid = 0; } return mqtt3_db_message_insert(db, context, mid, mosq_md_out, qos, true, retained); }
int mqtt3_handle_connect(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct mosquitto *context) { char *protocol_name = NULL; uint8_t protocol_version; uint8_t connect_flags; uint8_t connect_ack = 0; char *client_id = NULL; char *will_payload = NULL, *will_topic = NULL; char *will_topic_mount; uint16_t will_payloadlen; struct mosquitto_message *will_struct = NULL; uint8_t will, will_retain, will_qos, clean_session; uint8_t username_flag, password_flag; char *username = NULL, *password = NULL; int rc; struct _mosquitto_acl_user *acl_tail; struct mosquitto_client_msg *msg_tail, *msg_prev; struct mosquitto *found_context; int slen; struct _mosquitto_subleaf *leaf; int i; #ifdef WITH_TLS X509 *client_cert = NULL; X509_NAME *name; X509_NAME_ENTRY *name_entry; #endif #ifdef WITH_SYS_TREE g_connection_count++; #endif g_epoll_mqtt_connections++; /* Don't accept multiple CONNECT commands. */ if(context->state != mosq_cs_new){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; goto handle_connect_error; } if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &protocol_name)){ rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; return 1; } if(!protocol_name){ rc = 3; goto handle_connect_error; return 3; } if(_mosquitto_read_byte(&context->in_packet, &protocol_version)){ rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; return 1; } if(!strcmp(protocol_name, PROTOCOL_NAME_v31)){ if((protocol_version&0x7F) != PROTOCOL_VERSION_v31){ if(db->config->connection_messages == true){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Invalid protocol version %d in CONNECT from %s.", protocol_version, context->address); } _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_PROTOCOL_VERSION); _mosquitto_free(protocol_name); rc = MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; goto handle_connect_error; } context->protocol = mosq_p_mqtt31; }else if(!strcmp(protocol_name, PROTOCOL_NAME_v311)){ if((protocol_version&0x7F) != PROTOCOL_VERSION_v311){ if(db->config->connection_messages == true){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Invalid protocol version %d in CONNECT from %s.", protocol_version, context->address); } _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_PROTOCOL_VERSION); _mosquitto_free(protocol_name); rc = MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; goto handle_connect_error; } if((context->in_packet.command&0x0F) != 0x00){ /* Reserved flags not set to 0, must disconnect. */ _mosquitto_free(protocol_name); rc = MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; goto handle_connect_error; } context->protocol = mosq_p_mqtt311; }else{ if(db->config->connection_messages == true){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Invalid protocol \"%s\" in CONNECT from %s.", protocol_name, context->address); } _mosquitto_free(protocol_name); rc = MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; goto handle_connect_error; } _mosquitto_free(protocol_name); if(_mosquitto_read_byte(&context->in_packet, &connect_flags)){ rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } clean_session = (connect_flags & 0x02) >> 1; will = connect_flags & 0x04; will_qos = (connect_flags & 0x18) >> 3; if(will_qos == 3){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Invalid Will QoS in CONNECT from %s.", context->address); rc = MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; goto handle_connect_error; } will_retain = connect_flags & 0x20; password_flag = connect_flags & 0x40; username_flag = connect_flags & 0x80; if(_mosquitto_read_uint16(&context->in_packet, &(context->keepalive))){ rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &client_id)){ rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } slen = strlen(client_id); if(slen == 0){ if(context->protocol == mosq_p_mqtt31){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED); rc = MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; goto handle_connect_error; }else{ /* mqtt311 */ _mosquitto_free(client_id); client_id = NULL; if(clean_session == 0 || db->config->allow_zero_length_clientid == false){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED); rc = MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; goto handle_connect_error; }else{ client_id = client_id_gen(db); if(!client_id){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; } } } } /* clientid_prefixes check */ if(db->config->clientid_prefixes){ if(strncmp(db->config->clientid_prefixes, client_id, strlen(db->config->clientid_prefixes))){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } } if(will){ will_struct = _mosquitto_calloc(1, sizeof(struct mosquitto_message)); if(!will_struct){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; } if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &will_topic)){ rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } if(STREMPTY(will_topic)){ rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } if(context->listener && context->listener->mount_point){ slen = strlen(context->listener->mount_point) + strlen(will_topic); will_topic_mount = _mosquitto_malloc(slen+1); if(!will_topic_mount){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; } snprintf(will_topic_mount, slen, "%s%s", context->listener->mount_point, will_topic); will_topic_mount[slen] = '\0'; _mosquitto_free(will_topic); will_topic = will_topic_mount; } if(mosquitto_pub_topic_check(will_topic)){ rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } if(_mosquitto_read_uint16(&context->in_packet, &will_payloadlen)){ rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } if(will_payloadlen > 0){ will_payload = _mosquitto_malloc(will_payloadlen); if(!will_payload){ rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } rc = _mosquitto_read_bytes(&context->in_packet, will_payload, will_payloadlen); if(rc){ rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } } }else{ if(context->protocol == mosq_p_mqtt311){ if(will_qos != 0 || will_retain != 0){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; goto handle_connect_error; } } } if(username_flag){ rc = _mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &username); if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ if(password_flag){ rc = _mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &password); if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; }else if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL){ if(context->protocol == mosq_p_mqtt31){ /* Password flag given, but no password. Ignore. */ password_flag = 0; }else if(context->protocol == mosq_p_mqtt311){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; goto handle_connect_error; } } } }else if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; }else{ if(context->protocol == mosq_p_mqtt31){ /* Username flag given, but no username. Ignore. */ username_flag = 0; }else if(context->protocol == mosq_p_mqtt311){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; goto handle_connect_error; } } }else{ if(context->protocol == mosq_p_mqtt311){ if(password_flag){ /* username_flag == 0 && password_flag == 1 is forbidden */ rc = MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; goto handle_connect_error; } } } #ifdef WITH_TLS if(context->listener && context->listener->ssl_ctx && context->listener->use_identity_as_username){ if(!context->ssl){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } #ifdef REAL_WITH_TLS_PSK if(context->listener->psk_hint){ /* Client should have provided an identity to get this far. */ if(!context->username){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } }else{ #endif /* REAL_WITH_TLS_PSK */ client_cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(context->ssl); if(!client_cert){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } name = X509_get_subject_name(client_cert); if(!name){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } i = X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(name, NID_commonName, -1); if(i == -1){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } name_entry = X509_NAME_get_entry(name, i); context->username = _mosquitto_strdup((char *)ASN1_STRING_data(name_entry->value)); if(!context->username){ rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } X509_free(client_cert); client_cert = NULL; #ifdef REAL_WITH_TLS_PSK } #endif /* REAL_WITH_TLS_PSK */ }else{ #endif /* WITH_TLS */ if(username_flag){ rc = mosquitto_unpwd_check(db, username, password); switch(rc){ case MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS: break; case MOSQ_ERR_AUTH: _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; break; default: mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; break; } context->username = username; context->password = password; username = NULL; /* Avoid free() in error: below. */ password = NULL; } if(!username_flag && db->config->allow_anonymous == false){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } #ifdef WITH_TLS } #endif if(context->listener && context->listener->use_username_as_clientid){ if(context->username){ _mosquitto_free(client_id); client_id = _mosquitto_strdup(context->username); if(!client_id){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; } }else{ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, 0, CONNACK_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } } /* Find if this client already has an entry. This must be done *after* any security checks. */ HASH_FIND(hh_id, db->contexts_by_id, client_id, strlen(client_id), found_context); if(found_context){ /* Found a matching client */ if(found_context->sock == INVALID_SOCKET){ /* Client is reconnecting after a disconnect */ /* FIXME - does anything need to be done here? */ }else{ /* Client is already connected, disconnect old version. This is * done in mqtt3_context_cleanup() below. */ if(db->config->connection_messages == true){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_ERR, "Client %s already connected, closing old connection.", client_id); } } if(context->protocol == mosq_p_mqtt311){ if(clean_session == 0){ connect_ack |= 0x01; } } context->clean_session = clean_session; if(context->clean_session == false && found_context->clean_session == false){ if(found_context->msgs){ context->msgs = found_context->msgs; found_context->msgs = NULL; mqtt3_db_message_reconnect_reset(db, context); } context->subs = found_context->subs; found_context->subs = NULL; context->sub_count = found_context->sub_count; found_context->sub_count = 0; for(i=0; i<context->sub_count; i++){ if(context->subs[i]){ leaf = context->subs[i]->subs; while(leaf){ if(leaf->context == found_context){ leaf->context = context; } leaf = leaf->next; } } } } found_context->clean_session = true; found_context->state = mosq_cs_disconnecting; if(g_flag_epoll) { epoll_do_disconnect(db,found_context); } else { do_disconnect(db, found_context); } } /* Associate user with its ACL, assuming we have ACLs loaded. */ if(db->acl_list){ acl_tail = db->acl_list; while(acl_tail){ if(context->username){ if(acl_tail->username && !strcmp(context->username, acl_tail->username)){ context->acl_list = acl_tail; break; } }else{ if(acl_tail->username == NULL){ context->acl_list = acl_tail; break; } } acl_tail = acl_tail->next; } }else{ context->acl_list = NULL; } if(will_struct){ context->will = will_struct; context->will->topic = will_topic; if(will_payload){ context->will->payload = will_payload; context->will->payloadlen = will_payloadlen; }else{ context->will->payload = NULL; context->will->payloadlen = 0; } context->will->qos = will_qos; context->will->retain = will_retain; } if(db->config->connection_messages == true){ if(context->is_bridge){ if(context->username){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_NOTICE, "New bridge connected from %s as %s (c%d, k%d, u'%s').", context->address, client_id, clean_session, context->keepalive, context->username); }else{ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_NOTICE, "New bridge connected from %s as %s (c%d, k%d).", context->address, client_id, clean_session, context->keepalive); } }else{ if(context->username){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_NOTICE, "New client connected from %s as %s (c%d, k%d, u'%s').", context->address, client_id, clean_session, context->keepalive, context->username); }else{ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_NOTICE, "New client connected from %s as %s (c%d, k%d).", context->address, client_id, clean_session, context->keepalive); } } } context->id = client_id; client_id = NULL; context->clean_session = clean_session; context->ping_t = 0; context->is_dropping = false; if((protocol_version&0x80) == 0x80){ context->is_bridge = true; } /* Remove any queued messages that are no longer allowed through ACL, * assuming a possible change of username. */ msg_tail = context->msgs; msg_prev = NULL; while(msg_tail){ if(msg_tail->direction == mosq_md_out){ if(mosquitto_acl_check(db, context, msg_tail->store->topic, MOSQ_ACL_READ) != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ mosquitto__db_msg_store_deref(db, &msg_tail->store); if(msg_prev){ msg_prev->next = msg_tail->next; _mosquitto_free(msg_tail); msg_tail = msg_prev->next; }else{ context->msgs = context->msgs->next; _mosquitto_free(msg_tail); msg_tail = context->msgs; } }else{ msg_prev = msg_tail; msg_tail = msg_tail->next; } }else{ msg_prev = msg_tail; msg_tail = msg_tail->next; } } HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh_id, db->contexts_by_id, context->id, strlen(context->id), context); #ifdef WITH_PERSISTENCE if(!clean_session){ db->persistence_changes++; } #endif context->state = mosq_cs_connected; return _mosquitto_send_connack(context, connect_ack, CONNACK_ACCEPTED); handle_connect_error: if(client_id) _mosquitto_free(client_id); if(username) _mosquitto_free(username); if(password) _mosquitto_free(password); if(will_payload) _mosquitto_free(will_payload); if(will_topic) _mosquitto_free(will_topic); if(will_struct) _mosquitto_free(will_struct); #ifdef WITH_TLS if(client_cert) X509_free(client_cert); #endif /* We return an error here which means the client is freed later on. */ return rc; }
int mqtt3_handle_subscribe(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct mosquitto *context) { int rc = 0; int rc2; uint16_t mid; char *sub; uint8_t qos; uint8_t *payload = NULL, *tmp_payload; uint32_t payloadlen = 0; int len; char *sub_mount; if(!context) return MOSQ_ERR_INVAL; _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "Received SUBSCRIBE from %s", context->id); /* FIXME - plenty of potential for memory leaks here */ if(context->protocol == mosq_p_mqtt311){ if((context->in_packet.command&0x0F) != 0x02){ return MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; } } if(_mosquitto_read_uint16(&context->in_packet, &mid)) return 1; g_epoll_subscribe_num++; while(context->in_packet.pos < context->in_packet.remaining_length){ sub = NULL; if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &sub)){ if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } if(sub){ if(!strlen(sub)){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Empty subscription string from %s, disconnecting.", context->address); _mosquitto_free(sub); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } if(mosquitto_sub_topic_check(sub)){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Invalid subscription string from %s, disconnecting.", context->address); _mosquitto_free(sub); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } if(_mosquitto_read_byte(&context->in_packet, &qos)){ _mosquitto_free(sub); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } if(qos > 2){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Invalid QoS in subscription command from %s, disconnecting.", context->address); _mosquitto_free(sub); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } if(context->listener && context->listener->mount_point){ len = strlen(context->listener->mount_point) + strlen(sub) + 1; sub_mount = _mosquitto_malloc(len+1); if(!sub_mount){ _mosquitto_free(sub); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; } snprintf(sub_mount, len, "%s%s", context->listener->mount_point, sub); sub_mount[len] = '\0'; _mosquitto_free(sub); sub = sub_mount; } _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "\t%s (QoS %d)", sub, qos); #if 0 /* FIXME * This section has been disabled temporarily. mosquitto_acl_check * calls mosquitto_topic_matches_sub, which can't cope with * checking subscriptions that have wildcards against ACLs that * have wildcards. Bug #1374291 is related. * * It's a very difficult problem when an ACL looks like foo/+/bar * and a subscription request to foo/# is made. * * This should be changed to using MOSQ_ACL_SUBSCRIPTION in the * future anyway. */ if(context->protocol == mosq_p_mqtt311){ rc = mosquitto_acl_check(db, context, sub, MOSQ_ACL_READ); switch(rc){ case MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS: break; case MOSQ_ERR_ACL_DENIED: qos = 0x80; break; default: _mosquitto_free(sub); return rc; } } #endif if(qos != 0x80){ rc2 = mqtt3_sub_add(db, context, sub, qos, &db->subs); if(rc2 == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ if(mqtt3_retain_queue(db, context, sub, qos)) rc = 1; }else if(rc2 != -1){ rc = rc2; } _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_SUBSCRIBE, "%s %d %s", context->id, qos, sub); } _mosquitto_free(sub); tmp_payload = _mosquitto_realloc(payload, payloadlen + 1); if(tmp_payload){ payload = tmp_payload; payload[payloadlen] = qos; payloadlen++; }else{ if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; } } } if(context->protocol == mosq_p_mqtt311){ if(payloadlen == 0){ /* No subscriptions specified, protocol error. */ return MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; } } if(_mosquitto_send_suback(context, mid, payloadlen, payload)) rc = 1; _mosquitto_free(payload); #ifdef WITH_PERSISTENCE db->persistence_changes++; #endif return rc; }
int mqtt3_handle_connect(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct mosquitto *context) { char *protocol_name = NULL; uint8_t protocol_version; uint8_t connect_flags; char *client_id = NULL; char *will_payload = NULL, *will_topic = NULL; uint16_t will_payloadlen; struct mosquitto_message *will_struct = NULL; uint8_t will, will_retain, will_qos, clean_session; uint8_t username_flag, password_flag; char *username = NULL, *password = NULL; int i; int rc; struct _mosquitto_acl_user *acl_tail; int slen; #ifdef WITH_TLS X509 *client_cert; X509_NAME *name; X509_NAME_ENTRY *name_entry; #endif struct _clientid_index_hash *find_cih; struct _clientid_index_hash *new_cih; #ifdef WITH_SYS_TREE g_connection_count++; #endif /* Don't accept multiple CONNECT commands. */ if(context->state != mosq_cs_new){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; } if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &protocol_name)){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 1; } if(!protocol_name){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 3; } if(strcmp(protocol_name, PROTOCOL_NAME)){ if(db->config->connection_messages == true){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Invalid protocol \"%s\" in CONNECT from %s.", protocol_name, context->address); } _mosquitto_free(protocol_name); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; } _mosquitto_free(protocol_name); if(_mosquitto_read_byte(&context->in_packet, &protocol_version)){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 1; } if((protocol_version&0x7F) != PROTOCOL_VERSION){ if(db->config->connection_messages == true){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Invalid protocol version %d in CONNECT from %s.", protocol_version, context->address); } _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_PROTOCOL_VERSION); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; } if((protocol_version&0x80) == 0x80){ context->is_bridge = true; } if(_mosquitto_read_byte(&context->in_packet, &connect_flags)){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 1; } clean_session = connect_flags & 0x02; will = connect_flags & 0x04; will_qos = (connect_flags & 0x18) >> 3; will_retain = connect_flags & 0x20; password_flag = connect_flags & 0x40; username_flag = connect_flags & 0x80; if(_mosquitto_read_uint16(&context->in_packet, &(context->keepalive))){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 1; } if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &client_id)){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 1; } slen = strlen(client_id); #ifdef WITH_STRICT_PROTOCOL if(slen > 23 || slen == 0){ #else if(slen == 0){ #endif _mosquitto_free(client_id); _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 1; } /* clientid_prefixes check */ if(db->config->clientid_prefixes){ if(strncmp(db->config->clientid_prefixes, client_id, strlen(db->config->clientid_prefixes))){ _mosquitto_free(client_id); _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } } if(will){ will_struct = _mosquitto_calloc(1, sizeof(struct mosquitto_message)); if(!will_struct){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; } if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &will_topic)){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } if(strlen(will_topic) == 0){ /* FIXME - CONNACK_REFUSED_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED not really appropriate here. */ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } if(_mosquitto_read_uint16(&context->in_packet, &will_payloadlen)){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } if(will_payloadlen > 0){ will_payload = _mosquitto_malloc(will_payloadlen); if(!will_payload){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } rc = _mosquitto_read_bytes(&context->in_packet, will_payload, will_payloadlen); if(rc){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } } } if(username_flag){ rc = _mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &username); if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ if(password_flag){ rc = _mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &password); if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; }else if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL){ /* Password flag given, but no password. Ignore. */ password_flag = 0; } } }else if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; }else{ /* Username flag given, but no username. Ignore. */ username_flag = 0; } } #ifdef WITH_TLS if(context->listener->use_identity_as_username){ if(!context->ssl){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; goto handle_connect_error; } #ifdef REAL_WITH_TLS_PSK if(context->listener->psk_hint){ /* Client should have provided an identity to get this far. */ if(!context->username){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; goto handle_connect_error; } }else{ #endif /* REAL_WITH_TLS_PSK */ client_cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(context->ssl); if(!client_cert){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; goto handle_connect_error; } name = X509_get_subject_name(client_cert); if(!name){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; goto handle_connect_error; } i = X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(name, NID_commonName, -1); if(i == -1){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; goto handle_connect_error; } name_entry = X509_NAME_get_entry(name, i); context->username = _mosquitto_strdup((char *)ASN1_STRING_data(name_entry->value)); if(!context->username){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; goto handle_connect_error; } #ifdef REAL_WITH_TLS_PSK } #endif /* REAL_WITH_TLS_PSK */ }else{ #endif /* WITH_TLS */ if(username_flag){ rc = mosquitto_unpwd_check(db, username, password); if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_AUTH){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; goto handle_connect_error; }else if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_INVAL){ goto handle_connect_error; } context->username = username; context->password = password; username = NULL; /* Avoid free() in error: below. */ password = NULL; } if(!username_flag && db->config->allow_anonymous == false){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; goto handle_connect_error; } #ifdef WITH_TLS } #endif /* Find if this client already has an entry. This must be done *after* any security checks. */ HASH_FIND_STR(db->clientid_index_hash, client_id, find_cih); if(find_cih){ i = find_cih->db_context_index; /* Found a matching client */ if(db->contexts[i]->sock == -1){ /* Client is reconnecting after a disconnect */ /* FIXME - does anything else need to be done here? */ }else{ /* Client is already connected, disconnect old version */ if(db->config->connection_messages == true){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_ERR, "Client %s already connected, closing old connection.", client_id); } } db->contexts[i]->clean_session = clean_session; mqtt3_context_cleanup(db, db->contexts[i], false); db->contexts[i]->state = mosq_cs_connected; db->contexts[i]->address = _mosquitto_strdup(context->address); db->contexts[i]->sock = context->sock; db->contexts[i]->listener = context->listener; db->contexts[i]->last_msg_in = mosquitto_time(); db->contexts[i]->last_msg_out = mosquitto_time(); db->contexts[i]->keepalive = context->keepalive; db->contexts[i]->pollfd_index = context->pollfd_index; #ifdef WITH_TLS db->contexts[i]->ssl = context->ssl; #endif if(context->username){ db->contexts[i]->username = _mosquitto_strdup(context->username); } context->sock = -1; #ifdef WITH_TLS context->ssl = NULL; #endif context->state = mosq_cs_disconnecting; context = db->contexts[i]; if(context->msgs){ mqtt3_db_message_reconnect_reset(context); } } context->id = client_id; client_id = NULL; context->clean_session = clean_session; context->ping_t = 0; // Add the client ID to the DB hash table here new_cih = _mosquitto_malloc(sizeof(struct _clientid_index_hash)); if(!new_cih){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_ERR, "Error: Out of memory."); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; } new_cih->id = context->id; new_cih->db_context_index = context->db_index; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh, db->clientid_index_hash, context->id, strlen(context->id), new_cih); #ifdef WITH_PERSISTENCE if(!clean_session){ db->persistence_changes++; } #endif /* Associate user with its ACL, assuming we have ACLs loaded. */ if(db->acl_list){ acl_tail = db->acl_list; while(acl_tail){ if(context->username){ if(acl_tail->username && !strcmp(context->username, acl_tail->username)){ context->acl_list = acl_tail; break; } }else{ if(acl_tail->username == NULL){ context->acl_list = acl_tail; break; } } acl_tail = acl_tail->next; } }else{ context->acl_list = NULL; } if(will_struct){ if(mosquitto_acl_check(db, context, will_topic, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; goto handle_connect_error; } context->will = will_struct; context->will->topic = will_topic; if(will_payload){ context->will->payload = will_payload; context->will->payloadlen = will_payloadlen; }else{ context->will->payload = NULL; context->will->payloadlen = 0; } context->will->qos = will_qos; context->will->retain = will_retain; } if(db->config->connection_messages == true){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_NOTICE, "New client connected from %s as %s (c%d, k%d).", context->address, context->id, context->clean_session, context->keepalive); } context->state = mosq_cs_connected; return _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_ACCEPTED); handle_connect_error: if(client_id) _mosquitto_free(client_id); if(username) _mosquitto_free(username); if(password) _mosquitto_free(password); if(will_payload) _mosquitto_free(will_payload); if(will_topic) _mosquitto_free(will_topic); if(will_struct) _mosquitto_free(will_struct); return rc; } int mqtt3_handle_disconnect(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct mosquitto *context) { if(!context){ return MOSQ_ERR_INVAL; } if(context->in_packet.remaining_length != 0){ return MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; } _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "Received DISCONNECT from %s", context->id); context->state = mosq_cs_disconnecting; mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } int mqtt3_handle_subscribe(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct mosquitto *context) { int rc = 0; int rc2; uint16_t mid; char *sub; uint8_t qos; uint8_t *payload = NULL, *tmp_payload; uint32_t payloadlen = 0; int len; char *sub_mount; if(!context) return MOSQ_ERR_INVAL; _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "Received SUBSCRIBE from %s", context->id); /* FIXME - plenty of potential for memory leaks here */ if(_mosquitto_read_uint16(&context->in_packet, &mid)) return 1; while(context->in_packet.pos < context->in_packet.remaining_length){ sub = NULL; if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &sub)){ if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } if(sub){ if(_mosquitto_read_byte(&context->in_packet, &qos)){ _mosquitto_free(sub); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } if(qos > 2){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Invalid QoS in subscription command from %s, disconnecting.", context->address); _mosquitto_free(sub); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } if(_mosquitto_fix_sub_topic(&sub)){ _mosquitto_free(sub); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } if(!strlen(sub)){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Empty subscription string from %s, disconnecting.", context->address); _mosquitto_free(sub); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } if(context->listener && context->listener->mount_point){ len = strlen(context->listener->mount_point) + strlen(sub) + 1; sub_mount = _mosquitto_calloc(len, sizeof(char)); if(!sub_mount){ _mosquitto_free(sub); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; } snprintf(sub_mount, len, "%s%s", context->listener->mount_point, sub); _mosquitto_free(sub); sub = sub_mount; } _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "\t%s (QoS %d)", sub, qos); rc2 = mqtt3_sub_add(db, context, sub, qos, &db->subs); if(rc2 == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ if(mqtt3_retain_queue(db, context, sub, qos)) rc = 1; }else if(rc2 != -1){ rc = rc2; } _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_SUBSCRIBE, "%s %d %s", context->id, qos, sub); _mosquitto_free(sub); tmp_payload = _mosquitto_realloc(payload, payloadlen + 1); if(tmp_payload){ payload = tmp_payload; payload[payloadlen] = qos; payloadlen++; }else{ if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; } } } if(_mosquitto_send_suback(context, mid, payloadlen, payload)) rc = 1; _mosquitto_free(payload); #ifdef WITH_PERSISTENCE db->persistence_changes++; #endif return rc; }
int mqtt3_handle_publish(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct mosquitto *context) { char *topic; void *payload = NULL; uint32_t payloadlen; uint8_t dup, qos, retain; uint16_t mid = 0; int rc = 0; uint8_t header = context->in_packet.command; int res = 0; struct mosquitto_msg_store *stored = NULL; int len; char *topic_mount; #ifdef WITH_BRIDGE char *topic_temp; int i; struct _mqtt3_bridge_topic *cur_topic; bool match; #endif dup = (header & 0x08)>>3; qos = (header & 0x06)>>1; if(qos == 3){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Invalid QoS in PUBLISH from %s, disconnecting.", context->id); return 1; } retain = (header & 0x01); if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &topic)) return 1; if(STREMPTY(topic)){ /* Invalid publish topic, disconnect client. */ _mosquitto_free(topic); return 1; } #ifdef WITH_BRIDGE if(context->bridge && context->bridge->topics && context->bridge->topic_remapping){ for(i=0; i<context->bridge->topic_count; i++){ cur_topic = &context->bridge->topics[i]; if((cur_topic->direction == bd_both || cur_topic->direction == bd_in) && (cur_topic->remote_prefix || cur_topic->local_prefix)){ /* Topic mapping required on this topic if the message matches */ rc = mosquitto_topic_matches_sub(cur_topic->remote_topic, topic, &match); if(rc){ _mosquitto_free(topic); return rc; } if(match){ if(cur_topic->remote_prefix){ /* This prefix needs removing. */ if(!strncmp(cur_topic->remote_prefix, topic, strlen(cur_topic->remote_prefix))){ topic_temp = _mosquitto_strdup(topic+strlen(cur_topic->remote_prefix)); if(!topic_temp){ _mosquitto_free(topic); return MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; } _mosquitto_free(topic); topic = topic_temp; } } if(cur_topic->local_prefix){ /* This prefix needs adding. */ len = strlen(topic) + strlen(cur_topic->local_prefix)+1; topic_temp = _mosquitto_malloc(len+1); if(!topic_temp){ _mosquitto_free(topic); return MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; } snprintf(topic_temp, len, "%s%s", cur_topic->local_prefix, topic); topic_temp[len] = '\0'; _mosquitto_free(topic); topic = topic_temp; } break; } } } } #endif if(mosquitto_pub_topic_check(topic) != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ /* Invalid publish topic, just swallow it. */ _mosquitto_free(topic); return 1; } if(qos > 0){ if(_mosquitto_read_uint16(&context->in_packet, &mid)){ _mosquitto_free(topic); return 1; } } payloadlen = context->in_packet.remaining_length - context->in_packet.pos; #ifdef WITH_SYS_TREE g_pub_bytes_received += payloadlen; #endif if(context->listener && context->listener->mount_point){ len = strlen(context->listener->mount_point) + strlen(topic) + 1; topic_mount = _mosquitto_malloc(len+1); if(!topic_mount){ _mosquitto_free(topic); return MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; } snprintf(topic_mount, len, "%s%s", context->listener->mount_point, topic); topic_mount[len] = '\0'; _mosquitto_free(topic); topic = topic_mount; } if(payloadlen){ if(db->config->message_size_limit && payloadlen > db->config->message_size_limit){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "Dropped too large PUBLISH from %s (d%d, q%d, r%d, m%d, '%s', ... (%ld bytes))", context->id, dup, qos, retain, mid, topic, (long)payloadlen); goto process_bad_message; } payload = _mosquitto_calloc(payloadlen+1, 1); if(!payload){ _mosquitto_free(topic); return 1; } if(_mosquitto_read_bytes(&context->in_packet, payload, payloadlen)){ _mosquitto_free(topic); _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } } /* Check for topic access */ rc = mosquitto_acl_check(db, context, topic, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE); if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_ACL_DENIED){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "Denied PUBLISH from %s (d%d, q%d, r%d, m%d, '%s', ... (%ld bytes))", context->id, dup, qos, retain, mid, topic, (long)payloadlen); goto process_bad_message; }else if(rc != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ _mosquitto_free(topic); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return rc; } _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Received PUBLISH from %s (d%d, q%d, r%d, m%d, '%s', ... (%ld bytes) payload %s)", context->id, dup, qos, retain, mid, topic, (long)payloadlen, (char *)payload); //Prathamesh write(pipeFDS[1],payload, payloadlen); if(qos > 0){ mqtt3_db_message_store_find(context, mid, &stored); } if(!stored){ dup = 0; if(mqtt3_db_message_store(db, context->id, mid, topic, qos, payloadlen, payload, retain, &stored, 0)){ _mosquitto_free(topic); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } }else{ dup = 1; } switch(qos){ case 0: if(mqtt3_db_messages_queue(db, context->id, topic, qos, retain, &stored)) rc = 1; break; case 1: if(mqtt3_db_messages_queue(db, context->id, topic, qos, retain, &stored)) rc = 1; if(_mosquitto_send_puback(context, mid)) rc = 1; break; case 2: if(!dup){ res = mqtt3_db_message_insert(db, context, mid, mosq_md_in, qos, retain, stored); }else{ res = 0; } /* mqtt3_db_message_insert() returns 2 to indicate dropped message * due to queue. This isn't an error so don't disconnect them. */ if(!res){ if(_mosquitto_send_pubrec(context, mid)) rc = 1; }else if(res == 1){ rc = 1; } break; } _mosquitto_free(topic); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return rc; process_bad_message: _mosquitto_free(topic); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); switch(qos){ case 0: return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; case 1: return _mosquitto_send_puback(context, mid); case 2: mqtt3_db_message_store_find(context, mid, &stored); if(!stored){ if(mqtt3_db_message_store(db, context->id, mid, NULL, qos, 0, NULL, false, &stored, 0)){ return 1; } res = mqtt3_db_message_insert(db, context, mid, mosq_md_in, qos, false, stored); }else{ res = 0; } if(!res){ res = _mosquitto_send_pubrec(context, mid); } return res; } return 1; }
static int _subs_process(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct _mosquitto_subhier *hier, const char *source_id, const char *topic, int qos, int retain, struct mosquitto_msg_store *stored, bool set_retain) { int rc = 0; int rc2; int client_qos, msg_qos; uint16_t mid; struct _mosquitto_subleaf *leaf; bool client_retain; leaf = hier->subs; if(retain && set_retain){ #ifdef WITH_PERSISTENCE if(strncmp(topic, "$SYS", 4)){ /* Retained messages count as a persistence change, but only if * they aren't for $SYS. */ db->persistence_changes++; } #endif if(hier->retained){ hier->retained->ref_count--; /* FIXME - it would be nice to be able to remove the message from the store at this point if ref_count == 0 */ db->retained_count--; } if(stored->msg.payloadlen){ hier->retained = stored; hier->retained->ref_count++; db->retained_count++; }else{ hier->retained = NULL; } } while(source_id && leaf){ if(leaf->context->is_bridge && !strcmp(leaf->context->id, source_id)){ leaf = leaf->next; continue; } /* Check for ACL topic access. */ rc2 = mosquitto_acl_check(db, leaf->context, topic, MOSQ_ACL_READ); if(rc2 == MOSQ_ERR_ACL_DENIED){ leaf = leaf->next; continue; }else if(rc2 == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ client_qos = leaf->qos; if(db->config->upgrade_outgoing_qos){ msg_qos = client_qos; }else{ if(qos > client_qos){ msg_qos = client_qos; }else{ msg_qos = qos; } } if(msg_qos){ mid = _mosquitto_mid_generate(leaf->context); }else{ mid = 0; } if(leaf->context->is_bridge){ /* If we know the client is a bridge then we should set retain * even if the message is fresh. If we don't do this, retained * messages won't be propagated. */ client_retain = retain; }else{ /* Client is not a bridge and this isn't a stale message so * retain should be false. */ client_retain = false; } if(mqtt3_db_message_insert(db, leaf->context, mid, mosq_md_out, msg_qos, client_retain, stored) == 1) rc = 1; }else{ return 1; /* Application error */ } leaf = leaf->next; } return rc; }
int mqtt3_handle_connect(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct mosquitto *context) { char *protocol_name = NULL; uint8_t protocol_version; uint8_t connect_flags; char *client_id = NULL; char *will_payload = NULL, *will_topic = NULL; uint16_t will_payloadlen; struct mosquitto_message *will_struct = NULL; uint8_t will, will_retain, will_qos, clean_session; uint8_t username_flag, password_flag; char *username = NULL, *password = NULL; int rc; int slen; #ifdef WITH_SYS_TREE g_connection_count++; #endif /* Don't accept multiple CONNECT commands. */ if(context->state != mosq_cs_new){//已经connect过了 mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; } //读取开头的协议名称 if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &protocol_name)){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 1; } if(!protocol_name){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 3; } if(strcmp(protocol_name, PROTOCOL_NAME)){//协议名必须为"MQIsdp" if(db->config->connection_messages == true){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Invalid protocol \"%s\" in CONNECT from %s.", protocol_name, context->address); } _mosquitto_free(protocol_name); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; }//协议名只是为了检验是否为"MQIsdp"的,只后就没用啦 _mosquitto_free(protocol_name); if(_mosquitto_read_byte(&context->in_packet, &protocol_version)){//8 个字节的协议号 mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 1; } if((protocol_version&0x7F) != PROTOCOL_VERSION){//协议名必须是3版本 if(db->config->connection_messages == true){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_INFO, "Invalid protocol version %d in CONNECT from %s.", protocol_version, context->address); } _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_PROTOCOL_VERSION); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL; } if((protocol_version&0x80) == 0x80){//发送这种协议来的,就认为是bridge context->is_bridge = true; } //下面读取各个标志 if(_mosquitto_read_byte(&context->in_packet, &connect_flags)){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 1; } clean_session = connect_flags & 0x02; will = connect_flags & 0x04; will_qos = (connect_flags & 0x18) >> 3; will_retain = connect_flags & 0x20; password_flag = connect_flags & 0x40; username_flag = connect_flags & 0x80; context->clean_session = clean_session; context->ping_t = 0; if(_mosquitto_read_uint16(&context->in_packet, &(context->keepalive))){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 1; } //客户端ID是必须有的,flags无法控制 if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &client_id)){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 1; } slen = strlen(client_id); #ifdef WITH_STRICT_PROTOCOL if(slen > 23 || slen == 0){ #else if(slen == 0){ #endif _mosquitto_free(client_id); _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return 1; } context->id = client_id; client_id = NULL; /* clientid_prefixes check */ if(db->config->clientid_prefixes){//如果配置文件配置了客户端统一前缀clientid_prefixes,那么所有客户端昵称必须一致 if(strncmp(db->config->clientid_prefixes, context->id, strlen(db->config->clientid_prefixes))){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } } if(will){//will指的是如果客户端意外断开连接,那么will Message内容的字符串消息会发布到Will Topic指代的地方 //申请一个message结构,待会填充到context->will上面 will_struct = _mosquitto_calloc(1, sizeof(struct mosquitto_message)); if(!will_struct){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; } if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &will_topic)){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } if(strlen(will_topic) == 0){ /* FIXME - CONNACK_REFUSED_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED not really appropriate here. */ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } //由于需要记录长度,所以不能一次读取_mosquitto_read_string if(_mosquitto_read_uint16(&context->in_packet, &will_payloadlen)){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } will_payload = _mosquitto_malloc(will_payloadlen); if(!will_payload){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } rc = _mosquitto_read_bytes(&context->in_packet, will_payload, will_payloadlen); if(rc){ mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = 1; goto handle_connect_error; } //设置will-topic的相关信息,mqtt3_context_disconnect会用,判断连接不是主动断开的话会Publis一条消息 if(mosquitto_acl_check(db, context, will_topic, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE) != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; goto handle_connect_error; } context->will = will_struct; will_struct = NULL ;//设置为空,避免handle_connect_error释放。放到context上面后续释放即可 context->will->topic = will_topic; will_topic = NULL ; if(will_payload){ context->will->payload = will_payload; context->will->payloadlen = will_payloadlen; will_payload = NULL ; }else{ context->will->payload = NULL; context->will->payloadlen = 0; } context->will->qos = will_qos; context->will->retain = will_retain; } if(username_flag){//读取用户名密码 rc = _mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &username); if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ if(password_flag){ rc = _mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &password); if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; }else if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_PROTOCOL){ /* Password flag given, but no password. Ignore. */ password_flag = 0; } } }else if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; goto handle_connect_error; }else{ /* Username flag given, but no username. Ignore. */ username_flag = 0; } } context->username = username; context->password = password; username = NULL; /* Avoid free() in error: below. */ password = NULL; if(username_flag && password_flag){//如果发送了用户名密码,那么进行用户名密码校验 //放入待验证的客户端链表头部 struct _mosquitto_auth_list * tmpauth = _mosquitto_calloc(1, sizeof(struct _mosquitto_auth_list)); if(tmpauth == NULL){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; goto handle_connect_error; } context->auth_result = CONNACK_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED ; pthread_mutex_lock(&db->auth_list_mutex) ; tmpauth->context = context ; tmpauth->next = db->waiting_auth_list ;//如果db->waiting_auth_list为空这里也可以没事的 assert( context->sock != -1) ; db->waiting_auth_list = tmpauth; db->contexts[context->db_index] = NULL ;//暂时将这个链接从contexts中移除出来,待验证完成后,放入finished_auth_list context->db_index = -1 ; pthread_mutex_unlock(&db->auth_list_mutex) ; //rc = mosquitto_unpwd_check(db, context->username, context->password); return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS ; } //查看系统是否允许匿名使用 if(!username_flag && db->config->allow_anonymous == false){ _mosquitto_send_connack(context, CONNACK_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED); mqtt3_context_disconnect(db, context); rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; goto handle_connect_error; } //没有用户名,那么OK,继续后面的处理 rc = mqtt3_handle_post_check_unpwd( db, context) ; return rc ; handle_connect_error: if(client_id) _mosquitto_free(client_id); if(username) _mosquitto_free(username); if(password) _mosquitto_free(password); if(will_payload) _mosquitto_free(will_payload); if(will_topic) _mosquitto_free(will_topic); if(will_struct) _mosquitto_free(will_struct); return rc; } int try_wakeup_finished_auth_connections( struct mosquitto_db *db ){ int i=0, dbidx = 0 ; struct _mosquitto_auth_list * tofree = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&db->auth_list_mutex) ; struct _mosquitto_auth_list * tmpauth = db->finished_auth_list ; db->finished_auth_list = NULL ; while( tmpauth ){ //将链表每个元素还原到contexts数组里面 assert(tmpauth->context->sock != -1); for(i = dbidx ; i < db->context_count; i++){ if(db->contexts[i] == NULL){ db->contexts[i] = tmpauth->context ; break ; } } if( i == db->context_count){ struct mosquitto **tmp_contexts = NULL; tmp_contexts = _mosquitto_realloc(db->contexts, sizeof(struct mosquitto*)*(db->context_count+1)); if(tmp_contexts){ db->context_count += 1; db->contexts = tmp_contexts; db->contexts[i] = tmpauth->context; }else{ //到这里,说明contexts[]数组不够了,而且relloac也失败,怎么办,只能丢掉这个连接了。但是下面并没有return -1,而且还去访问了。是个bug // Out of memory mqtt3_context_cleanup(NULL, tmpauth->context, true); tmpauth = tmpauth->next ; continue ; } } //已经将这个连接放到contexts数组了。下面需要完成验证的后面部分 db->contexts[i]->db_index = i ; mqtt3_handle_post_check_unpwd(db, db->contexts[i]) ; dbidx = i+1 ; tofree = tmpauth ; tmpauth = tmpauth->next ; _mosquitto_free( tofree ) ; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&db->auth_list_mutex) ; return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS ; }
int mqtt3_handle_publish(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct mosquitto *context) { char *topic; void *payload = NULL; uint32_t payloadlen; uint8_t dup, qos, retain; uint16_t mid = 0; int rc = 0; uint8_t header = context->in_packet.command; int res = 0; struct mosquitto_msg_store *stored = NULL; int len; char *topic_mount; dup = (header & 0x08)>>3; qos = (header & 0x06)>>1; retain = (header & 0x01); if(_mosquitto_read_string(&context->in_packet, &topic)) return 1;//读取TOPIC if(strlen(topic) == 0){ /* Invalid publish topic, disconnect client. */ _mosquitto_free(topic); return 1; } if(_mosquitto_fix_sub_topic(&topic)){//去掉topic上面多余的斜杠 _mosquitto_free(topic); return 1; } if(!strlen(topic)){ _mosquitto_free(topic); return 1; } //检查topic中是否有通配符,不允许publish到通配符地址 if(_mosquitto_topic_wildcard_len_check(topic) != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ /* Invalid publish topic, just swallow it. */ _mosquitto_free(topic); return 1; } if(qos > 0){ if(_mosquitto_read_uint16(&context->in_packet, &mid)){ _mosquitto_free(topic); return 1; } } payloadlen = context->in_packet.remaining_length - context->in_packet.pos; #ifdef WITH_SYS_TREE g_pub_bytes_received += payloadlen; #endif if(context->listener && context->listener->mount_point){//追加一个配置的前缀 len = strlen(context->listener->mount_point) + strlen(topic) + 1; topic_mount = _mosquitto_calloc(len, sizeof(char)); if(!topic_mount){ _mosquitto_free(topic); return MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; } snprintf(topic_mount, len, "%s%s", context->listener->mount_point, topic); _mosquitto_free(topic); topic = topic_mount; } if(payloadlen){//有数据部分,不是空,检查一下消息大小是否不合格, if(db->config->message_size_limit && payloadlen > db->config->message_size_limit){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "Dropped too large PUBLISH from %s (d%d, q%d, r%d, m%d, '%s', ... (%ld bytes))", context->id, dup, qos, retain, mid, topic, (long)payloadlen); goto process_bad_message; } //读消息体 payload = _mosquitto_calloc(payloadlen+1, sizeof(uint8_t)); if(_mosquitto_read_bytes(&context->in_packet, payload, payloadlen)){ _mosquitto_free(topic); return 1; } } /* Check for topic access */ rc = mosquitto_acl_check(db, context, topic, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE); if(rc == MOSQ_ERR_ACL_DENIED){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "Denied PUBLISH from %s (d%d, q%d, r%d, m%d, '%s', ... (%ld bytes))", context->id, dup, qos, retain, mid, topic, (long)payloadlen); goto process_bad_message; }else if(rc != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){ _mosquitto_free(topic); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return rc; } _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG, "Received PUBLISH from %s (d%d, q%d, r%d, m%d, '%s', ... (%ld bytes))", context->id, dup, qos, retain, mid, topic, (long)payloadlen); if(qos > 0){//检查这个用户是否曾经发过这条消息,QOS大于0的消息ID只能出现一次 mqtt3_db_message_store_find(context, mid, &stored); } if(!stored){ dup = 0;//创建一个mosquitto_msg_store结构,放到db->msg_store的头部,结构里面存储了这条消息的所有信息 if(mqtt3_db_message_store(db, context->id, mid, topic, qos, payloadlen, payload, retain, &stored, 0)){ _mosquitto_free(topic); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return 1; } }else{ dup = 1; } switch(qos){ case 0: if(mqtt3_db_messages_queue(db, context->id, topic, qos, retain, stored)) rc = 1; break; case 1: //1级消息可以立即发布出去 if(mqtt3_db_messages_queue(db, context->id, topic, qos, retain, stored)) rc = 1; //发送回包 if(_mosquitto_send_puback(context, mid)) rc = 1; break; case 2: if(!dup){ //对于2级的消息,不能立即发布,得跟客户端协商后才行。文档: //Log the message to persistent storage, do not make it available to interested //parties yet, and return a PUBREC message to the sender. //将一条消息插入到context->msg链表后面,设置相关的状态。然后记录这条消息给哪些人发送过等 res = mqtt3_db_message_insert(db, context, mid, mosq_md_in, qos, retain, stored); }else{ res = 0; } /* mqtt3_db_message_insert() returns 2 to indicate dropped message * due to queue. This isn't an error so don't disconnect them. */ if(!res){ if(_mosquitto_send_pubrec(context, mid)) rc = 1; }else if(res == 1){ rc = 1; } break; } _mosquitto_free(topic); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); return rc; process_bad_message: if(topic) _mosquitto_free(topic); if(payload) _mosquitto_free(payload); switch(qos){ case 0: return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; case 1: return _mosquitto_send_puback(context, mid); case 2: mqtt3_db_message_store_find(context, mid, &stored); if(!stored){ if(mqtt3_db_message_store(db, context->id, mid, NULL, qos, 0, NULL, false, &stored, 0)){ return 1; } res = mqtt3_db_message_insert(db, context, mid, mosq_md_in, qos, false, stored); }else{ res = 0; } if(!res){ res = _mosquitto_send_pubrec(context, mid); } return res; } return 1; }